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2 Vectors

 Unit Vector : Vector having unit magnitude.

Unit vector in the direction of  is a 
 Null or Zero Vector : Its magnitude is zero and direction is indeterminate.
 Addition of Vectors : Vectors are added by R
a) Triangle law C
Suppose C  A  B

PQ represents A and QR represents B


then PR represents C .

C is also called resultant of A and B .

b) Polygon Law D
R  A  B C  D R
c) Parallelogram Law A B
R2 = P2 + Q2 + 2PQ Cos 


 
P and Q are two Vectors inclined at an angle  .
The sum or Resultant R has the magnitude.

R  P 3  Q3  2 PQ cos 
 
If R makes an angle  with P , then

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Q sin 
tan  =
P  Q cos 

If R makes an angle  with Q , then

P Sin
tan  =
Q  P cos 

 Vector addition follows.

a) Commutative law : A  B  B  A

b) Associative law : A  B  C  = A  B C

c) Distributive law : m A  B   m +m P

 Subtraction of vectors 
C  A B

C  A  ( B ) A–B

B is reversed and added to A.

C= 2 2
A  B  2 AB Cos  P R

 Negative vector of a Vector is the Vector of same magnitude but opposite in direction. When a Vector is
added to its negative Vector, gives Null Vector.
 Resolution of vectors

Ay A

O Ax X

If A is a vector making an angle  with horizontal.

Horizontal component of A , Ax = A cos 

Vertical component of a vector A , Ay=A sin  .

Component of a vector is a scalar.
tan  
  Ay 
A  A 2x  A 2y  A and   tan 1  
 Ax 

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 
 Scalar or dot product : If A and B are two Vectors and  is angle between them, A . B  AB cos 

If A.B = 0 then  =900 (Perpendicular Vectors)

 Cross or Vector Product

If A and B are two vectors with an angle  between them then A  B  AB Sin 

If A  B = then  =0 and the vectors are Parallel.

 
A. B
 The projection of A along B =A cos  
 
A. B
The projection of B along A =B cos  

 A,C,B are coplanar, if A .  B x C   0

   
| A  B |  | A  B | , A & B are Normal vectors, if  =900

A  B  C and A = B = C, angle between A and B is 1200

A  B  C and A = B and C = , angle between is A and B 600

A  B  C and A  B  D , then C2 + D2 = 2(A2 + B2)

 A  B   B  A   0

     
 If | A  B |  | A.B | the angle between A and B is 45°

  
 Unit vector parallel to C or normal to A and B

A B
n̂ 
A B. 
Where C  A  B 

 Relative Velocity

Suppose two bodies A and B are moving with velocities VA & VB

Velocity of A relative to B
VAB  VA  VB  VA    VB 

VB  
Tan  = vA  vB  v 2A  v B
2  2 v v cos 

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  
Case (i) : If VA is parallel VB i.e.   0 then | V AB | = (VA – VB)
 
Case (ii) : If VA is anti-parallel to VB , i.e.  = 180° |VAB | = (VA + VB)

 
Case (iii) : If VA is perpendicular to VB , i.e.  = 90° then VAB = VA2  VB2

A particle moves along a circle with constant speed  , wen it has covered angular displacement “  ”, in time
“t”, then the magnitude of change in velocity is

V = 2 V 2 (1  cos )  2 V 2 ( 2 sin 2  / 2 ) = 2V sin  / 2

V 2 V sin  / 2
Average acceleration, a  
t t
 For a freely falling particle acceleration is caused due to change in magnitude of its velocity.
 For a particle moving with unform speed in a circle, acceleration is caused due to the change in the direrection
of motion of the particle
 For a particle in S.H.M. acceleration is caused due to change in magnitude and direction of its velocity.


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Objective Questions
1. Gravesand’s Apparatus consists of
(1) Wooden board with two pulleys (2) Slotted weight with two hangers
(3) Four sheets of paper, drawing pins (4) All of these
2. Choose the correct statement.
    
(1) If A  B  A  B then B is a null vector

     
(2) If A  B || A  B , then A and B are perpendicular vectors

(3) both of the above

(4) none of the above
  
3. If P  Q  R

(1) R is always greater than P (2) R is always equal to P+Q

(3) R is never equal to P +Q (4) R may be less than P or Q
4. The minimum number of unequal forces in a plane that can keep a particle in equilibrium is
(1) 4 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 6
5. Choose the false statement
(1) A vector having zero magnitude can have a direction
   
(2) If A  B  0 , then either A or B or both must have zero magnitude
(3) The component of a vector is a vector
(4) All the above
  
6. If A, B and C are coplanar vectors, then
        
 
(1) A.B.  C  0  
(2) A  B. .C  0 (3)  A.B..C  0 (4) All of them
   
7. A vector A points vertically upward and B points towards south. Then the vector product A  B is
(1) along west (2) along east
(3) along north (4) vertically downward
 
8. The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors P  Q may be
(1) equal to PQ (2) less than PQ (3) equal to zero (4) All the above

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9. ˆi  (jˆ  k)
ˆ is a

(1) unit vector (2) null vector iˆ  ˆj  kˆ (4) iˆ  ˆj  kˆ

   
10. The resultant of P and Q makes an angle  with P and  with Q . Then    , if
(1) P > Q (2) P < Q (3) P = Q (4) All the above
11. The maximum and minimum resultants of two forces are in the ratio 4:3. The forces are in the ratio
(1) 7 : 1 (2) 1 : 5 (3) 4:7 (4) 3 : 7
   
12. Two vectors are given by a  2iˆ  ˆj  3kˆ and b  5iˆ  3ˆj  2kˆ . Third vector c is if 3a  2b  c  0

(1) 4iˆ  9jˆ  13kˆ (2) 4iˆ  9ˆj  13kˆ (3) 4iˆ  9ˆj  13kˆ (4) None of these

13. The resultant of two forces 2P and 2 P is 10 P. The angle between the forces is
(1) 30° (2) 60° (3) 45° (4) 90°
14. A room has dimensions 3m × 4m × 5m. A fly starting at one corner ends up at the diametrically opposite
corner. The magnitude of the displacement of the fly is
(1) 12m (2) 60 m (3) 2 5 m (4) 5 2 m

15. If the angle between two vectors of equal magnitude P is  , the magnitude of the resultant vector is
 
(1) 2P cos (2) 2P sin (3) 2P cos  (4) 2P sin 
2 2

16. If the angle between two vectors of equal magnitude P is  , the magnitude of the difference of the vectors
   
(1) 2P cos (2) 2P sin (3) P cos (4) P sin
2 2 2 2
17. The angle between ( ˆi  ˆj ) and ( ˆj  kˆ )is
(1) 600 (2) 1200 (3) 900 (4) 450
 
18. The angle between the vectors 2iˆ  3jˆ  4kˆ and 6iˆ  9ˆj  12kˆ is  
  
(1) zero (2) rad (3) rad (4) rad
2 3 4

   
19. A force 2iˆ  6jˆ  kˆ produces a displacement ˆi  3jˆ  2kˆ . The work done by the force is
(1) 18 units (2) 22 units (3) 14 units (4) 36 units
 
20. The cross product of the vectors 2iˆ  3jˆ  4kˆ and ˆi  4jˆ  5kˆ is  
(1) ˆi  14jˆ  11kˆ (2) iˆ  14ˆj  11kˆ
(3) ˆi  14jˆ  11kˆ (4) ˆi  14ˆj  5kˆ

21. Area
 of the triangle whose base is given by A  ˆi  ˆj  kˆ and one of the two sides by
B  4 j  3kˆ , is

26 5
(1) 26 (2) (3) (4) 5
2 2

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22. The three sides of a triangle representing three forces in equilibrium are 5cm, 4cm and 3cm respectively. If
the least force of them is 60N, the largest force of them is
(1) 60 N (2) 80 N (3) 100 N (4) 70 N
23. If the sum of two unit vectors is also a vector of unit magnitude, the magnitude of the difference of the two
unit vectors is

(1) 1 unit (2) 2 units (3) 3 units (4) Zero

24. A body moving with a speed 10ms–1 due north takes a left turn through 60º and continues at the same
speed. The change in its speed is

(1) 10 ms–1 600 S of W (2) 5ms–1 600 S of W

(3) 10ms–1 600 W of S (4) 10ms–1 600 N of E

25. A particle is moving in a circular path with constant speed v. When its angular displacement is 120º, change in
its velocity is
3 v
(1) v (2) v (3) (4) 3 v
2 2


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1. (1) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4. (3) 5. (4)

6. (2) 7. (2) 8. (4) 9. (2) 10. (1)

11. (4) 12. (3) 13. (4) 14. (4) 15. (1)

16. (2) 17. (2) 18. (1) 19. (1) 20. (3)

21. (2) 22. (3) 23. (3) 24. (3) 25. (4)


Sanshiksha Head Office: 2nd Floor,Zameer Compound,Above SBI city branch,Canal Road ,Raebareli. Ph.7705002074/75 [8]

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