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Some parents believe that extra private lessons outside school hours where students work

alone with a teacher, can help them do better at school. Others disagree.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of private tuition?


In many countries, the requirements of entering the colleges and universities are getting higher. It has
becoming more challenging for student to enter a reputable university. In order to increase their
competitive advantage, parents are willing to pay extra fees to send their children for private tuition.
However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of private tuition.

The main advantage of private tuition is that the children can obtain sole attention from the tutor. In
private tuition for instance, the tutor can interact with student on one to one basis and they are more
aware of student’s academic performance. However, it is impossible for school teacher to practice this
way due to the large class system. It is clear that private tuition can provide additional attention to
children which school teacher may found it difficult to do so.

Furthermore, students can learn additional knowledge during private tuition. Due to the fact that
teachers had covered what is in the textbook during class, private tutor only need to further explain the
parts that students could not understand and they can also give extra exercises to the students. As a
result, students can gain extra knowledge to enhance their competitive advantage.

Unfortunately, high tutor charges are impose on private tuition. Most of the private tuition fees are
expensive. In some lower or middle income family, parents might not be able to afford the fees. In order
for their children to perform better in studies they work extra hours by joining part time job to send
their children for private tuition. It is clear that it has become an additional burden to the parents.

Another problem is the student’s dependence on private tutors. Students will rely on their tutors to
solve their homework and finding learning material for them. According to an article in a local
newspaper, it says that students today are too depending on their private tutors and their ability to
solve problems by their own has dramatically decreased.

In conclusion, private tuition is something that has to be considered carefully. It can be helpful for
students in their studies by getting help from private tutors. Overall, the benefits outweigh the

( 360 words )

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