Reev Account 2

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ST's) Prepoved by ManuFractaving business. STt is Prepared 10 find Out COSt OF Products . Steps VD monufa Leaving we a Income statement BY S taXemenr OF Financial POSsiHon . Manuf roduving A/C : Aow $ Opening StOck OF phater 2a 1 (Rm) mx Row moteval purchase oe Cavv cage inworvd of Rm Purchase return of Ry Rmilosing stock OF AK Oivect moteviat OF material Consumed Oivect lobour/ woges ~ Divecs overhead Prime cost HW) Foctor Ovevhneud: _ Factor rent Bot) Solary TndrveGd muteviul Inderec+ wadge s Der? of hot hinev y AY OPening workin Qprosi C1OS%Y Work in ‘Scanned wih Camcanner Income statement ae $ 3 6a\ CS oe Soles retare ws, wot sales fe. {[-l Cost Of SaleS Opening SHOCE of FruiShod go's Roe Purchase From MF Ave dx [1 Closing SoC kot Finished goods ee 4yvOoss protest Sob, 1 other ie Come 3 xx Rens received : Distouns received x od deny yecoveredt Decrease in Provision Total in com CO (lover head - oFF (ce arent Office Galan Dove on CAuiven ené Sntre ot Aavertisemen* CO ech toward Not prod Wwefere Odjustorent G)\ Factor y protec! a ONROIAES| unrealised prot, M4 Closing ynreolised Fv° het profit - ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Si okemern of MiiGanc anmeeet Hos 4 (dep) $ (nev) | Non Current Aosets land ond Duitding x x xx af Plant and Machinery ba mee ae Furn tare xy acd 2c Covvent Resets. 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Liquidity Current assets Current ratlo = Cirrent lablities Current assets - Inventory Quick ratio = “Current labiities [Net working capital to sales ratio = 3) ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Net income Net profit margin = ra a Sales 4. Activity Cost of goods sold Inventory turnover = ventory turnover = —Taventory Sales on credit Accounts receivable turnover = —————————_____ = — a Accounts receivable Sales Total asset turnover = ==" _ Total assets Sales Fixed asset turnover = "S$ Fixed assets fo ¥ Financial leverage io - otal debt, Total debt to assets ratio = —— ratio = a Long-term debt Long - te debt to assets = ng term debt to assets ratio = “B= Total debt Total debt to equity ratio = Totalshareholders’ equity Total assets Equity multiplier = <> arehoiders’ equity ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Shareholder ratios Net income available to shareholders. Earnings per share = Number of shares outstanding Dividends paid to shareholders Dividends per share = ‘Number of shares outstanding Dividends Dividend payout ratio = Earnings Market price per share Earnings per share Price-earnings ratio = ~ — Return ratios Basic earning power ratio = Operating return Net income Return on assets = Total assets Return on equity = ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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