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Economics​ ​|​ ​6.

2 News Item Analysis

In this lesson we discussed issues related to international economic organizations like the World Trade
Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. Let’s see how well you understand the
concepts related to these organizations.

Your task:​ Follow this link to ​Google News.​ Search for an article on one of the organizations we studied in this
lesson (World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund). Take some time
and read 2-3 articles to find one that interests you and that you are able to understand. Complete the
information chart below:

Part A: Data Collection​ ​(1 point each)

Title of article: _______Breakingviews - WTO is early test of Joe Biden’s multilateralism_____

Source of article (name of newspaper or website): ______Reuters__________________________

Date of article: _________November 9, 2020__________________________________________

URL of article:

Part B: Questions to answer.​ ​(4 points each)

Don't forget to write professionally and proofread your written work before you submit it. Running a spell
checker will help, but it is not a substitute for rereading your work. Your work should in sentence format and be
free of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and/or grammar errors.

1. What organization was profiled in article?

The World Trade Organization
2. Main topics covered in the article.
The way other countries are reacting to Joe Bidens win.
3. Brief summary of the article.
Many countries are happy that Joe Biden is the new elect and are pleased with his plains are for the
US. Multilateralism is a something German’s prime minister thinks is good that Joe Biden is bringing to
the table.
4. Was the article favorable or unfavorable in its coverage of the organization, and what leads you to
think this way?
It is favorable, it talks about how Joe Biden is going to make more Americans happy about the WTO as
well as other countries.
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