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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Sorsogon

“Project Trust”
S.Y. 2020 – 2021
A pandemic distrupted education, causing teachers and learners to
switch to new trend on the delivery of education. We are navigating
education with heart and head during pandemic. With this, Grade 7
teachers come up with an approved proposal called Project Trust.

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an

indomitable will” – This motivational quote from Mahatma Gandhi reminds us
that. strength is an exercise of the mind, not just the body and by staying positive
and refusing to give up, despite the challenges that come our way, our inner
strength will endure.

With our love to our learners Project Trust will lead, we will visit our
learners with a purpose of continuing education amidst pandemic.

The project aims to lessen failure rate of grade 7 students for the academic year
2020-2021, specifically:
 Give technical assistance to students
 Provide various assessment tools to address the nee ds of the students
 Encourage students and parents to continue education.

III. Highlights and Accomplishments

Project Trust is one of the most inspiring and effective teachers initiative that
motivates and uplifts many learners of Manuel T. Sia
National High School
The students had been gathered last March 02,
2021 at Barangay Villahermosa , Daraga , Albay .
This project was chaired by our Principal Mam. Ma.
Fe M. Salomon and supervised by our Head Teacher,
Ms. Daisy Mae M. Millapre.

Expected Students at Brgy. Villa hermosa 29

Present at Mobile Teaching 16
Photo-off during the last part of the Project Trust . It is also intended to give positive
vibes to learners and parents.
The project is successful and still on going . Everyone is enjoying and having fun
while learning. All students are complying and practicing safety health protocols
(social distancing and wearing of face mask).

The implementation of this kind of program is highly recommended. It is expected

that the incidence of failure and drop-out in Manuel T. Sia will decrease and
eventually to have ZERO case of drop-out rate. And with this aspiration, the team is
eager to pursue this kind of project for the welfare of our students.

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