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An introduction to Hybrid Intelligent systems

Presentation · November 2013

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16838.27209


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1 author:

Abdullatif Baba
Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi


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Artificial Intelligence
An Introduction to Hybrid Intelligent Systems

12/22/2016 1
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Probabilistic reasoning, fuzzy logic, neural networks and evolutionary

• Each technology has its own strong and weak points

• In many real-world applications we need to combine different intelligent
technologies. Each technology compensates for the weak points of the
other one.
• A hybrid intelligent system is one that combines at least two intelligent

• Neural expert systems

• Neuro-fuzzy systems
• Evolutionary neural networks
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
Expert systems Neural Networks
rely on rely on
• Logical inferences • Parallel data processing
• Decision trees
Focus on modelling a human reasoning Focus on modelling a human brain
Knowledge in a rule-based expert system is Knowledge in neural networks is stored as
represented by IF-THEN production rules collected synaptic weights between neurons
by observing or interviewing human experts.
Expert systems cannot learn from experience or Neural networks can learn with or without human
adapt to new environments but can explain how it intervention (Self organizing neural networks)
arrives at a particular solution
knowledge can be divided into individual rules and knowledge is embedded in the entire network; it
the user can see and understand the piece of cannot be broken into individual pieces, and any
knowledge applied by the system change of a synaptic weight may lead to
unpredictable results.

By combining the advantages of each technology we can create a more powerful and
effective expert system
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
• The knowledge base is represented
by a trained neural network.
• The rule extraction unit examines the
neural knowledge base and produces
the rules implicitly in the trained
neural network.
• The explanation facilities explain to
the user how the neural expert system
arrives at a particular solution when
working with the new input data.
• The user interface provides the means
of communication between the user
and the neural expert system

The Inference engine controls the information flow in the system

and initiates inference over the neural knowledge base.
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems

• In classical rule-based expert systems, the precise matching is required.

• As a trained neural network was used in the place of the knowledge base. This
allows neural expert systems to deal with noisy and incomplete data. This
ability is called approximate reasoning.


Fundamental memories are capable of attracting the neighbouring states

Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
How does a neural expert system extract rules that justify its inference?
Example : object classification problem. (bird, plane or glider)

The neurons in the second layer apply the following sign activation function
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
How does a neural expert system extract rules that justify its inference?

After training the network.

If we now set each neuron of the input
layer to
• +1 (true)
• -1 (false)
• 0 (unknown)
We can give a semantic interpretation
for the activation of any output neuron.

For example, if the object has Wings +1, Beak +1 and Feathers +1, but does not have
Engine -1, then we can conclude :
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
How does a neural expert system extract rules that justify its inference?
We can similarly conclude that this object is not Plane,

And not Glider,

If a given object has wings and beak and feathers Then it is a bird
If a given object has wings and beak and engine Then it is a plane
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
Can we define a system that obtains the most important information first to draw a conclusion as
quickly as possible?

By attaching a corresponding question to each input neuron,

Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
How does the system know what the most important information is, and
whether it has enough information to draw a conclusion?

The importance of a particular neuron

input is determined by the:
|absolute value| of the weight
attached to this input.
For example, for neuron Rule 1, the
input Feathers has a much greater
importance than the input Wings.
Thus, we might establish the
following dialogue with the system:
> Bird
> +1
Our task now is to see whether the acquired information is sufficient to draw a conclusion
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
How does the system know what the most important information is, and
whether it has enough information to draw a conclusion?
An inference can be made if the known net weighted input to a neuron is greater
than the sum of the absolute values of the weights of the unknown inputs.

This heuristic can be expressed mathematically as follows:

In our example, when the input Feathers becomes known, we obtain

Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
How does the system know what the most important information is, and
whether it has enough information to draw a conclusion?
Thus, the inference for neuron Rule 1 cannot be made yet, and the user is asked
to provide a value for the next most important input, input Beak:
> +1

And thus, according to the heuristic, the following inference can be made:
Note: UNKNOWN indicates how this net input might change based upon the worst possible
combination of values of the unknown inputs. In our example, the net weighted input cannot change
more than ±2.1. Therefore, the output of neuron Rule 1 will be greater than 0 regardless of the
values of the known inputs.
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
how a single rule can be extracted to justify an inference?
Let us justify the inference that Bird is true
But at first, we have to determine all contributing inputs and the size of each
• All neurons in the first layer are directly connected to neuron Rule 1, we might expect
that the rule to be extracted may involve all five neurons : Wings, Tail, Beak, Feathers
and Engine.
• The size of this contribution is determined by the absolute value of the weight 𝑤𝑖 of
the contributing input i.
In our example, the list of inputs contributing to the inference “Bird is true” looks as follows:

This list enables us to create a rule in which the

condition part is represented by the contributing
input with the largest contribution:
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neural expert systems
how a single rule can be extracted to justify an inference?
We need to make sure that the rule passes the validity test.

The rule is not valid yet, and thus we need to add the ‘second best’ contributing
input as a clause in the condition part of our rule:

This example illustrates that the neural expert system

can make useful deductions even when the data is
incomplete (Tail is unknown in our example).
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Neuro-fuzzy systems

Fuzzy logic Neural Networks

Deals with reasoning on a higher level, Low-level computational structures
using linguistic information acquired dealing with raw data
from domain experts.
Fuzzy systems lack the ability to learn Can learn, but they are vague to the
and cannot adjust themselves to a new user.

Humanlike knowledge representation and Parallel computation and learning

explanation abilities

Neuro-fuzzy systems
A standard neuro-fuzzy system has input and output layers, and three hidden layers that
represent membership functions and fuzzy rules

Two inputs x1 and x2. One output y. Input x1 is represented by three fuzzy sets A1, A2 and
A3; input x2 by three fuzzy sets B1, B2 and B3; and output y by two fuzzy sets C1 and C2.
Neuro-fuzzy systems
Layer 2 is the input membership or fuzzification layer:

• A fuzzification neuron receives a crisp input and determines

the degree to which this input belongs to the neuron’s fuzzy
• The activation function of a membership neuron is set to the
function that specifies the neuron’s fuzzy set. It may be
triangular, gaussian, ... or any other membership functions.
• Example: Triangular membership function can be specified
by two parameters a and b as follows:

and Are respectively the input and the

output of the second layer
Neuro-fuzzy systems
Layer 2, the input membership or fuzzification layer

Triangular activation functions of the fuzzification neurons:

(a) effect of parameter a; (b) effect of parameter b
• The output of a fuzzification neuron depends on its input, and also on the centre, a,
and the width, b, of the triangular activation function.
• The neuron input may remain constant, but the output will vary with the change of
parameters a and b.
• Parameters a and b of the fuzzification neurons can play the same role in a neuro-
fuzzy system as synaptic weights in a neural network.
Neuro-fuzzy systems
Layer 3 is the fuzzy rule layer

• Each neuron in this layer corresponds to a single fuzzy rule.

A fuzzy rule neuron receives inputs from the fuzzification
• In our example, neuron R1, which corresponds to Rule 1,
receives inputs from neurons A1 and B1.
• In fuzzy systems, if a given rule has multiple antecedents, a
conjunction operator is used which can be implemented by
the product operator.
• Thus, the output of neuron i in Layer 3 is obtained as

The value of μR1 represents the firing strength of fuzzy

rule neuron R1.

And so on …
Neuro-fuzzy systems
• The weights between Layer 3 and Layer 4 have to be normalised.
They are selected randomly and during training, they can be
changed. (Confidence degree attributed to each rule)
To keep them with in the specified range , the weights are normalised
by dividing their respective values by the highest weight magnitude
obtained at each iteration.

Layer 4 is the output membership layer

An output membership neuron receives inputs from the

corresponding fuzzy rule neurons and combines them by
using the fuzzy operation union. In our example:

𝑦𝑐1 = 𝜇𝑅3 ∗ 𝑤𝑅3 + 𝜇𝑅6 ∗ 𝑤𝑅6

The value of μC1 represents the integrated firing strength of

fuzzy rule neurons R3 and R6
Neuro-fuzzy systems

Layer 5 is the defuzzification layer.

• Each neuron in this layer represents a single output of the

neuro-fuzzy system.
• It takes the output fuzzy sets clipped by the respective
integrated firing strengths and combines them into a single
fuzzy set.
• Then the sum–product composition calculates the crisp
output as the weighted average of the centroids of all output
membership functions. In our example:
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Evolutionary neural networks

Genetic algorithms Neural Networks

Genetic algorithms are an effective Back-propagation algorithm might
optimisation technique that can guide converge to a set of sub-optimal
both: weights from which it cannot escape
• Weight optimisation For a particular given problem,
• Topology selection. designing a neural network topology
(architecture) is still more art than

Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Evolutionary neural networks

• Initial weights in the network are chosen randomly within some small interval [-1,1]
• Each row in the last matrix represents a group of all the incoming weighted links to a
single neuron. This group can be considered as a functional building block of the
network. (Thus, each gene is a group of all incoming weights of a given neuron)
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Evolutionary neural networks
Example (Crossover) :

Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Evolutionary neural networks
Example (Mutation) :

A mutation operator randomly selects a gene in a chromosome and adds a

small random value between-1 and 1 to each weight in this gene.
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Evolutionary neural networks
Example (Network topology) :

Direct encoding of the network topology

• Direct encoding can be applied only to feedforward networks with a fixed number of
• The connection topology of a neural network can be represented by a square connectivity
matrix. Each entry in the matrix defines the type of connection from (column) neuron to
(row) one.
• In some cases, wile achieving weights training network architecture optimization is done
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Evolutionary neural networks
The algorithm (In General):
Step 1: Choose the size of a chromosome population, the crossover and mutation
Step 2: Define a fitness function to measure the performance, of an individual chromosome.
Step 3: Set initial weights of the network to small random numbers, in the range [-1;1]Š
Step 4: Train the network on a training set of examples for a certain number of epochs using
the backpropagation algorithm. Calculate the network’s fitness.
Step 5: Repeat Step 3 until all the individuals in the population have been considered.
Step 6: Select a pair of chromosomes for mating, with a probability proportionate to their
Step 7: Create a pair of offspring chromosomes by applying the genetic operators
crossover and mutation.
Step 8: Place the created offspring chromosomes in the new population.
Step 9: Repeat Step 4 for all the offspring, Then go to step 6 and Repeat the process until a
specified number of generations have been considered.
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