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Chapter 2 – Research Problem 4.

Some states automatically conform to any Federal tax changes, but

others require special legislation to conform. Generally, states do not conform to rate changes because
state income tax systems have their own rate structure (generally at rates well below the Federal tax
rates). Find out if your state conformed to the deduction for qualified business income. Explain why
the state did or did not conform. Do you agree? Explain.

New York State does not allow for the qualified business income deduction (QBID), also known as the
pass-through income deduction.

New York State (as well as most states) income tax start with the federal adjusted gross income (AGI)
line. Federal QBID is not included in determining federal AGI – QBID is a ‘below-the-line’ deduction
taken after determining federal AGI. If New York State should adopt this deduction, adjustments would
need to be made by either conforming or creating a similar state-level deduction tied to the federal

I am disappointed that New York State does not allow for the QBID. New York City is the epicenter of the
world’s economy (and home to many pass-through entities). This would have incentivized current and
prospective businesses by allowing QBID at the state level.

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