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Name : Aldiansyah

NIM : 2010313210048

Task 1a. Discussion

 Advantages : Our money is safe because no one will ever know

Disadvantages : Our money can be eaten by termites or insects

 Advantages : make more and more of our money

Disadvantages : but can spend our money in seconds

 Advantages : can walk while on vacation

Disadvantages : a form of waste of money

 Advantages : can be for long term investment

Disadvantages : prone to loss

 Advantages : channel hobbies

Disadvantages : waste of money

 Advantages : our money can grow

Disadvantages : the possibility of the price going down

Task 1b. Reading

a. to avoid unlimited liability, namely debt

b. to raise more money for expansion

c. get dividends and become part of the ownership of the company

Task 1c. Comprehension

1. what are the duties and obligations of the company that issued the shares

2. what is the secondary market

3. what the Company does if it wants to raise more money for expansion

4. what is the issue of the bonus

5. what are the rights of the shareholders

Task 1d. Vocabulary

1. companies
2. corporations
3. flotation
4. equities
5. stocks
6. nominal value
7. par value
8. stocks
9. scrip issue
10. US
11. capitalization issue
12. stock dividend or stock split

Task 2a. Vocabulary

1. to rise a lot
2. to fall a lot
3. to rise after previously falling b
4. to fall a lot
5. to fall a lot
6. to fall a little
7. to rise a little
8. to rise a little
9. to rise a lot
10. to fall a lot
11. to rise after previously falling
12. to rise after previously falling
Task 2b. Vocabulary

1. institutional investors
2. stockbroker
3. market-maker
4. blue chip
5. mutual fund
6. defensive stock
7. growth stock
8. insider share-dealing
9. portfolio

Task 2c. Vocabulary

1. stockbroker, because it is not a report

2. right issue, because it is not a type of share
3. over the counter, because it is not a profit
4. stockbroker, because it is not a stock actor
5. debt, because it's not capital
6. face value, because it is not included in the value
7. underwriter, because it's not included
8. institutional investor, because it is not a guarantee and a dependent
9. mutual fund, because it's not a report

Task 2d. Discussion

yes I have to do it because for the good of him

Task 2e. Case Study : Ethical Investments

1. emitting a large quantity of CO2 into the atmosphere

2. marketing powdered baby milk in countries without pure water supplies
3. not recognizing trade unions
4. paying low wage levels in developing countries
5. trading with oppressive regimes

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