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B Dispo-Cockpit
Optimizing Logistic Processes in SAP

Modern business continuously confronts ment and to integrate your business logistic processes into SAP without any
enterprises with permanently changing partners into processes. At the same interface problems and without the
requests within the industrial sectors. time IT represents the basis for inte- need for further hardware investments.
The main reasons are increasingly glo- grated, transparent and flexible supply Thus an enormously short implementa-
balized markets and internationalized chains. Your advantages: cost reduc- tion time can be realized.
enterprises. In order to operate success- tions, an optimum inventory manage-
fully in this environment global business ment and service improvements. An G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit complements the
models and procurement, production important prerequisite is the use of the SAP Standard by important MRP func-
and distribution strategies are abso­lutely right SAP add-ons: by means of the tionalities and methods for the optimi-
essential. G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit product family you zation of stock and logistic processes.
will be able to master these challenges. WIP issues along your supply chain are
In this context the IT infrastructure plays thoroughly addressed by G.I.B Dispo-
a key role by enabling you to control Philosophy Cockpit as well. The use of G.I.B Dispo-
complex logistics and transportation G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit is an SAP certified Cockpit will provide for a long-term
networks, to realize channel manage- add-on, which seamlessly integrates increase of your competitive advantage.

Another convincing aspect of G.I.B The transparency which finds its way
Dispo-Cockpit is its harmonic integration into your SAP system allows full control
into the SAP Graphical User Interface of your Supply Chain Management. ­­By
featuring an intuitive usability as well combining the individual modules of
as an improved and logically designed the G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit product line
user interface. Thus after just a few your stock and your service level can
training lessons the user will already be be optimized efficiently.
able to tap almost the full potentials of
G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit. No more annoying
calls of transactions, tools or Excel files
will be needed.

G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit

Logistics Optimization in SAP

Forecast Controlling Operations Kanban Planning

G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit is a modification- ERP 6.0. Language versions: German, G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Forecast 4- 6
free add-on and completely integrated English, French, Spanish and Hungarian. G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Controlling 7- 9
into the environments of SAP R/3, R/3 A product awarded with the certification G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Operations 10 - 12
Enterprise and SAP ERP, available for “SAP Certified – Powered by NetWeaver”. G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Kanban 13 - 15
Releases SAP R/3 4.6C, SAP R/3 *Stand: June 2010 G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Planning 16 - 18
Enterprise 4.70, SAP ERP 5.0 and SAP G.I.B References 19


G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Forecast supports The forecast models provided by G.I.B smaller sales companies, which do not
the process of decentralized planning Dispo-Cockpit Forecast allow accurate yet use a consistent SAP system, are
and offers consolidation functions with- prognoses and a correspondingly reli- enabled to integrate their forecast
in a central planning monitor. The able planning accuracy. Requirements requirements into consolidation.
application regulates and controls the are calculated on the basis of historical
transfer to the ERP system or to alterna- business volume data, causal factors, Via corresponding download proce-
tive subsystems. In addition, several marketing campaigns, market intelli- dures data may be collected cyclically
different features in the field of forecast gence and sales targets. These pro­ by means of a planning calendar. These
and monitoring are provided and sup- cesses are supported by algorithms can be made available in respective
ported by workflow, traffic light and according to Croston or Winters, by aggregations by suppliers in form of
alarm functionalities. median method etc. depending on the e-mail, CSV-files or on market places. In
course of the examined time series this way it is guaranteed that all corpo-
Our sales planning and forecast tool (control signals). rate planning areas are taken into
G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Forecast is fast and account, which leads to a significant
easy to operate and thus unfolds a high Thanks to the embedded upload and increase in forecast accuracy and a
degree of efficiency. The rolling sales download functionality it is possible to lasting boost of your competitive edge.
planning is used to optimize production integrate data from other SAP systems
plans. G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Forecast into requirements calculation. Further­
permits a prompt realization of opti- more, important information from non-
mum forecast procedures in order to SAP systems can also be included into
increase your performance and to opti- G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Forecast. By means
mize your stocks. of these functions for example even

Forecast Circuit Centralized / Decentralized



Planning Procedures
G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit supports the process of decentralized
planning and provides consolidation functions in a central
planning monitor.

Our sales planning and forecast tool G.I.B Dispo-

Cockpit Forecast is fast and easy to operate and
unfolds a high degree of efficiency. The rolling
sales planning is used to optimize production

The forecast models provided by G.I.B Dispo-
Cockpit Forecast allow accurate prognoses and a
correspondingly reliable planning accuracy.

Via respective download procedures data may be

collected cyclically by means of a planning calen-

The forecast model is selected automatically by

monitoring the tracking signal in regard to the
variation coefficient, taking into account the con-
stancy of XYZ consumption.


G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Controlling helps ver and range of coverage you will of different MRP types, lot-sizing proce-
you to realize a sustainable inventory obtain – automated through applica- dures (Andler, Groff, etc.) and safety
optimization with a minimum expen­ tion of rule set – an optimum proposi- values can be forecast accurately. This
diture of time. You will be supported by tion for adjusting your MRP parameters. ensures safety and acceptance of the
industry-specific rule sets, based upon Consequence: optimization of your key application.
any number of dimensions, e.g. delivery figures. With ease you can realize a
classes, product life cycle such as target-oriented navigation through your
LRODI, value (ABC), constancy (XYZ) inventory key figures and obtain a cru-
and many more. These rule sets can be cial transparency.
implemented into G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit
as pre-configured industry content. The Thanks to the simulation mode you can
pre-configuration reduces product launch simulate the provided rule sets and their
time and leads to a higher degree of effects on stock and service level. This
efficiency. simulation may be calculated on the
level of an individual material, of user-
G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Controlling allows defined aggregation and of a whole
to control inventory and MRP from one plant as well. The simulation mode may
central application. By determination of be regarded as a kind of “learning
certain indicators such as capital turno- ground” where the cooperative effects

Controlling Circuit
Sources and channels Key Figures
of supply


Decision tree,
Change MRP Evaluation

Default values MRP

XYZ-Analysis ABC-Analysis

G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Controlling helps you to

realize a lasting inventory optimization with
a minimum expenditure of time.

With the G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Controlling Dash­

board you can control your inventory and your
MRP from one central application.

The multifunctional HTML-interface within the G.I.B

Dispo-Cockpit Controlling Dashboard is not limited
to the visualization of ABC/XYZ distributions.
It also allows individual representations in the field
of product life cycle. No matter if you are going to
apply the LRODI, the ELAN or your own individual
method. Thanks to the integrated formula genera-
tor there are many possibilities available to use
your logic for the creation of further decision trees.

Individually defined or industry-specific content rule
sets will support you in converting control parame-
ters via decision tree into MRP-effective parameters.

Thanks to the simulation mode you can simulate

available rule sets and their effects on stock and
service level.

Stock segmentation graphically illustrates the

repartition of your inventory at a single glance.
It represents a statistic method of materials manage­
ment which clarifies and visualizes certain effects
in the field of stock keeping. As all stock materials
have a certain range of coverage and a purchase
price, these two characteristics can be related to
each other in a graphical representation.


G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Operations repre- Within the period details displayed in used lists can fast and easily be dis-
sents the module for day-to-day busi- G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Operations all played. Topics such as cross- or inter-
ness of everybody operating in the field ­relevant pieces of information such as company business transactions are
of SCM. Thanks to individual user lay- receipts and issues, requirements, taken into account by G.I.B Dispo-
outs and predefined default layouts all planned orders etc. can be presented Cockpit Operations. Ranges of cover-
MRP-relevant information can be in a timeline. This timeline can be drilled age based on consumption, require-
retrieved and displayed graphically. down to day, week or month and ments or even customer specifications
These are: ­displayed both on the level of individu- can be conveniently set and controlled
al materials and for a material group by traffic lights and exceptions.
• Missing parts as well.
• Exceptions
• Material master data monitoring In addition, conversions of both
• Forecasts and consumptions planned orders and purchase requi­
(graphical/tabular) sitions can be initiated directly from
• Vendor and purchasing information one single user interface. Production
• Manufacturing and production order information such as WIP, which is cru-
information cial for many companies, is easily man-
aged by G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Opera­
The user navigates through his day-to- tions as well.
day business and is able to base his
MRP relevant decisions on reliable Cross-plant views on level of individual
information. materials, BOM explosions or where-

Thanks to the multi-screen capability of all G.I.B hand side. Via “refresh all windows”-function each
Dispo-Cockpit modules modern MRP controllers are detailed piece of material-related information is
permitted to individually arrange their Supply- transferred into the respective screen while the
Chain-Cockpits according to their special needs. views will be refreshed immediately. In this way the
The main display on the left demonstrates a possi- G.I.B Dispo Cockpit user can operate in a highly
ble sample layout of G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit efficient way while at the same time creating an
Operations while several detail windows pre­ enormous transparency – a quality which safe-
senting period details, consumption graphic and guards important competitive advantages in times
exception messages are arranged on the right of ever-increasing workloads.

G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Operations represents the
module for day-to-day business of everybody
­operating in the field of SCM. Thanks to individual
user layouts and predefined default layouts all
MRP-relevant information can be collected and
displayed in easy-to-read graphics.

Within the period details displayed in G.I.B Dispo-

Cockpit Operations all relevant pieces of informa-
tion such as receipts and issues, requirements,
planned orders etc. can be presented in a timeline.
This timeline can be drilled down to day, week or
month and displayed both on the level of individual
materials and for a material group as well.

Cross-plant views of levels of individual materials,

BOM explosion or where-used lists can fast and
easily be displayed.


G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Kanban addresses In order to determine suitable materials In case of already existing control
companies already employing Kanban for Kanban more than one perspective cycles, control cycle dimensioning
processes or considering a Kanban will be necessary. The XYZ/XYZ analy- ­generates default values for control
implementation. An individually defin- sis classifies materials of the G.I.B cycle optimization. In case of an initial
able decision tree will guide you to the Dispo-Cockpit Kanban at the level of generation of control cycles default
optimum Kanban process. plant, material, cost center/supply area values for dimensioning are created.
(demand source) according to their Both procedures are conducted accord-
By means of a user-defined question- consumption quantity on the one hand ing to user-defined formulas.
naire the process check allows to deter- and according to the number of access-
mine the Kanban suitability of a material. es on the other. You may conduct a
As a result of the check you will obtain direct classification (current indicator)
a list of all Kanban processes which are or a delta-classification as well.
applicable to the material.

Controlling Circuit

XYZ / XYZ Classification



Pre-collection Questionnaire


Kanban represents a method of replenishment con- The predefined operation mode within the G.I.B
trol following the push-pull principle and based Dispo-Cockpit Kanban module and the integrated
upon the requirement of consuming units in the traffic light control permit a fast and convenient
production process. Control cycles on cost center/ access to this type of replenishment control and a
supply area level constitute the core element of this long-term stock reduction of certain intermediate
kind of production control. and finished products.

By means of a user-defined questionnaire the
­process check allows to determine the Kanban
suitability of a material. As a result of the check
you will obtain a list of all Kanban processes which
are applicable to the material.

The XYZ/XYZ analysis classifies materials of the

G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Kanban at the level of plant,
material, cost center/supply area (demand source)
according to their consumption quantity on the one
hand and according to the number of accesses on
the other.

In case of already existing control cycles, control

cycle dimensioning generates default values for
control cycle optimization. In case of an initial
generation of control cycles default values for
dimensioning are created.


Normally, planning-relevant capacities have not yet been scheduled can be ing parts situations, global availability,
belong to different production and scheduled in a simulation mode and COGI processing etc. can be detected,
responsibility areas. Accordingly, in checked for feasibility within a graphical utilized and handled. Because of the
G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Planning production display of the capacity situation before integration into the SAP system data will
areas are divided into planning and conversion. Necessary capacity adjust- always be up-to-date and online.
information areas which at the same time ments because of breakdowns, company
represent the basis for the subsequent vacation or extra shifts can be realized Many companies are facing the major
WIP determination. in a fast and easy way. challenge of WIP and its periodic deter-
mination. With G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit
With G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Planning you The integration of classic application Planning cost surveys and cost analyses
will obtain a tabular planning table for functions concerning the processing of including target/actual comparisons can
an optimum capacity planning and production, process and planned orders be created and transferred to different
sequencing of production, process and is available as well. Without any prob- WIP analyses including history and trend
planned orders or of run schedule quanti- lems topics such as conversion, release at the level of hierarchy nodes.
ties in the field of repetitive manufac­ and print of planned orders, scheduling,
turing. By drag and drop, orders which confirmation, exception messages, miss-

Position within the DC Product Family

Optimum MRP parameters

Processing “in-house production”

Production Key Figures

The G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Planning module seamlessly demonstrates the comprehensive approach of
integrates into the G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit family. In ­providing almost the complete set of relevant infor-
case G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Controlling and G.I.B mation for realizing a fast and modern day-to-day
Dispo-Cockpit Operations are implemented the DC operation mode. In this way the necessary trans­
modules are able to communicate and can be parency is created which permits reliable decisions
called directly via button or hotspot. This very well while safeguarding your competitive edge.

With G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit Planning you will obtain
a tabular planning table for an optimum capacity
planning and sequencing of production, process
and planned orders or of run schedule quantities in
the field of repetitive manufacturing.

The integration of classic application functions

concerning the processing of production, process
and planned orders is provided as well.

WIP and its periodic determination: With G.I.B

Dispo-Cockpit Planning cost surveys and cost analy-
ses including target/actual comparisons can be
created and transferred to different WIP analyses
including history and trend at the level of hierarchy


Krone Gruppe ­ erfect satisfaction. This visit played an

p family! G.I.B know-how and the
Dr. Goy Hinrich Korn important role in that company’s ­functionality of G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit
Prokurist (General Manager) ­decision to buy G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit.” enjoys full acceptance from manager to
Head Organization / IT Krone Group end user in all departments and across
Diehl Aerospace GmbH all modules. It has become integral part
“It has really been astonishing how fast Axel Denkinger of day-to-day business in SAP.”
and smoothly G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit was Head Supply Chain Management &
implemented into our Krone SAP system Production Margarete Steiff GmbH
and into our logistic processes. It took Mario Ferrarese
less than 6 weeks from the installation “The introduction of G.I.B Dispo- Head Logistics
on the test system to the actual use in Cockpit created an unprecedented
the production system – user-training transparency at MRP level, which “After the definition of requirements for
included!” allows us to derive clearly defined increasing logistic performance of
responsibilities and key figures for Margarete Steiff GmbH the main tar-
Rüggeberg GmbH & Co. KG ­day-to-day inventory management.” gets were met with G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit.
(Pferd Tools) The logistics know-how of our employ-
Olaf Theunissen E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH ees has increased. A sustainable stock
Logistics Inventory Management Norman Seibold reduction with increased product avail-
Project Leader SAP/Project Manager SAP ability at the same time stays our per-
“The fact that we recommended the manent goal. We are currently in an
G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit tool to a partner “As of today at E-T-A Elektrotechnische orientation period. G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit
company including a live presentation Apparate GmbH we successfully employ­ offers a considerable potential.”
in our house gives evidence of our all modules of the G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit

G.I.B – Your SAP Software Partner

In addition to the Business and Service Partnership G.I.B is

certified as SAP Software Partner in the field of development
as well. We take this as evidence and approval of our
outstanding know-how and our performance. Another G.I.B
performance feature: Our SAP consultants and ABAP
­programmers are consistently SAP certified. By means of
our programming tool G.I.B ABAP Programming Tem­plates
we also developed G.I.B Dispo-Cockpit – a product
awarded with the certification ­“SAP Certified –
Powered by SAP NetWeaver”.

G.I.B Gesellschaft für

Information und Bildung mbH

Birlenbacher Straße 18
57078 Siegen
Phone: +49 271 89038-0
Fax: +49 271 89038-99

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