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Year 7Humanities/History Analysing an Visual Source

Instruction: Using the 3C’s approach,’’ analyse the illustration using the framework provided.

Source Number:
Title or Caption:

Content: What kinds of people, animals, places, shapes or colours can you see? What are they doing?

In this source I can see ______________________________________________________________________


Context: What can you tell me about Ancient Egypt that could explain why this source was made? What was life
like for people there?

At the time this source was made…._______________________________________________________________


Comment: What was the job of the person who made this source? Who do you think they painting it for? Why
was it produced in the first place? Can they be trusted?

Source 1: Canals were a very important form of irrigation in ancient Egypt. A simple Egyptian canal system is depicted in
this painting, found in the tomb of a commoner by the name of Sennedjem
Source 2: Shadufs were an important form of ancient Egyptian irrigation technology. This painting of a man drawing
water from the Nile with a shaduf was found in the tomb of Ipuy, at Deir el-Medina, Egypt.
Source 3: A tomb painting of a man hunting birds and fish on a boat made of reeds along the Nile river.

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