Internet Essay

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Internet is the most important invention that humanity has created, it has given us the power

to connect the world and to improve our economy like never before. Personally, I believe that
the internet is extremely beneficial for all of us and the information you can find in the web is
amazing. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

First of all, the internet provides us information that 50 year should have been almost
impossible to have access to, it makes things much easier, you just have to turn on your phone
and google something and billions of billions of results will appear on your screen. My personal
experience is a compelling example of this, this year I was looking for something new, I wanted
to learn a new language, to be more specific I wanted to start learning German, but I didn’t
know how to started since the place I live is very limited in German teachers, so, I started
looking on the web for this kind of information, I began to learn my new language with an app,
I loved it, I passed from have no knowledge, to be in an intermedium level of German, and not
just that, since it is very easy to find a lot of information of languages on the web I also
introduced myself in French and Italian, so that, my memory has had a huge improvement and
of course my knowledge in those language has done the same, now I’m capable of
communicate some of my ideas in German, French and Italian.

Secondly, everybody could have a place on the web, that’s the best thing, it doesn’t matter
what do you want to look for, everything is on the web. For instance, a friend of mine wanted
to learn dancing but she is very shy, due to this she didn’t want to enrolled in physical dancing
classes, what did she do? She looked for dancing classes on YouTube, she started two years
ago, little by little, whit the most basic dance movement, nowadays she is a dancer teacher,
she dances like a professional. it is incredible that the internet taught her how to dance

In conclusion I am of the opinion that the internet is an amazing tool in which you can search
and learn anything you want to. This is because it is very easy to have access to this
information and because it helps us to develop our knowledge and abilities.

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