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Eating Disorders
Part 1: Use Google to answer the following questions.

What is an eating disorder?

any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating


What causes an eating disorder?

Genetics and biology / Psychological and emotional health

Describe the 3 most common eating disorders:


Anorexia Nervosa an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to

lose weight by refusing to eat

Bulimia Nervosa an emotional disorder involving distortion of body image and

an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme

overeating are followed by depression and self-induced

vomiting, purging, or fasting

Binge-eating Disorder Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating disorder in which

you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and

feel unable to stop eating.

What are some of the risks associated with eating disorders?

Cardiac complications, Heart, kidney and liver failure, Bone loss/osteoporosis, Anemia,
Electrolyte imbalances, Low blood sugar, Constipation, bloating and other gastrointestinal

What resources are available to someone with an eating disorder?

The NEDA Helpline

Part 2: Watch Arley’s Story, “In My Mind: Anorexia” on YouTube

(or use this safe link

1. Where did Arley’s eating disorder start? How was she feeling emotionally when it
all began?
She was obsessed with eating healthy, and trying to cut out all unhealthy food. She
said it became addicting, and she got hooked on trying to cut more and more food
2. What sport started Arley’s focus on nutrition? rowing

3. When reading her journal, what are some of the things Arley reads that she was
noticing about herself while suffering from anorexia?

She realized how nervous she was about eating. And that she wrote down a lot of
frustration, and angry things in the journal. But she also brushed it off as if it wasn't
a problem.

4. Arley says, “Living with anorexia is like living with another brain.”

5. How does Arley’s dad describe being impacted by her anorexia?

It was hard seeing how sick she was. And watching how it affected her mom, so seeing 2
people in his life suffering from it was hard.

6. How did anorexia impact Arley’s relationship with her sister?

Drove them apart, and made it hard for them to be as close as they were growing up.

7. How did anorexia impact Arley’s relationship with her mother?

They got in fights a lot, and she had to quit her job to help her 24/7. They were
both “afraid” of each other.

8. While talking to her mother, Arley says she was unable to be compassionate. Why was
She had no excess capacity for it. Her brain was fully occupied by what she could and
couldn't eat.

Reflection Questions:
If you were one of Arley’s friends at boarding school, how could you help support her

Eating disorders are considered complex mental illnesses. After watching Arley’s story
how would you support that statement.

Part 3: Go to and

search “eating disorder.” Choose ANY

Title of article you chose:______________________________________________________

Summarize the article in your own words:

Eating disorders are mental health conditions marked by an obsession with food or body
shape. They can affect anyone but are most prevalent among young women. Eating disorders
may be caused by several factors. These include genetics, brain biology, personality
traits, and cultural ideals. The main disorders are, anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating,
pica, rumination, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.
Something you learned:

The disorders are more than just food. It’s an illness, and a struggle to overcome.

Part 4: Go to and use the SEARCH bar to find the following two podcasts!

Title of Podcast Episode Time Two things you learned

When Efforts To Eat 'Clean' 4 mins ● When people diet, they’re too strict
Become An Unhealthy Obsession
● Don't cut out complete groups of foods

Underdiagnosed Male Eating 6 mins ● Very prevalent among male athletes

Disorders are becoming
Increasingly Identified ● A third of eating disorder victims are


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