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Synesius: The Complete Hymns

In English, Latin, and Greek

By Brian Duvick, Portus, and Synesius himself

Contents Page

The First Song 2

The Second Song 13
The Third Song 21
The Fourth Song 75
The Fifth Song 98
The Sixth Song 104
The Seventh Song 108
The Eighth Song 112
The Ninth Song 117
The Tenth Song 122
Bibliography 124
The First Song

Come, clear lyre,

After the Tean song,
After the Lesbian tune as well,
In more reverend hymns
Sing me a Dorian ode
Not for gentle girls
Giggling at the Aphrodisiac,
Nor for the much-desired prime
Of boys in bloom.
10 For holy and immaculate pangs
Of the wisdom born of God
Urge me to ply the zither’s strings
Into a divine melody,
But bid me flee the sweet
Blindness of worldly desires.
For what is strength, what beauty?
What is gold, what fame?
What the honors of a king
Compared with the care for God?
20 One man may drive the horse well,
Another may stretch the bow well,
Another may guard heaps
Of goods, golden happiness.
Another’s hair is his honor
Lying on his limbs.
He may be much sung
Among the boys, among the girls,
For the twinkle in his eye.
I only wish
30 To lead a quiet life, unnoticed,
Unnoticed to others in some ways,
Known to God in others.
I only wish for wisdom,
Good for youth,
Good to draw on old age,
A good queen of wealth,
But wisdom will bear poverty
Without trouble, laughing
Beyond the bitter cares of life.
40 If only I have so much,
Enough of a hovel
To fend off the neighbors,
So necessity not bend me
To dark concerns.
Listen to the cicada’s song,
That sips the morning dew.
Look, my sinews shout
Unbidden, and a divine voice
Flies around and about me.
50 What song will the god-inspired travail
Beget in me now?
As self-moved principle,
Distributor and Father of all that is,
Unbegotten, enthroned on high,
Above the heavenly peaks,
Rejoicing in ceaseless glory,
God sits fast.
Holy unity of unities,
And first monad of monads,
60 The highest simplicities
It unifies and begets
By supersubstantial birth,
Whence unity itself springs forth,
Through the first-sown Form,
A monad issuing the ineffable,
Possessing tri-peaked power.
The supersubstantial fountain
Is wreathed with the beauty of offspring
Leaping from the center,
70 Rushing around the center.
Wait, rash lyre,
Wait and do not show the masses
The sacred mysteries.
Come and sing the things below,
But let silence conceal the things above.
The intellect is already interested
Only in the intellectual realms.
For there already the good
First principle of the mortal spirit
80 Is indivisibly divided.
Fallen into matter,
Imperishable intellect, sundered
From its divine parents,
Is small and many. But this is the whole,
Their all and unity,
Whole instilled in whole,
And turns the hollow of the heavens.
While it preserves this whole,
It is in distributed forms
That it appears divided.
It is in the courses of the stars,
It is in the choruses of angels,
It is even in the prevailing bond
Where it finds its earthly shape,
Is separated from its parents,
Draws the murky water of Lethe,
And with blind-eyed anxieties
Wonders at the joyless earth.
God sees into mortal affairs
100 Yet is there; there is something of the light,
Though the eyes be concealed.
There is also a certain power
That raises the fallen
When fleeing the swells
Of life, unperturbed
And walk the sacred way
To the palace of their parent.
Blessed is he who flees
The voracious howl of matter,
110 Emerges from the earth, and with light
Step hurries to God.
Blessed is he who after ill fortune,
After suffering, after the bitter
Concerns of the world,
Enters the ways of the mind
And sees the deep shine with the light of God.
It is work to extend the whole
Heart with all the wings
Of the elevating desires.
120 Only strengthen the drive
With drives of intelligence.
He will appear near you,
Your parent, extending his hands.
For a ray of light runs ahead,
Illuminates the ways,
And opens to you the intelligible
Plain, the principle of beauty.
Come, my soul, drink
From the spring gushing with good,
130 Supplicating your parent.
Ascend and do not delay,
Leaving things of the earth to the earth.
But if you should mix with the Father,
You may dance as God in God.
Ἄγε μοι λίγεια φόρμιγξ, Eia mihi, Sonora cithara,
Μετὰ Τηΐαν ἀοιδὰν, Post Teium cantum,
Μετὰ Λεσβίαν τε μολπὰν, Post Lesbiamque modulationem,
Γεραρωτέροις ἐφ’ ὕμνοις Augustioribus hymnis
Κελάδει Δώριον ᾠδὰν, Cane Dorium carmen,
Ἁπαλαῖς οὐκ ἐπὶ νύμφαις, Teneras non in virgines
Ἁφροδίσιον γελώσαις, Venustum ridentes,
Θαλερῶν οὐδ’ ἐπὶ κούρων Florentium nec in juvenum
Πολυηράτοισι ἥβαις. Multum amabilem pubertatem.
10 Θεοκύμονος γὰρ ἁγνὰ Divinae enim sancta
Σοφίας ἄχραντος ὠδὶς Sapientiae pura parturitio
Μέλος ἐς θεῖον ἐπείγει Carmina ad divina urget
Κιθάρας μίτους ἐρέσσειν, Citharae fides ut pulsem,
Μειλιχρὰν δ’ ἄνωγεν ἄταν Dulces autem jubet curas
Χθονίων φυγεῖν ἐρώτων. Terrenarum fugere cupiditatum.
Τί γὰρ ἀλκὰ, τί δὲ κάλλος. Quid enim vires, quid vero forma,
Τί δὲ χρυσὸς, τί δὲ φάμα, Quid vero aurum, quid vero fama,
Βασιλήϊοί τε τιμαὶ Regiique honores,
Παρὰ τὰς Θεοῦ μερίμνας; Si conferantur cum curis de Deo ?
20 Ὁ μὲν ἵππον εὖ διώκοι, Alius equos scite agitet,
Ὁ δὲ τόξον εὖ τιταίνοι, Alius arcum bene tendat,
Ὁ δὲ θημῶνας φυλάσσοι Alius acervos custodiat
Κτεάνων, χρύσειον ὄλβον. Opum, aureas divitias:
Ἑτέρῳ δ’ ἄγαλμα χαίτη Alii vero (sit) decus coma
Καταειμένη τενόντων. Demissa cervicibus:
Πολύυμνος δέ κεν εἴη Celebris admodum alius sit
Παρὰ κούροις, παρὰ κούραις, Apud juvenes, apud puellas
Ἀμαρύγμασι προσώπων. Nitenti decore vultus.
Ἐμὲ δ’ ἀψόφητον εἴη At mihi tranquillam liceat
30 Βιοτὰν ἄσημον ἕλκειν, Vitam ignotam ducere,
Τὰ μὲν ἐς ἄλλους ἄσημον, Caeteris quidem ignotam,
Τὰ δὲ πρὸς Θεὸν εἰδότα. Deo autem nota. 315
Σοφία δὲ μοι παρείη Sapientia vero mihi adsit
Ἀγαθὰ μὲν νεότατα, Commoda ad juventutem,
Ἀγαθὰ δ’ γῆρας ἕλκειν, Commoda ad senectutem ducendam,
Ἀγαθὰ δ’ ἄνασσα πλούτου, Commoda domina divitiarum:
Πενίαν δ’ ἄμοχθος οἴσει Pauperiem autem sine negotio feret
Σοφία γελῶσα, πικραῖς Sapientia ridens, amaris
Ἄβατον βίου μερίμναις. Inaccessam vitae curis.
40 Μόνον εἰ τόσον παρείη, Solummodo mihi tantum adsit,
Ὅσον ἄρκιον καλιῆς Quantum (sit) satis, ut a tuguriis
Ἀπὸ γειτόνων ἐρύκειν, Vicinorum (me) arceat:
Ἵνα μὴ χρεώ με κάμπτοι Ne necessitas me adigat
Ἐπὶ φροντίδας μελαίνας. Ad curas tetras.
Κλύε καὶ τέττιγος ᾠδὰν, Audi et cicadae cantum,
Δρόσον ὀρθρίαν πιόντος. Quae rorem matutinum ebibit.
Ἴδε μοι βοῶσι νευραὶ Eia mihi sonant nervi
Ἀκέλευστα, καί τις ὀμφὴ Injussa, et quidam afflatus
Περί τ’ ἀμφί με ποτᾶται. Undique me circumvolat.
50 Τί ποτ’ ἄρα τέξεταί μοι Quid igitur tandem pariet mihi
Μέλος ἁ θέσκελος ὠδίς? Carminis divinus partus?
Ὁ μὲν, αὐτόσσυτος ἀρχὰ, Ille quidem, ex se ortum principium,
Ταμίας πατήρ τε ὄντων, Gubernator, paterque rerum omnium,
Ἀλόχευτος, ὑψιθώκων Ingenitus, excelsa
Ὑπὲρ οὐρανοῦ καρήνων Super caeli cacumina
Ἀλύτῳ κύδεῖ γαίων, Immortali gloria laetus
Θεὸς ἔμπεδος θαάσσει. Deus constanter sedet:
Ἑνοτήτων ἑνὰς ἁγνὴ, Unitatum unitas sancta,
Μονάδων μονάς τε πρώτη, Monadumque monas prima,
60 Ἁπλότητας ἀκροτήτων Simplicitates summitatum
Ενώσασα, καὶ τεκοῦσα Quae junxit, et peperit
Ὑπερουσίοις λοχείαις. Supersubstantiali partu:
Ὅθεν αὐτὴ προθοροῦσα Unde ipsa prosiliens
Διὰ πρωτόσπορον εἶδος, Per primigenam formam,
Μονὰς ἄρρητα χυθεῖσα Unitas ineffabilem in modum diffusa,
Τρικόρυμβον ἔσχεν ἀλκάν. Trinam adepta est vim.
Ὑπερούσιος δὲ παγὰ Supersubstantialis vero fons
Στέφεται κάλλει παίδων Coronatur pulchritudine prolis,
Ἀπὸ κέντρου τε θορόντων, Quae ex centro profluxit,
70 Περὶ κέντρον τε ῥυέντων. Et circa centrum volvitur.
Μένε μοι, θρασεῖα φόρμιγξ, Sile mihi, audax o cithara:
Μένε, μηδὲ φαῖνε δήμοις Sile, neque efferto in vulgus
Τελετὰς ἀνοργιάστους. Sacra arcana maxime.
Ἴθι, καὶ τὰ νέρθε φώνει. I, et terrena cane:
Τὰ δ’ ἄνω σιγὰ καλύπτοι. Superna silentium operiat.
Ὁ δὲ νοῦς οἴοισιν ἤδη Mens vero solos jam
Μέλεται νόοισι κόσμοις. Curat intellectuales mundos.
Ἀγαθὰ γὰρ ἔνθεν ἤδη Bona enim inde jam 316
Βροτέου πνεύματος ἀρχὰ Humani spiritus origo
80 Ἀμερίστως ἐμερίσθη. Individue divisa est:
Ὁ καταιβάτας ἐς ὕλαν Ac mens delapsa in hylam,
Νόος ἄφθιτος τοκήων Mens immortalis parentum
Θεοκοιράνων ἀπορρὼξ, Divinorum propago,
Ὀλίγα μέν. ἀλλ’ ἐκείνων Exigua quidem : sed illorum
Ὅλος οὗτος εἷς τε πάντη, Tota ista et una ubique,
Ὅλος εἰς ὅλον δεδυκὼς Tota in totum infusa,
Κύτος οὐρανῶν ἑλίσσει. Vastam cavitatem caelorum torquet
Τὸ δ’ ὅλον τοῦτο φυλάσσων Universumque hoc conservans,
Νενεμημέναισι μορφαῖς in diversas formas
90 Μεμερισμένος παρέστη. Distributa adest.
Ὁ μὲν, ἀστέρων διφρείαις, Pars ejus, stellarum cursus,
Ὁ δ’ ἐς ἀγγέλων χορείας, Pars, angellorum coetus,
Ὁ δὲ καὶ ῥέποντι δεσμῷ Pars, etiam gravi nexu
Χθονίαν εὓρετο μορφὰν, Terrenam sortita est formam,
Ἀπὸ δ’ ἐστάθη τοκήων, Disjunctaque a parentibus
Δνοφερὰν ἤρυσε λάθαν, Tenebrosam hausit oblivionem,
Ἀλαωποῖσι μερίμναις Caecis sollicitudinibus
Χθόνα θαυμάσας ἀτερπῆ. Terram admirata injucundam.
Θεὸς ἐς θνητὰ δεδορκὼς Deus humana intuens
100 Ἔνι μάν, ἔνι τι φέγγος Inest tamen, inest aliquid lucis
Κεκαλυμμέναισι γλήναις. Opertis oculis:
Ἔνι καὶ δεῦρο πεσόντων Inest etiam iis qui huc delapsi sunt,
Ἀναγώγιός τις ἀλκὰ, In caelum revocans quaedam vis,
Ὅτε κυμάτων φυγόντες Cum fluctibus emersi
Βιοτησίων, ἀκηδεῖς Vitae, laeti
Ἁγίας ἔστειλαν οἴμους Sanctum ingrediuntur iter
Πρὸς ἀνάκτορον Τοκῆος. Ad regiam parentis.
Μάκαρ ὅστις βορὸν ὕλας Beatus, qui voracem hylae
Προφυγὼν ὕλαγμα, καὶ γᾶς Vitans latratum et e terra
110 Ἀναδὺς, ἅλματι κούφῳ Emergens, saltu levi
Ἴχνος ἐς Θεὸν τιταίνει. Vestigia ad Deum dirigit.
Μάκαρ οστις μετὰ μοίρας, Beatus, qui post fata,
Μετὰ μόχθους, μετὰ πικρὰς Post labores, post acerbas
Χθονογηθεῖς μελεδῶνας, Terrenas curas,
Ἐπιβὰς νόου κελεύθων Ingressus mentis vias
Βυθὸν εἶδεν θεολαμπῆ. Altitudinem vidit divina refulgentem luce.
Πόνος εἰς ὅλαν τανῦσαι Laboriosum est totum intendere
Κραδίαν ὅλοισι ταρσοῖς Animum totis alis
Ἀναγωγίων ἐρώτων. Caelestia affectantium cupidinum.
120 Μόνον ἐμπέδωσον ὁρμὰν Tu modo confirma conatum
Νοερηφόροισιν ὁρμαῖς. Ad intellectualia ferente impetu:
Ὁ δέ τοι πέλας φανεῖται Ille vero tibi propius in conspectum se dabit
Γενέτας χεῖρας ὀρεγνύς. Parens, manus porrigens.
Προθέοισα γάρ τις ἀκτὶς Praecurrens enim aliquis radius 317
Καταλάμψει μὲν ἀταρποὺς, Illustrabit semitas,
Πετάσσει δέ τοι νοητὸν Pandetque tibi intellectualem
Πεδίον, κάλλεος ἀρχάν. Campuni, pulchritudinis originem.
Ἄγε μοι, ψυχὰ, πιοῖσα Eia mihi, o anima, bibens
Ἀγαθορρύτοιο παγᾶς, Ex bonorum perenni fonte,
130 Ἱκετεύσασα Τοκῆα. Conceptis suppliciter precibus ad parentem.
Ἀνάβαινε, μηδὲ μέλλε, Ascende, neque cunctare,
Χθονὶ τὰ χθονὸς λιποῖσα. Terrae terrena linquens :
Τάχα δ’ ἂν μιγεῖσα Πατρὶ Mox vero juncta cum Patre
Θεὸς ἐν Θεῷ χορεύσοις. Dea in Deo exsultabit.
The Second Song

Again the light, again the dawn,

Again the day shines forth
After the darkness that roams the night.
Again pray God, my spirit,
With morning songs,
Who gives the light to the day,
Who gives the stars to the night,
The chorus that circles the cosmos.
10 The ether covers the back
Of swelling matter,
Mounted on the flower of fire,
Where the glorious moon
Cuts the edge of the world below.
But above the eighth rotation
Of the spirals bearing the stars
There is a current devoid of stars
That drives the folds beneath
Its robes running opposite.
It dances around the great mind
20 That covers the heights of the King’s
Cosmos with serene wings.
In the beyond the blessed silence
Of intellectuals and intelligibles
Conceals the undivided division.
One spring, one root,
Shines the thrice-radiant shape.
For where the depth of the Father is
There too the glorious Son is,
A sort of offspring of the heart.
30 The wisdom that crafts the cosmos
Shines the unifying light
Of the Holy Spirit.
One spring, one root
Issues the wealth of goods
And supersubstantial birth,
Boiling with generative drives,
And illuminates the things within,
The wondrous lights of the blessed.
Hence the chorus of imperishable Kings,
40 Already encosmic,
The glory of the Father,
The first-sown Form,
Sings in intellectual songs,
Close to their kindly parents,
As the army of ageless angels
Reflects on the matters of mind
And plucks the principle of beauty,
But also reflects on affairs in the spheres
And manages the depths of the cosmos,
50 Drawing the cosmos above
Down to the lowest matter,
Where nature settles and engenders
The company of daemons,
Clamorous and deliberative,
Whence the hero, whence now
Around the world the seeded breeze
Brings parts of the earth to life
In richly wrought shapes.
On your counsel all things
60 Depend. You are the root
Of things present, past,
Future, of the possible.
You are father, you are mother.
You are male, you are female.
You are voice, you are silence,
The generating nature of nature.
You, King, are the age of age.
To proclaim in the customary way,
Great joy, root of the cosmos!
70 Great joy, center of beings!
Monad of immortal numbers,
Kings before being.
May you enjoy great joy, great joy!
Because by God there is joy.
Extend a propitious ear
To the celebration of my songs.
Open up the light of wisdom.
It pours down glorious wealth,
Pours down the rich grace
80 Of a calm life,
Driving away penury
And the earthly plague of riches.
Expel diseases from my limbs,
Disorderly drive of the passions,
And cares that trouble the heart
May you expel from my life,
So worldly blindness not weigh down
The plumage of my mind.
But raising a free wing,
90 I shall celebrate the ineffable
Rites about your offspring.

Πάλι φέγγος, πάλιν ἀὼς, Iterum lux, iterum aurora,

Πάλιν ἁμέρα προλάμπει Iterum dies fulget
Μετὰ νυκτίφοιτον ὀρφνάν. Post noctivagas tenebras.
Πάλι μοι λίταινε θυμὲ Iterum mihi cane, o anime,
Θεὸν ὀρθρίοισιν ὕμνοις, Deum matutinis carminibus
Ὅς ἔδωκε φέγγος ἀοῖ, Qui dedit lucem diei,
Ὅς ἔδωκεν ἄστρα νυκτὶ, Qui dedit stellas nocti,
Περικοσμίαν χορείαν. Mundum ambientem choream:
Πολυκύμονος μὲν ὕλας Fluctuantis et hylae
10 Ἐκάλυψε νῶτον αἰθὴρ texit dorsum aether
Πυρὸς ἐμβεβὰς ἀώτῳ, Ignis insidens summitati
Ἵνα κυδίμα σελάνα Ubi clarissima luna
Πυμάταν ἄντυγα τέμνῃ. Imum orbem secat.
Ὑπὲρ ὀγδόαν δὲ δίναν Super octavam autem sphaeram
Ἑλίκων ἀστροφορήτων Gyrorum stelliferorum,
Ῥόος ἀστέρων ἔρημος Orbis stellarum expers
Ὑποκολπίους ἐλαύνων Sub sinu suo agitans
Πτύχας ἀντίον θεοίσας, Orbes contrario cursu currentes,
Μέγαν ἀμφὶ νοῦν χορεύει, Magnam circa mentem movetur,
20 Ὅς ἄνακτος ἄκρα κόσμου Quae caelestis oras mundi
Πολιοῖς ἔρεψε ταρτοῖς. Canis obtexit alis.
Τὰ πρόσω μάκαιρα σιγὰ Ulteriora beatum silentium,
Νοερῶν τε καὶ νοητῶν Intelligentium et intellectilium
Ἄτομον τομὰν καλύπτει. Individuam divisionem tegit.
Μία παγὰ, μία ῥίζα, Unus fons, una radix,
Τριφαὴς ἔλαμψε μορφά. Ter splendens elucet forma.
Ἵνα γὰρ βυθὸς Πατρῷος, Ubi enim profunditas Patris, 318
Τόθι καὶ κύδιμος Υιὸς, Ibit etiam illustris Filius,
Κραδιαῖόν τι λόχευμα, Cordis ingens partus,
30 Σοφία κοσμοτεχνῆτις Sapientia mundi opifex,
Ἑνοτήσιόν τε φέγγος Conciliatrixque lux
Ἁγίας ἔλαμψε Πνοιᾶς. Sancti elucet Spiritus.
Μία παγὰ, μία ῥίζα Unus fons, una radix
Ἀγαθῶν ἀνέσχεν ὄλβον, Bonorum tulit copiam,
Ὑπερούσιόν τε βλάσταν Et supersubstantialem propaginem
Γονίμοις ζέοισαν ὁρμαῖς, Genitalibus ferventem motibus,
Τά τ’ ἐνουσίων προλάμπει Conditorum etiam lucentes
Μακάρων ἀγητὰ φέγγη. Beatorum admirandos fulgores:
Ὅθεν ἐγκόσμιος ἤδη Unde in mundo constitutus jam
40 Χορὸς ἀφθίτων ἀνάκτων, Coetus immortalium angelorum,
Γενετήριόν τε κῦδος, Patris gloriam
Τό τε πρωτόσπορον εἶδος, Et primogenitam formam
Νοεροῖς ἔμελψεν ὕμνοις Caelestibus canit carminibus
Πέλας εὐμενῶν τοκήων, Prope benignos parentes :
Στρατὸς ἀγγέλων ἀγήρως, Exercitus angelorum senii expers,
Τὰ μὲν ἐς νόον δεδορκὼς, Et partim in mentem respiciens
Δρέπεται κάλλεος ἀρχάν. Decerpit pulchritudinis principium,
Τὰ δ’ ἐς ἄντυγας δεδορκὼς Partim in sphaeras respiciens
Διέπει βένθεα κόσμου, Regit altitudinem mundi,
50 Τὸν ὕπερθε κόσμον ἕλκων Supernum ornatum trahens
Νεάτας καὶ μέχρις ὕλας. Ad imam usque hylam:
Ἵνα δαιμόνων ὅμιλον Ubi daemonum turbam
Φύσις ἱζάνοισα τίκτει Natura subsidens parit
Πολύθρουν καὶ πολυμήταν, Tumultuosam et astutam.
Ὅθεν ἥρως, ὅθεν ἤδη Unde heros, unde jam
Περὶ γᾶν, σπαρεῖσα πνοιὰ, Circa terram disseminatus flatus,
Χθονὸς ἐζώωσε μοίρας Ejus vivificavit partes
Πολυδαιδάλοισι μορφαῖς. Variis formis.
Τὰ δὲ πάντα σεῖο βουλᾶς Cuncta vero ex tuo consilio
60 Ἔχεται. Σὺ δ’ ἐσσὶ ῥίζα Pendent: tu autem es radix
Παρεόντων, πρό τ’ ἐόντων, Praesentium, praeteritorum,
Μετεόντων, ἐνεόντων. Futurorum, eorum quae sunt.
Σὺ πατὴρ, σὺ δ’ ἐσσὶ μάτηρ. Tu pater, tu es mater :
Σὺ δ’ ἄρρην, σὺ δὲ θῆλυς. Tu mas, tu femina:
Σὺ δὲ φωνά, σὺ δὲ σιγά Tu vox, tu silentium :
Φύσεως φύσις γονῶσα. Naturae natura fecunda.
Σὺ δ’, Ἄναξ, αἰῶνος αἰὼν. Tu, o Rex, saeculi saeculum.
Τὸ μὲν ᾗ θέμις βοῶσαι, Quantum id quidem fas est voce testari,
Μέγα χαῖρε ῥίζα κόσμου. Longum salve, radix mundi,
70 Μέγα χαῖρε, κέντρον ὄντων, Longum salve, centrum rerum,
Μονὰς ἀμβρότων ἀριθμῶν, Unitas divinorum numerorum,
Προανουσίων ἀνάκτων. Substantia carentium regum.
Μέγα χαίροις, μέγα χαίροις Longum salve, longum salve,
Ὅτι πὰρ Θεῷ τὸ χαίρειν. Quia penes Deum gaudia.
Ἐπ’ ἐμοῖς ἵλαον οὖας Ad meorum propitias aures
Τάνυσον χοροῖσιν ὕμνων. Pandito festivitatem carminum,
Σοφίας ἄνοιγε φέγγος. Sapientiae pandito lucem.
Κατάχει κύδιμον ὄλβον, Largitor illustrem felicitatem,
Κατάχει χάριν λιπῶσαν Largitor decus splendidum
80 Βιοτᾶς γαληνιώσας, Vitae tranquillae;
Πενίαν ἐκτὸς ἐλαύνων, Paupertatem foras pellens,
Χθονίαν τε κῆρα πλοῦτου. Terrenamque pestem divitiarum.
Μελέων ἔρυκε νούσους Ab artubus arceto morbos,
Παθέων δ’ ἄκοσμον ὁρμὰν, Et libidinum foedum impetum:
Φρενοκηδεῖς τε μερίμνας Edacesque animi curas
Ἀπό μοι ζωᾶς ἐρύκοις, A mea vita propulsa;
Ἵνα μὴ τὸ νοῦ πτέρωμα Ne mentis ala
Ἐπιβρίσῃ χθονὸς ἄτα. Gravatae in terram decidant,
Ἀνετὸν δὲ ταρσὸν αἴρων Sed liberas pennas tollens,
90 Περὶ σᾶς ὄργια βλάστας In tui sacris Nati
Τὰ πανάρρητα χορεύσω. Arcanis saltem.
The Third Song

Come, my soul,
Throw yourself
Into holy hymns
And put to sleep
The prick of passions
Born of the body.
Arm the powerful
Drives of the mind.
For the King of the gods
We weave a wreath,
10 A bloodless sacrifice,
A libation of verse.
You in the sea,
You above the isles,
You in the country
And in the cities,
In the rocky mountains
And over the famous,
When in the fields
I set the twin
20 Flats of my feet,
You, blessed one, I sing,
Creator of the cosmos.
The night leads me to you,
Your sacred singer, my King.
To you daily,
To you at dawn,
To you at vespers
I bring my songs.
The beams of the brilliant
30 Stars bear witness,
The courses of the moon,
And great is the witness
Of the sun, governor
Of the blessed stars,
Sacred treasurer
Of holy souls.
To your halls,
To the folds of your robe,
40 Away from extended matter,
I raise my wings
And rejoice to come
To your approach.
Now to the holy
Shrine of sacred
50 In supplication I come.
Now to the great
Desert valley
Of Libya I come,
The southern border,
Which no godless
Spirit defiles
And no step of men
With cares of the city
60 Where your soul,
Purified of passions,
Freed from desire,
Desists from labors,
Ceases from weeping,
From anger and dispute
(which are born of the heart)
Shakes them off,
And with purified tongue
And holy thought
70 Gives the hymn
Owed in return.
Silence now,
Ether and earth!
Let the sea stand still.
Let the air stand still.
Desist, spotty
Gusts of winds.
Cease, blasts
Of rolling waves,
80 Rushing rivers,
Let silence seize
The hollow cosmos
While I offer
My holy hymns
In sacrifice.
Let the slithering serpents
Sink underground,
And let the winged dragon
Sink underground,
90 The demon of matter
Cloud of the soul,
Who takes joy in idols,
Who shouts out orders
With the prayers of a puppy.
You, Father, you, blessed one,
You who consumes my soul
Ward off the dogs
Far from my soul,
From my prayer,
100 From my life,
From my works.
But let our
Libation of the heart
Occupy your
Most honored ministers,
The wise ferrymen
Of sacred songs.
Now I am borne
To the starting line
110 of sacred song.
Now resounds
A voice about my mind.
Blessed one, favor me.
Father, favor me
If beyond the cosmetics,
If beyond measure
I touch your truth.
Whose eye is so wise,
Whose eye is so great,
120 That when stopped
By your thunderbolts
It will not close?
To look intently
Upon your fires
Is illegal even for gods.
The mind falls
From your watchtower
But fawns on what is close.
130 To reach the unreachable,
To gaze at the radiance
In the unresting depth,
Departing the untrodden,
It fixes the strength
Of its eye on the Form
That first appears.
From your songs
It plucks
140 Flowers of light,
To halt the blast
Of the boundless winds,
To return what is yours to you.
For what is not yours, King?
Of all fathers
The Father, the Father himself,
Before-Father, Without-Father,
Son of yourself.
Unity before unity,
150 Seed of beings,
Center of all things,
Mind before substance,
Root of the cosmos,
Light that illuminates
The first-born beings,
Reality of wisdom,
Spring of wisdom,
Mind hidden
By its own radiance,
Eye of yourself,
Master of hurricanes,
Parent of eternity,
Life of eternity,
Beyond gods,
Beyond intellects,
Bestower to others,
Mind who begets minds,
Conductor of gods,
Creator of spirits,
170 And sustainer of souls.
Spring of springs,
Principle of principles,
Root of roots,
You are monad of monads,
Number of numbers,
Monad and number,
Intellect and intellectual,
Both the intelligible
And before intelligible,
180 One and all,
One but all,
And one before all,
Seed of all,
Root and shoot,
Nature of intellectuals,
Female and male,
And mystic mind
Says both this and that
While dancing about
190 The ineffable depth.
You are begetter,
You are begotten,
You are illuminator,
You are illuminated,
You are seen,
You are hidden
By your own radiance.
One and all,
One in and of itself
200 And throughout all.
For you emanate,
Ineffable Father,
To beget the Son,
Glorious wisdom,
You emanate but remain
In indivisible divisions
I sing you, Monad.
210 I sing you, Triad.
You are monad yet triad.
You are triad yet monad.
Intellectual division
Contains the distinct
Still undistinguished.
You emanate into the Son
By the will of wisdom.
But the will itself
Blooms mediating
220 Nature unutterable,
Being something before being.
It is not lawful to say
What follows from you.
It is not lawful to say
What is third from the first.
Sacred throes,
Ineffable offspring.
You are the limit of natures,
Of begetter
230 And begotten.
I revere the secret
Order of intellectuals,
Which mediates
But does not emanate.
Unutterable offspring
Of the Father unutterable,
The throes are thanks to you,
And thanks to the throes
You become manifest yourself,
240 Appearing at once with the Father,
By the will of the Father.
You are always the will
By the side of the Father.
Not even deep-flowing
Time knows your
Ineffable offspring.
Nor does the ancient
Age know your
Unwound son.
250 At once with the Father he appears,
Forever born,
Who will be born.
Who in unspeakable matters
Manages the boldness
Of blind mortals,
The godless boldness
Of crafty tongues?
But you are the giver of light,
The light of the mind.
260 From twisted deception
You protect the hearts
Of holy mortals,
From drowning
In shady matter.
You, Father of worlds,
Father of ages,
Creator of gods yourself,
It is pious to praise.
You the intellectuals
270 Sing, King!
You guides of the world
With luminous eyes sing,
Stellar intellects
Sing, blessed one,
Around whom a glorious
Body dances.
Every generation
Of the blessed sings you,
Those around the cosmos,
280 Those within the cosmos,
Those in the zones,
And those outside the zones.
Wise watchmen
The lots of the cosmos,
Some beside the glorious
Whom the angelic
Chain emanates;
290 Also the illustrious
Race of heroes,
Which passes through
The works of mortals,
Mortal works,
By secret ways;
And the soul unbending
And declining
Into the mass of earth.
300 You blessed nature
And the offspring of nature
Sing, blessed one,
Whom you follow
With fruitful breezes,
From your channels
Sweeping down
And rolling forward.
For you are the leader
Of immaculate worlds,
You are the nature of natures.
You warm nature,
The origin of mortals,
The image
Of the everlasting.
Hence even the lowest
Region in the cosmos
Receives the lot
Of life in alternation.
For it was not right
320 That the lees of the cosmos
Contend with the peaks,
And the general arrangement
Of the chorus of beings
Will perish no more.
But all things benefit,
One from another
And through each other,
From those that perish.
The eternal cycle
330 By your winds
Is kindled again
And raises dances
To you throughout all.
Mother nature,
By her own colors,
By her own works,
Is craftily fashioned.
But from animals
Of varied speech
340 She produces one
Concordant harmony.
To you all things bear
Unaging praise:
Morning and night
Lightning, snowstorms,
Heaven, ether,
And the roots of earth,
Water, air,
All bodies,
350 All spirits,
Seeds, fruits,
Plants and grasses,
Roots, fodder,
Beasts and birds
And schools of children
That swim the sea.
Behold, even the soul
Of little might,
Of little power
360 In your Libya,
In your sacred
For holy prayers.
A material cloud
Attends it,
But your eye, Father,
Breaks the matter.
Now my heart
370 Waxing fat
With your hymns
Sharpens the wit
With a drive of fire.
But you, King, light
The anagogic light.
Grant, Father, that
Fleeing the body
My soul not sink
Into blind earth.
380 So long as I remain
In the chains
Of the material life,
May a gentle fortune,
Blessed one, feed me.
May headwinds
Not blow, eating
The life of the mind
With troubling cares,
390 Lest I not be free
For the things of God
But wallow
In such things.
Fleeing thence
To your gifts,
From sacred meadows
I weave this crown for you.
To you I offer this song
Of Linus, O leader
400 Of immaculate worlds,
And to the Son of wisdom
With wisdom itself.
You emanate the Son
From the ineffable folds
Of your robe.
In you he remains
From you he springs
So the winds of wisdom
May follow all things.
He crosses the depth
410 Of the ancient ages.
He crosses the flats
Of the craggy cosmos
All the way to the lowest
Bottom of beings,
The lot of the earth,
And shines
In the souls of the holy.
He frees from the labors
And cares
420 Of living mortals,
The lord of goods
Driver of distress.
What is the wonder if God,
Creator of the cosmos,
Wards off ruin
From his own works?
For this I come
To pay you back,
Lord of the great cosmos,
430 A debt from Thrace,
Where three years
I lived in the district
By the king’s court,
The house of the earth.
I suffered labors,
I suffered distress
Long wept,
Bearing on my shoulders
My mother fatherland.
440 I sprinkled the earth
With the sweat of my limbs
Day after day.
I sprinkled my bed
With the trickling tears
Of weeping eyes,
Night after night,
However many temples
Were built, King.
450 For your sacred
I went everywhere.
A suppliant on my face,
I wet the floor
With the beads on my brows,
So no empty road
Meet me.
I supplicated gods,
Ministers as many
As possess the fertile
460 Plain of Thrace,
And those on the opposite coast
In Chalcedon
Attend the lands
That you crowned,
King, with angelic
Radiance, your
Sacred ministers.
With me the blessed men
470 Took up prayers,
With me they took up
Many toils.
My life was not
Then pleasant
Because of my fatherland
Which you raised, King,
From distress,
You yourself eternal
480 Lord of the cosmos.
Already my soul
Is wearing out,
Already my limbs
Are wasting away.
You support my
Bodily strength.
You breath power
Into my suffering soul.
490 I have found a sweet
End of toils
In my spirit
For my work, King,
Giving pause
To my long labor.
You, blessed one,
Save all in Libya
For the long
Thread of time,
For its remembrance
500 Of your beneficence,
For its soul
That has suffered terribly.
Grant your suppliant
A safe life.
Deliver me from toils,
Deliver me from illness,
Deliver me from cares
That lead to death.
Allow your servant
510 A life of the mind.
Do not reserve, my King,
Showers of earthly
Wealth for me,
So I have no time
For the things of God.
May the lowered
Eyes of poverty
Not haunt my house
And draw my thoughts
520 Down to the ground.
Both weigh
The soul to the earth.
Both make
The mind forget
Where you, blessed one,
Send strength.
Yes, Father, font
Of holy wisdom,
Shine on my heart
530 From the folds
Of your robes
With intellectual light.
Strike my heart
With the bolt of wisdom
From your force.
Give me a sign,
A sacred way to you,
Your seal,
And drive from my life
540 And from my prayer
The demon of matter
That leads to death.
Keep my body
Sound, undefiled
By hateful disgrace,
And keep my spirit
Unpolluted, King.
I certainly now
Bear the dark
550 Stain of matter.
I am clutched by the passions,
Chains of the earth.
But you are savior,
You are purifier.
Deliver me from evils,
Deliver me from illness,
Deliver me from fetters.
I bear your seed,
The spark
560 Of a well-born mind
Laid low
In the depth of matter.
For you put
My soul in the cosmos,
And through my soul
You sowed, King,
My mind in body.
Pity, blessed one,
Your daughter.
570 I descended from you
To serve the earth as serf.
But instead of serf
I have become a slave.
Matter has chained me
With the arts of magic.
Yet in me still
Lies a certain small power,
A secret eye.
It has not yet lost
580 All its strength.
A great wave
Has poured down from above,
My vision of God.
Pity, Father,
Your suppliant daughter,
Whom many times now,
Starting up
The ascents of the mind,
590 The desire for gluttonous
Matter choked.
But you, King, illuminate
The anagogic ways of light.
Kindle the flame
And fire.
Grow the little
Seed in the flower
Of my mind.
Seat me, Father,
600 In the force of your life-
Giving light,
Where nature does not
Lay a hand,
Where the earth is no more,
And spinning
Fate does not
Bring necessity back.
Let the source of deception
Leave, let it flee
610 Your servant.
Between me, Father,
And the turmoil of the earth
May your fire intervene.
Allow, Father,
Allow your minister
Already to spread
The wings of his mind.
Let my suppliant soul
Already bear
620 The Father’s seal,
A terror to enemy
Demons, who spring
Up from secret
And inspire mortals
With godless desires;
A token to your
Sacred servants,
630 Who in the depths
Of the glorious cosmos
Bear the keys
Of the ascents of fire,
So they open to me
The gates of light.
Though I still creep
Upon the empty earth,
May I not be of the earth,
But even here grant
640 That your fruit bear witness
To your works of fire
With the voices of truth
And whatever warms
The hope for immortality
In souls.
As for me, I am concerned
With life on earth.
Away, spirits
Of godless worries
And the power of states.
650 Away, all
Sweet distraction
And grace without grace,
By which the earth
Holds the soul
With flattery.
Deeply miserable,
The soul drank the Lethe
Of its proper goods
Until it fell into
660 An envious lot.
For pandering matter
Possesses twin lots.
One person reaches
For the table
And touches sweet treats.
He will weep deeply
His bitter lot
When their opposites
Soon draw him along.
670 This law of earthly
Necessity fills
The life of mortals
From two wine jars.
The one is pure
And unmixed good,
God or the things of God.
Drunk with the sweet
Cup, I touched
The rim of evils,
680 I fell in the spring,
I knew the illusion
Of Epimetheus.
I hate wishy
Washy laws.
Hastening to the care-
Free meadow of the Father,
I stretch my fleeing
Feet, fleeing the twin
690 Gifts of matter.
See me, Dispenser
Of intellectual life.
See your suppliant
Soul on earth
Start up
The intellectual ascents.
But you, King, illuminate
The ascending ways of light
And grant me light wings.
700 Cut the rope,
Loosen the bond
Of the twin passions,
By which wily
Nature bends souls
Back to earth.
Permit me to flee
The illusion of the body,
To leap quickly
To your halls,
710 To the folds
Of your robe,
Where the spring
Of the soul flows forth.
The stream of heaven
Has poured down on the earth.
Give me to the spring
Whence I emanated,
An exile, a wanderer.
Permit me to mingle
With the first-born light.
720 Permit me beneath you,
Father, to offer,
Together with the King’s chorus,
A pious presentation
Of my intellectual hymns.
Permit me, Father,
To mingle with your light,
No more to sink
Into the blindness of the earth.
So long as I remain
730 In the chains
Of material life,
May I be fed, Blessed one,
By a gentle fortune.


Ἄγε μοι, ψυχὰ, Eia mihi, o anima,

Ἱεροῖς ὕμνοις Sacra carmina
Ἐπιβαλλομένα, Agressa,
Ὑληγενέας Corporeos
Εὔνασον οἴστρους. Sopito oestros:
Θώρησσε δὲ νόου Acue mentis
Ζαμενεῖς ὁρμάς. Celeres motus.
Βασιλῆι θεῶν Regi deorum
Πλέκομεν στέφανον. Nectimus coronam,
10 Θῦμ’ ἀναίμακτον, Hostiam incruentam,
Ἐπέων λοιβάς. Carminum libamina.
Σὲ μὲν ἐν πελάγει, Te in mari,
Σὲ δ’ ὑπὲρ νάσων, Te super insulis,
Σὲ δ’ ἐν ἀπείροις, Te in continenti,
Ἐπί τε πτολίων, Inque urbibus,
Κραναῶν τ’ ὀρέων, Asperisque montibus,
Καὶ κατὰ κλεινῶν Et super inclytis
Ὁπόταν πεδίων Cum campis
Στάσω διδύμους Statuam geminas 320
20 Γύων ταρσοὺς, Pedum plantas,
Σὲ, μάκαρ, μέλπω, Te, beate, canam,
Γενέτα κόσμου. Genitor mundi.
Σοὶ νύξ με φέρει Tibi nox me ducit
Τὸν ἀοιδὸν, Ἄναξ. Vatem, o Rex:
Σοὶ δ’ ἀμερίους, Tibi diurnal,
Σοὶ δ’ ἀῴους, Tibi matutina,
Σοὶ δ’ ἑσπερίους Tibi vespertina
Ὕμνους ἀνάγω. Carmina feram.
Ἵστορες αὐγαὶ Testes fulgores
30 Πολιῶν ἄστρων, Micantium siderum,
Μάνας τε δρόμοι, Lunaeque cursus,
Καὶ μέγας ἵστωρ Et ingens testis
Ἅλιος, ἁγνῶν Sol, purarum
Ἄστρων πρύτανις, Stellarum moderator,
Ὁσίων ψυχᾶν Piarum animarum
Ἅγιος ταμίας. Sanctus arbiter.
Ἐπὶ σὰς αὐλὰς, Ad tua atria,
Ἐπὶ σοὺς κόλπους Ad tuos sinus
Τὸν ἀπόστροφον Aversas
40 Ταναᾶς ὕλας A vasta hyla
Ταρσὸν ἐλαφρίζων, Alas sublevans,
Χαίρων ἵνα σου Laetus ut ad tuum
Προμολὰν ἱκομαν. Vestibulum pervenirem.
Νῦν ἐπὶ σεμνᾶς Nunc ad venerandorum
Τελετηφορίας Sacrorum
Σηκοὺς ἁγίους Templa sancta
Ἱκέτας ἔμολον. Supplex venio.
Νῦξ ἐπὶ κλεινὼν Nunc ad inclytorum
Κορυφὰν ὀρέων Verticem montium
50 Ἱκέτας ἔμολον. Supplex venio:
Νῦν ἐς ἐρήμας Nunc ad desertae
Αὐλῶνα μέγαν Convallem ingentem
Λιβύας ἔμολον, Libyae venio:
Πέζαν νοτίαν. Oram australem,
Τὰν οὔτ’ ἄθεον Quam neque impius
Πνεῦμα μολύνει, Flatus polluit:
Οὔτε χαράσσει Nec signat
Ἴχνος ἀνθρώπων Vestigium hominum
Ἀστυμερίμνων. Urbana curantium.
60 Ἵνα σοι ψυχὰ Ubi tibi anima
Καθαρὰ παθέων, Pura affectuum,
Λύσασα πόθους, Soluta cupiditatibus,
Λήξασα πόνων, Desinens a laboribus,
Λήξασα γόων, Cessans a luctibus,
Θυμῶν, ἐρίδων, Ira, contentionibus, 321
(Ὅσα κηριτρεφῆ) (Quae in corde aluntur)
Ἀποσεισαμένα, Ea excutiens,
Καθαρᾷ γλώσσᾳ, Pura lingua,
Γνώμῃ θ’ ὁσίᾳ Menteque sancta
70 Τὸν ὀφειλόμενον Debita
Ὕμνον ἀποίσῃ. Carmina referat.
Εὐφαμείτω Pax sit
Αἰθὴρ καὶ γᾶ. In aethere et in terra:
Στάτω πόντος, Sistat mare,
Στάτω δ’ ἀήρ. Sistat aer:
Λήγετε, πνοαὶ Cessate, afflatus
Βαλίων ἀνέμων, Variorum ventorum ;
Λήγετε, ῥιπαὶ Cessate, impetus
Γυρῶν ῥοθίων, Curvatorum fluctuum,
80 Ποταμῶν προχοαὶ, Fluviorum cursus,
Κρανααὶ λιβάδες. Fontiumque lapsus.
Ἐχέτω σιγὰ Teneat silentium
Κόσμου λαγόνας, Mundi plagas,
Ἱερευομένων Dum sacrantur
Ἁγίων ὕμνων. Sancta carmina.
Δύτω κατὰ γᾶς Condant se sub terram
Ὀφίων συρμὸς, Serpentes sinuosi,
Δύτω κατὰ γᾶς Condat se sub terram
Καὶ πτανὸς ὄφις, Et alatus draco,
90 Δαίμων ὕλας, Daemon hylae,
Νεφέλα ψυχᾶς Nubes animae,
Εἰδωλοχαρὴς, Idolis gaudens,
Εὐχαῖς σκύλακας Adversus preces qui canes
Ἐπιθωῦσσων. Advocat.
Σὺ, Πάτερ, σὺ, μάκαρ, Tu, o Pater, tu, o beate,
Σὺ ψυχοβόρους Tu voraces animi
Ἀπέρυκε κύνας, Procul arceto canes
Ψυχᾶς ἀπ’ ἐμᾶς, Ab anima mea,
Εὐχᾶς ἀπ’ ἐμᾶς, A precibus meis,
100 Ζωᾶς ἀπ’ ἐμᾶς, A vita mea,
Ἔργων ἀπ’ ἐμῶν. A factis meis:
Ἁ δ’ ἁμετέρα At nostrae
Πραπίδων λοιβὰ Mentis libamen
Σοῖς ἐριτίμοις Tuis honoratissimis
Μελέτω προπόλοις, Curae sit ministris
Πορθμεῦσι σοφοῖς Sapientibus, qui ad te transmittunt
Ἁγίων ὕμνων. Sanctos hymnos.
Ἤδη φέρομαι Jam feror
Ἐπὶ βαλβίδας Ad carceres
110 Ἱερῶν ἐπέων. Sacrorum carminum:
Ἤδη καναχεῖ Jam strepit 322
Ὀμφὰ περὶ νοῦν. Oraculum in mente.
Μάκαρ, ἵλαθί μοι. O beate, esto propitius mihi:
Πάτερ, ἵλαθί μοι, O Pater, esto propitius mihi:
Εἰ παρὰ κόσμον, Si forte praeter decorum,
Εἰ παρὰ μοῖραν Si forte praeter modum
Τὼν σῶν ἔθιγον. Tua attrectavi.
Τίνος ὄμμα σοφὸν, Cujus oculus sapiens,
Τίνος ὄμμα πολὺ, Cujus acris acies,
120 Ταῖς σαῖς στεροπαῖς Tuis fulgoribus
Ἀνακοπτόμενον Repressa
Οὐ καταμύσει; Non perstringetur?
Ἀτενὲς δὲ δρακεῖν Intentis enim oculis intueri
Ἐπὶ σοὺς πυρσοὺς In tuas faces
Θέμις οὐδὲ θεοῖς. Licet ne diis quidem:
Πίπτων δὲ νόος Sed decidens mens
Ἀπὸ σᾶς σκοπιᾶς, De tua specula
Τὰ πέλας σαίνει. Proxima quaeque amplectitur:
Ἀκίχητα κιχεῖν Non vestigabilia vestigare
130 Ἐπιβαλλόμενος, Deum tentat,
Προσιδεῖν αἴγλαν Lucemque intueri
Ἀκάματι βυθῷ Immensa in profunditate
Ἀμαρυσσομέναν, Fulgentem,
Ἀβάτων δ’ ἀποβὰς, Ab inaccessis autem delapsa,
Ἐπὶ πρωτοφανὲς In primae lucis
Εἶδος ἐρείδει Specie figit
Ὄμματος ἀλκάν. Oculi aciem:
Ὅθεν αἰνύμενος Unde decerpens
Ἐπὶ σοὺς ὕμνους In tuas laudes
140 Ἄνθεα φωτὸς, Flores lucis,
Ἀορίστοις ἀνέμοις Vagorum ventorum
Ἀναπαύσαι βολὰν, Sedet flatus,
Τὰ σὰ σοὶ πάλι δοὺς. Tua tibi restituens.
Τί γὰρ οὐ σὸν, Ἄναξ; Quid enim non tuum, o Rex?
Πατέρων πάντων Patrum omnium
Πάτερ, αὐτοπάτωρ, Pater, Pater tuiipsius,
Προπάτωρ, ἀπάτωρ, Ante pater, sine patre,
Υἱὲ σεαυτοῦ. Fili tuiipsius:
Ἓν ἑνὸς πρότερον, Unitas unitate prior,
150 Ὄντων σπέρμα, Entium semen,
Πάντων κέντρον, Omnium centrum,
Προανούσιε νοῦ, Aeterna expers substantiae mens,
Κόσμου ῥίζα, Mundi radix,
Τῶν ἀρχεγόνων Rerum ab initio creatarum
Ἀμφιφαὲς φῶς, Lux undique collucens,
Ἀτρέκεια σοφὰ, Veritas sapiens,
Παγὰ σοφίας, Fons sapientiae 323
Κεκαλυμμένε νοῦ Mens tecta
Ἰδίαις αὐγαῖς, Propriis fulgoribus
160 Ὄμμα σεαυτοῦ, Ocule tuiipsius,
Πρηστηροκράτορ, Fulminum potens,
Αἰωνοτόκε, Saeculorum parens,
Αἰωνόβιε, Saeculorum vita,
Ἐπέκεινα θεῶν, Superans deos,
Ἐπέκεινα νόων, Superans mentes,
Ἐπὶ θάτερα νωμῶν In diversas partes versans,
Νοερητόκε νοῦ, Mentium parens mens,
Ὀχετηγὲ θεῶν, Originem praebens diis,
Πνευματοεργὲ, Spirituum opifex,
170 Καὶ ψυχοτρόφε. Et animarum altor.
Παγὰ παγῶν, Fons fontium,
Ἀρχῶν ἀρχὰ, Principiorum principium,
Ῥιζῶν ῥίζα. Radicum radix:
Μονὰς εἶ μονάδων, Unitas es unitatem,
Ἀριθμῶν ἀριθμὸς, Numerorum numerus,
Μονὰς ἠδ’ ἀριθμὸς, Unitas et numerus,
Νοῦς καὶ νοερὸς, Intelligentia, et intelligens,
Καὶ τὸ νοητὸν, Et quod intelligi potest,
Καὶ πρὸ νοητοῦ, Et ante id quod potest intelligi,
180 Ἓν καὶ πάντα, Unum et omnia,
Ἓν δὲ ἁπάντων, Unum autem omnium,
Ἓν τε πρὸ πάντων, Et unum ante omnia,
Σπέρμα τὸ πάντων, Semen omnium,
Ῥίζα καὶ ὅρπαξ, Radix, et summus ramus,
Φύσις ἐν νοεροῖς, Natura inter intelligentias,
Θῆλυ καὶ ἄρρεν. Femina et mas.
Μύστας δὲ νόος Mystica autem mens
Τά τε καὶ τὰ λέγει, Haec atque illa dicit,
Βυθὸν ἄρρητον Profunditatem ineffabilem
190 Ἄμφιχορεύων. Circa ducens choreas.
Σὺ τὸ τίκτον ἔφυς, Tu es quod parit,
Σὺ τὸ τικτόμενον, Tu es quod paritur,
Σὺ τὸ φωτίζον, Tu, qui illustras,
Σὺ τὸ λαμπόμενον, Tu, qui illustraris:
Σὺ τὸ φαινόμενον, Tu, qui appares,
Σὺ τὸ κρυπτόμενον Tu, qui occultaris
Ἰδίαις αὐγαῖς, Propriis fulgoribus
Ἓν καὶ πάντα Unum, et omnia,
Ἓν καθ’ ἑαυτὸ, Unum in teipso,
200 Καὶ διὰ πάντων. Et per omnia.
Σὺ γὰρ ἐξεχύθης, Tu enim effusus es,
Ἀρρητοτόκε, Ineffabili modo nate,
Ἵνα Παῖδα τέκῃς, Ut Filium pareres, 324
Κλεινὰν σοφίαν, Inclytam sapientiam,
Δημιοεργόν. Rerum omnium opificem,
Προχυθεὶς δὲ μένεις Profusus autem manes
Ἀτόμοισι τόμαις Individuis sectionibus
Μαιευόμενος. Obstetricatus.
Ὑμνῶ σε, μονάς. Cano te, unitas:
210 Ὑμνῶ σε, τριάς. Cano te, Trinitas.
Μονὰς εἶ, τριὰς ὦν. Unitas es, trinitas cum sis :
Τριὰς εἶ, μονὰς ὦν. Trinitas es, unitas cum sis.
Νοερὰ δὲ τομὰ Quae autem intellectu percipitur sectio
Ἄσχιστον ἔτι Indivisum adhuc
Τὸ μερισθὲν ἔχει. Quod divisum est, tenet.
Ἐπὶ Παιδὶ χυθεὶς In Filium effusus
Ἰότατι σοφᾷ. Consilio sapienti.
Αὐτὰ δ’ ἰότας Ipsum autem consilium
Βλάστησε μέσα Natum est media
220 Φύσις ἄφθεγκτος, Natura ineffabilis,
Τὸ προούσιον ὄν. Quae est ante naturas omnes.
Οὐ θέμις εἰπεῖν Nefas (est) dicere
Δεύτερον ἐκ σοῦ. Secundum abs te.
Οὐ θέμις εἰπεῖν Nefas (est) dicere
Τρίτον ἐκ πρώτου. Tertium a primo.
Ὠδὶς ἱερὰ, Partus sacer,
Ἄρρητε γονά. Ineffabilis fetus.
Ὅρος εἶ φυσίων Terminus es naturarum
Τᾶς τικτοίσας, Parientis,
230 Καὶ τικτομένας. Et partae.
Σέβομαι νοερῶν Veneror intellectualium
Κρυφίαν τάξιν. Arcanum ordinem.
Χωρεῖ τι μέσον Capiunt hae medium quiddam
Οὐ καταχυθέν. Non (extrinsecus) infusum.
Ἄφθεγκτε γόνε Ineffabilis proles
Πατρὸς ἀφθέγκτου, Patris ineffabilis,
Ὠδὶς διὰ σὲ, Partus propter te,
Διὰ δ’ ὠδῖνος Per partum autem
Αὐτὸς ἐφάνθης, Tu es in lucem editus
240 Ἅμα Πατρὶ φανεὶς, Una cum Patre editus
Ἰότατι Πατρός. Consilio Patris:
Ἰότας σὺ ἀεὶ Consilium autem tu (es) semper
Παρὰ σεῖο Πατρί. Apud tuum Patrem.
Οὐδ’ ὁ βαθύρρους Ne immensum quidem
Χρόνος οἶδε γονὰς Tempus novit ortus
Τὰς ἀρρητους. Tuos ineffabiles,
Αἰὼν δὲ γέρων Saeculumque vetus,
Τὸν ἀμήρυτον Nulla temporis serie textum 325
Τόκον οὐκ ἐδάη. Partum non cognovit.
250 Ἅμα Πατρὶ φάνη, Una cum Patre apparuit
Αἰὼν γενόμενος Semper natus
Ὁ γενησόμενος. Qui nasciturus erat.
Τίς ἐπ’ ἀφθέγκτοις Quis in rebus inenarrabilibus
Ἐβράβευσε τόλμαν Acuit audaciam, tanquam proposito
Ἀλαῶν μερόπων, Caecorum hominum praemio?
Δαιδαλογλώσσων Varia loquentium
Ἄθεοι τόλμαι; Impiae audaciae (sunt).
Σὺ δὲ φωτοδότας Tu autem lucis largitor,
Φωτὸς νοεροῦ. Lucis intelligibilis:
260 Σκολιᾶς δ’ ἀπάτας Obliqua et a fraude
Ἀνέχεις ὁσίων Abducis sanctorum
Πραπίδας μερόπων, Mentes hominum,
Ἐς ζόφον ὕλας In tenebris hylae
Μὴ καταδῦναι. Ne demergantur.
Σὲ, Πάτερ κόσμων, Te, Pater mundorum,
Πάτερ αἰώνων, Pater saeculorum,
Αὐτουργὲ θεῶν, Opifex divorum,
Εὐαγὲς αἰνεῖν. Fas est laudare.
Σὲ μὲν οἱ νοεροὶ Te quidem intelligentiae
270 Μέλπουσιν, Ἄναξ, Canunt, o Rex;
Σὲ δὲ κοσμαγοὶ Te mundi rectores,
Ὀμματολαμπεῖς Oculi fulgentes,
Νόες ἀστέριοι Mentes sidereae
Ὑμνοῦσι, μάκαρ, Celebrant, o beate,
Οὓς περὶ κλεινὸν Quas circum inclytum
Σῶμα χορεύει. Corpus movetur,
Πᾶσα σε μέλπει Omnis te canit
Γενεὰ μακάρων, Coetus beatorum,
Οἱ περὶ κόσμον, Qui circa mundo,
280 Οἱ κατὰ κόσμον, Qui in mundo,
Οἱ ζωναῖοι, Qui in zonis,
Οἳ τ’ ἄζωνοι. Quique extra zonas.
Κόσμου μοίρας Mundi partes
Ἐφέπουσι σοφοὶ Gubernant sapientes
Ἀμφιβατῆρες, Ministri
Οἱ παρὰ κλεινοὺς Qui ad inclytos
Οἰηκοφόρους. Clavi gubernatores (stant) :
Οὓς ἀγγελικὰ Quos angelica
Προχέει σειρά. Profundit series.
290 Τό τε κυδῆεν Atque illustre
Γένος ἡρώων, Genus heroum
Ἔργα τὰ θνητῶν Opera mortalium
Κρυφίαισιν ὁδοῖς Occultis viis
Διανισσόμενον, Quod permeat,
Ἔργα βροτεια. Opera mortalia. 326
Ψυχά τ’ ἀκλινὴς Animaque non proclivis
Καὶ κλινομένα Et prona
Ἐς μελαναυγεῖς In caliginosos
Χθονίους ὄγκους. Terrenos globos.
300 Σὲ μάκαιρα φύσις Te, beata natura,
Φύσεώς τε γονὰ Naturaeque proles
Ὑμνέει, μάκαρ, Laudat, o beate
Τὰς ζειδώροις Quas almis
Ἐφέπεις πνοιαῖς, Regis auris,
Ἀπὸ σῶν ὀχετῶν De tuis canalibus
Κατασυρομέναις Deductas
Προκυλινδομέναις. (Et) provolutas.
Σὺ γὰρ ἀχράντων Tu namque immensi
Ἡγέτα κόσμων, Moderator mundi
310 Φύσις εἶ φυσίων. Natura es naturarum,
Σὺ φύσιν θάλπεις Tu naturam foves
Γένεσιν θνατῶν, Originem mortalium,
Τᾶς ἀενάω Immortalis
Ἰνδάλμονα, Imaginem.
Ἵνα καὶ πυμάτα Ut etiam ima
Μερὶς ἐν κόσμῳ Pars in mundo
Λελάχῃ ζωᾶς Sortiatur vitam
Ἐπαμειβομένας. Alternam.
Οὐ γὰρ θέμις ἦν Neque enim fas erat
320 Τρύγα τὰν κόσμου Faecem mundi
Κορυφαῖς ἐρίσαι. In summon vertice statuere.
Τὸ δὲ ταχθὲν ὅλως At quod statutum omnino
Ἐς χορὸν ὄντων, In coetu entium,
Οὐκέτ’ ὀλεῖται. Nunquam post hac interibit;
Ἄλλο δ’ ἀπ’ ἄλλου, Aliud vero ab alio
Διὰ δ’ ἄλλήλων, Mutua vicissitudine
Πάντ’ ἀπολαύει, Omnia fruuntur.
Ἐξ ὀλλυμένων. Rerum intereuntium
Κύκλος ἀΐδιος, Orbis aeternus,
330 Ταῖς σαῖς πνοιαῖς Tuo spiritu
Ἀναθαλπόμενος, Reviviscens,
Σοὶ διὰ πάντων Tibi per omnia
Ἵστησι χορούς. Statuit choreas.
Μάτειρα φύσις, Mater natura
Ἰδίαις χρόαις, Suis coloribus
Ἰδίοις ἔργοις Suis operibus
Δαιδαλλομένων. Picta variis.
Ἐκ δὲ ζώων Ex animantibus vero
Ἑτεροφθόγγων Diversa voce praeditis
340 Μίαν ἁρμονίαν Unum concentum tamen
Ὁμόφωνον ἄγει. Concordem tibi mittit. 327
Σοὶ πάντα φέρει Tibi omnia ferunt
Αἶνον ἀγήρων. Laudes perpetuas:
Ἀὼς καὶ νὺξ, Dies et nox,
Στεροπαὶ, νιφάδες, Fulgura, nives,
Οὐρανὸς, αἰθὴρ, Caelum, aether,
Καὶ γᾶς ῥίζαι, Et terrae radices,
Ὕδωρ, ἀὴρ, Aqua, aer,
Σώματα πάντα, Corpora omnia
350 Πνεύματα πάντα, Spiritus omnes,
Σπέρματα, κάρποὶ, Semina, fructus,
Φυτὰ καὶ πόαι, Plantae et gramina,
Ῥίζαι, βοτάναι, Radices, herbae
Βοτὰ καὶ πτηνὰ Pecora et volucres,
Καὶ νηχομένων Et natantium
Νεπόδων ἀγέλαι. Piscium greges.
Ἰδὲ καὶ ψυχὰν Respice et animam
Ὀλιγοδρανέα, Languentem,
Ὀλιγηπελέα Deficientem
360 Ἐπὶ σᾶς Λιβύας, In tua Libya,
Ἐπὶ σᾶς σεπτᾶς In tuis venerandis
Ἱερηπολίας Sacris,
Ὁσίαις εὐχαῖς Sanctis precibus
Ἐπιμελομέναν. Intentam:
Τὰν ἀμφιπολεῖ Quam circumdat
Νέφος ὑλαῖον. Nubes corporea:
Σὸν δὲ ὄμμα, Πάτερ, Sed tuus oculus, o Pater,
Κοπτικὸν ὕλας. Potest discutere nubem illam corpoream.
Νῦν μοι κραδία Nunc mihi animus
370 Τοῖς σοῖς ὕμνοις Tuis hymnis
Πιαινομένα Fecundatis,
Ἐθόωσε νόον Acuit mentem
Πυρίαις ὁρμαῖς. Igneis motibus:
Σὺ δὲ λάμψον, Ἄναξ, Tu autem, illustra, o Rex,
Ἀνάγωγα φάη. Lumina, ut caelestia suspiciant.
Νεῦσον δὲ, Πάτερ, Annue, Pater,
Σῶμα φυγοῖσαν Corpore ut elapse,
Μηκέτι δῦναι Non posthac mergatur
Ἐς χθονὸς ἄταν. In terrae noxa.
380 Ὄφρα δὲ ζωᾶς Sed quandiu vitae
Ὑλοδιαίτου Corporeae
Δεσμοῖσι μένω, In vinculis maneo,
Πραεῖα, μάκαρ, Placida, o beate,
Βόσκοι με τύχα. Alat me fortuna:
Μηδ’ ἐμπόδιον Neque adversa aura
Πνεύσειε, νόου Spiret, animi
Φροντίσι λυγραῖς Curis tristibus 328
Δάπτοισα βίον, Exedens vitam,
Ἵνα μὴ τὰ Θεοῦ Rebus divinis
390 Ἄσχολος εἴην Ut semper vacem,
Μηδέ τι τοίοις Neque in talibus
Ἐναλινδοίμαν. Voluter.
Ὅθεν ἐκπροφυγὼν Unde jam elapsus
Δώροισι τοῖς, Munificentia tua,
Στέφος εὐαγέων Coronam sanctis
Ἀπὸ λειμώνων Ex pratis
Σοὶ τοῦτο πλέκω. Tibi hanc necto:
Σοὶ τόνδε φέρω Tibi istas affero
Λῖνον, ἀχράντων Laudes, purorum
400 Ἡγέτα κόσμων, Principes mundorum
Καὶ Παιδί σοφῷ, Et Filio sapienti,
Σὺν αὐτᾷ σοφίᾳ. Una cum ejus Sapientia.
Τὸν ἀπ’ ἀρρήτων Quem ex ineffabili
Ἔχεας κόλπων. Effudisti sinu:
Ἐν σοὶ δὲ μένει, In te autem manet,
Σέθεν ἐκπροθορὼν, Ex te quamvis progenitus,
Ἵνα πάντα σοφαῖς Ut omnia sapienti
Ἐφέπῃ πνοιαῖς, Moderetur Spiritu:
Διέπη πολιῶν Moderetur vetustorum
410 Βάθος αἰώνων, Profunditatem saeculorum,
Διέπῃ ταρτοὺς Moderetur oras
Κραναοῦ κόσμου, Immensi mundi,
Μέχρι καὶ νεάτου Usque ad imum
Πυθμένος ὄντων, Fundum entium
Χθονίας μοίρας, Terrenae portionis
Ὁσίαις πραπίσιν Piorum animis
Ἐλλαμπόμενος. Affulgens:
Λύῃ δὲ πόνους, Solvit autem labores,
Καὶ μερίμνας Et curas
420 Διερῶν μερόπων, Miserorum mortalium,
Ἀγαθῶν κράντωρ, Auctor bonorum,
Ἐλατὴρ ἀχέων. Propulsator dolorum.
Τί δὲ θαῦμα, Θεὸν Quid vero mirum est, Deum
Τὸν κοσμοτέχναν, Mundi opificem,
Ἰδίων ἔργων A suis operibus
Κῆρας ἐρύκειν? Mala arcere?
Τόδε σοι, μεγάλου Hoc tibi, ingentis
Κοίρανε κόσμου, Rex mundi,
Τίσων ἔμολον Persoluturus venio
430 Χρέος ἐκ Θρῄκης Votum debitum ex Thracia,
Ἵνα τὰν τριέτιν Ubi per triennium
ᾬκησα ἀγυιὰν, Habitavi in vicinia,
Παρ’ ἀνακτόριον Prope regias 329
Γαίας μέλαθρον. Terrae aedes:
Ἕτλαν δὲ πόνους Tulique labors,
Ἔτλαν δ’ ὀδύνας Tuli cruciatus
Πολυδακρύτους, Valde lacrymabiles,
Ὤμοισι φέρων Humeris ferens
Ματέρα πάτραν. Matrem patriam.
440 Ῥαίνετο μὲν γᾶ Rigabatur tellus
Ἰδρῶτι μελῶν Artuum sudore
Ἀεθλευόντων Decertantium
Ἆμαρ ἐπ’ ἆμαρ. De die in diem:
Ῥαίνετο δ’ εὐνὰ Rigabatur lectus
Κανθῶν λιβάσιν Oculorum rivis
Ὁλοφυρομένων Plorantium
Νύκτ’ ἐπὶ νύκτα De nocte in noctem.
Νηοὶ δ’ ὁπόσοι Templa vero quotquot
Δόμηθεν, Ἄναξ. Exstructa sunt, o Rex,
450 Ἐπὶ σαῖς ἁγίαις Ut tuis sanctis
Τελετηφορίαις, Serviant sacris,
Ἐπὶ πάντας ἔβαν. Omnia adii:
Πρηνὴς ἱκέτας, Procumbens supplex,
Δάπεδον βλεφάρων Solum palpebrarum
Δεύων νοτίσι, Rigans roribe
Μή μοι κενεὰν Ne mihi inane
Ὁδὸν ἀντάσαι. Iter contingeret.
Ἱκέτευσα θεοὺς Supplex oravi deos,
Δρηστῆρας ὅσοι Ministros quotquot
460 Γόνιμον Θρῄκης Fecundum Thraciae
Κατέχουσι πέδον, Tenent solum,
Οἵ τ’ ἀντιπέρην Quique ex opposita continenti
Χαλκηδονίας Chalcedoniis
Ἐφέπουσι γυίας, Praesident arvis,
Οὓς ἀγγελικαῖς Quos angelicis
Ἔστεψας, Ἄναξ, Coronasti, o Rex,
Αὐγαῖσι, τεοῦς Fulgoribus, tuos
Ἱεροὺς προπόλους. Sacros ministros.
Σύν μοι μάκαρες Hi meas beati
470 Ἐλάβοντο λιτᾶν, Adjuverunt preces:
Σύν μοι πολέων Hi meos multos
Ἐλάβοντο πόνων. Adjuverunt labores.
Οὔ μοι ζωὰ Non mihi vita
Τᾶμος δὲ φίλα Tunc erat grata
Διὰ γᾶν πατρίαν Propter tellurem patriam
Στυφελιζομέναν, Vexatam,
Τὰν ἐξ ἀχέων Quam ex maerore
Ἔστασάς, Ἄναξ, Excitasti, o Rex,
Αὐτὸς ἀγήρως Ipse qui senio subjectus non es, 330
480 Κοίρανε κόσμου. Rector mundi
Ἤδη ψυχᾶς Dum jam anima
Ἀποτρυομένας, Deficeret,
Ἤδη μελέων Dum jam artus
Κατερειπομένων. Collaberentur,
Ὑπέρεισας ἐμὰν Suffulsisti meam
Ἄρθρων δύναμιν, Articulorum vim,
Τλάμονι ψυχᾷ Miserae animae
Μένος ἐμπνεύσας. Vim inspirans:
Καμάτων δὲ γλυκὺ Laborum autem dulcem
490 Εὕρεο τέκμωρ, Invenisti finem,
Κατὰ θυμὸν ἐμὸν, Ex animo meo,
Ἔργοισιν, Ἄναξ, Negotiis, o Rex,
Ὄπάσας δολιχῶν Praebens longorum
Ἄμπαυμα πόνων. Requiem laborum.
Τὰ σὺ πάντα, μάκαρ, Quae tu omnia, o beate,
Λἰβύεσσι σάου Afris conserva
Ἐς μηκεδανὸν Ad longam
Μήρυμα χρόνου, Seriem temporis,
Διά σᾶς μνάμαν Ob tui memoriam
500 Εὐεργεσίας, Beneficii
Διά τε ψυχὰν Et propter animam
Αἰνὰ παθοῖσαν. Gravia passam.
Ἱκέτᾳ δὲ δίδου Supplici autem da
Βιοτὰν ἀσινῆ. Vitam innoxiam:
Λύε με μόχθων, Libera me laboribus,
Λύε με νούσων, Libera me morbis,
Λύε μεριμνᾶν Libera me curis,
Κηριτρεφέων. Quae animos edunt:
Νεῦσον νοερὰν Annue intellectualem
510 Προπόλῳ ζωάν. Servo vitam.
Μή μοι χθονίους Ne mihi terrenos
Ὄμβρους ἀφένου Imbres divitiarum
Κρίνειας, Ἄναξ, Decernas, o Rex,
Ἵνα μὴ τὰ Θεοῦ Quo rebus divinis
Ἄσχολος εἴην. Vacem.
Μηδὲ κατηφὴς Neque tristis
Πενία μελάθροις Paupertas tectis
Ἐγχριπτομένα, Adhaerescens,
Περὶ γᾶν ἕλκοι Ad terram trahat
520 Φροντίδα θυμοῦ. Curas animi.
Ἄμφω ψυχὰν Utraque haec res animam
Βρίθει περὶ γᾶν. Deprimit ad terram,
Ἄμφω δὲ νόου Utraque mentis
Ἐπίληθα πέλει, Oblivionem affert,
Ὅτε μὴ σὺ, μάκαρ, Nisi tu, beate, 331
Ὀρέγοις ἀλκάν. Ministres vires.
Ναὶ, Πάτερ, ἁγνᾶς Nae, Pater, purae
Παγὰ σοφίας, Fons sapientiae,
Λάμψον πραπίσιν Illustra animum
530 Ἀπὸ σῶν κόλπων De tuo sinu
Νοερὸν φέγγος. Intellectuali luce.
Στράψον κραδίαν Illustra cor
Ἀπὸ σᾶς ἀλκᾶς Ex tua vi
Σοφίας αὐγάν. Sapientiae jubare:
Καὶ τάν ἐπὶ σοὶ Et ducentem ad te
Ἱερὰν ἀτραπὸν, Sacram viam
Σύνθημα δίδου, Tesseram dato,
Σφραγῖδα τεὰν, Signum tuum,
Κηριτρεφέας Qui vexant animos
540 Δαίμονος ὕλας Spiritus hylae
Σεύων ζωᾶς, Abigens a vita,
Εὐχᾶς τ’ ἀπ’ ἐμᾶς. Precibusque a meis:
Καὶ σῶμα σάου Et corpus conserva
Ἀρτεμὲς, ἐχθραῖς Incolume, infestis
Ἄβατον λώβαις. Inaccessum morbis:
Καὶ πνεῦμα σάου Et spiritum conserva
Ἀμόλυντον, Ἄναξ, Impollutum, o Rex.
Ἦ μὰν ἤδη Equidem nunc
Δνοφερὰν ὕλας Caliginosam hylae
550 Κηλῖδα φέρω. Maculam fero.
Ἔχομαι δὲ πόθοις, Teneor autem cupiditatibus,
Χθονίοις δεσμοῖς. Terrenis vinculis.
Σὺ δὲ ῥυσιος εἶ, Tu autem liberator es,
Σὺ καθάρσιος εἶ. Tu expiator es:
Ἀπόλυε κακῶν, Libera malis,
Ἀπόλυε νόσων, Libera morbis,
Ἀπόλυε πέδας. Libera compedibus.
Σὸν σπέρμα φέρω, Tuum semen fero ;
Εὐηγενέος Generosae
560 Σπινθῆρα νόου, Scintillam mentis,
Ἐς βάθος ὔλας in altitudine hylae
Κατακεκλιμένον. Absconditam.
Σὺ γὰρ ἐν κόσμῳ Tu enim in mundo
Κατέθου ψυχὰν, Deposuisti animam:
Διὰ δὲ ψυχᾶς Per animam vero
Ἐν σώματι νοῦν In corpore mentem
Ἔσπειρας, Ἄναξ. Sevisti, o Rex.
Τὰν σὰν κούραν Tuam filiam
Ἐλέαιρε, μάκαρ. Miseretor, o beate.
570 Κατέβαν ἀπὸ σοῦ Descendi abs te
Χθονὶ θητεῦσαι. Terrae ut famularer, 332
Ἀντὶ δὲ θήσσας Ex famula vero
Γενόμαν δούλα. Facta sum serva
Ὕλα με μάγοις Hyle me magicis
Ἐπέδησε τέχναις. Irretivit artibus.
Ἔτι μὰν ἔνι μοι Adhuc tamen insunt mihi
Βαιόν τι μένος Exiguae quaedam vires,
Κρυφίας γλήνας. Abditae pupillae;
Οὔπω πᾶσαν Nondum omnem
580 Ἔσβεσεν ἀλκάν. Restinxit vim:
Κέχυται δὲ πολὺς Sed circumfusa est multa
Ἐφυπερθε κλύδων, Superne tempestas,
Ἀλαῶπα τιθεὶς Caecam efficiens
Τὰν θεοδερκῆ. Quae in Deum aciem dirigit.
Ἐλέαιρε, Πάτερ, Miseretor, Pater,
Κούραν ἱκέτιν, Filiam supplicem,
Τὰν πολλάκι δὴ Quam saepius jam
Νοεραῖς ἀνόδοις Intellectuali ascensu
Ἐπιβαλλομέναν, Scandere (caelum) conantem
590 Λαμυρᾶς ὕλας Blandae hylae
Ἵμερος ἄγχει. Desiderium suffocate.
Σὺ δὲ λάμψον, Ἄναξ, Tu vero, illustra, o Rex,
Ἀνάγωγα φάη. Oculos ut ad caelestia se attollant.
ἅψον δὲ σέλας Accende ignem
καὶ πυρκαιὰν, Et incendium,
Σπέρμα τὸ βαιὸν Semen illud exiguum
Αὔξων ἐν ἐμῷ Alens in meo
Κρατὸς ἀώτῳ. Capitis apice.
Θρόνισόν με, Πάτερ, Colloca me, Pater,
600 Φωτὸς ἐν ἀλκᾷ Lucis in vi
Ζωηφορίου, Salutaris,
Ἵνα χεῖρα φύσις Quo manum natura
Οὐκ ἐπιβάλλει, Non injicit,
Ὅθεν οὐκέτι γᾶ, Unde non amplius terra,
Οὐ μοιραία Non Parcarum
Κλῶσις ἀνάγκας Fila necessitatis
Παλίνορσον ἄγει. Revocare possunt:
Λιπέτω, φυγέτω Linquat, fugiat
Δολερὰ γένεσις Turpidus ortus
610 Θεράποντα τεόν. Famulum tuum.
Ἐμέθεν δὲ, Πάτερ, Inter me, Pater,
Χθονίου τε κλόνου Terrenamque turbulentiam
Πῦρ μέσον εἴη. Ignis intercedat.
Νεῦσον, Γενέτα, Annue, Genitor,
Νεῦσον προπόλῳ Annue famulo
Ἤδη νοεροὺς Jam intellectuales
Πετάσαι ταρσούς. Pandere alas. 333
Ἤδη φερέτω Jam ferat
Σφραγῖδα Πατρὸς Signum Patris
620 Ἱκέτις ψυχὰ, Supplex anima,
Δεῖμα μὲν ἐχθροῖς Quod terreat quidem infestos
Δαίμοσιν, οἳ γᾶς Daemonas, qui terrae
Ἀπὸ κευθμώνων Ex latebris
Ἀναπαλλόμενοι Loca petentes supera,
Πνείουσι βροτοῖς Afflant mortalibus
Ἀθέους ὁρμάς. Impios conatus:
Σύνθημα δὲ σοῖς Signum autem tuis
Ἁγνοῖς προπόλοις, Sanctis famulis,
Οἳ κατὰ κλεινοῦ Qui in inclyti
630 Βένθεα κόσμου Sublimitate mundi
Πυρίων ἀνόδων Aetherei ascensus
Κληιδοφόροι, Clavigeri (sunt):
Ἵνα μοι φάεος Ut mihi lucis
Πετάσωσι πύλας. Aperiant portas.
Ἔτι δ’ ἀλεμάτας Dumque vana
Ἐπὶ γᾶς ἕρπων, In terra serpo,
Μὴ χθονὸς είην. Ne terrae sim:
Πυρίων δ’ ἔργων Sed aetheriorum operum
Καὶ τῇδε δίδου Ilic quoque da
640 Μάρτυρα καρπὸν, Testes fructus,
Ὀμφὰς ἀτρεκεῖς, Voces veridicas,
Ὅσα τ’ ἐν ψυχαῖς Et quaecumque in animis
Τὰν ἀμβροσίαν. Divinam
Ἐλπίδα θάλπει. Spem fovent.
Μετά μοι μέλεται Jam me poenitet
Χθονία βιοτᾶς. Terrenae vitae.
Ἔρρετε, λῆμαι Abite in malam rem, lippitudines
Ἀθέων μερόπων, Impiorum mortalium,
Πτολίων τε κράτη. Urbiumque opes:
650 Ἔρρετε, πᾶσαι Abite in malam rem, omnes
Ἄται γλυκεραὶ, Noxae blandae,
Ἄχαρίς τε χάρις, Ingratae gratiae,
Οἷσι ψυχὰν Quibus animam
Θωπευομέναν Allectam
Γᾶ λάτριν ἔχει. Terra servam retinet.
Ἃ μέγα δειλὰ, Quae valde misera,
Ἰδίων τ’ ἀγαθῶν Suorumque bonorum
Ἔπιεν λάθαν, Ebibit oblivionem,
Μέχρις ἐγκύρσῃ Donec inciderit
660 Φθονερᾷ μερίδι. Invidam in portionem.
Δοιὰς γὰρ ἔχει Geminas enim habet
Μαστρωπὸς ὕλα. Blanda (portiones) hyle.
Ὃς δὲ τραπέζας Qui autem in mensa 334
Ἐπορεξάμενος Porrecta manu
Μελιχρῶν ἔθιγεν. Epulas dulces attigit.
Ἦ μέγα κλαύσει Eum valde sane poenitebit
Πικρὰν μερίδα, Acerbae portionis
Τῶν ἀντίξων Contrariis ponderibus
Συνεφελκομένων. Eum detrahentibus.
670 Ὅδε γὰρ χθονίας Haec enim terrenae
Θεσμὸς ἀνάγκας Lex necessitatis,
Διχόθεν θνατοῖς Binis ex crateribus, mortalibus
Βίον οἰνοχοεῖ. Vitam fundit.
Τὸ δ’ ἀκηράσιον Purum autem
Ἀμιγές τ’ ἀγαθὸν, Impermistumque bonum,
Θεὸς, ἢ τὰ Θεοῦ. Deus, vel res divinae.
Μεθύοισα γλυκεῖ Inebriata dulci
Κρητῆρι, γυίας Cratere, oras
Ἔψαυσα κακῶν, Attigi malorum,
680 Ἐνέκυρσα πάγᾳ, Incidi in cassem,
Ἐδάην ἄταν Sensi damnum
Ἔπιμηθειάδα. Epimetheium.
Στυγέω δὲ νόμους Odi tamen leges
Ἀλλοπροσάλλους, Inconstantes,
Ἐς τὸν ἀκηδῆ Ad curarum expertia
Λειμῶνα πατρὸς Prata Patris
Σπεύδων, τανύω Properans, intendo
Φυγάδας ταρσοὺς Fugaces pedes,
Φυγάδας διδύμων Fugaces geminorum
690 Ὕλας δώρων. Hylae munerum.
Ἴδε με, ζωᾶς Respice me, o vitae
Νοερᾶς ταμία, Intellectualis arbiter;
Ἴδε σὰν ἱκέτιν Respice tuam supplicem
Ψυχὰν ἐπὶ γᾶς Animam in terris
Νοεραῖς ἀνόδοις Intellectuales ascensus
Ἐπιβαλλομέναν. Tentantem,
Σὺ δὲ λάμψον, ἄναξ, Tu autem illustra, o Rex,
Ἀνάγωγα φάη, Caelum affectantia lumina,
Πτερὰ κοῦφα διδούς. Alas leves praebens:
700 Ἅμμα δὲ κόψον, Retinacula vero abscindito,
Χάλασον περόναν Laxato vincula
Διδύμων παθέων, Geminorum affectuum,
Οἷσι ψυχὰς Quibus animas
Δολόεσσα φύσις Fallax natura
Κάμπτει κατὰ γᾶς. Deprimit in terram.
Δός με φυγοῖσαν Da mihi ut elapsa
Σώματος ἄταν, Ex corporis noxa,
Θοὸν ἄλμα βαλεῖν Celerem saltum dem
Ἐπὶ σὰς αὐλὰς, Ad tuas aulas, 335
710 Ἐπὶ σοὺς κόλπους, Ad tuos sinus:
Ὅθεν ἁ ψυχᾶς Unde animae
Προρέει παγά. Profluit fons.
Λιβὰς οὐρανία Gutta caelestis
Κέχυμαι κατὰ γᾶς. Effusa sum in terram.
Παγᾶ με δίδου Fonti me restitue,
Ὅθεν ἐξεχύθην Unde sum effusa
Φυγὰς ἀλῆτις. Profusa vagans.
Νεῦσον προγόνῳ Annue ut progenitrici
Φωτὶ μιγῆναι. Luci misceatur :
720 Νεῦσον δ’ ὑπὸ σοὶ Annue ut sub te
Πατρὶ ταμιευομένην, Patre custodita
Σὺν ἄνακτι χορῶ Cum coelitum coetu
Ἀνάγειν ὁσίως Offerat sancte
Νοεροὺς ὕμνους. Caelestes hymnos.
Νεῦσον δὲ, Πάτερ, Annue, inquam, Pater,
Φωτὶ μιγεῖσαν Luci mista,
Μηκέτι δῦναι Non posthac mergatur
Ἐς χθονὸς ἄταν. In terrae sordibus :
Ὄφρα δὲ ζωᾶς Sed dum vitae
730 Ὑλοδιαίτου Corporeae
Δεσμοῖσι μένω, In vinculis maneo,
Πραεῖα, μάκαρ, Placida, o beate,
Βόσκοι με τύχα. Alat me fortuna.
The Fourth Song

You I sing at the beginning,

You before noon,
You in the middle,
You at the end
Of the holy day,
Of the most sacred night,
I sing, Father,
Healer of souls,
Healer of limbs,
10 Giver of wisdom,
Driver of diseases,
Giver of pain-free
Life to souls,
Which worldly care
Does not crush,
The mother of suffering
The mother of passion.
Of these let my life
Remain free,
20 So I may sing in song
The secret root
Of all
And not be turned
By the blind illusions
That lead away from God.
You, blessed one, I sing,
King of the cosmos.
Let the earth be silent.
At your hymns,
30 At your prayers
Let all that the cosmos contains
Observe holy silence.
For they are your works, O Father.
Let the whistling winds
The rustling trees,
Singing birds.
Let the peaceful ether,
The peaceful air
40 Listen to my song.
Let the streaming waters,
Already without sound,
Stand still on the earth.
Let those who interrupt
My holy songs
Who haunt the hollows
And haunt the graves,
Already demons,
Flee my
50 Sacred prayer.
But all the good,
Blessed servants
Of the intellectual Father
Who possess the depths
And peaks of the cosmos,
May they hear my hymns
To the Father with grace,
Graciously celebrate
My prayers.
60 O Monad of monads,
O Father of fathers,
Principle of principles,
Spring of springs,
Root of roots,
Good of goods,
Star of stars,
World of worlds,
Form of forms,
Deep beauty,
70 Hidden seed,
Father of ages,
Father of ineffable,
Intellectual worlds,
Whence distills
The immortal breath,
In the mass of the body,
And already clings
To the second cosmos.
80 I sing you, Blessed one,
Both by voice
And in silence.
For as much as I say,
So much you hear
In the silence of your Mind.
I sing your Son,
The first born
And first seen.
The most glorious Son
Of the ineffable Father,
You, Blessed one, with the great
Father I sing
And the pangs
Of the Father for you,
His plan for generation,
The principle of mediation,
The Holy Spirit,
The center of the Father,
100 The center of the Son,
Mother herself,
Sister herself,
Daughter herself,
Who midwifes
The hidden root.
For as he pours forth,
The Father upon the Son,
The emanation itself
Finds generation.
110 Standing in between,
God from God,
Through the Son
And through the glorious
Emanation of the immortal
Son of the Father,
The Spirit finds generation.
You are monad, though triad,
Monad that remains stable,
And you are triad too.
120 Intellectual division,
Still undistinguished
That contains the distinct.
Springing forth he remains
Offspring in Source,
And back outside
He directs the affairs
Of the Father,
Bringing to the worlds below
The happiness of life,
Where he himself abides.
130 The Word, which I sing
With the great Father,
The mind of the ineffable
Father begets you,
And you at conception
Are the Word of the Father,
The first to spring
From the first root,
The root of all things
After your glorious
140 Generation.
The unspeakable monad
The seed of all things,
You as seed of all things.
You are in all.
Through you nature
High, middle,
And low enjoy
God the Father
150 Of the good gifts
Of the life of generation.
Your ageless
Sphere turns
Its tireless wheel.
Under your order
The seven stars
Dance in contrast
To the mighty whirls
Of the great vault.
160 But many lights
Adorn one fold
Of the cosmic robe
Through your will,
Most glorious Son.
For running about
The heavenly vault
The course of the ages
You keep unending.
Under your holy laws,
170 Blessed one,
In the hollows
Of the ether
Of limitless depth
Feeds a flock
Of bright stars.
You distribute the works,
You to celestials,
You to creatures of the air,
You to terrestrials,
You to subterrestrials,
180 And you give life.
You are Lord of the mind,
Dispenser to the gods,
And all the mortals
That quaff from showers
Of the intellectual lot.
You are the giver of soul
To those whose life
And unflagging nature
Depend on soul.
190 The blind
Offspring of soul
Depend on your series.
You disperse whatever
Is deprived of spirit,
Plucks from the folds
Of your robe the bond
That passes
Through your power
From the ineffable
200 Folds of the Father,
From the hidden monad,
Whence the stream
Of life emanates
And is borne to earth
Through your power,
Through unbounded
Intellectual worlds.
There the mind
In shape, the visible
210 Cosmos receives
The descending
Spring of goods.
It next holds
The sun, the source
Of radiance later born
That lights the eyes,
That comes to be
And passes away,
220 The distributer of matter,
The Son, the sensible
Type of intellectual mind,
The giver of goods
Born of the cosmos.
Through your will,
Son most glorious,
Father incomprehensible,
Father ineffable,
Incomprehensible by mind,
230 Ineffable by word.
You are mind of mind,
Soul of souls,
You are nature of natures.
With bended knee to you
Behold, your servant,
I fall to the ground,
A blind suppliant.
You are giver of light,
Of intellectual light.
240 Pity, blessed one,
My suppliant soul.
Drive away diseases,
Drive away cares
That devour the soul.
Drive away the shameless
Dog of the underworld,
Demon of the earth,
From my soul,
From my prayer,
250 From my life,
From my deeds.
Far from my body,
Far from my spirit
Far from all
Our affairs
Let the demon remain.
Let him leave, let him flee,
The demon, the material
Force of the passions,
260 That cuts off and walls
The way of ascent,
That block the drives
That search for God.
Grant me a companion,
A partner, King,
A holy angel
Of holy strength,
An angel of prayer
That shines with divine light,
270 A friend that gives good,
A guardian of my soul,
A guardian of my life,
A keeper of my prayers,
A keeper of my deeds.
May he keep my body
Free of disease.
May he keep my spirit
Free of disgrace,
May he lead my soul
280 To forget the passions,
So my winged soul
May fatten
Even the life
Nurtured by earth
With your songs;
So I may finish
My life
Even after bad fortune,
After bonds
That weigh me to the ground,
290 Free of matter
As far as possible,
In your halls,
In the folds
Of your robes,
Whence the soul’s
Spring flows.
But you, lend a hand.
You, call, you, blessed one,
Lead up out of matter
My suppliant soul.

Σὲ μὲν, ἀρχομένας, Te quidem, oriente,

Σὲ δ’, αἐξομένας, Te vero, crescente,
Σὲ δὲ, μεσοίσας, Te autem, consistente,
Σὲ δὲ, παυομένας Te vero, decedente
Ἀοῦς ἱερᾶς, Die sacro,
Ζαθέας νυκτὸς Ambrosiaque nocte,
Μέλπω, Γενέτα, Cano, Genitor,
Παίων ψυχῶν, Curator animarum,
Παίων γυίων, Curator artuum,
10 Δῶτορ σοφίας, Largitor sapientiae
Ἐλατὴρ νούσων, Propulsator morborum,
Δῶτορ ψυχαῖς Largitor animis
Ἀπόνου βιοτᾶς, Placidae vitae, 336
Ἃν μὴ στείβει Quam non premunt
Χθονία φροντὶς, Terrenae curae
Μάτηρ ἀχέων, Matres dolorum,
Μάτηρ παθέων, Matres aerumnarum,
Ὧν μοι ζωὰ Quarum mihi vita
Καθαρὰ μενέτω, Pura permaneat,
20 Ἵνα τὰν πάντων Quo rerum omnium
Κρυφίαν ῥίζαν Abstrusam originem
Ὑμνοῖσα λέγω, Celebrans memorem,
Μηδ’ ἀπαγωγοῖς Neque rebellibus
Ἄτῃσι Θεοῦ Peccatis a Deo
Νοσφιζοίμαν. Abstrahar.
Σὲ, μάκαρ, μέλπω, Te, beate, cano,
Κοίρανε κόσμου. Rex mundi:
Γᾶ δὲ σιγάτω. Tellus vero sileat.
Ἐπὶ σαῖς ὕμνοις, Ad tuos hymnos,
30 Ἐπὶ σαῖς εὐχαῖς Ad tuas preces
Εὐφαμείτω Faveant linguis
Ὅσα κόσμος ἔχει. Quaecunque mundus continent:
(Σὰ γὰρ ἔργ’, ὦ Πάτερ) (Tua namque [sunt] opera, o Pater),
Καταπαυέσθω Cesset
Ἀνέμων ῥοῖζος, Ventorum sibilus,
Ἦχος δένδρων, Susurrus arborum,
Θρόος ὀρνίθων. Cantusque avium.
Ἥσυχος αἰθὴρ, Tacitus aether,
Ἥσυχος ἀὴρ Tacitus aer
40 Κλυέτω μολπᾶς. Audiat cantus;
Ὑδάτων δὲ χύσις Aquarumque fluxus
Ἄψοφος ἤδη Strepitu jam carens,
Στήτω κατὰ γᾶς. Cursum in terris sistat.
Οἱ δ’ ἐμπόδιοι Qui vero interpellant
Ἁγίων ὕμνων Sanctos hymnos,
Κευθμωνοχαρεῖς Latebris gaudentes,
Καὶ τυμβονόμοι Monumentaque obsidentes
Δαίμονες ἤδη Daemones jam
Φευγέτωσαν ἐμὰν Fugiant meas
50 Ὁσίαν εὐχὰν. Sanctas preces:
Ἀγαθοὶ δ’ ὁπόσοι Boni autem quotquot
Μάκαρες νοεροῦ Beati caelestis
Πρόπολοι γενέτου Famuli Genitoris
Κατέχουσι βάθη Tenent intimas
Ἄκρα τε κόσμου, Extremasque plagas mundi,
Ὕμνων ἵλεω Hymnos benigna mente
Πεύθοιντο Πατρὸς, Audiant Patris,
ἵλεω δὲ λιτὰς Benignaque mente preces
Ἀνάγοιεν ἐμάς. Referant meas (ad eum), 337
60 Μονὰς ὦ μονάδων, Unitas o unitatum,
Πάτερ ὦ πατέρων, Pater o patrum,
Ἀρχῶν ἀρχὰ, Principiorum principium,
Παγῶν παγά, Fontium fons,
Ῥιζῶν ῥίζα, Radicum radix.
Ἀγαθῶν ἀγαθὸν, Bonorum bonum,
Ἄστρων ἄστρον, Siderum sidus,
Κόσμων κόσμε, Mundorum munde,
Ἰδεῶν ἰδέα, Idearum idea,
Βύθιον κάλλος, Immensa pulchritudo.
70 Κρύφιον σπέρμα, Abstrusum semen,
Πάτερ αἰώνων, Pater saeculorum,
Πάτερ ἀφθέγκτων Pater ineffabilium
Νοερὼν κόσμων. Intellectualium mundorum:
Ὅθεν ἀμβροσία Unde ambrosius
Σταλάοισα πνοὰ, Destillans spiritus,
Σώματος ὄγκοις Corporis moli
Ἐπινηξαμένα, Adnatans,
Δεύτερον ἤδη Secundum jam
Κόσμον ἀνάπτει. Mundum excitat.
80 Ὑμνῶ σε, μὰκαρ, Cano te, o beate,
Καὶ διὰ φωνᾶς, Et voce :
Ὑμνῶ σε, μάκαρ, Cano te, o beate,
Καὶ διὰ σιγᾶς. Etiam silentio.
Ὅσα γὰρ φωνᾶς, Quantum enim vocem,
Τόσα καὶ σιγᾶς Tantum et silentium
Ἀΐεις νοερᾶς. Percipis intellectus.
Ὑμνῶ δὲ γόνον Cano etiam prolem
Πρωτόγονον, Primigenam,
Καὶ πρωτοφαῆ. Et primiculam.
90 Γόνε κύδιστε Fili clarissime
Πατρὸς ἀφθέγκτου, Patris ineffabilis,
Σὲ, μάκαρ, μεγάλῳ Te, beate, magno
Πατρὶ συνυμνῶ, Cum Patre laudo,
Καὶ τὰν ἐπ’ σοὶ Et quem tulit tui causa
Ὠδῖνα Πατρὸς, Partum Pater,
Γόνιμον βουλὰν, Fecundum consilium,
Μεσάταν ἀρχὰν, Medians principium,
Ἁγίαν Πνοιὰν, Sanctum Spiritum,
Κέντον Γενέτου Centrum Genitoris,
100 Κέντρον δὲ κόρου. Centrum etiam Filii.
Αὐτὰ μάτηρ, Ipsa mater,
Αὐτὰ γνωτὰ, Ipsa soror,
Αὐτὰ θυγάτηρ, Ipsa filia,
Μαιωσαμένα Quae obstetricata es
Κρυφίαν ῥίζαν. Abditam radicem. 338
Ἵνα γὰρ προχυθῇ Nam ut diffunderetur
Ἐπὶ Παιδὶ Πατὴρ, In Filium Pater,
Αὐτὰ πρόχυσις Ipsa diffusio
Εὕρετο βλάσταν. Invenit germen.
110 Ἔστη δὲ μέσα, Stetitque media,
Θεὸς ἐκ τε Θεοῦ, Deus ex Deo
Διὰ παῖδά τε ….
Καὶ διὰ κλεινὰν Et per inclytam
Πατρὸς ἀθανάτου Patris immortalis
Πρόχυσιν Υιὸς Profusionem Filius
Εὕρετο βλάσταν. Invenit germinationem.
Μονὰς εἶ Τριὰς ὤν. Unitas es, Trinitas cum sis :
Μονὰς ἃ δὴ μένει, Unitas quae permanet,
Καὶ Τριὰς εἶ δή. Et Trinitas quae permanet.
120 Νοερὰ δὲ τομὰ Intellectualis autem sectio
Ἄσχιστον ἔτι Indivisum adhuc
Τὸ μερισθὲν ἔχει. Quod est divisum, habet:
Προθυρὼν δὲ μένει Prosiliens autem manet
Γόνος ἐς Γενέταν, Filius in Patre,
Καὶ πάλιν ἔξω Et rursus extra,
Τὰ Πατρὸς διέπει, Quae sunt Patris, regit,
Κόσμοις κατάγων Mundis deducens
Ὄλβον ζωᾶς, Felicitatem vitae,
Ὅθεν αὐτὸς ἔχει. Unde ipse habet.
130 Λόγος, ὃν μεγάλῳ Verbum, quod magno
Πατρὶ συνυμνῶ cum Patre, cano,
Νόος ἀρρήτου Mens ineffabilis
Τίκτει σε Πατρός. Parit te Patris :
Καὶ σὺ κυηθεὶς Et tu conceptum
Λόγος εἷς Γενέτου, Verbum es Patris.
Πρῶτος πρώτας Primus ex prima
Προθορὼν ῥίζας, Prognatus radice,
Ῥίζα δὲ πάντων Radix autem omnium,
Τῶν μετὰ κλεινὰν Quae condita sunt post inclytum
140 Τὰν σὰν γένναν. Tuum ortum.
Μονὰς ἄρρητος, Unitas ineffabilis,
Σπέρμα τὸ πάντων Semen omnium rerum.
Σπέρμα σε πάντων Semen te omnium
Ἐσπέρμηνε. Sevit.
Σὺ γὰρ ἐν πᾶσι. Tu namque in omnibus.
Διὰ σοῦ δὲ φύσις Per te natura
Ὑπάτα, μεσάτα, Suprema, media,
Νεάτα τε, Θεοῦ Et infima Dei
Ἀπέλαυσε Πατρὸς Perfruitur Patris
150 Ἀγαθῶν δώρων Bonis muneribus 339
Γονίμου ζωᾶς. Fecundae vitae.
Σοὶ μὲν ἀγήρως Tibi senii expers
Ἄπονον τροχιὰν Indefesso cursu
Σφαῖρα κυλίνδει. Sphaera volvitur;
Ὑπὸ σὰν τάξιν Sub tuum ordinem
Κύτεος μεγάλου Cavitatis ingentis
Βριαραῖς δίναις Rapidis conversionibus
Ἑβδομὰς ἄστρων Septeni orbes siderum
Ἀντεχορεύει. Contrario motu feruntur.
160 Τὰ δὲ πολλὰ μίαν Multae vero unum
Πτύχα καλλύνει Orbem decorant
Φέγγεα κόσμου Stellae mundi
Διὰ σὰν βουλὰν, Tuo consilio,
Γόνε κύδιστε. Fili maxime inclyte.
Σὺ γὰρ ἀμφιθέων Tu enim discurrens
Κύτος οὐράνιον, Per caelorum orbes,
Δρόμον αἰώνων Cursum saeculorum
Ἄλυτον συνέχεις. Indissolubilem contines.
Ὑπὸ σαῖς δὲ, μάκαρ, Subque tuis, o beate,
170 Ἁγίοις θεσμοῖς Sanctis legibus
Ἐν ἀπειροβαθοῦς In immensae altitudinis
Αἴθρας λαγόσι Aethereo sinu
Πολιῶν ἄστρων Gaudentium siderum
Ἀγέλα νέμεται. Greges pascuntur,
Σὺ μὲν οὐρανίοις, Tu caelitibus
Σὺ δ’ ἐνηερίοις, Tu aeriis,
Σὺ δ’ ἐπιχθονίοις Tu terrestribus,
Σὺ δ’ ὑποχθονίοις Tu infernis
Ἔργα μερίζεις, Opera dispensas,
180 Ζωάν τε νέμεις. Vitamque largiris.
Σὺ νόου πρύτανις Tu, mentis rector
Ταμίας τε θεοῖς Dispensatorque caelitibus,
Θνατῶν θ’ ὁπόσοι Mortalibusque, quotquot
Νοερᾶς μοίρας Intellectualis sortis
Ἔσπασαν ὄμβρους. Hauserunt Imbres.
Σὺ ψυχοδότας, Tu dator animae
Οἷς ἐκ ψυχᾶς Quibus ex anima
Τέταται ζωὰ, Pendet vita,
Καὶ φύσις ἀκμής. Et natura indefessa.
190 Ἀλαὸν ψυχᾶς Caeca animae
Βλάστημα τεᾶς Propago ex tua
Κρέμαται σειρᾶς. Pendet catena.
Χὠπόσα πετάσας Et quaecumque
Στέρεται πνοιᾶς, Carent spiritu,
Ἀπὸ σῶν κόλπων De tuo sinu
Δρέπεται συνοχὰν Decerpunt vim qua sustentantur,
Πορθμευομέναν Transmissam 340
Διὰ σᾶς ἀλκᾶς Tua virtute
Ἐξ ἀρρήτων Ex ineffabili
200 Πατρικῶν κόλπων, Paterno sinu
Κρυφίας μονάδος, Abditae unitatis;
Ὅθεν ὁ ζωᾶς Unde vitae
Ὀχετὸς προρέων Rivus profluens
Φέρεται μέχρι γᾶς Fertur ad terram usque
Διὰ σᾶς ἀλκᾶς, Tua virtute,
Δι’ ἀτεκμάρτων Per incomprehensibiles
Νοερῶν κόσμων, Intellectuales mundos,
Ἔνθεν δέχεται Unde recipit
Καταβαίνοισαν Descendentem
210 Ἀγαθῶν κράναν Bonorum fontem
Νοεροῦ μορφὰ Intellectualis (mundi) forma
Κόσμος ὁρατὸς. Mundus aspectabilis.
Ἅλιον οὗτος Solem iste
Δεύτερον ἔσχεν, Secundum habuit
Ὑστεροφεγγοῦς Ejus, quae posterius emicuit,
Φωτὸς γενέταν, Lucis parentem,
Ὀμματολαμπῆ Oculos illustrantem,
Τᾶς γινομένας Ejus quae gignitur
Καὶ φθειρομένας Et interit,
220 Ταμίαν ὕλας, Dispensatorem hylae,
Υἱὸν, νοεροῦ Filium, qui est illius (solis) intellectualis
Τύπον αἰσθητὸν, Forma sensilis,
Ἀγαθῶν παροχὰν Bonorum largitorem
Ἐγκοσμογενῶν. Quae in mundo nascuntur :
Διὰ σὰν βουλὰν, Tuo consilio,
Γόνε, κύδιστε, Fili maxime, inclyte,
Πάτερ ἄγνωστε, Pater, qui cognosci non potes ;
Πάτερ ἄρρητε, Pater ineffabilis,
Ἄγνωστε νόῳ, Qui cognosci non potes mente
230 Ἄρρητε λόγῳ. Exprimi non potes ratione:
Νόος ἐσσὶ νόου, Mens es mentis,
Ψυχᾶν ψυχὰ, Animarum anima,
Φυσις εἶ φυσίων. Natura es naturarum.
Γόνυ σοι κάμπτων Genu tibi flectens
Ἰδὲ τοῦτο, λάτρις Ecce hoc, servus,
Πίπτω κατὰ γᾶς Procumbo in terram
Ἱκέτας ἁλαός. Supplex oculi captus.
Σὺ δὲ φωτοδότας Tu autem lucis largitor,
Φωτὸς νοεροῦ, Lucis intellectualis,
240 Ἐλέαιρε, μάκαρ, Miserere, o beate,
Ἱκέτιν ψυχάν. Supplicis animae,
Σεῦε δὲ νοῦσους, Pelle morbos.
Σεῦε δὲ μερίμνας, Pelle curas, 341
Τὰς ψυχοβόρους. Quae vorant animas.
Σεῦε δ’ ἀναιδῆ Pelle impudentem
Κύνα τὸν χθόνιον, Canem infernum,
Δαίμονα γαίας, Daemonem terrae,
Ψυχᾶς ἀπ’ ἐμᾶς, Anima a mea,
Εὐχᾶς ἀπ’ ἐμᾶς Precibus a meis,
250 Ζωᾶς ἀπ’ ἐμᾶς, Vita a mea,
Ἔργων ἀπ’ ἐμῶν. Factis a meis.
Σώματος ἔξω, Corpore procul,
Πνεύματος ἔξω Spiritu procul,
Πάντων ἔξω Omnibus procul
Τῶν ἁμετέρων A nostris rebus
Δαίμων μενέτω. Daemon maneat.
Λιπέτω, φυγέτω Linquat (me), fugiat
Δαίμων, ὕλας Daemon, qui est hylae
Παθέων ἀλκὰ, Affectuum robur,
260 Ἀνάγωγον ὁδὸν Ad caelestia iter
Διατειχίζων, Qui intercludit :
Τὰς θεοδιφεῖς Deum vestigantes
Βλάπτων ὁρμάς. Qui impedit conatus.
Ἕταρον δὲ δίδου Comitem vero da
Ξυνωνὸν, ἄναξ, Consortem, o Rex,
Ἁγίας ἅγιον Sancti sanctum
Ἄγγελον ἀλκᾶς, Angelum roboris,
Ἄγγελον εὐχᾶς Angelum precum
Τᾶς θεολαμποῦς. Divino instinctu susceptarum;
270 Φίλον ἐσθλοδόταν, Amicum bona subministrantem :
Φύλακα ψυχᾶς, Custodem animae,
Φύλακα ζωᾶς, Custodem vitae,
Εὐχῶν φρουρὸν. Precum custodem,
Ἔργων φρουρόν. Factorum custodem,
Σῶμα δὲ σώζοι Qui corpus servet
Καθαρὸν νούσων. Liberum a morbis:
Πνεῦμα δὲ σώζοι Qui spiritum servet
Καθαρὸν λώβας, Liberum a labe,
Ψυχᾶ δ’ ἐπάγοι Animoque afferat
280 Παθέων λάθαν. Cupiditatum oblivionem:
Ἵνα καὶ ζωὰν Ut etiam in vita,
Τὰν γαιοτρεφῆ, Quam in terris degit,
Τοῖς σοῖς ὕμνοις Tuis laudibus
Πιαίνηται Pinguescat
Ταρσὸς ψυχᾶς. Ala animae:
Ἵνα καὶ ζωὰν Ut etiam vitam
Τὰν μετὰ μοίρας, Post fata,
Τὰν μετὰ δεσμοὺς Post vincula
Τοὺς χθονοβριθεῖς Terrenum pondus habentia 342
290 Καθαρὰν ὕλας Puram ab hyla,
Ὅσον ἐξανύω, Quantum fieri potest, degam,
Ἐπὶ σὰς αὐλὰς, Ad tuam regiam,
Ἐπὶ σοὺς κόλπους, Ad tuos sinus,
Ὅθεν ἁ ψυχᾶς Unde animae
Προρέει παγά. Profluit fons.
Σὺ δὲ χεῖρα δίδου, Tu autem manum porrige,
Σὺ κάλει, σὺ, μάκαρ, Tu evoca, tu, o beate,
Ὕλας ἄναγε Ex hyla educito
Ἱκέτιν ψυχάν. Supplicem animam.
The Fifth Song

Let us sing the bride of the Son,

The bride not married
On beds allotted to men.
Ineffable are the plans of the Father.
In the evening birth of the Christ
The sacred travail of the virgin
Revealed the shape of a man,
Who came among mortals
To ferry the light of the spring.
10 Her ineffable shoot
Knows the root of the ages.
You are yourself the light of the spring,
The fire lit together with the Father.
You break the murk of matter
And shine in holy souls.
You are yourself creator of the cosmos,
You make the sphere of the glorious stars,
You root the centers of the earth,
You are yourself the savior of men.
20 For you Titan rides the sky,
The unquenchable fountain of Dawn,
For you bull-faced Moon
Dissolves the darkness of nights.
For you too the fruits are born,
For you too the flocks feed.
From your ineffable fountain
You send wheat-giving sunshine
And fatten the flat plains of the world.
From the folds of your womb bloom
30 Light and mind and soul.
Pity your daughter,
Enclosed in mortal limbs
And the material measures of Fate.
Save me from the disgrace of disease,
Unweakened in the strength of my limbs.
Grant my words persuasion,
Grant my works glory
To suit the ancient songs
Of Cyrene and Sparta.
40 May my soul, untouched by pain,
Lead a calm life,
Abundant, extending
Its twin eyes into your light,
So, cleansed of matter,
I may hasten my unbending way,
Cowering from earthly concerns,
To be mixed with the spring of soul,
Such an immaculate life
May you fulfill for your lyrist.
50 When arranging your song,
Honoring your root,
The highest glory of the Father
And the Spirit who shares the throne
Between root and shoot,
And when singing the Father’s strength,
By your songs I restore
The glorious travail of the soul.
Hail, O spring of the Son!
Hail, O shape of the Father!
60 Hail, O seat of the Son!
Hail, O seal of the Father!
Hail, O power of the Son!
Hail, O beauty of the Father!
Hail, Immaculate Spirit,
Center of Son and Father.
May you send me one with the Father
To water the wings of my soul,
To bring the gifts of God to pass.


Ὑμνῶμεν κοῦρον νύμφας, Canamus Filium sponsae,

Νύμφας οὐ νυμφευθείσας Sponsae non nuptae
Ἀνδρῶν μοιραίαις κοίταις. Hominum morali connubio.
Ἄρρητοι Πατρὸς βουλαὶ. Ineffabile Patris consilium:
Ἑσπέραν Χριστοῦ γένναν Serum Christi partum
Ἁ σεμνὰ νύμφας ὠδὶς Venerandus Virginis partus
Ἀνθρώπου φήνεν μορφὰν, Hominis edidit formam,
Ὃς ἐν θνατοῖσι πορθμευτὰς Qui inter mortales deductor
Ἦλθεν φωτὸς παγαίου. Venit lucis fontanae.
10 Ἁ δ’ ἄρρητος εὐβλάστα Haec ineffabilis propago
Αἰώνων οἶδεν ῥίζαν. Saeculorum novit radicem.
Αὐτὸς φῶς εἶ παγαῖον, Tu lux es prima,
Συλλάμψασ’ ἀκτὶς Πατρὶ, Una micans radius cum Patre,
Ῥήξας δ’ ὀρφναίαν ὕλαν Qui perruptis hylae tenebris,
Ψυχαῖς ἐλλάμπεις ἁγναῖς. In animis fulges sanctis.
Αὐτὸς μὲν κόσμου κτίσας, Tu mundi conditor,
Κλεινῶν σφαιρωτὰς ἄστρων, Fulgentium orbium et siderum,
Κέντρων γαίας ῥιζωτὰς, Centrorum terrae stabilator:
Αὐτὸς δ’ ἀνθρώπων σωτὴρ. Tu hominum servitor.
20 Σοὶ μὲν τιτὰν ἱππεύει, Tibi sol equitat,
Ἀοῦς ἄσβεστος παγὰ, Diei perennis fons:
Σοὶ δ’ ἁ ταυρῶπις μήνα Tibi taurine fronte luna
Τὰν νυκτῶν ὄρφναν λύει. Noctis tenebras pellit.
Σοὶ καὶ τίκτονται καρποὶ, Tibi nascuntur fructus,
Σοὶ καὶ βόσκονται ποίμναι. Tibi pascuntur greges.
Ἐκ σᾶς ἀρρήτου παγᾶς Ex tuo ineffabili fonte
Ζείδωρον πέμπων αἴγλαν, Vivificum emittens splendorem,
Πιαίνεις κόσμων ταρσοὺς. Alis mundorum oras.
Ἐκ σῶν βλάστησε κόλπων Ex tuo emicuit sinu
30 Καὶ φῶς, καὶ νοῦς, καὶ ψυχά. Et lux, et intellectus, et anima,
Τὰν σὰν οἴκτειρον κούραν Tuae miserere filiae
Γυίοις εἰρχθεῖσαν θνατοῖς, Artubus inclusae mortalibus,
Μοίρας θ’ ὑλαίοις μέτροις. Fatique terrestri mensura.
Νούσων ἐκσώζοις λώβας, Morborum serva ex vitio
Ἀσκηθῆ γυίων ἀλκάν. Illaesum artuum robur.
Νεῦσον μὲν μύθοις πειθὼ, Annue verbis suadelam,
Νεῦσον δ’ ἔργοισι κῦδος, Annue factis gloriam,
Ἀρχαίοις πρέψαι φάμαις Pristina ut clara sit fama
Τὰς Κυράνας καὶ Σπάρτας. Cyrenae et Spartae.
40 Λύπαις δ’ ἄστιπτος ψυχὰ Molestiis et nullis pressa anima,
Πραεῖαν ἕλκοι ζωὰν, Placidam trahat vitam,
Θρέπτειραν, δισσὰς γλήνας Almam, gemina lumina
Ἐς σὸν τείνοισα φέγγος, In tuam intendens lucem,
Ὡς ἐξ ὕλας φοιβαθεὶς Ut ex hyla purgatus
Ἀστρέπτους οἴμους σπεύσω, Oblitum reditus iter properem,
Φύξηλις γαίας μόχθων, Fugitans terrae labores,
Μιχθῆναι ψυχᾶς παγᾷ, Ut miscear cum animae fonte.
Τοίαν ἄχραντον ζωὰν Talem impollutam vitam
Τῷ σῷ κραίνοις φορμικτῇ. Tuo annuas vati
50 Εὖτ’ ἄν σοι στέλλων μολπὰν, Cum tibi pangens carmina,
Τὰν σὰν κυδαίνων ῥίζαν, Tuam celebrans radicem,
Μήκιστον Πατρὸς κῦδος, Excelsam Patris gloriam,
Καὶ τὰν σύνθωκον Πνοιὰν Et socium ejusdem solii Spiritum,
Μέσσαν ῥίζας καὶ βλάστας, Medium inter radicem et germen,
Καὶ Πατρὸς μέλπων ἀλκὰν, Et Patris canens vim,
Τοῖς σοῖς ὕμνοις ἀμπαύω In tuis laudibus recreem
Κλεινὰν ὠδῖνα ψυχᾶς. Inclytum fetum animae.
Χαίροις, ὦ Παιδὸς παγά! Salve, o Filii fons!
Χαίροις, ὦ Πατρὸς μορφά! Salve, o Patris forma!
60 Χαίροις, ὦ Παιδὸς κρηπίς! Salve, o Filii sedes!
Χαίροις, ὦ Πατρὸς σφρηγίς! Salve, o Patris imago!
Χαίροις, ὦ Παιδὸς κάρτος! Salve, o Filii potential!
Χαίροις, ὦ Πατρὸς κάλλος! Salve, o Patris pulchritudo!
Χαίροις δ’ ἄκραντος Πνοιὰ, Salve, o purissime Spiritus!
Κέντρον Κόρου καὶ Πατρός. Centrum Filii et Patris.
Τάν μοι πέμποις σὺν Πατρὶ Hunc mihi mittas cum Patre
Ἄρδοισαν ψυχᾶς ταρσοὺς, Rigantem animae alas,
Κράντειραν θείων δώρων. Ut perficiat divina munera.
The Sixth Song

From the sacred spring that gives birth by itself

Beyond the unutterable unities,
I shall crown the glorious Son of immortal God
God, the one Son to spring from the one God
I shall crown with the wise flowers of song,
Whom the ineffable throes of the Father’s will
Expressed as the Son of his unknowable folds.
The Father’s torch showed the fruits of his birth
And revealed the intellects fixed between.
10 In the source the wisdom of the mind of the Father,
The radiance of beauty, remain and pour forth.
To you begotten the Father permitted to beget.
You are the hidden seed of the Father.
The Father gave you as first principle to the cosmic realms
To bring shape to body from the intellectuals.
You guide the wise rim of the heaven,
You forever feed the flock of stars.
You conduct the chorus of angels
And direct the battle line of demons.
20 You dance around the nature that passes away,
You divide the indivisible spirit around the world,
You give back the given again to the spring,
Releasing the dead from the necessity of death.
Look kindly on the crown of your songs,
Granting a tranquil life to your songwriter,
Stop the wandering flow of the straits,
Dry the destructive tides of matter.
Keep my soul and limbs from disease,
Put to rest the destructive drive of the passions.
30 Ward off the ruin of wealth and poverty,
Make glorious fame follow my works.
Spread my good reputation among peoples.
Crown me with the flower of gentle persuasion,
So my mind neither pluck fruitless leisure
Nor sigh with concerns of the world.
But from your streams on high
Let me bathe my mind in the birth of wisdom.

Μετὰ παγᾶς ἁγίας αὐτολοχεύτου Una cum fonte sancto per se fecundo
Ἀρρήτων ἑνοτήτων ἐπέκεινα, Ineffabiles unitates supra,
Θεὸν ἀμβρότου Θεοῦ κύδιμον Υἷα, Deum immortalis Dei clarissimum Filium
Μόνον ἐκ μόνου Πατρὸς Παῖδα θορόντα Solum ex Patre Filium prognatum
Στεφανώσω σοφοῖς ἄνθεσιν ὕμνων, Coronabo odoratis floribus carminum.
Ὃν βουλᾶς πατρικᾶς ἄφραστος ὠδὶς Quem consilii paterni ineffabilis partus
Ἀγνώστων ἀνέδειξε Παῖδα κόλπων, Ex abdito ostendit Filium sinu,
Ἃ Πατρὸς λοχίους ἔφηνε καρποὺς, Qui Patris Abditos in lucem edidit fructus
Καὶ φήνασα φάνη μεσσοπαγεῖς νοῦς. Et illustrare visus est defixas in terram animas

10 Ἐν παγᾷ δὲ μένουσι καὶ χυθέντες, In fonte vero permanent quanquam profusi,

Σοφία νόου Πατρὸς, κάλλεος αὐγὰ, Sapientia mentis Patris, pulchritudinis splendor:

Σοὶ τεχθέντι Πατὴρ ἔνευσε τίκτειν, Tibi parto Pater annuit ut parias.
Σὺ τὸ κρυπτὸν εἶ Πατρὸς σπέρμα. Tu abditum es Patris semen :
Σὲ γὰρ ἀρχὰν γενέτας ἔδωκε κόσμοις, Te enim originem Pater dedit mundis
Κατάγειν ἐκ νοερῶν σώματι μορφάς. Ut deduceres corporibus formas ex intellectualibus.

Σὺ μὲν οὐρανοῦ σοφὰν ἄντυγα νωμᾷς, Tu caeli sapientem orbem circumagis,

Τὰν δ’ ἄστρων ἀγέλαν ἀεὶ νομεύεις. Et siderum greges semper pascis.
Σὺ δὲ τᾶς ἀγγελικᾶς, Ἄναξ, χορείας, Tu angelici, o Rex, ordinis.
Καὶ τᾶς δαιμονίας φάλαγγος ἄρχεις, Tu daemonum phalangis imperium obtines :
20 Σὺ δὲ καὶ φύσιν φθιτὰν αμφιχορεύεις, Tu et naturam mortalem regis,
Ἀμέριστον περὶ γᾶν πνεῦμα μερίζεις, Individuum circa terram spiritum dividis,
Καὶ παγᾷ τὸ δοθὲν πάλιν συνάπτεις, Et cum fonte, quod datum est, rursus conjungis,

Θνατοὺς ἐκ θανάτου λύων ἀνάγκας. Mortales mortis liberans necessitate.

Ἱλήκοις ἐπὶ σῶν στέμμασιν ὕμνων, Adsis propitius ad tuarum coronas laudum,
Βιοτᾶς ὑμνοπόλῳ νέμων γαλάναν, Vitae vati tribuens tranquillitatem,
Εὐρίπων προχοὰν στῆσον ἀλῆτιν, Euripi aestum sistito vagum,
Τερσαίνων ὀλοοὺς κλύδωνας ὕλας. Sedans saevas tempestates hylae:
Ψυχᾶς καὶ μελέων ἔρυκε νούσους. Animae et artuum arceto morbos :
Παθέων οὐλομέναν κοίμισον ὁρμάν. Cupiditatum perditum sopito impetum.
30 Πλούτου καὶ πενίας ἄλαλκε κῆρας, Opum, et paupertatis propulsa incommoda,
Ἔργοις κυδαλίμαν ὀμφὰν ὀπάσαις. Factis clarissimam famam dato,
Ἐν λαοῖς ἀγαθὰν ἄνοιγε φάμαν. Inter gentes bonam pande famam,
Πειθοῦς πραυλόγου στέφ’ ἀώτῳ, Suadelae blandiloquae redimito (me) honore
Ἵνα μὴ νόος δρέποι σχολὰν ἀκύμων, Ut mens decerpat otium quieta,
Μηδ’ ἐν ταῖς χθονίαις στένων μερίμναις. Neque terrenis ingemam curis,
Ἀλλ’ ἐκ σῶν ὀχετῶν ὑψιφορήτων Sed ex tuis rivis excelsis
Ὠδῖσιν σοφίας νόον κατάρδω. Partubus sapientiae mentem rigem.
The Seventh Song

I first discovered the mode

For you, blessed one, immortal one,
Glorious Son of the Virgin,
Jesus of Jerusalem,
In the latest harmonies
To hit the zither’s strings.
But be gracious, King,
And accept the music
Of my holy songs.
10 We shall sing the imperishable
God, the great Son of God
The Father who begot the ages,
The Son who begot the world,
The nature mixed in all,
Infinite wisdom,
God to celestials,
Dead to the underworld.
When you poured onto the earth
From a mortal womb.
20 The manifold art of the Magi
From the rising of the star
Marveled, wondered
What was the infant born?
Who was the God concealed?
God or mortal or king?
Come, bring gifts,
Offerings of myrrh,
Votives of gold,
The lovely scent of frankincense.
30 You are God, accept the frankincense.
I bring gold to the King.
It will harmonize the tomb with the myrrh.
You purified the earth,
The waves of the sea
And the ways of the demons,
The subtle streams of the air
And the depths of the netherworld.
You rally the dead,
God dispatched to the underworld.
40 But be gracious, King,
And accept the music
From my holy songs.

Πρῶτος νόμον εὑρόμαν Primus modos inveni

Ἐπὶ σοὶ, μάκαρ, ἄμβροτε, Tui causa, beate, immortalis,
Γόνε κύδιμε Παρθένου, Nate clarissime Virginis,
Ἰησοῦ Σολυμήϊε, Jesu Solymitane,
Νεοπηγέσιν ἁρμογαῖς Nuper aptatis numeris
Κρέξαι κιθάρας μίτους. Quos resonent citharae fides.
Ἀλλ’ εὐμενέοις, Ἄναξ, Tu vero propitius esto, o Rex,
Καὶ δέχνυσο μουσικὰν Et accipe musicam
Ἐξ εὐαγέων μελῶν. Ex sanctis carminibus.
10 Ὑμνήσομεν ἄφθιτον Canamus immortalem
Θεὸν, Υἷα Θεοῦ μέγαν, Deum, Filium Dei ingentem,
Αἰωνοτόκου Πατρὸς, Saeculorum conditoris Patris,
Τὸν κοσμογόνον κόρον, Mundi opificem Filium:
Τὰν παντομιγῆ φύσιν, Omnibus immiscentem se naturam,
Σοφίαν ἀπειρέσιον, Sapientiam immensam ;
Τὸν ἐπουρανίοις Θεὸν, Caelitibus Deum,
Τὸν ὑποχθονίοις νέκυν. Inferis mortuum.
Ἐχύθης ὅτ’ ἐπὶ χθονὶ Effusus fuisti cum in terram
Βροτέας ἀπὸ νηδύος, Mortali ex utero,
20 Μάγος ἁ πολύφρων τέχνα Magorum sapiens ars
Ἐξ ἀστέρος ἀντολᾶς Ex stellae ortu
Θάμβησεν ἀμήχανος Obstupuit, dubia
Τί τὸ τικτόμενον βρέφος, Quis (esset) qui nasceretur infans
Τίς ὁ κρυπτόμενος Θεὸς, Quis, qui includeretur Deus,
Θεὸς, ἢ νέκυς, ἢ βασιλεύς. Deus, an mortuus, an rex.
Ἄγε, δῶρα κομίζετε, Eia, munera ferte,
Σμύρνης ἐναγίσματα, Myrrhae libamina,
Χρυσοῦ τ’ ἀναθήματα, Aurique donaria,
Λιβάνου τε θύη καλά. Thurisque vapors suaves.
30 Θεὸς εἶ, λίβανον δέχου. Deus es, thus accipe:
Χρυσὸν βασιλεῖ φέρω. Aurum regi fero:
Σμύρνῃ τάφος ἁρμόσει. Myrrha monumento congruet,
Καὶ γᾶν ἐκάθηρας, Et terram lustrasti,
Καὶ πόντια κύματα, Et maritimos fluctus
Καὶ δαιμονίας ὁδοὺς, Et daemonum vias,
Ῥαδινὰν χύσιν ἀέρος, Liquidos campos aeris,
Καὶ νερτερίους μυχοὺς Et infernas latebras,
Φθιμένοισι βοηθόος Mortuis subsidium
Θεὸς εἰς ᾄδην σταλείς. Deus ad inferos profectus.
40 Ἀλλ’ εὐμενέοις, Ἄναξ, Sed propitius esto, o Rex,
Καὶ δέχνυσο μουσικὰν Et accipe musicam
Ἐξ εὐαγέων μελῶν. Ex sanctis carminibus.
The Eighth Song

In the Dorian mode

I raise the sweet tone
Of the strings of my lyre,
Which is inlaid with ivory,
To you, blessed one, immortal one,
Glorious Son of the Virgin.
But you, save my life
All unharmed, King,
Untouched by suffering
Both night and day.
10 Light a fire in my heart
From springs of the mind.
Grant my youth
Strength in sound limbs
And glory in deeds.
Bring the fruitful year
To a pleasant old age.
Increase the high honor
Of wisdom with health.
Keep my brother,
20 A young man, imperishable one,
Already passing by foot
The gates of the earth.
You brought him back up,
Dousing the burning fire
Of my heart and tears,
My sorrows and groans.
You gave life even to the dead
Thanks to your suppliant, Father.
Keep my sister
30 And her two children.
The whole peaceful house
Cover under your hand.
And my partner, King,
In the conjugal bed,
Keep free of disease, harm,
Keep faithful, agreeable,
Unaware of secrets,
Safe from old wives’ tales.
May she treat the bed as sacred,
40 All immaculate, pure,
Untouched by unjust desires.
Release her soul
From the fetters of earthly life,
Free her from suffering
And wretched illusion.
Permit me to present hymns
With holy choruses
To the glory of your Father
And to your power, blessed one.
50 Again I shall compose a hymn.
Again I shall sing you a song.
Perhaps even my zither again,
Again I will play its pure tone.


Ὑπὸ Δώριον ἁρμογὰν Ad Dorios numeros lyrae

Ἐλεφαντοδέτων μίτων λύρας Ebori alligatarum fidium
Στάσω λιγυρὰν ὄπα Tollam argutam vocem
Ἐπὶ σοὶ, μάκαρ, ἄμβροτε, Tui causa, beate, immortalis,
Γόνε κύδιμε Παρθένου. Nate clarissime Virginis.
Σὺ δέ μου βιωτὰν σάου Tu autem mihi viam serva
Παναπήμονα, κοίρανε, Malorum omnium expertem, o rex
Λύπαις ἄβατον διδοὺς, Molestiis inaccessam (eam) reddens
Καὶ νύκτα καὶ ἀμέραν. Noctesque diesque.
10 Λάμποις πραπίσιν σέλα Illustra mentem jubare,
Νοερᾶς ἀπὸ παγᾶς. Intellectuali ex fonte:
Σθένος ἀρτεμέων μελῶν, Robur integris artubus,
Καὶ κῦδος ἐπ’ ἔργμασι Et gloriam factis
Νεότατι νέμοις ἐμᾷ. Juventuti da meae,
Λιπαρὸν δὲ φέροις ἔτος Laetumque affer aevum
Ἐς γήραος ἀδονὰν, Ad senectam extremam,
Ἐρίτιμον ἀέξων Valde honoratam augens
Πινυτὰν σὺν ὑγείᾳ, Prudentiam cum bona valetudine.
Γνωτὸν δὲ φυλάσσοις Fratrem conserva,
20 Τόν μοι νέον, ἄφθιτε, Quem mihi nuper, o immortalis,
Ἤδη χθονίαν πύλαν Jam infernas portas
Παραμειβόμενον ποδὶ. Praetergredientem pede.
Ἄψορρον ἀνήγαγες, Ad superos revocasti,
Ἐμὰ κήδεα καὶ γόους, Curasque et luctus,
Ἐμὰ δάκρυα καὶ φρενῶν Meas lacrymas, et animi
Σβέσας αἰθομέναν φλόγα. Restinxisti ardentem flammam.
Ἐβίωσας καὶ νέκυν, Vitaeque restituisti mortuum,
Διὰ σὸν, Πάτερ, ἱκέταν. Propter (me) tuum, o Pater, supplicem.
Γνωτάν τε, συνωρίδα Sororemque, et par
30 Τεκέων τε φυλάσσοις, Liberorum serva,
Ὅλον ἡσυχίαν δόμον Totamque tranquillam domum
Ὑπὸ σᾷ χειρὶ κρύπτοις. Tua manu protegas.
Καί μοι ζυγίων, Ἄναξ, Et mihi ejusdem, o Rex,
Ξυνήονα δεμνίων, Consortem tori jugalis
Ἀπόνουσον, ἀπήμονα, A morbis noxisque liberam,
Ἑρίηρον, ὁμόφρονα, Charissimam, unanimem,
Κρυφίων ἀδαήμονα Furtivi ignaram
Ὀάρων ἄλογον σάου. Congressus uxorem serva:
Ὅσιον δ’ ἐφέποι λέχος Sanctumque colat jus connubii
40 Πανακήρατον, εὐαγὲς, Impollutum, purum,
Ἀδίκοις ἄβατον πόθοις. Non legitimis inaccessum amoribus.
Ψυχὰν δὲ λυθεῖσαν Animam vero solutam
Χθονίου βιότου πέδας Terrenae vitae vinculis
Ἐξαίνυσο πημάτων Eximito malis
Καὶ λευγαλέας ἄτας. Et tristi noxa,
Σὺν δ’ εὐαγέων χοροῖς Et cum purorum ordinibus
Ὕμνους ἀνάγειν δίδου Carmina offerre da
Ἐπὶ κύδει σου Πατρὸς In laudem tui Patris,
Καὶ κάρτεϊ σῷ, μάκαρ. Tuaeque potentiae, o beate,
50 Πάλιν ὑμνοπολεύσω, Iterum canam hymnos,
Πάλιν σοι μέλος ᾄσω, Iterum tibi carmina canam,
Τάχα καὶ κιθάραν πάλιν Fortasse et citharam
Πάλιν ἀκήρατον ἁρμόσω. Iterum integram temperabo.
The Ninth Song

Much loved, glorious one,

You, blessed Son of the virgin
Of Jerusalem I sing,
You who drove the deceptive
Trap, the serpent of the earth
From the great garden of the Father.
You descended even to the earth,
One among the creatures of a day.
You descended to Tartarus,
10 Where death once fed
Countless tribes of souls.
At you the old man then shuttered,
Hades begotten long ago,
And the people-eating dog
Withdrew from the threshold.
You released from suffering
The holy choruses of souls
With revelers pure
And raised songs to the Father.
20 When your rose, O Lord,
Unspeakable tribes of demons
Trembled in the air.
The immortal chorus
Of immaculate stars was amazed.
The ether laughed,
The wise father of harmony,
And on his seven-toned lyre
Mixed the music
Of a victory song.
30 Venus smiled,
Announcing the day,
And golden Hesperus,
The star of Cythera.
Filling the light of her horn
From the stream of fire
Selene led the way,
Shepherd of the gods of night.
And Titan spread
His wide-shining hair
40 Beneath his ineffable trail.
He knew the Son of God,
Mind that makes best,
Principle of his own fire.
But you, beating wing,
Roam the vaults
Of deep-blue heaven
You command the immaculate
Intellectual spheres,
Where is the spring of goods,
50 Heaven in silence.
There is there no deep-flowing
Time of untiring foot,
Trailing the offspring of earth,
No shameless defects
Of deep-waving matter.
But he is himself ageless,
Age begotten long ago.
Being young at once and old,
He allots ever-flowing
60. Stability to the gods.


Πολυήρατε κύδιμε, Majorem in modum expetende, clarissime,

Σὲ μάκαρ γόνε Παρθένου Te, o beaten ate Virginis,
Ὑμνῶ Σολυμηΐδος, Cano, Solymitanae,
Ὅς τὰν δολίαν πάγαν, Qui dolosum laqueum,
Χθόνιον μεγάλων ὄφιν Terrenum ingentibus anguem
Πατρὸς ἤλασας ὀρχάτων. Patris expulisti hortis:
Καταβὰς μέχρι καὶ χθονὸς Descendisti usque ad terram,
Ἐπίδημος ἐφαμέροις, Advena inter mortals,
Κατέβας δ’ ὑπὸ τάρταρα, Et descendisti sub tartara,
10 Ψυχῶν ὅθι μυρία Animarum ubi plurima
Θάνατος νέμεν ἔθνεα. Mors tenebat agmina.
Φρίξεν σε γέρων τότε Horruit te senex tunc
Ἀΐδας ὁ παλαιγενὴς, Orcus antiquus,
Καὶ λαοβόρος κύων Et voracissimus canis
Ἀνεχάσσατο βηλοῦ. Recessit a limine.
Λύσας δ’ ἀπὸ πημάτων Tu vero cum solvisses catenis
Ψυχῶν ὁσίους χοροὺς Animarum sanctos coetus,
Θιάσοισιν ἀκηράτοις Comitatu integerrimo
Ὕμνους ἀνάγεις Πατρί. Laudes referebas Patri.
20 Ἀνιόντα σὲ, Κοίρανε, Redeuntem te, o Rex,
Τὰ κατ’ ἠέρος ἄσπετα Aeria immensa
Τρέσεν ἔθνεα δαιμόνων. Horruit turba daemonum :
Θάμβησε δ’ ἀκηράτων Expavit autem purissimarum
Χορὸς ἄμβροτος ἀστέρων. Chorus immortalis stellarum,
Αἰθὴρ δὲ γελάσας, Aither autem ridens,
Σοφὸς ἁρμονίας πατὴρ, Sapiens harmoniae pater,
Ἐς ἑπτατόνου λύρας Ex septem fidium lyra
Ἐκεράσσατο μουσικὰν Temperavit musicam
Ἐπινίκιον ἐς μέλος. Triumphale in carmen.
30 Μείδησεν ἑωσφόρος, Risit lucifer,
Ὁ διάκτορος ἀμέρας, Nuntius diei,
Καὶ χρύσεος ἕσπερος, Et aureus hesperus,
Κυθερήϊος ἀστήρ. Cythereium sidus.
Ἁ μὲν κερόεν σέλας Ipse quidem cornutum lumen
Πλήσασα ῥόου πυρὸς Replens ex fluxu ignis,
Ἀγεῖτο σελάνα, Praeibat luna,
Ποιμὴν νυχίων θεῶν. Pastor nocturnorum deorum;
Τὰν δ’ εὑρυφαῆ κόμαν Late vero lucentem comam
Τιτὰν ἐπετάσσατο Titan expandit
40 Ἄρρητον ὑπ’ ἴχνιον. Ineffabile sub vestigium.
Ἔγνω δὲ γόνον Θεοῦ Agnovit autem natum Dei,
Τὸν ἀριστοτέχναν νόον Mentem, quae est optima opifex,
Ἰδίου πυρὸς ἀρχάν. Proprii ignis originem.
Σὺ δὲ ταρσὸν ἐλάσσας, Tu vero alas agitans
Κυανάντυγος οὐρανοῦ Caerulei caeli
Ὑπερήλαο νώτων, Scandisti super dorsum,
Σφαίρῃσι δ’ ἐπετάσθης (In) sphaerisque constitisti
Νοεραῖσιν ἀκηράτοις Intellectualibus purissimis :
Ἀγαθῶν ὅθι παγὰ, Bonorum ubi fons,
50 Σιγώμενος οὐρανός. Silentio suppressum caelum.
Ἔνθ’ οὔτε βαθύρροος Ubi neque immensum,
Ἀκαμαντοπόδας χρόνος, Indefessumque tempus
Χθονὸς ἔκγονα σύρων, Terra orta trahens,
Οὐ κῆρες ἀναιδέες Neque morbi impudentes
Βαθυκύμονος ὕλας. Fecundae hylae.
Ἀλλ’ αὐτὸς ἀγήραος Sed ipsum senii expers
Αἰὼν ὁ παλαιγενὴς, Aevum antiquum,
Νέος ὢν ἅμα καὶ γέρων, Quod juvenis est simul et senex,
Τὰς ἀεννάω μονᾶς Perpetuae mansionis
60 Ταμίας πέλεται θεοῖς. Dispensator est diis.
The Tenth Song

Be mindful, Christ,
Son of God
Who reigns on high,
Of your servant,
A sinner in heart,
Who wrote these poems.
And bring me release
From suffering
Nurtured by ruin.
What is natural
In my foul soul
Grant me to see,
Savior Jesus,
Your radiance most
Divine. When I appear there,
I will sing a song
To the healer of souls,
To the healer of limbs,
With the great Father
And the Holy Spirit.


Μνώεο, Χριστὲ, Memento, Christe,
Υἷε Θεοῖο Fili Dei
Ὑψιμέδοντος, Alte regnantis,
Οἰκέτεω σέο, Servi tui,
Κῆρ ἀλιτροῖο, Qui misera sorte est peccator ;
Γράψαντος τάδε. Qui scripsit haec:
Καί μοι ὄπασσον Et mihi praebe
Λύσιν παθέων Expiationem scelerum
Κηριτρεφέων. Cordi insitorum.
10 Τά μοι ἐμφυῆ Quae mihi sunt innata
Ψυχᾷ ῥυπαρᾷ Animo sordido.
Δὸς δὲ ἰδέσθαι, Da vero ut aspiciam,
Σῶτερ Ἰησοῦ, Servator Jesu,
Ζαθέαν αἴγλαν Divinum splendorem
Σάν. Ἔνθα φανεὶς Tuum, ad quem cum apparuero,
Μέλψω ἀοιδὰν Canam carmina
Ψυχᾶν παίονι, Animarum medico,
Παίονι γυίων, Medico corporum,
Πατρὶ σὺν μεγάλῳ, Patri simul excelso,
Πνεύματί θ’ ἀγνῷ. Spirituique sancto.
A Synesius Poetics Bibliography

Idalgo Baldi, Gli Inni de Sinesio di Cirene : Vicende testuali di un corpus tardoantico (Berlin:
De Gruyter, 2011).
Jay Bregman, Synesius of Cyrene Philosopher-Bishop (Berkeley: University of California Press,
Edouard des Places, Oracles Chaldaiques (Paris : Belles Lettres, 1971).
Matthew Dickie, “Hermeias on Plato Phaedrus 238d and Synesius Dion 14.2,” The American
Journal of Philology, vol. 114, no. 3 (Autumn, 1993), 421-440.
Dionysius, Dionysius the Areopagite on the Divine Names and the Mystical Theology, Trans.
C.E. Rolt (Lake Worth, Florida: Nicolas-Hays, 2004).
_____, The Dionysian Mystical Theology, Trans., Paul Rorem (Philadelphia: Fortress Press,
_____, Pseudo-Dionysius: The Complete Works (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1987).
Brian Duvick, “Gregory Nazianzus: A Poemata Arcana Poetics Postcard,”
Postcard, 2021.
_____, The Historical Poems of Gregory the Theologian, edited and translated by Brian Duvick
_____, “Poemata Arcana Poetics: A Commentary on the ΠΕΡΙ ΑΡΧΩΝ of Gregory
Nazianzus, »
%A1%CE%A7%CE%A9%CE%9D_of_Gregory_Nazianzus, 2021.
_____, “The Poetics of the Wedding at Cana in the Homerocentones,”
merocentones, 2021.
_____, The Poetry of Proclus and Proclus on Poetry,
_ON_POETRY, 2021.
_____, Proclus on Homer: Pros and Cons,,
_____, Proclus: On Plato Cratylus (London: Bloomsbury, 2014).
_____, Proclus on Poetry, the Immortality of the Soul, and the Myth of Er,
_____, “A Proclus Poetics Postcard,”, 2021.
Eudocia et al., The Homeric Centos, Ed. & Trans. by Brian Duvick,
_____, The Homeric Centos : A Selection of Articles by Brian Duvick,
Otto Kern, Orphicorum Fragmenta (
Marinus, Life of Proclus (
Dachi Pachulia, Hymns of Synesius of Cyrene in Their Christian and Platonist Context
( › pachulia_dachi), 2019.

Helmut Seng, Untersuchungen zum Vokabular und zur Metrik in den Hymnen des Synesios
(New York: Peter Lang, 1996).

Synesius of Cyrene and Antonio Garzya, Opere di Sinesio di Cirene: epistole, operette, inni
(Torino, Italy: Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1989).

_____, Joachim Gruber and Hans Strohm, Synesios von Kyrene Hymnen (Heidelberg: Carl
Winter, 1991).

S. Vollenweider, Neuplatonische und Christliche Theologie bei Synesios von Kyrene (Gottingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984).

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