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General Settings

 Number ranges

 Event-receiver linkage

 IDoc administration

 Fast entry

 Long names - short names

 SAP AG 1999

 SAP AG BC620 9-1

General Settings: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:

 Configure the general parameters in the IMG

 Describe when the IDoc Administrator is notified

 SAP AG 1999

 SAP AG BC620 9-2

Customizing using the IMG

R/3 Customizing IMG


IMG documentation IDoc Interface

Project documentation

Project management


 SAP AG 1999

 General parameters for the IMG can be entered via the IMG. The IMG is a set of implementation
guidelines which can be used by customers to configure the R/3 System to meet their requirements
("Customizing"). The corresponding tables are maintained via activities.
 By selecting the appropriate attributes, users can display only the activities which are required in
each case. For example, if a customer wishes to adopt all SAP standard settings, only the activities
with the attribute "required" must be executed.
 The IMG node or path for the IDoc Interface is Cross-application Components ->IDoc Interface.
You should read the IMG documentation, which is available for each activity (double-click on the
relevant document).
 You can also create your own projects from the standard IMG: Projects are a type of view of the
standard IMG, which are used by different teams. The IMG offers project management functions
(resource planning and so on) as well as functions for creating your own project documentation via
customer notes.

 SAP AG BC620 9-3

Number Ranges

IDoc Interface


 SAP AG 1999

 Number ranges are intervals of natural numbers which are assigned to objects centrally by the R/3
System. This is called "internal number assignment".
 In the IDoc Interface, number ranges are set for:
 IDocs: the IDoc IDs are taken from the interval
 Ports: the names of the tRFC ports are defined by the interval
 Mailbags: These are only used for communication with an R/2 System. IDocs are transmitted in
 These number ranges are maintained from the IMG node for the IDoc Interface.

 SAP AG BC620 9-4

Event-Receiver Linkage

IDoc Interface


R/3 Application

 SAP AG 1999

 When IDocs are received, they are first saved in the database. In a second and independent step, they
are processed further (for port types "file", "XML", "CPI-C"). This is made possible by the workflow
event concept: If IDocs are saved in the database, an event is created , which waits for the "receiver"
in the system. The "receiver" (a function module) finds the event and triggers inbound processing.
As a result of this step, the function module has used the event, which no longer exists in the system.
The Workflow Manager determines when the receiver starts to search for events: There is therefore
an interval between the data being saved and further processing being initiated (asynchronous
 To enable this new form of inbound processing to take place, the corresponding event must be
actively linked to the receiver.
 You must therefore activate the event-receiver linkage in the IMG for the IDoc Interface.

 SAP AG BC620 9-5

IDoc Administration: Global Parameters

 Party to be notified (IDoc Administrator)

 System environment (Basis system?)
 Processing details

 SAP AG 1999

 The IDoc administrator is always notified when an error occurs during IDoc processing and no
partner profile could be found. Otherwise, the partner-specific agent (and the message-specific agent,
if required) entered in the partner profile is notified.
 In the system environment, the IDoc interface is informed whether non-Basis components exist, for
example Message Control or application components. If these entries are not made, it is possible that
the IDoc interface may call function modules, for example, that do not exist in the specified system
(Basis system only).
 Processing details:
 The maximum number of syntax errors which can be recognized in one IDoc and therefore logged
as status records. The larger this value, the higher the probability that the error messages do not
refer to "real" errors, but only subsequent errors.
 Whether or not IDoc inbound processing is triggered synchronously (not via the event-receiver
linkage) (port type File). In this case, immediately after the event of the event receiver
 System parameters can be entered as "global parameters" from the initial screen of the IDoc
interface by choosing Control->IDoc Administration or can also be set from the IMG node of the
IDoc interface.
 After how many data records a COMMIT WORK is initiated. You should also see the F1 Help
function for the input fields.

 SAP AG BC620 9-6

IDoc Administration: User Parameters

 Tests
 Documentation Tools
 Development

 SAP AG 1999

 User-specific parameters for the IDoc interface cannot be entered from the IMG. Instead, choose
Control -> IDoc administration from the initial node of the IDoc interface.
 The test parameter is the port proposed as standard by the test programs.
 For the documentation tools, you should define the default documentation output, for example,
whether the individual segment fields are also to be included in the documentation of IDoc types.
 You can enter a default development class for the development of IDocs and segments. Course
BC621 contains more information about developing and defining IDoc types.

 SAP AG BC620 9-7

Fast entry

Default values

 SAP AG 1999

 During fast entry of the partner profile values, default values ("templates") are already set in the IMG
, which facilitates the maintenance of the partner profiles in the IDoc interface.
 The default values are set for partner type and direction (inbound/outbound).
 If you select the fast entry option for partner profiles (via the pushbutton on the initial screen, see
later unit), the values which you have entered in the IMG for the current partner type and direction
are entered as the default values. According to your requirements, you need only select and modify
these values.
 You can also reach the transaction from the initial node of the IDoc interface.
 In the IDES system, the following message types are maintained for the vendor or customer,
depending on the direction:
 DELINS - forecast/JIT delivery schedule
 ORDCHG - change purchase order/sales order
 ORDERS - purchase order/sales order
 DESADV - shipping notification
 INVOIC - invoice/billing document
 ORDRSP - order/sales confirmation

 SAP AG BC620 9-8

Long Names - Short Names

Release 4.0 Release 3.X

Type "Short01"

 SAP AG 1999

 Release 4.0 introduced the concept of the extended namespace. As a result, new IDoc Interface
objects which were developed for Release 4.0 (for example IDoc types) can have longer names than
 This fact can lead to problems when communicating with older releases which only recogníze short
names. If required, tables which can convert the long names to short names must therefore be
 These tables are maintained in the IMG or from the IDoc Interface development (path for segments
or IDoc types from the relevant editor: Environment -> Conversion -> <object name>). You should
also read the online documentation.

 SAP AG BC620 9-9

General Settings: Summary

 General settings are entered via the IMG. In

addition, user-specific parameters can be changed
at any time via the control menu.
 The IDoc Administrator is part of the global
parameters which are maintained in IDoc
Administration. When exceptions occur, the
administrator is always notified if no partner profile
is found.

 SAP AG 1999

 SAP AG BC620 9-10


Unit: General Settings

Topic: Fast data entry

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

 Maintain the default values for fast entry.

As a member of the EDI project team enter the company T-BIKnn as the
EDI customer for the sales orders and order acknowledgments As you
expect further EDI customers for these messages, you want to use
corresponding proposals in Customizing.

1-1 Go to IDoc Interface Customizing (choose Basis Components  Basis Services 

IDoc Interface) and check the following default values:
Outbound Processing:

Parameter Value
Partner type KU
Message type ORDRSP
Partner function AG
Basic type ORDERS01
Application V1
Output type BA00
Process code SD10

Inbound Processing:

Parameter Value
Partner type KU
Message type ORDERS
Partner function AG
Process code ORDE

 SAP AG BC620 9-11

2-1 Now transfer these default values to the partner profiles of your customer. As a result
you can
 Receive sales orders from the customer
 Send order confirmations to this customer

The corresponding master data in the SD application has already been created for you.

2-2 From the initial node of the IDoc Interface, choose IDoc Partner Profile. Choose
Utilities  Fast Data Entry and enter the customer number T-BIKnn. Select the
proposal for outbound processing. The logical message is ORDRSP.

2-3 Choose Utilities  Fast Data Entry again but now for inbound processing. The logical
message is ORDERS. Save your entries.

2-4 Go to the outbound parameters for message ORDRSP. Replace output type BA00 with
your output type ZBnn from the exercise in the “Message Control” unit.

nn is your group number

 SAP AG BC620 9-12

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