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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and
Love my Chair
By Finn Offensend Primary Source:
Cornell University Ergonomics Web: Ergonomics Origin and Overview
What is Ergonomics?

-Ergonomics is the study of people’s efficiency in the work


-Formal Definition: “Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific

discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions
among human and other elements of a system, and the
profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to
design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system

(International Ergonomics Association Executive Council, August

Where did it come from? (History)

-The term comes from the greek words “ergo” meaning work, and
“nomos” meaning natural law

-The Ergonomic Society was founded in 1952 in Britain, with a

Human Factors Society forming in America in 1957
Goals of Ergonomics
The two main goals of Ergonomics are:

1. Enhance workplace productivity and performance - Aiming

to increase the efficiency and quality of work produced in the

2. Prevent workplace fatigue and injury - Taking measures to

increase employee safety and comfort in the workplace.
Areas of Study
1. Physical Factors: Ambient conditions, hazardous objects,

2. Psychological Factors: Training, information processing,

motivational elements

3. Organizational Factors: Management, workspace

organization, time demands

4. Environmental Factors: Environmental conditions, overall

safety, employee morale

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