Transfer Procedure For Mand Using Sign Language: Beginninglanguage

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Chapter 5 — Beginning Language Intervention 83

Table 5- 2 — Quick Transfer Procedure for a Pure Mand Using Sign Language

( Example) Antecedent Behavior Consequences ( Example)

(Hungry) Establishing Operation Food Item (Given food item)

("What do you want ?") Verbal Stim. to respond Praise ("Right, Eat !!!")
(Food Item) Nonverbal Stimulus
Physical Contact (Tickle, hug, High Five)
("Sign Eat") Intraverbal Stimulus
( ASL sign for "Eat") Imitative Stimulus
(Guide Hands) Physical Prompt

(Hungry) Establishing Operation Food Item (Given food item)

("What do you want ?") Verbal Stim. to respond Praise ("Right, Eat !!!")
(Food Item) Nonverbal Stimulus
Physical Contact (Tickle, hug, High Five)
("Sign Eat") Intraverbal Stimulus
( ASL sign for "Eat") Imitative Stimulus
(Guide Hands) Physical Prompt

(Hungry) Establishing Operation Food Item (Given food item)

("What do you want ?") Verbal Stim. to respond Praise ("Right , Eat!!!")
(Food Item) Nonverbal Stimulus
Physical Contact (Tickle, hug, High Five)
("Sign Eat") Intraverbal Stimulus
( ASL sign for "Eat") Imitative Stimulus

(Hungry) Establishing Operation Food Item (Given food item)

(" What do you want ?") Verbal Stim. to respond Praise ("Right, Eat !!!")
(Food Item) Nonverbal Stimulus (Tickle, hug, High Five)
Physical Contact
( "Sign Eat ") Intraverbal Stimulus

(Hungry) Establishing Operation Food Item (Given food item)

("What do you want ?") Verbal Stim. to respond Praise ("Right , Eat!!!")
(Food Item) Nonverbal Stimulus
"**• Physical Contact (Tickle, hug, High Five)

(Hungry) Establishing Operation "Eat" Food Item (Given food item)
("What do you want?") Verbal Stim. to respond
— Praise ("Right, Eat !!!")

(Hungry) Establishing Operation "Eat" Food Item (Given food item)

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