Health of Biodiversity Brochure

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Disasters Extinction Endangered Species

A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously Extinction, in biology, the dying out or extermination of a An endangered species is an animal or plant that's considered
disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes human, species. Extinction occurs when species are diminished because of at risk of extinction. A species can be listed as endangered at the state,
Intervention :
material, and economic or environmental losses that exceed the For Disaster:
environmental forces (habitat fragmentation, global change, natural federal, and international level. On the federal level, the endangered
community’s or society’s ability to cope using its own resources. disaster, When a disaster of
overexploitation is declared,
species for the human
Federal use)
or because led by
of species list is managed under the Endangered Species Act.
the changes in
Federal Emergency their members
Management Agency(genetic
responds atpoor the
For Endangered and Instinct Species:
Though often caused by nature, disasters can have human origins.
Disasters are not restricted to records and information resources. The reproduction,
request of, anddecline in population
in support numbers).
of, States, Tribes, Territories, and Insular The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted by Congress in 1973.
death AREAS employee, a poisoning, an explosion, a fire, or a
of an essential Rates of extinction vary widely.
Areas and local jurisdictions impacted For example,
by a during the Response
disaster. last 100,000 years
actions Under the ESA, the federal government has the responsibility to
of the Pleistocene Epoch
the (about 2.6Response
million toFramework.
11,700 yearsFEMA ago), appoints
some 40
chemical spill and
An effective are internationally recognized
disasters that adversely strategy
affect for conserving
the University. The are organized under National protect endangered species (species that are likely to become extinct

species and ecosystems is to designate protected areas.
University, as a whole, must protect all of its assets. Your planThemust
be apercent
Federal of the existing genera
Coordinating of large
Officer (FCO)mammals in Africa
to establish and more
a Joint Fieldthan 70
Office throughout all or a large portion of their range), threatened species
Nations toEnvironment Program percent in North America, South America, and Australia went extinct.
tailored meet the needs of yourWorld Conservation
department, Monitoring
facility, and types of (JFO) and lead the response. Short- and long-term recovery actions are
(species that are likely to become endangered in the near future), and
Ecologists estimate that the present-day extinction rate is 1,000 to 10,000
Center (UNEP-WCMC) defines a protected area as "an area of land
information. organized under the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF).
times the background extinction rate (between one and five species per critical habitat (areas vital to the survival of endangered or threatened
and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection of biological FEMA appoints a Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator (FDRC) as a
year) because of deforestation, habitat loss, overhunting, pollution, climate species).The Endangered Species Act has lists of protected plant and
diversity and
NATURAL of natural and associated cultural resources, managed
DISASTERS deputy to the FCO to lead the recovery effort from the JFO.Recovery
change, and other human activities—the sum total of which will likely animal species both nationally and worldwide. When a species is given
Athrough legal orisother
natural disaster a naturaleffective
processmeans." Worldwide,
or phenomenon that mayextensive
cause often
result begins
in the losswhileof emergency
between 30response
and 50 percentactivities are stillspecies
of extant in progress.
by the
The disaster ESA protection, it is said to be a "listed" species. Many additional
loss of life,ofinjury
systems or other
protected health
areas haveimpacts,
been property
developed damage, loss of
and include middle of the recovery
21st century.process focuses on restoring, redeveloping, and
revitalizing communities species are evaluated for possible protection under the ESA, and they
national parks, and state/provincial
services, socialparks, and wildlife
economic disruption,
refuges, and nature or Although extinction is an impacted by a disaster.
ongoing feature of Earth’sThe NDRF
flora andestablished
fauna (the
environmental six Recovery Support Functions (RSFs) to provide technical assistance are called “candidate” species.The Endangered Species Act is very
reserves, all of damage.
which differ Various phenomena
in their management like objectives
and vast majority of species ever to have lived are extinct), the fossil record
landslides, and support the recovery in accordance eachwith priorities of impacted important because it saves our native fish, plants, and other wildlife
degree of volcanic eruptions, floods,hashurricanes,
defined tornadoes, blizzards, reveals five unusually large extinctions, involving the demise of vast

protection. The IUCN six protected area
tsunamis, and cyclones are all natural disasters that kill thousands of communities.
numbers of species. The These
RSFs include:
conspicuous Community
declines inPlanning
diversity are andreferred
Capacityto from going extinct. Once gone, they're gone forever, and there's no
management categories, based on primary management objective
people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each Building, Housing, they
as mass extinctions; Economics, Infrastructure
are distinguished from theSystems,
majority ofHealth, and
extinctions, going back. Losing even a single species can have disastrous impacts on
(Table 1). These categories are defined in detail in the Guidelines
year. However,Areas the rapid growth ofCategories
the world's population and its Natural
which occurandcontinually
Cultural Resources (i.e., the
and are referred to NCR RSF). Eachextinction.
as background RSF is led by a the rest of the ecosystem, because the effects will be felt throughout
for Protected Management published by IUCN in Animal extinctions mayAgency
be caused
increased concentration often in hazardous environments has Federal Coordinating and byhasnatural
a core occurrences
group of Primary such asAgencies
climatic the food chain. From providing cures to deadly diseases to maintaining
1994. heatingwith
along or cooling
a cadre or of changes
Supporting in sea levels. In more
Organizations. modern of
The purpose times,
escalated both the frequency and severity of disasters. With the natural ecosystems and improving overall quality of life, the benefits of
RSFs is tohuman activity
integrate has been toresources
interagency blame. Habitat destructionsupport
for recovery as farming
tropical climate and unstable landforms, coupled with deforestation, preserving threatened and endangered species are invaluable.
Some species in danger of extinction in the wild are brought into land expandsproblem
facilitating and forests are cut-down
solving, improvingis accessthe main to cause of modern
resources, and
unplanned growth proliferation, non-engineered constructions make
the to eitherareas
disaster-prone safeguard against imminent
more vulnerable. Developingextinction or to
countries suffer
fostering along with pollution,
among the introduction
Local, State, of alien species,
Tribal, and over
Territorial, and Once a species becomes listed as "threatened" or "endangered," it
increase population numbers. The primary goals of captive fishing or hunting. Increasingly, however, climate
Insular Area partners, nongovernmental partners, the private sector, change is thought to be
more or less chronically from natural disasters due to ineffective receives special protections by the federal government. Animals are
breeding programs are to driving extinctions. Many species have withbecome extinct because
Recoveryof Federal
withestablish populations
budgetary via controlled and stakeholders.In accordance the NDRF’s

communication combined insufficient allocation for and overharvesting, the conversion of wetlands and forests to croplands protected from “take” and being traded or sold. A listed plant is
breeding that are: a) large
disaster prevention and management. enough to be demographically stable; Interagency Operational Plan, NCR RSF field support operations are
and urban areas, pollution, the introduction of invasive species, and other protected if on federal property or if federal actions are involved, such
and b) genetically healthy (Ebenhard 1995). These objectives structured around six key operational stages to ensure that recovery
forms of human-caused destruction of their natural environments. Indeed, as the issuing of a federal permit on private land.
ensure –that
HUMAN MADE populations
DISASTERS will exhibit a healthy age structure, partners and stakeholders at all levels have a shared understanding of
current rates of human-induced extinctions are estimated to be about
resistance to disease,
Human-instigated consistent
disasters are thereproduction,
consequence and preservation or
of technological of the
1,000sequence and synchronization
times greater than past natural of activities
(background) around rateswhich they can
of extinction, The term "take" is used in the Endangered Species Act to include
the genehazards.
human pool to minimize
Examples and/or includeavoid problems fires,
stampedes, associated with
transport operate. The stages listed below provide the flexibility
leading some scientists to call modern times the sixth mass extinction. This necessary to
"harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill trap, capture, or collect,
accidents, Successful captive breeding
accidents, oil spills,programs
terrorist include
attacks,those for
nuclear address the unique
high extinction rate isrecovery
largely duechallenges of each disaster,
to the exponential growthwhile also
in human or to attempt to engage in any such conduct." The law also protects
explosions/nuclear radiation. War
the Guam rail, scimitar-horned andand
oryx, deliberate attackshorse.
Przewalski's may also be providing
numbers: Federal
growing recovery
from about support in a consistent,
1 billion in 1850, thetimely,world’s and efficient
against interfering in vital breeding and behavioral activities or
LAWSin this
AND category.
reached 2 The NCR
billion RSF could
in 1930 be activated
and more by FEMA
than 7.7 billion for all,
in 2019 andoris some,
the six stages degrading critical habitat.
to reach aboutof 10 disaster
by 2050.depending
As a result on the NCR needshuman
of increasing for a

Other types ofis induced
Biodiversity protecteddisasters
by laws include the more cosmicnational,
at state/provincial, scenariosandof
catastrophic global warming, nuclear particular
populations, disaster.
loss stages
is theinclude:
greatest factor in current levels of
international levels. Arguably thewar,
mostand bioterrorism.
influential law is the Example: Grizzly Bear
extinction. For example, less than one-sixth of the land area of Europe has
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild ~remained
Monitoring and Situational
unmodified by human Awareness.
activity, and ~ RSS
than Implementation.
half of all wildlife
Fauna and Flora (CITES) which is an agreement between ~ Transition and Return to Steady-State Operations. Bald eagle Peregrine Falcon
Avalanche WildthatFire controls international trade in habitat has been eliminated in more than four-fifths of countries in the
governments (i.e., countries) paleotropics (the Old World ~Advance
tropics thatEvaluation.
span Africa, Asia, and Indonesia).
Blizzard Flood Florida Panther Red – Cockaded Woodpecker
wild animals, plants, and their parts to ensure continued survival. ~ FDRC and RSF Activation/Deployment.
Tsunami Hurricane ~ Recovery Support Strategy (RSS) Report Development.
International trade in wildlife is a multi-billion dollar industry that : Example Gray Wolf Philippine Eagle
Earthquake Landslide
affects millions of plants and animals. As a result, CITES lists species West African Black Rhinoceros Great Auk
Tornado Lightning Strike & ETC. Pyrenean Ibex Dodo
in three Appendices according to the level of protection they Cross River Gorilla Hawksbill Turtle & ETC.
Volcanic Eruption Tasmanian Tiger Passenger Pigeon & ETC.
Heat Wave to avoid over-exploitation; species listed in Appendix I Submitted by : Mary Cyrene Joy D. Agpaoa
require the most protection and, thus, trade limitations (Table 3).

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