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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Develop a customer service plan

Submission details

Student’s name Student no.

Assessor’s name

Assessment site

Assessment date/s

The assessment task is due on the date told to you by your assessor. Any changes to this
arrangement must be approved by your assessor in writing.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for

Performance objective
The student will show the ability/skills to plan to meet customer requirements through the
development/creation of a customer service plan.

Assessment description
You will develop a customer service plan for the simulated/pretend business ‘Innovative
Widgets’. You will gather/collect the background information on the company from the
Simulated Business document.

1. Read the background information on the Innovative Widgets in the Simulated Business
2. Based on the information you read, produce a customer service plan for Innovative
Widgets. Develop the customer service plan using the template provided in Appendix 1.
Your customer service plan should include:
a. vision and mission statements that refer to Innovative Widgets’ provision of
customer service
b. a list of internal and external customer types and their needs

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd / Modified December 2020 1st edition version: 3
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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

c. product standards that include:

i. minimum safety iv. pricing

v. material
ii. dimensions
vi. delivery
iii. tolerances

d. policies and procedures for:

i. gathering customer information and conducting market research to identify
customer needs using the RATER 1 model
ii. responding to customer complaints
iii. managing records and data.
3. Develop a short (no more than one page) reflection/summary on your plan and how the
design of your plan will work to achieve quality customer service and legal compliance
(in order of how things are done) and how your plan is consistent/regular with best
practice models 2 and voluntary standards and codes of practice 3. In your
reflection/thinking, you also need to summarise/short list public relations and product
promotion approaches that are appropriate for Innovative Widgets.
4. Submit the required documents for assessment as per the specifications below. Be sure
to keep a copy for your records.

You must provide:
● a customer service plan.

● a short (no more than one page) reflection/summary-thinking on your development and
design of a customer service plan.

Your assessor will be looking for:

RATER Model - is a quality management framework. It identified five factors - reliability, assurance,
tangibles, empathy and responsiveness - that create the acronym RATER.
Businesses using RATER to measure and manage service quality send out a questionnaire that
measures both the customer expectations of service quality in terms of these five factors, and their
understanding of the service they receive. When customer expectations are greater than their
perceptions of received delivery, service quality is deemed low.
In additional to being a measurement model, RATER is also a management model.

Best Practice Model - commercial or professional procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being
correct or most effective.

Voluntary standards & codes of practice - specific standards of conduct for an industry including
how to deal with its members and customers.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

● reading skills to gather and interpret/understand organisational (Innovative Widgets)

● writing skills to match your style of writing to the documents’ purpose and
audience/people involved
● work skills to apply Innovative Widgets’ organisational needs to document production

● technology skills to prepare and present documents

● knowledge of legislation and regulation relevant to customer service

● knowledge of service standards and best practice models.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Appendix 1: Customer service plan template

Innovative Widgets Customer Service Charter

Welcome to Innovative Widgets!

Our vision and mission:
Create a vision and mission statement that includes reference to customer services

Who are our customers?

Our internal customers are: Our internal customers require:

List Innovative Widgets’ internal customers List these customers’ needs

Our external customers are: Our external customers require:

List Innovative Widgets’ external customers List these customers’ needs

We’ll give you what you need … and more!

We promise to deliver a widget that’s right for your needs:
List relevant product quality specifications

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

We promise to support you:

List relevant customer service guarantees, e.g. related to time, cost and after-sales support

We’ve support our people to support you!

Innovative Widgets’ policies and procedures that support customer service include:
List relevant policies and procedures

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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Innovative Widgets
Customer support policy and procedure – collecting market research

Purpose Briefly explain the purpose of this policy

Scope Briefly explain which people or departments of Innovative Widgets this policy applies to

Resources Note whether there are procedures associated with this policy

Relevant List any legislation relevant to the application of this policy

legislation etc.

Updated/ Write the year this policy was approved, and who approved it

Customer support process/es

Write any processes that support this policy. Write processes in steps where possible, e.g. step 1: greet the
customer; step 2: ask the customer what you can help them with, etc.


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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Innovative Widgets
Customer complaints policy and procedure

Purpose Briefly explain the purpose of this policy

Scope Briefly explain which people or departments of Innovative Widgets this policy applies to

Resources Note whether there are procedures associated with this policy

Relevant List any legislation relevant to the application of this policy

legislation etc.

Updated/ Write the year this policy was approved, and who approved it

Customer complaints resolution process/es

Write any processes that support this policy. Write processes in steps where possible, e.g. step 1: greet the
customer; step 2 ask the customer what you can help them with, etc.


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Assessment Task 1 BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

Innovative Widgets
Recordkeeping policy and procedure

Purpose Briefly explain the purpose of this policy

Scope Briefly explain which people or departments of Innovative Widgets this policy applies to

Resources Note whether there are procedures associated with this policy

Relevant List any legislation relevant to the application of this policy

legislation etc.

Updated/ Write the year this policy was approved, and who approved it

Recordkeeping process/es
Write any processes that support this policy. Write processes in steps where possible, e.g. step 1: greet the
customer; step 2 ask the customer what you can help them with, etc.


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