Suscos Erasmus Mundus Conceptual Design of Buildings: Analysis of Steel Frames

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Conceptual Design of Buildings


Analysis of Steel Frames


Submitted by:
Milon Kanti Howlader
Group No: 14

28 October, 2013
Analysis of Steel frames (Un-braced Sway Frame Structure-1)

7.2 m

N p N

5.7 m

Figure 1: Frame Structure 1(Unbraced Frame)

The data given for Group No. TP14 are as follows:

Sway Frame Rigid Frame

H N Bracing
Group L [m] p [kN/m] h [kN] Beam Column Beam Column 2
[m] [kN] bar [mm ]
TP 14 7.2 5.7 24 14.25 360 IPE330 HE240B IPE400 HE240B 300

First Order Elastic Analysis with OSSA2D:

Frame element No x/L Moment (kN.m)

0 16.271
1 0.5 -33.583
1 -83.4363
0 -83.4363
2 0.5 124.64
1 -133.85
0 -133.85
0.5 -23.10
1 87.69

Figure 2(a): Moment diagram

x/L Axial Force (kN)
element No
0 -662.60
0.5 -662.60
1 -662.60
0 -38.87
0.5 -38.87
1 -38.87
3 0 -676.60
0.5 -676.60
1 -676.60
Figure 2(b): N diagram

Frame element
x/L Shear Force (kN)
0 -17.49
0.5 -17.49
1 -17.49
0 -122.60
0.5 -7.00
1 -136.60
3 0 38.87
0.5 38.87
1 38.87
Figure 2(c): T diagram

From the above table

The Maximum +ve Moment is on Member 2 = 124.64 kNm

The Maximum -ve Moment is on Member 3 = -133.85 kNm
Maximum Axial Force on Column on Member 3 = 676.60kN

Critical Load Factor (αcr ) through OSSA2D:

Choosing 5 different deflection modes to find the αcr values. And choose the least one
as the Critical one as it represents the most instable global frame.

Figure 3(a): Failure Mode 1 Figure 3(b): Failure Mode 2

Figure 3(c): Failure Mode 3 Figure 3(d): Failure Mode 4

Figure 3(e): Failure Mode 5

Values of αcr for different types of failure.

Failure Modes 1 αcr = 7.356

Failure Modes 2 αcr = 41.090
Failure Modes 3 αcr = 66.881
Failure Modes 4 αcr = 2754.202
Failure Modes 5 αcr = 30527.466

Hence, the αcr value chosen as the minimum one found for the failure mode-1 = 7.356

Simplified Analytical Approach to find out αcr

Suggested approaches are,

1. Wood's Method
2. Horne's Method

Wood's Method:

Load Factor αcr= Ncr/NEd

Ncr=Critical Load of the column,
NEd=Maximum axial force on each level
Ncr= EI π2/(Le)2
E=Modulus of elasticity,
Le= Equivalent length of column,
I=Moment of inertia
E=210 Gpa,
fy= 355000 kN/m2

For Column HE240B

I= 1.1259 x 10-4 m4
For IPE330
I= 1.1767 x 10-4 m4
As the column is fixed, η2=0

Now, η1= Ke/(KCol+Kbeam)
= (4EIcol/Lcol)/( 4EIcol/Lcol + 6EIbeam/Lbeam)
= (4×1.1259 x 10-4 /5.7)/(4×1.1259 x 10-4 /5.7 + 6×1.1767 x 10-4/7.2)
= 7.901 x 10-5 /1.7706 x 10-4
= 0.446
Hence, Leff /L= [(1-0.2 x0.446)/(1-0.8 x. 0.446)]0.5
= (1.416) 0.5 = 1.189
Leff = 5.7× 1.189 = 6.777 m
Hence, Ncr = EI π2/(Le)2
= (2.10×108×1.1259 x 10-4 × π2)/(6.777)2
= 5081 kN
NEd from OSSA2D = 676 kN
Hence, αcr = Ncr / NEd = 5081 / 676.60 = 7.51

Horne's Method:

αcr=(HEd (Top)x hi)/(VEd(Base)x δH,Ed)

αcr= Load Factor
HEd (Top)=Horizontal reaction at the Top storey
hi=Height of the storey
VEd(Base)=Total vertical reaction at the bottom storey
δH,Ed=Horizontal displacement between the top and bottom of a given storey included
imperfection(imperfection effect can be negligible)
HEd (Top)= 14.25 × 1.5 = 21.375kN,
VEd (Base)=(36×7.2+540×2) = 1339.2 kN,
Hence αcr= (21.375×5.7)/(1339.2×0.0108)
= 8.424
Here, it is found that,
Figure 4: Horizontal deflection between top and bottom
αcr,(Horne) > αcr,(Wood) > αcr, (OSSA-2D)

Calculation of Frameby Amplified Sway Moment Method
Underlying Assumptions:
 A first-order elastic analysis is performed on the frame fitted with horizontal
supports at the floor levels (Figure 1A-1D); it results in a distribution of bending
moments in the frame and reactions at the horizontal supports.
 Then, a second first-order elastic analysis is conducted on the initial frame
subjected to the sole horizontal reactions obtained in the first step (Figure 2A-
2D); the resulting bending moments are the so-called “sway moments”.
 Approximate values of the “actual” second-order moments(Table-1) are found
from summing up of the moments obtained respectively in the two frame
analyses as above, while the later one has been multiplied by a sway factor as:
αcr = Ecr/EEd
EEd = Design Vertical Applied Load
Ecr = lowest elastic critical load associated to a global sway instability.
The value of αcr from OSSA2D = 7.356
Hence, the Sway factor found as, 1/(1-(1/7.356)) = 1.157

First Step
7.2 m

N p N

5.7 m

Figure 5: Modified Non-sway frame & Load Arrangements

Figure 6(a): Moment Diagram from OSSA2D

Figure 6(b): N- Diagram from OSSA2D

Figure 6(c): T- Diagram from OSSA2D

Second Step

Figure 7: Original sway frame subjected to horizontal reaction

Figure 8(a):Moment Diagram from OSSA2D

Figure 8 (b): N- Diagram from OSSA2D

Figure 8(c): T- Diagram from OSSA2D

Second order Analysis Result from OSSA2D

Figure 9(a): Moment Diagram from OSSA2D

Figure 9(b): N- Diagram from OSSA2D

Figure 9(c): T- Diagram from OSSA2D

2' 5 3
2 3'

1 4

Figure 10: Indicating different points in the frame

Table 1: Summary of the results for Amplified Sway Moment Method

2nd Order (from

Non Sway Sway 2nd Order %Δ
Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear
(KN-m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN)
1 51.46 -669.51 -35.19 6.91 10.75 11.40 -661.74 -5.74 -0.03
2 -108.29 -669.51 24.86 6.91 -79.53 -80.00 -661.74 -0.59 -0.03
2’ -108.29 -49.4 24.86 10.53 -79.53 -37.22 -80.00 -38.87 -0.59 -4.25
3 -108.29 -49.4 -24.93 10.53 -137.13 -37.22 -137.29 -38.87 -0.11 -4.25
3’ -108.92 -669.69 -24.93 -6.91 -137.76 -137.28 -677.57 0.35 0.02
4 52.34 -669.69 35.35 -6.91 93.24 92.56 -677.57 0.73 0.02
5 124.67 -49.4 -0.036 10.53 124.63 -37.22 124.63 -38.87 0.00 -4.25

Computation of Ultimate load Factor

Two approaches have been suggested for computation of Ultimate Load Factor
1. The "Merchant-Rankine" Method
2. The "Domenceau-Jaspart" Method
Here, the ultimate load factors have been calculated through the Plastic Analysis of
Frame-1(Sway Frame) only.

Basic Steps for Plastic Analysis:

At first some basic collapse mechanism has been postulated for the structure. For the
given portal frame the collapse mechanisms are beam collapse, sway collapse and the
combined collapse mechanism.
Then the number of hinges required to produce the collapse mechanisms are
determined as, Maximum number of required hinges= Degree of Indeterminancy+1
For the portal frame with fixed supports the Degree of indeterminacy=3
Hence, the Maximum number of required hinges= 3+1=4
Then allowing the presumed shape at collapse to be the compatible displacement set,
and the external loading and internal bending moments to be the equilibrium set.
Equating the external and internal virtual work, and solved the collapse load factor for
that supposed mechanism.

Basic Assumptions:
1. The members are straight between the plastic hinges, and the elastic deformations
between them are neglected.
2. In Plastic Analysis to identify the correct load factor, there are three criteria of
a. Equilibrium: the internal bending moments must be in equilibrium with the
external loading.
b. Mechanism: at collapse the structure, or a part of, can deform as a mechanism.

c. Yield: no point in the structure can have a moment greater than the
plastic moment capacity of the section it is applied to.
3. In frames where members of different capacities meet at joints, it is the
weaker member that develops the plastic hinge.
4. The plastic hinges will occur under the points of peak moments or under the point
The "Merchant-Rankine" Method
The “Merchant-Rankine method” allows predicting the ultimate load factor of a structure,
λu, as a function of the plastic load factor, λp, obtained through a first-order rigid-plastic
analysis and the critical load factor, λcr, obtained through a critical analysis, as follows:

Hence, for Beam Collapse Mechanism equating the external and Internal work (as given
in the figure-11):

Figure 11: Beam Collapse Mechanism

λp,beam ×w×(L/2) ×(Lθ/4)×2=Mb,pl× θ + Mb,pl×2θ+ Mb,pl×θ

or, λp,beam = 16Mb,pl/wL2

w = 36 kN/m
L = 7.2 m

Section Modulus for IPE330 Beam Section,

W xx = 7.13*10-4 m3
fy = 355000 kN/m2

Mb,pl= W xx × fy = 7.13×10-4 m3 × 355000 kN/m2 =253.115 kN-m

Then, λp,beam = (16 X 253.115)/(36 X 7.22) = 2.17

For Panel Collapse Mechanism equating the external and Internal work (as given in the

λp,panel ×H ×h ×θ=2 ×(Mb,pl + Mc,pl) ×θ

For HE240B Column Section,

Horizontal Force, H = 21.375 kN

& Height, h = 5.7m
Section Modulus, W xx = 9.38275*10-4 m3
fy = 355000 kN/m2 Figure 12: Panel Collapse Mechanism

Mc,pl = W xx* fy = 9.38275*10-4 m3 X 355000 kN/m2

= 333.1 kN-m> Mb,pl

So, Mb,pl will govern (according to assumption 3)

λp,panel = (2 X 2 X 253.115)/(21.375 X 5.7) = 1012.46/121.8375 = 8.31

For Combined Collapse Mechanism equating the external and Internal work (as given in
the figure-13):

Figure 13: Combined Collapse Mechanism

λp,combined ×((wL/2)×(L/4)×2 + H×h)) θ= Mc,pl×θ + Mb,pl×2θ + Mb,pl×2θ + Mc,pl×θ

λp,combined = 8 Mc,pl /( wL2/4+H×h)

λp,combined = 8× 253.115/(36 X 7.22/4 + 21.375 X 5.7)

= 2024.92/588.3975
= 3.44

For Beam Collapse Mechanism, 1/ λu = 1/7.356 + 1/ 2.17

or, λu,beam = 1.67

For Panel Collapse Mechanism, 1/ λu = 1/7.356 + 1/ 8.31

or, λu,Panel = 3.90

For Combined Collapse Mechanism, 1/ λu = 1/7.356 + 1/ 3.44

or, λu, Combined= 2.34

The "Demonceau-Jaspart" Method

The proposed procedure is based on three formulas, one for each possible type of
plastic mechanisms (i.e. beam, panel and combined plastic mechanisms):
- Formula1(λp,beam, λcr)  λu,beam;
- Formula2(λp,panel, λcr)  λu,panel;
- Formula3(λp,combined, λcr)  λu,combined
Three ultimate load factors are then predicted from these formulas and the smallest one
is considered as the ultimate load factor of the studied frame: λu= min (λu,beam, λu,panel,
Formulae included in the new simplified design method for sway frames
λ u = χ λp
χ = 1/(Φ+ √(Φ2- λop2))
λop = √( λp / λcr )
Φ = 0.5[1+ µ (λop- λo ) + λop2]
where, µ = 0.07 for Beam Collapse mechanism
= 0.596 for Panel Collapse Mechanism
= 0.29 for Combined Collapse Mechanism

λcr is the critical load of the considered column.
χ is called the reduction factor;
λop is the non-dimensional relative slenderness and;
λ0 represents the length of the plateau where χ is equal to 1 in a λop - χ graph).
For λ < λ0, the ultimate resistance is assumed to be equal to the plastic resistance and,
accordingly, the influence of the second-order effects is neglected. As neither strain
hardening nor cladding effects are considered within the presented study, the plateau
length is taken equal to 0 as it is in the Merchant-Rankine approach.

For Beam Collapse Mechanism,

λop = √( 2.17/7.356) = 0.537
Φ = 0.5×(1+0.07×0.537+ 0.5372) = 0.663
χ = 1/(0.663+ √(0.6632 - 0.5372)) = 0.951
Hence, λu,beam = 0.951 X 2.17 = 2.06

For Panel Collapse Mechanism,

λop = √( 8.31/7.356) = 1.063
Φ = 0.5×(1+0.596×1.063+ 1.0632) = 1.38
χ = 1/(1.38+ √(1.382 - 1.0632)) = 0.443
Hence, λu,,Panel = 0.443 X 8.31 = 3.68

For Combined Collapse Mechanism,

λop = √( 3.44/7.356) = 0.467
Φ = 0.5×(1+0.29×0.467+ 0.4672) = 0.677
χ = 1/(0.677+ √(0.6772 - 0.4672)) = 0.857
Hence, λu,Combined = 0.857 X 3.44 = 2.95
λu = Minm (λu,beam , λu,,Panel, λu,Combined) = 2.06

Comments: From the analysis it is found that the value of αcr is less than 10 so the
frame is sway frame and the initial frame imperfection is noticeable. In calculating the
ultimate load factor got from Demonceau-Jaspart is safer than the Merchant-Rankine
method for the frame.

Analysis of Steel frames (Braced Unsway Frame Structure-2)

For bracing bar choosing solid circular bar of diameter 19.5mm of area 300 mm2

7.2 m

N p N

5.7 m

Figure 14: Braced Frame

Figure 15 (a): Moment Diagram from OSSA2D

The Maximum Bending Moment is at centre of the beam element No 2 =277.27kN.m

Figure 15 (b): N Diagram from OSSA2D

Maximum axial force at the column element No 3=673.53kN

Figure 15 (c): T Diagram from OSSA2D

Maximum shear force at the column element No 2=129.60kN

Critical Load Factor (αcr ) through OSSA2D:

Choosing 10 different deflection modes to find the αcr values. And choose the one as
the critical one as it represents the most instable global frame.

Figure 16 : Critical load factor from OSSA2D

From OSSA-2D the value of αcr = 35.79

Simplified Analytical Approach to find out αcr as proposed

Suggested approaches are,

1. Wood's Method
2. Horne's Method

Wood's Method:
Load Factor αcr= Ncr/NEd
Ncr=Critical Load of the column,
NEd=Maximum axial force on each level
Ncr= EI π2/(Le)2
E=210 Gpa,
fy= 355000 kN/m2

For Column HE240B
I= I= 1.1259 x 10-4 m4
For Beam IPE400
I= 2.31284 x 10-4 m4
As column is hinge supported at both end, then ɳ2 = 1

Kc = 1.1259 x 10-4×108/570 = 19.7

K11 = 0.75×2.31284×108/720 = 24.1
ɳ1 = 19.7/(19.7+ 24.1) = 0.449
From graph, Le/L = 0.61

Hence, Ncr = EI π2/(Le)2

= (210×106×1.1259 x 10-4 × π2)/(0.61×5.7)2
= 19302 kN
NEd from OSSA2D = 673.53 kN
Hence, αcr = Ncr / NEd = 10947 / 673.53 = 28.7

Horne's Method:
αcr=(HEd (Top)x hi)/(VEd(Base)x δH,Ed)
αcr= Load Factor
HEd (Top)=Horizontal reaction at the Top storey
hi=Height of the storey
VEd(Base)=Total vertical reaction at the bottom storey
δH,Ed=Horizontal displacement between the top and bottom of a given storey included
imperfection(imperfection effect can be negligible)
HEd (Top)= 14.25 × 1.5 = 21.375kN,
VEd (Base)=(36×7.2+540×2) = 1339.2 kN,

Figure 16 : Horizontal displacement between the top and bottom from OSSA2D

Hence αcr= (21.375×5.7)/(1339.2×0.0026) = 35
Here, it is found that,
αcr,(OSSA-2D) > αcr,(Horne) > αcr,(Wood)

Comments: As the value of αcr is more than 10 so the frame is unsway and it is not
necessary to analyse the second order and ultimate load factor. Other thing is that the
global deflection is considerably less is case of braced frame than the unbraced frame.
So it is concluded that the bracing system resists the horizontal loads applied to the
frames it braces, any vertical loads applied on the bracing system and the effects of the
initial sway imperfections from the frames it braces and from the bracing system itself.


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