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Cros s / Crucif ix 2
Mira culous Meda l 2
Sa int B enedict Meda l 4
Ros a ries 5
B rown Sca pula r 6
Ima ges 7
Holy W a ter 8
Oil 10
Ca ndles 11
Anything 11

1| P a g e

If a cros s is to be expos ed for public veneration, it s hould be s olemnly bles s ed .

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Holy Lord, a lmighty Fa ther, everlas ting God, be pleas ed to bles s this cros s , tha t it
ma y be a s aving help to mankind. Let it be the s upport of fa ith, a n encoura gement to
good works , the redemption of s ouls ; and let it be cons ola tion, protection, and a
s hield a ga ins t the cruel da rts of the enemy; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.
Let us pra y.
Lord Jes us Chris t, bles s this cros s by which you s natched the world from Sa tan's
gras p, a nd on which you overca me by your s uffering the tempter to s in, who rejoiced
in the firs t man's fa ll in ea ting of the forbidden tree. (Here it is s prinkled with holy
water.) Ma y this cros s be hallowed in the na me of the Father, a nd of the Son, a nd
of the Holy Spirit; a nd ma y all who kneel and pra y before this cros s in honor of our
Lord find hea lth in body a nd s oul; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.
After this the pries t, kneeling before the cros s , devoutly venerates and kis s es it, and
others may do likewis e.


Commonly Known as the "Mira culous Meda l"

(Formerly res erved to the Congregation of the Mis s ions )

(Approved by the Congregation of Sacred Rites , April 19, 1895)

The pries t who is to bles s the s acred medal of the Immaculate Conception, ves ted in
s urplice and white s tole, s ays :

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

2|P a g e
P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Almighty a nd merciful God, who by the ma ny a ppea ra nces on ea rth of the
Imma culate Virgin Ma ry were pleas ed to work mira cles aga in and a ga in for the
s alvation of s ouls ; kindly pour out your bles s ing on this meda l, s o that all who
devoutly wea r it a nd reverence it ma y experience the pa trona ge of Ma ry Imma cula te
a nd obta in mercy from you; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.
The pries t s prinkles the medal with holy water, and pres ents it to the pers on, s aying:

Ta ke this holy meda l; wea r it with fa ith, a nd handle it with due devotion, s o that the
holy a nd imma cula te Queen of hea ven ma y protect a nd defend you. And as s he is
ever rea dy to renew her wondrous a cts of kindnes s , ma y s he obta in for you in her
mercy wha tever you humbly a s k of God, s o tha t both in life a nd in death you ma y
res t ha ppily in her motherly embra ce.

All: Amen.
The pries t continues :

Lord, have mercy. Chris t, have mercy. Lord, ha ve mercy. Our Father (the res t inaudibly

P: And lea d us not into tempta tion.

All: But deliver us from evil.

P: Queen conceived without origina l s in.

All: Pra y for us .

P: Lord, heed my pra yer.

All: And let my cry be hea rd by you.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Lord Jes us Chris t, who willed tha t your Mother, the bles s ed Virgin Ma ry conceived
without s in, s hould become illus trious through countles s mira cles ; gra nt that we
who ever s eek her pa trona ge ma y finally pos s es s everlas ting joys . W e as k this of you
who live and reign forever and ever. All: Amen.
3|P a g e

(Formerly res erved to the Order of St. Benedict)

The pries t who is to bles s the meda ls of St. Benedict s a ys :

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

I ca s t out the demon from you, creature meda ls , by God the Father a lmighty, who
ma de the heavens a nd the ea rth and the s eas a nd a ll that they conta in. May a ll
power of the a dvers a ry, a ll as s aults a nd pretens ions of Sa ta n, be repuls ed a nd driven
a fa r from thes e meda ls , s o tha t they ma y be for a ll who will us e them a help in mind
a nd body; in the na me of the Fa ther a lmighty, of Jes us Chris t, His Son, our Lord,
of the Holy Spirit, the Advoca te, a nd in the love of our Lord Jes us Chris t, who is
coming to judge both the living a nd the dea d a nd the world by fire.

All: Amen.
Lord, have mercy. Chris t, have mercy. Lord, ha ve mercy. Our Father (the res t inaudibly

P: And lea d us not into tempta tion.

All: But deliver us from evil.

P: Sa ve your s ervants .

All: W ho trus t in you, my God.

P: Let us find in you, Lord, a fortified tower.

All: In the fa ce of the enemy.

P: The Lord will give s trength to His people.

All: The Lord will bles s His people with His pea ce.

P: Lord, s end us a id from your holy pla ce.

All: And wa tch over us from Sion.

P: Lord, heed my pra yer.

All: And let my cry be hea rd by you.

P: The Lord be with you.

4|P a g e
All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Almighty God, la vis h dis pens er of every good, we humbly a s k that by the pra yers of
St. Benedict you pour out your bles s ing on thes e s a cred meda ls , impres s ed with
letters and s igns as cribed to you. Let a ll who will wea r them with hea rts intent on
good works des erve to obta in hea lth of mind a nd body, your holy gra ce, and the
indulgences tha t ha ve been gra nted to us . And ma y they es ca pe by your merciful
help a ll atta cks a nd wiles of the devil, a nd fina lly a ppea r in your pres ence s inles s and
holy; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.
Let us pra y.
Lord Jes us Chris t, who willed in redeeming the whole world to be born of a Virgin, to
be circumciz ed, rejected by the Jews , betra yed with a kis s by Judas , bound in cha ins ,
crowned with thorns , pierced with na ils , crucified between robbers , wounded with a
la nce, a nd to die a t las t on the cros s ; I humbly as k, by this your s a cred pas s ion, tha t
you expel a ll atta cks a nd wiles of the devil from the pers on who devoutly ca lls on
your holy na me, us ing thes e words a nd s igns as cribed to you. Ma y it pleas e you to
lea d him (her) to the ha rbor of everlas ting s alvation, you who live and reign forever
a nd ever.

All: Amen.
Ma y the bles s ing of a lmighty God, Fa ther, Son, a nd Holy Spirit, come upon you a nd
rema in with you forever.

All: Amen.

The pries t s prinkles the medals with holy water.


(Formerly res erved to the Order of Preachers )

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Almighty a nd merciful God, who, out of exceeding love for us , willed that your only-
begotten Son, our Lord Jes us Chris t, come down from heaven to ea rth, ta ke fles h a t
5|P a g e
the angel's mes s a ge in the s a cred womb of Our Lady, the bles s ed Virgin Ma ry, s ubmit
to dea th on the cros s , and ris e glorious ly from the dead on the third day, in order to
s na tch us from Sata n's tyra nny; we humbly beg you in your boundles s goodnes s to
bles s a nd to ha llow thes e ros aries , which your fa ithful Church has cons ecrated
to the honor and pra is e of the Mother of your Son. Let them be endowed with s uch
power of the Holy Spirit, that whoever ca rries one on his pers on or reverently keeps
one in his home, or devoutly pra ys to you, while medita ting on the divine mys teries ,
a ccording to the rules of this holy s ociety, ma y fully pa rticipa te in a ll the gra ces ,
privileges , and indulgences which the Holy See has gra nted to this s ociety. And ma y
he a lways and everywhere in this life be s hielded from all enemies , vis ible and
invis ible, a nd at his death des erve to be pres ented to you by the bles s ed Virgin Ma ry,
Mother of God, la den with the merits of good works ; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.

The ros aries are s prinkled with holy water.


(Approved by the Congregation of Sacred Rites , July 24, 1888)

The one who is to receive the s capular is kneeling. The pries t, ves ted in s urplice and
white s tole or at leas t the latter, s ays :

P: Lord, s how us your mercy.

All: And gra nt us your s alvation.

P: Lord, heed my pra yer.

All: And let my cry be hea rd by you.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Lord Jes us Chris t, Savior of the huma n ra ce, s anctify by your right hand this ha bit,
which is to be worn by your s ervant in love a nd devotion to you a nd your bles s ed
Mother, Our Lady of Mount Ca rmel. By her interces s ion ma y he (s he) be defended
from the evil foe a nd pers evere in your gra ce until dea th. W e as k this of you who live
a nd reign forever and ever.

All: Amen.

6|P a g e
Then he s prinkles the habit with holy water, and inves ts the pers on with it, s aying to
each one:

Ta ke this bles s ed ha bit, and ca ll on the mos t holy Virgin, tha t by her merits you may
keep it s potles s , be protected by her from a ll a dvers ity, and atta in everlas ting life.

All: Amen.
By the power granted me I receive you as a pa rta ker of a ll the s piritua l fa vors which,
by the merciful help of Jes us Chris t, a re enjoyed by the religious of the Order of
Ca rmelites ; in the na me of the Father, a nd of the Son, a nd of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.
Ma y almighty God, Crea tor of hea ven and ea rth, bles s you, He who gra cious ly
chos e you for the confra ternity of Our Lady of Mount Ca rmel. W e pra y to her that in
the hour of your dea th s he will crus h the hea d of the a ncient s erpent, s o that you
ma y fina lly pos s es s the pa lm a nd crown of the everlas ting inherita nce; through
Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.

He s prinkles the pers on with holy water. If s everal are being received the plural forms
are us ed. If only the habit is to be bles s ed, the bles s ing begins with the vers icle Lord,
s how us your mercy, and concludes with the prayer Lord Jes us Chris t, etc.


[of our Lord Jes us Chris t, the bles s ed Virgin Mary, or any s aint] If s uch images are
expos ed for public veneration they s hould be s olemnly bles s ed.

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

P. The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Almighty everlas ting God, who do not forbid us to ca rve or pa int likenes s es of your
s a ints , in order tha t whenever we look a t them with our bodily eyes we may ca ll to
mind their holy lives , a nd res olve to follow in their foots teps ; ma y it pleas e you to
bles s a nd to ha llow this s tatue (or picture), which has been made in memory a nd
honor of your only-begotten Son, our Lord Jes us Chris t (or the bles s ed Virgin Ma ry,
Mother of our Lord Jes us Chris t), (or bles s ed N., your a pos tle, or ma rtyr, or pontiff, or
confes s or, or virgin). And grant tha t a ll who in its pres ence pa y devout homa ge to
your only-begotten Son (or the bles s ed Virgin, or the glorious a pos tle, or ma rtyr, or
7| P a g e
pontiff, or confes s or, or virgin) ma y by His (or his or her) merits (a nd interces s ion)
obta in your gra ce in this life a nd everlas ting glory in the life to come; through Chris t
our Lord.

All: Amen.
The image is s prinkled with holy water.


P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

Exorcis m of the s alt:

God's creature, s a lt, I cas t out the demon from you by the living God, by the true
God, by the holy God, by God who ordered you to be thrown into the wa ter- s pring
by Elis eus to hea l it of its barrennes s . Ma y you be a purified s a lt, a mea ns of health
for thos e who believe, a medicine for body a nd s oul for a ll who ma ke us e of you. Ma y
a ll evil fa ncies of the foul fiend, his ma lice a nd cunning, be driven a fa r from the pla ce
where you a re s prinkled. And let every unclea n s pirit be repuls ed by Him who is
coming to judge both the living a nd the dea d a nd the world by fire.

All: Amen.

Let us pra y.

Almighty everlas ting God, we humbly a ppea l to your mercy a nd goodnes s to

gra cious ly bles s this crea ture, s a lt, which you ha ve given for ma nkind's us e. Ma y
a ll who us e it find in it a remedy for body and mind. And ma y everything tha t it
touches or s prinkles be freed from uncleannes s a nd any influence of the evil s pirit;
through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.

Exorcis m of the water:

God's creature, water, I cas t out the demon from you in the name of God the Fa ther
a lmighty, in the na me of Jes us Chris t, His Son, our Lord, a nd in the power of the
Holy Spirit. Ma y you be a purified wa ter, empowered to drive a fa r a ll power of the
enemy, in fa ct, to root out and ba nis h the enemy hims elf, a long with his fa llen
a ngels . W e as k this through the power of our Lord Jes us Chris t, who is coming to
judge both the living a nd the dead and the world by fire.

All: Amen.

8|P a g e
Let us pra y.

O God, who for ma n's welfa re es ta blis hed the mos t wonderful mys teries in the
s ubs tance of wa ter, hearken to our pra yer, and pour forth your bles s ing on this
element now being prepa red with various purifying rites . Ma y this crea ture of yours ,
when us ed in your mys teries a nd endowed with your gra ce, s erve to ca s t out demons
a nd to ba nis h dis eas e. Ma y everything tha t this water s prinkles in the homes and
ga therings of the fa ithful be delivered from all tha t is unclea n a nd hurtful; let no
brea th of conta gion hover there, no ta int of corruption; let a ll the wiles of the lurking
enemy come to nothing. By the s prinkling of this wa ter ma y everything oppos ed to
the s a fety and pea ce of the occupa nts of thes e homes be ba nis hed, s o tha t in ca lling
on your holy name they ma y know the well-being they des ire, and be protected from
every peril; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.

Now the pries t pours the s alt into the water in the form of a cros s , s aying:

Ma y this s a lt and wa ter be mixed together; in the na me of the Fa ther, and of the Son,
a nd of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.

God, s ource of irres is tible might a nd king of a n invincible rea lm, the ever-glorious
conqueror; who res tra in the force of the a dvers a ry, s ilencing the uproa r of his ra ge,
a nd va lia ntly s ubduing his wickednes s ; in awe and humility we beg you, Lord, to
rega rd with favor this creature thing of s alt and wa ter, to let the light of your
kindnes s s hine upon it, a nd to ha llow it with the dew of your mercy; s o tha t wherever
it is s prinkled a nd your holy na me is invoked, every as s ault of the unclean s pirit may
be ba ffled, a nd a ll drea d of the s erpent's venom be cas t out. To us who entreat your
mercy grant tha t the Holy Spirit ma y be with us wherever we ma y be; through Chris t
our Lord.

All: Amen.

Chris t's faithful are permitted to take holy water home with them to s prinkle the
s ick, their homes , fields , vineyards , and the like. It is recommended too that they put
it in fonts in the various rooms , s o that they may us e it to bles s thems elves daily and

9|P a g e

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

Exorcis m
God's creature, oil, I cas t out the demon from you by God the Father a lmighty, who
ma de heaven a nd earth a nd s ea , and a ll that they conta in. Let the advers a ry's power,
the devil's legions , a nd a ll Sata n's a tta cks and ma chinations be dis pelled and driven
a fa r from this creature, oil. Let it bring hea lth in body a nd mind to a ll who us e it, in
the na me of God the Father a lmighty, a nd of our Lord Jes us Chris t, His Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, the Advoca te, as well as in the love of the s ame Jes us Chris t our
Lord, who is coming to judge both the living a nd the dea d a nd the world by fire.

All: Amen.

P: Lord, heed my pra yer.

All: And let my cry be hea rd by you.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Lord God a lmighty, before whom the hos ts of a ngels s tand in a we, and whos e
hea venly s ervice we a cknowledge; ma y it pleas e you to rega rd fa vora bly and to bles s
a nd ha llow this creature, oil, which by your power has been pres s ed from the
juice of olives . You have ordained it for a nointing the s ick, s o tha t, when they a re
ma de well, they ma y give thanks to you, the living a nd true God. Grant, we pra y, that
thos e who will us e this oil, which we a re bles s ing in your na me, ma y be delivered
from a ll s uffering, a ll infirmity, and a ll wiles of the enemy. Let it be a means of
a verting any kind of a dvers ity from ma n, ma de in your ima ge and redeemed by the
precious blood of your Son, s o tha t he ma y never a ga in s uffer the s ting of the
a ncient s erpent; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.

It is s prinkled with holy water.

10 | P a g e

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
Lord Jes us Chris t, Son of the living God, bles s thes e candles a t our lowly reques t.
Endow them, Lord, by the power of the holy cros s , with a bles s ing from on high,
you who ga ve them to mankind in order to dis pel darknes s . Let the bles s ing tha t
they receive from the s ign of the holy cros s be s o effectual that, wherever they a re
lighted or pla ced, the princes of da rknes s ma y depa rt in trembling from a ll thes e
pla ces , a nd flee in fea r, a long with a ll their legions , a nd never more dare to dis turb or
moles t thos e who s erve you, the a lmighty God, who live and reign forever a nd ever.

All: Amen.

They are s prinkled with holy water.


This form may be us ed by any pries t for the bles s ing of anything that does not have
its own s pecial bles s ing in the Roman Ritual.

P: Our help is in the na me of the Lord.

All: W ho made hea ven a nd ea rth.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your s pirit.

Let us pra y.
God, whos e word s uffices to ma ke all things holy, pour out your bles s ing on this
object (thes e objects ); and gra nt tha t a nyone who us es it (them) with gra teful hea rt
a nd in keeping with your la w a nd will, ma y receive from you, its (their) Ma ker, hea lth
in body and protection of s oul by ca lling on your holy name; through Chris t our Lord.

All: Amen.

It (they) is (are) s prinkled with holy water.

11 | P a g e

12 | P a g e

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