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Game Theoretic Planning for Self-Driving Cars

In Competitive Scenarios


Reg. No....
Session 2018

A Review report Submitted to the NED University of

Engineering & Technology in partial fulfillment of the
course requirements for the course of
EE-373 in
(Spring - 2021)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

NED University of Engineering & Technology,
Karachi, Sindh.


An online planner is proposed for Self-Driving Cars in Competitive

Scenarios. The online planner is precisely formulated for a two-car uncontrolled racing

game in which car A tries to run for as long as possible concerning car B without human

intervention. The formulation broadens previous work on game-theoretic planning for

single integrator agents to be favorable to self-driving. Few upgrades from previously

presented formulations include; denoting the trajectory as a piecewise-polynomial, using

bicycle kinematics, applying constraints on path curvature and acceleration. The game-

theoretic planner is shown to significantly out-perform a baseline planner using Model

Predictive Control which does not take interaction into account. The performance is

validated in high-fidelity numerical simulations, in experiments with two-scale

autonomous cars, and experiments with a full-scale autonomous car racing against a

simulated vehicle.

Table of Contents

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. 2
Introduction ………………….………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Preliminaries ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Related Work …………….………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Car Game Theoretic Planner ……………………………………………………………………….. 8

Simulation Results……..…………………………………...……………….............…………………. 9

Experimental Results………………………………………………………..………………………….... 10

Conclusion and Future Work…………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

List of Figures:

Fig 1: Demonstrating performance of our algorithm in experiment…………………………………………….


Fig 2: Piecewise polynomial trajectory over N-step planning


Fig 3: Snapshots during a simulation in the blocking


Fig 4: Snapshots during simulations in the overtaking


Fig 5: Histogram plots for blocking and overtaking


Fig 6: 1/10 scale RC car experimental


Fig 7: Snapshot during RC car


Fig 8: Snapshots of XI vs a simulated car



A self-governing car is being formulated to inter play with self and non-self-driven
cars. Facing multiple cars are complicated since the coordination is disorganized and
cooperation and competition do exist. To Avoid Collisions all must cooperate in one
scenario and competition is found in other scenarios such as merging, lane changing,
overtaking etc. The intentions and Intentions of one agent are totally related to the
action of the other agent. In the existing literature, dynamic behaviors are rarely
discussed. To tackle such situations on its own a game-theoretic planner is formulated.
Nash Equilibria [6] is the basis of the formulation defined by a set of actions that no
single driver can do better. The objective of each car in the two-cars racing algorithm is
to run as far as possible to the other car. Collision evasion constraint is common
between the cars. The recreations utilize a high-fidelity demonstrate of vehicle elements
and appear that our game-theoretic organizer essentially out-performs an rival
employing a traditionalist MPC-based direction organizer which as it were maintains a
strategic distance from collisions inactively. We moreover perform tests with scale
demonstrate cars and a full-sized independent car. For the show cars, we appear once
more that the car utilizing our game-theoretic organizer altogether outflanks its
competitor with the previously mentioned MPC [5] based organizer.


The game-theoretic organizer is concisely summarized for two streamlined unique-time

single integrator robots in a dashing situation.

1) Discrete Time Single Integrator Racing Game

Consider two single integrator specialists competing in a racing situation. To
streamline the control methodology, we accept they move in R2 with the taking
after discrete-time elements. The racing track is characterized by its center line:
These track variable are known by all dashing specialists in advance. The
advance of one player along the track is characterized as the bend length s of the
closest point to the robot’s current position pi on the track middle line. The
optimization will be illuminated and utilized in a retreating horizon
planning design with N steps speaks to the objective of one player to
travel assist than its rival at the end
of arranging skyline. Imperative implements the integrator dynamics, is the
collision evasion imperative for the two players which we signify by i and j, di
is the minimum clearance separate for operator i to dodge collision (may be
different or the same for distinctive operators, and can be used to speak
to hazard resilience for collisions).

The limitation keep the player interior the track boundaries, and is the
actuation constrain imperative with most extreme speed up, which may
be diverse for diverse agents. In this optimization issue. In any case, since of the
collision avoidance limitations, the self-image player needs pgs.

2) Sensitivity Enhanced Objective Function;

To simply the calculation,

max si(θi) sj(θj), (4a)

s.t. hi(θi) = 0, (4b)
s.t. pn = pn−1 + un (2b)
gi(θi) ≤ 0, (4c)
pn − pn ≥ d (2c)
γi(θi, θj) ≤ 0,

The inequality constraint (2c) including both players which gives the only

coupling between the sense of self player and its rival. As we pointed out, in
spite of the fact that player i does not have control authority of the technique of
player j, it may still posture impact on the calculation of the
opponent’s ideal procedure through the coupled collision evasion imperative. In
other words, player i’s methodology does influence the payoff of player j at
Nash equilibria. Thus, the ideal payoff of player j can be spoken to as a
function. A closed-form arrangement of isn’t effectively available. However, we
may apply affectability investigation and get a linear estimation of around an
accessible solution of. An affectability improved Iterated Best Reaction (IBR)
algorithm is utilized in our calculation. The calculation begins from an starting
figure of opponent’s direction; fathoms the optimization problem with
sensitivity-enhanced objective for both the ego and adversary player iteratively.

When tackling the problem for one player, we solidify and utilize the
arrangement of the other player’s procedure from the past iteration. Specifically,
assume that within the lth cycle, the arrangement of ego player’s optimization
issue from final cycle.

Related Work

Our work builds upon the comes about in which the

Sensitivity Enhanced Iterated Best Reaction (SE-IBR) calculation was proposed
for ramble hustling, expecting single integrator dynamics for the rambles, and
speaking to the arranged directions as discrete waypoints. As of late in Wang et
al. extended this calculation to different rambles (more than two) in 3d
environments, again with single integrator flow. The most innovation in our
work past these is (i) to speak to the trajectory as a continuous-time piecewise
polynomial, (ii) to incorporate bicycle kinematic imperatives, (iii) and to
incorporate turning angle and speeding up limitations. All of these progressions
are for the reason of making this calculation reasonable for car racing. We too
give modern reenactment comes about with a tall fidelity car flow test system,
test comes about with small-scale autonomous race cars within the lab, and test
comes about with a full-scale independent car on a test track. Some other later

Car Game Theoretic Planner

The objective of this work is to expand the already proposed

game-theoretic organizer to handle car elements to accommodate more practical
scenarios. Firstly, the first diversion planner uses single-integrator elements for
players. Whereas this model works well with quadrotors, it is unlikely for cars

with non-holonomic limitations and restricted increasing speed and turning
radius. We bargain with bike show with speeding up and steering imperatives in
this paper. Besides, we use the fact that bike demonstrate is differentially level
and utilize piecewise polynomial direction representation. The past formulation
is adjusted so that permissible arrangement to our optimization problems
reflects the incitation impediments of car

Simulation Results

The execution of the proposed approach is to begin

with approved in recreated two-car competition scenarios. Note that in spite of the fact
that we utilize the kinematic bike show within the organizer, our high-fidelity test
system utilizes full elements of the car with Fiala tire we select as it
were to implement the limitations on to begin with half of the direction. We found
this altogether makes strides the soundness of arrangement. Since
the calculation is actualized in receding horizon mold, as it were the primary a few steps
are initialize so the moment half of the direction will not be initialize amid the
method. Additionally, to realize online and real-time arranging, we solve the
optimization issue sketched out in Calculation 1 for two amusement cycles (L = 2)
and don't hold up until merging. For both recreation and tests,
we utilize Robot Working Framework (ROS) [1] system which handles message-
passing. The two players utilize the proposed diversion theoretic organizer (GTP) and
a credulous Show Prescient Control (MPC) organizer individual

Experimental Results

To begin with conducted tests utilizing scale RC car stage with

Optitrack movement capture framework. For indoor tests, we utilize
Use utilize two 1/10 scale RC cars prepared with Pixfalcon flight controllers for low-
level control, such as directing and engine control. The RC cars too have Odroid-XU4
computers and Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC) onboard. The framework structure of
a RC car is appeared in Fig. 6. The physical measurement of the cars are 20 cm wide and
40 cm long. An Optitrack movement capture framework broadcasts posture data of both
cars at 100 Hz, which is assist utilized by a low-pass channel to appraise speed.
State data of both cars is passed to a DELL
XPS tablet with dual-core, 2.7GHz Intel i7-
7500U processor. The portable
workstation runs two organizer for the two
cars independently and distributes craved dir
ection data to two cars. Pure pursuit
controllers are utilized to create control
commands for direction following.

The hustling track is oval-shaped and has
two straight segments at 6 m and mongrel

Conclusion And Future Work:-

We display an internet game-theoretic direction organizer based
on the concept of Nash equilibria [3]. A altered Affectability Improved Iterated
Best Reaction calculation is utilized to unravel for the inexact Nash balance within
the space of doable directions for car-
like robot kinematics. We use the
differential levelness property of
the bike demonstrate in arrange to fulfil
l  the car’s increasing speed and ebb and
flow limitations when tackling for the
competitive directions.
The organizer is appeared to
be reasonable for online arranging and shows complex competitive behaviors
in hustling scenarios. The execution of the proposed organizer is illustrated in a two
car dashing diversion in both recreation and experiments
with distinctive vehicle equipment stages with diverse scales. Within the future,
we arrange to benchmark our organizer with
human members and ponder modern methods to characterize the interaction with human

drivers. In addition, we arrange to consolidate the

[1] Quigley, M., Conley, K., Gerkey, B., Faust, J., Foote, T., Leibs, J., Wheeler, R. and
Ng, A.Y., 2009, May. ROS: an open-source Robot Operating System. In ICRA
workshop on open source software (Vol. 3, No. 3.2, p. 5).
[2] Afram, A. and Janabi-Sharifi, F., 2014. Theory and applications of HVAC control
systems–A review of model predictive control (MPC). Building and Environment, 72,
[3] Rosenthal, R.W., 1973. A class of games possessing pure-strategy Nash
equilibria. International Journal of Game Theory, 2(1), pp.65-67.
[4] Wang, Z., Taubner, T. and Schwager, M., 2020. Multi-agent sensitivity enhanced
iterative best response: A real-time game theoretic planner for drone racing in 3D
environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 125, p.103410.
[5] Venkat, A.N., Hiskens, I.A., Rawlings, J.B. and Wright, S.J., 2008. Distributed MPC
strategies with application to power system automatic generation control. IEEE transactions on
control systems technology, 16(6), pp.1192-1206.

[6] Myerson, R.B., 1978. Refinements of the Nash equilibrium concept. International journal of
game theory, 7(2), pp.73-80.


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