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Human Family and Divine Family

Cloud of witnesses- the family described in the scriptures (NT) saints, angels, etc.

Cloud- in the old testament

*So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of god He created them; male and female he
created them.

*The Lord God formed man out of clay of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so
man became a living being.

Breath of life- was only given when man was created, means that man is special.

-He gave us spiritual divine life, something unique and special among humans. Therefore, we
share in the Divine life of God.

-It was taken away from us, biological human life only remained. Because of the disobedience or
sin of Adam and Eve. The next generation of Human only have human natural biological life.

-Divine spiritual life was restored on the resurrection of Jesus.

-After Jesus’ death and resurrection/ His mission, the breath of life was breathed onto mankind,
the Holy Spirit.

-After Adam and Eve until Jesus death and resurrection, all men born on that period have no
divine Spiritual Life.

*Mary was exempted from the loss of the Divine Spiritual Life because Mary was “full of Grace” which
makes us realize that she is really important and special. It was with her from the day she was conceived
(Immaculate Conception). She was already filled with the Divine Life.

*Behold, I make all things new” – by giving us the Holy Spirit through His death and resurrection, the
Divine life was made available to us again.

*Matthew 27:52- “and the tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep
were raised.—

- The saints mentioned include Abraham, Noah, Isaac, and the other patriarchs in the Old

Resurrection- without it, there would be no holy spirit available to us. This is therefore the most
important event in our life and Jesus’ life.

*In the Old Testament, there are Angels, but in the New Testament, there is no longer a division
between Angels and the saints

Angels and Saints

*There are angels in the Old Testament

-Genesis 3:24 Cherubim-are second to the highest angels

-The ones closest to the Father have a higher rank

Ark angels- third or fourth in rank (Raphael, Michael, etc)

-Three angels came to the house of Abraham (Genesis 18:2) promising a son to Abraham and
Sarah despite Sarah being barren.

-Jacob had an encounter with an angel. He wrestled with it and won. The angel told him that his
name will become Israel.

-Angels in Exodus 3:2

-Angels in Daniel 8:14 (Angel Gabriel) Jesus was the one described as someone who looked like
a man who commanded Angel Gabriel.

-Angels in Judges 13

- Angels in the temple of Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 3) Wings of Cherubim

-Prophet Elijah and an Angel (1 Kings)

-Prophet Isaiah and an Angel (Isaiah 6:2) Seraphim

*Are there Angels in the NT?

-Luke 1( Mary and the angel Gabriel)

-Mary Magdalene and an Angel

-The Angel at the Resureection

-The angel at the Asencion

*Are there Saints in the NT?

_Saints in the Acts of the Apostles

-Saints in the Letter to the Ephesians

*Are there Saints in the OT?

-There was no Saint in the OT, Why?

-Saint, Hebbrew: Kodesh-Holy

-1. Noah (Genesis 6:9)

-Heb: Tzadik-righteous man

-These are the descendants of Noah. Noah was a righteous man and blameless in his generation.
Noah walked with God.

-2. Moses (deuteronoy 33:1)

-He was described as man of God

-3. David (1 Samuel 13:14)

-was described as a man from the heart of God

*No person was described as kodesh/holy in the OT

*Kodesh was not used to describe a person

*”You alone are Holy” God was the only one Holy in the (OT)

Saints in the Old Testament/Holy

1. Temple-
2. tabernacle/sanctuary
3. Ark of the Covenant No Human
4. Stone Tablets being was
5. Priestly Vestments referred to

*But there were people who were being formed in virtue and righteousness, ex. Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Davd, etc.

*After the resurrection of Jesus, they became saints. They were the reasons Jesus went down to the
dead and who Jesus brought with Him in His resurrection.

*Only the death and resurrection of Jesus is the Gateway through the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 11-12

Faith of the Ancients (The people who faithfully followed Yahweh in the OT)

-Abel-offered to God a sacrifice greater tha Cain

-Enoch-was taken up, that he should not see death




-Joseph They are named as Cloud of Witnesses (Family of

-Moses God)





The Church- is the New Jerusalem

*Sistine Chapel- the picture is a representation of the whole Church

*Purgatory- a situation, place, or state

-souls in purgatory are assured of heaven but only when, that’s why they need prayers
The Church, The Family of God

*We only have one Church, One Father, One Liturgy, One Body of Christ…

1. The Church in Heaven (Triumphant Church)

*The ones in Heaven are the truest essence or member/ complete image of the Church

The Church in its essence, in its central reality, in its essential perfection

-The Church in its glory, not anymore sinning and suffering

-As family, they care and are concerned to all younger brothers and sisters more than we do because
they are already perfect

-The Church in heaven is worshipping God and interceding for us ‘now and at the hou of our death’

2. The Chuch on Earth (Militant Church)

-We are members but not fully

-we are still struggling and sinning

-The Church still living on earth, struggling against temptations and sins

3. The Church in Purgatory (Suffering Church)

The church undergoing cleansing and purification

They are suffering but at the same time there is joy in their hearts because finally, they will be able to go
to the midst of God, eternal life in heaven in the presence of God.

Procession is an Image of the Church, How?

We go around the streets from the Church, and eventually end back in the Church. Mother Mary enters
first, then the rest of the people. The Church triumphant is likened to the people who are able to enter
the Church first. The Church suffering are those who are struggling to enter the church. The church
militant are those who are still outside the Church.

*This pandemic is also an image of the church as a Family of God. This is a beautiful realization because
this is where/when we see how our faith is strong and how much we can understand about our faith.

*The Church is never empty literally or symbolically. In every celebration of the mass, it’s not only us
(militant Church) who are celebrating the mass.


Divine Family

-Composed of Angels and Saints

Matthew: What happened when Jesus died

-The tombs were opened. Many bodies of saints were raised, went to the holy city and appeared
to many

Hebrews: Faith chapter

-Faith is the substance of things

-Abel- martyr

-Enoch- walked with God

-They all died in faith. They had not received what was promised. They were not recipients of
the promise.

In the Old, there were Angels but no saints. At least there was no record of them. Angels were in the
presence of God. They were righteous but not saint. Zadik but not Kodesh. You alone are Holy- Yahweh

The things in the temple are Saint/Holy but not the people.

In the New, there were Angels and saints

Jerusalem. What Jerusalem?

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