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Name: Rachel Elliott PD 100: Final

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

C 1. Prejudice is based on:

a. An appeal to loyalty c. Stereotype
b. Post hoc reasoning d. The slippery slope theory

D 2. Daydreaming is:
a. A creativity technique c. A good way to practice visualization b. A way to relax d.
All of the above

D 3. You can recognize a scam because it:

a. Is too good to be true c. Requires you to buy now before the price goes up
b. Often has the word "free" included d. All of the above

C 4. Fallacies in reasoning:
a. Will cause failure c. Are patterns of incorrect reasoning b. Interfere with
concentration d. Lead to financial gain

D 5. The letters PD in the Personal Development course PD 100 stands for: a. Personal
Beliefs c. Psychological Development
b. Progression Distribution d. Personal Development

A 6. The biggest problem with communication is that the message sent is not always the
a. Received c. Intended
b. We wanted to hear d. That is correct

D 7. Which is not a belief that leads to success:

a. Be Proactive c. Begin with the end in mind
b. Serendipity d. Sharpen the saw

B 8. If you call your roommate a "slob,” he or she is more likely to:

a. Clean up the room c. Think before they do it again b. Become angry d. Consider
your feelings in the future

C 9. In a "Win-Win" approach:
a. I win this time and you win next time c. The solution meets both parties' needs b. I
won twice d. Win at all costs
C 10. Prejudice is based on: v
a. An appeal to loyalty c. Stereotype
b. Post hoc reasoning d. The slippery slope theory

D 11. Instead of calling a person a name, it is more productive to:

a. Make an observation c. Say what you want
b. Express your feelings about the situation d. All of the above

B12. Most people reach a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .05 after two drinks. The legal
BAC in most states is:
a. .01 c. .05
b. .08 d. .4

A 13. Referring to Martin Slegman’s Happiness equation, which is not a factor under voluntary (V)
a. SQ4R c. Savor life’s joys
b. Practice acts of kindness d. Cultivate Optimism

D 14. You can increase your chances of success by using three powerful tools: a.
Personality Type Assessment c. Personal Morals
b. Personal Preference d. Optimism, Hope, Future-Mindedness

B 15. The fight or flight response is a result of:

a. Suppressed anger c. Injustice
b. Stress or fear d. Increased violence in society

D 16. People who have lived a long life suggest that the secret to longevity is: a.
Regular exercise c. A sense of humor
b. Choose your marriage partner wisely d. All of the above

C 17. It is important to eat?

a. McDonald’s #1 c. Vegetables
b. Rolled tacos with guacamole d. Dirt

D 18. The best way to lose weight is to:

a. Avoid eating meat c. Limit the intake of sugar
b. Avoid eating food with saturated fats d. Establish a pattern of healthy eating and

D 19. Taking illegal drugs interferes with:

a. Learning and concentration c. Accomplishing your hopes and dreams b. Good health d.
All of the above

A 20. The leading cause of preventable death in the United States is:
a. Smoking c. HIV/AIDS
b. Alcoholism d. Car accidents
C 21. For good nutrition, two thirds of the dinner plate should be covered with: a. Potatoes c. Fruits,
vegetables, whole grains and beans b. Meat d. Pasta

B 22. The belief that one’s own ethnic, religious, or political group is superior to all others is called?
a. Cultural Pluralism c. Cultural Relativity
b. Ethnocentrism d. SuperCalifragilistic

C 23. The false assumption that all people of an ethnic group are the same is called? a.
Stereotype c. Cultural Symbiosis
b. Genocide d. Cultural Awareness

D 24. If you are undecided on your major, you can:

a. Take your general education c. Complete vocational tests and self assessment
b. Work on math and English d. All of the above

A 25. Steps in a planful decision do not include:

a. Make your decision quickly c. Consider your values
b. State the problem clearly d. Generate alternatives

B 26. The Human Genome Project states that humans are ____ percent identical: a. 49.7 c.
b. Cave man/woman d. 00.0

D 27. Divergent Thinking is a creative thinking technique that involves: a. Stable and
Transitional periods c. Defending the correct answer
b. Integrity and Despair d. The ability to discover many different alternatives

B 28. Positive self-talk results in

a. Higher Self-esteem c. Lower Self-esteem
b. Schizophrenia d. Egocentrism

B 29. An internet website is legitimate if it

a. Looks professional. c. Has useful information.
b. Has a reliable and reputable source. d. everything on the internet is true.

D 30. The first stage in dealing with a loss of a loved one is:
a. Understanding and acceptance c. Asking, "Why me?"
b. Anger and depression d. Shock and denial

C 31. Thinking types need feeling types to:

a. Follow policy c. Establish harmony in relationships with others
b. Complete a business analysis d. Establish logical business procedures

D 32. Extroverts generally:

a. Think first and then speak c. Are good listeners
b. Dislike telephone interruptions d. Start conversations easily
B 33. In doing a self-assessment, it is suggested that you know your values. Values describe:
a. How we spend our money c. Different colors of the spectrum b. What we think
is important d. The best buy for your money
C 34. The following is a good "I" message:
a. I think you are crazy c. I don't understand
b. You must be crazy d. I think you are making me crazy

D 35. Which phrase is most powerful?

a. I should do my term paper this week c. I might do my term paper this week b. I want
to do my term paper this week d. I will do my term paper this week

B 36. Critical thinking is defined as:

a. Pointing out the flaws in an argument c. Being able to critique a situation
b. Clear thinking in which logic and truth
reasoning are used in the pursuit of d. Making crucial decisions

D 37. The results of the Human Genome Project show that humans are a. 25
percent identical c. 50 percent identical b. 0 percent identical d. 99.9 percent

A 38. A student educational plan is important because

a. It lists all the courses needed to c. It lists the midlife crisis.
complete a degree.
b. It lists the critical thinking process. d. It lists post hoc reasoning.

C 39. The statement, "All lawyers are greedy" is:

a. A true statement c. A generalization b. An appeal to authority d.
A slippery slope

D 40. PDC 100 was helpful?

a. Not so helpful c. Helpful
b. Somewhat helpful d. Very helpful
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

T 41. Workers with drug or alcohol problems have lower incomes.

T 42. Excessive alcohol use leads to memory loss and neurological problems.
T 43. Death can result from blood alcohol poisoning.

T 44. Saturated fats, found in animal products, have been shown to increase the chance of heart

F 45. If a website looks professionally done, the information is probably accurate.

T 46. To be a good listener, first evaluate the person and then try to understand.

T 47. The key to brainstorming is delaying critical judgment to allow for the
spontaneous flow of ideas.

T 48. The workforce in the U.S. is becoming more diverse.

F 49. You are what you eat.

F 50. Brainstorming is not important for creative thinking.

T 51. Much of the stress we experience is the result of our thoughts.

F 52. Positive self-talk results in lower self-esteem.

T 53. Your grade will be negatively affected for excessive absences in class.

T 54. Sensitivity is one of the Three S’s of Creativity.

F 55. Lack of sleep increases the level of stress hormones.

F 56. Negative thinking is a relaxation technique.

T 57. Visualizing your success can motivate you to succeed in college.

T 58. Understanding other’s personality type will help with communication.

T 59. Counselors are available to help you with your problems.

T 60. I am going to succeed!

Sorry for all the technical difficulties! I hope you have a great rest of your year!

Thank you for everything you’ve done, you’re an amazing professor!

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