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A. Personal Details :

Name : Yosi Santoso

Address : kantil street, number 49. Rt 04, Rw 09 sidakaya Cilacap Selatan

Place & Date of Birth : Cilacap , may 16 1994

Gender : Male

Age : 23 Years

Phone : 085868866060

Email :

Religion : Christian

Nationality : Indonesia

B. Education Details :

2000 – 2006 : SD Pius Cilacap

2006 – 2009 : SMP Pius Cilacap

2009 – 2012 : SMA Yos Sudarso Cilacap

2013 – 2017 : Duta Wacana Cristian University

C. Experience of Organization :
1. Juara 1 Festival band Britama Fair 2012

2. Sertifikat of Grand Opening & Seminar Pasar Modal

3. Sertifikat of Serasehan UKDW 2013

4. Sertifikat B’ Camp UKDW 2013

5. Sertifikat Pelatihan Manajemen UKDW 2013

6. Relawan Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum Republik Indonesia 2014

7. Sekolah Pasar Modal 2014

8. Peserta Business Planning UKDW 2015

9. Divisi Pubdekdok Pengabdian Masyarakat UKDW 2015

10. Anggota Divisi Mapen Pelatihan Manajemen UKDW 2015

11. Divisi kesehatan Business Festival UKDW 2015

12. Koordinator Divisi Mapen Pelatihan manajemen UKDW 2016

13. Tim Musik Winisuda UKDW 2016

14. Fasilitator Orentasi Kehidupan Akademika UKDW 2016


1. Honest , Responsibility , Creative

2. Ability to work individually and in groups (team )

3. good public speaking

5. Able disciplined in time and organize well

6. attractive

7. Good communicate in English

E. Work Experience
1. Sales at Cooking Star ( home furnishings ) 2012

2. Anggota Humas UKDW 2014

3. assistant professor ( E – Commerce ) 2016


1. Management Capability ( Marketing & Operations Skills)

2. Ability Computer ( MS Word , MS Excel , MS PowerPoint , MS SQL SERVER 2008 )

3. The ability to use the Internet and social media are well

G. Informal education

2012: English Language Program at the University Level 3 Kristen Duta Wacana

2017 : Toefl test at the Indonesia University

I certify that the above information is true and verifiable.

Best regards,

(Yosi Santoso)

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