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Heraclitus and parmenides


 It is an old philosophy related to old ideas

 Depends upon spiritual world
 Believe on God
 Idea+ism
 Idealism

 Plato
 Socrates
 Frobel
 Barkley
 Kant

Fundamental Principles
 Idealism insists on to achieve God
 Accepts the acceptance of spiritual world
 Values are predetermined
 Idealism is a complete spiritual view point
 Spiritual values are supreme and universe
 It is a monistic concept
 Stress upon spiritual values
Principle of Education
 Education is based on spiritualism
 It emphasized mental concept (improving mental abilities)
 Teacher and curriculum are the centre of education
 Emphasized book learning
Aims of education
 Self-realization
 Spiritual development
 Realization of truth, beauty and goodness

 Curriculum is developed according to ideas and values
 Humanistic subjects are emphasized
 Intellectual languages, history, geography, mathematics, science
 Aesthetic development (art and poetry)
 Moral development, (religion, and ethic)
Method of teaching
 Question answer method
 Conversation method
 Dialogue method
 Lecture method
 Book study
 Kindergarten
 Supreme and important place of teacher
 The teacher as a gardener
 Knows best as to how to care and develop a child like a plant (Frobel

 Idealism advocates discipline at all cost
 Freedom is to be restricted by ideas
 Emphasize impressionistic discipline (teacher will play role for students)

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