The Predictive Role of Religious Beliefs and Psychological Hardiness in Academic Procrastination of High School Students (Dalgan)

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International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

© 2015 Available online at

ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (7): 1082-1087
Science Explorer Publications

The Predictive Role of Religious Beliefs and

Psychological Hardiness in Academic
Procrastination of High School Students (Dalgan)
Nader Fatemi Nasab, Dr. Alireza Mohammadi-Aria
Department of Psychology, college of Psychology and Educational Science, zahedan Science and research
branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran

Corresponding author email:

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive role of religious beliefs and
psychological hardiness in academic procrastination of high school students. The design of research
was correlational. For this purpose, 310 students were selected in city of Dolgan. And responded to
questionnaire of academic procrastination (Solomon & Rothblum: 1984), Islamic Coping Strategies
(Ehteshamzade: 1388) and Ahvaz Psychological hardiness (kiamarsi & Colleagues: 1377). Data
collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential
statistics (Pearson correlation and regression test t). The results showed that religious strategies
have a significant negative correlation with academic procrastination (P <0.01). And psychological
hardiness has a significant negative correlation (- 0.284) with academic procrastination. Also the
variables explain about 10% of the variance of academic procrastination. Conclusions: Religious
attitudes and psychological hardiness are affecting components on academic procrastination.
Keywords: Religious Beliefs, Psychological Hardiness, Academic Procrastination

Statement of the Problem

Besides of various factors effectiveness in teenage negligence, we try to investigate religious attitudes
and mental toughness as the two most important components in this context being discussed. Tarkshvar,
Ellison and Wolfe (2001) suggest, narrative reports and experimental studies have shown that, in general,
religion has active presence in the process of resistance. However, until recently little attention was on religious
resistance (Sedoughi, 1386). Siegel, Anderman & Schrimshaw (2001) states that based on studies, religious
resistance has relationship with a range of obvious results, such as lower rates of depression, better mental
and physical health, stress-related growth, spiritual growth and lower mortality. Pargamnt, Tarkshvar, Ellison
and Wolfe (2001) in their research on this topic focused on how a person's religious beliefs as a source of
useful and powerful to solve the problems. Pargamnt, Tarkshvar, Ellison and Wolfe (2001) in their research
focused on this topic that how a person's religious beliefs as a source of useful and powerful can solve the
problems. Here is the question of how religion can be used as a resistance strategy in the face of events like
those in educational negligence? The answer to this question is generally related to those aspects of religion
which gives a worldview to man that makes events occurred in the world meaningful (Ehtesham Zadeh, 1388).
Namian &Hussein Chari (1390) in relation with religious beliefs in educational negligence found that
religious attitudes have a predictive role in educational negligence. Comparing boys and girls also showed that
the mean score of negligence in preparing homework and total score is more in boys than girls; negligence in
other aspects, the difference was not significant. Religious people because of tending to act religious
obligations in a timely manner and the generalizability of this punctuality and responsibility can't be negligent in
educational affairs (Namian & Hussein CHari, 1390). Another study is psychological hardness, hardness is a
new psychological factor that psychologists are interested in it and have examined it in various fields.
Kubasa (1979) has investigated the psychological hardness firstly and was considered as a personality
traits which as a source of strength, in the face of stressful life, acts like a protective shield events and
Individuals can efficiently deal with problems and pressures of life. Kubasa, Maddi & Zola (1983) defined
hardness as a combination of strong beliefs about themselves and the world, which is composed from three
components of commitment, control and challenging and is a unit structure which stems from three integrated
and coordinated components related to each other. Studies show hardness has a strong positive relationship
with physical and mental health and as a source of inner resistance reduce the negative effects of stress and
prevent physical and mental disorder (Fluorine, Mikolinsi and Yabman, 1995; Brooks, 2003). According to the
Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (7), 1082-1087, 2015

records of religious structures and psychological hardiness it is expected that these two factors have a negative
relation with educational negligence therefore, this study aims to evaluate the religious attitudes and mental
toughness in high school students and seeks to answer the question of whether these structures have a
significant relationship with each other? And does religious attitudes and mental toughness have a predictive
role for negligence of their students?

Importance of the Study

According to the special status of education in the community, and increasingly attention to what the
parents and the authorities and also due to the massive and unprecedented investments in this section, paying
more attention to the causes and the causes for creating a dynamic education system, it seems that evolution
and change occurs only when students and all the persons who are related to education have an exact
However, little research has been done on the negligence of students and understanding the causes that
could be necessary for the students, teachers and staff of the education system, parents and school planners,
counselors and psychologists can be important and helpful.

Hypotheses of the Research

There is meaningful relationship between religious attitudes with education negligence
There is meaningful relationship between psychological hardship and education negligence
Negligence of boys and girls students is different from each other
Religious attitudes and psychological hardship is predictive of negligence education

Studies done have investigated the relationship between chronic negligence with different structures of
psychology and showed that negligence have negative relationship with self-esteem, self-confidence (Klassen,
Krawchuk, Lynch, Rajani, 2008), and self-control (Ariely, and Wertenbroch, 2002). Ferrari, Barnes, and Steel
(2009), in a study that compared negligent and non- negligent people, demonstrate that those who don’t those
who are not negligent, regret less in various aspects of education, parenting, family, friendly interactions,
health, economic planning, and happiness.

Religious Resistance
The idea that religion represents inappropriate for humanitarian distress of unacceptable impulses and
uncontrollable external forces, firstly proposed by Freud and has been accepted among some psychologists,
social scientists and mental health professionals. Hatz and Graham (1989) argue that therapists tend to
consider religion as an inappropriate mechanism; because it is seen that religious people are considered as
having more psychopathology and worse prognosis for their treatment. Despite the apparent universality of this
theory, there is ample evidence that challenges this claim. Scientists have had lengthy discussions about the
most important function of religion. Religion in everyday life and in critical situations has several advantages
Pargamnt et al (2000) generally have point out to five axes: Meaning, control, comfort, intimacy and evolution of
life. Religious beliefs can respond to each of the listed functions. For example, the definition of factor for an
opportunity to spiritual growth, definition of situation as a punishment from God, Challenge the power of God in
the affecting the position or a combination of them can be an example for the different forms in search of
meaning in stressful situations.
Siegel, Anderman and Shrimshaw (2001) suggest that according to the researches, religious coping
coefficients is in relationship with a range of obvious results, such as lower rates of depression, better mental
health, better physical health, stress-related growth, spiritual growth and lower mortality rates. These effects
after controlling the effects of socio-demographic variables and overall religiosity remained constant and
significant ranges of being religious.

Psychological Hardship
Psychological or personality hardness which its cognitive structure of conceptual fields, is a set of human
behavior (Madi, 1979, quoted by Kia Morsi, Najarian & Mehrabi Zadeh Honarmand, 1377).
Kobasa (1983 quoted by Kia morsi et al., 1377) using the existing theories in relation to the personality,
defines hardships as the combination of beliefs about oneself and the world. He transferred the existence to
concept of real life, competency in the proportionate effort and Creative bias. He states that hardship consists
of three components: commitment, control and militancy (Kobasa, 1988, quoting from Khosh Konesh, 1386).

Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (7), 1082-1087, 2015


This research is a descriptive-correlational study which examines the relationship between religious
attitude and psychological tenacity with education negligence.
The statistical population of this city consisted of all the students of Dalgan high schools (Sistan-
Sampling method in this research was cluster based that sampling was done from 4 districts. Sample
size according to this fact that in descriptive correlational study 50 to 100 is sufficient we collected based on
that (Delavar, 1389). In this study, because the choice is between two groups of male and female gender, and
by considering to the loss of subjects, 310 subjects were selected.

Academic Negligence Questionnaire

This scale was made by Solomon and Rasbolm (1984), and they called it Academic Negligence. This
scale is used for the first time in Iran by Chari, and Dehqani (1387). Assessment scale of educational
negligence is 27 items. In this study, Cronbach's Alpha has been estimated as be equal to 0/86 that level is

Religious resistance Strategies Questionnaire

This scale has been made in this area by Ehtesham Zadeh in 1388 with an emphasis on the Quran and
Shia religion and previous researches (such as Azerbaijani, 1382). It consists of 32 questions. In this study,
Cronbach's Alpha for the scale of cognitive is 0.79, behavioral 0.73 and emotional 0.62 and total scale was
Questionnaire of psychological hardness of Ahvaz
The scale was made by Najarian, Mehrabi Zadeh Honarmand & Kia Marsi in 1377. Cronbach's Alpha of
hardness was determined in this study as 0.75.

The method of analyzing data

For data analysis we used descriptive statistics (coefficients such as mean, standard deviation and etc.)
and referential statistics like correlation, t-test and Regression.

Descriptive Findings

Table 1. frequency of participants according to gender variable

Variable Frequency Percent
Boy 159 51.38
Gender Girl 151 48.7
Total 310 100%

Boys participating in the research were 159 subjects who were equal to 51.38 and girls 151 subjects
equal to 48.7.

Table 2. frequency of participants according to age variable

Age Number Percent
15 7 2.3
16 51 16.5
17 127 41.0
18 92 29.7
19 24 7.7
20 7 2.3
21 2 0.6
Total 310 100%

In the table 2 age frequency of participants are seen in this research, which the least is 15 years old
equal to 7 subjects (2.3 percent) and highest 21 years old equal to 2 subjects (0.6).

Table 3. frequency of participants according to grade variable

Grade Frequency Percent
First 20 6.5
Second 100 32.3
Third 161 51.9
Fourth 29 9.4
Total 310 100%

Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (7), 1082-1087, 2015

In the table 3 participants according to grade frequency of participants is shown, which the first grade 20
subjects equal to (6.5 percent), second grade 100 subjects equal to (32.3 percent), third grade 161 subjects
equal to (51.9 percent), and fourth grade 29 subjects equal to (9.4 percent).

Referential findings
First hypothesis
There is a meaningful relationship between religious attitudes and educational negligence.

Table 4. the correlational religious resistance and educational negligence

Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 test 18.16 3.45
2 assignment 24.53 4.40 **0.222
3 research 18.05 3.35 **0.404 **0.247
4 negligence 60.75 8.12 **0.712 **0.739 **0.719
5 Cognitive 43.12 6.34 **-0.177 **-0.177 **-0.218
6 behavioral 33.99 5.05 -0.078 *-0.131 *-0.143 **0.631
7. emotional 25.60 3.35 **-0.164 -0.069 *-0.129 **0.487 **0.702
8. religious **-
102.72 12.72 **-0.162 **-0.179 **-0.169 **0.877 **0.897 **0.785
resistance 0.236

Table 4 shows the correlational religious resistance and educational negligence. As can you see:
cognitive religious strategy have a meaningful relationship with test (-0.177), assignment (-0.218) research (-
0.156) and total score of negligence (-0.258) in (P<0.01). Strategy of religious behavioral (-0.078) had no
meaningful relationship with test, but for assignment (-0.131) and research (-0.143) in 0.05 had negative
relationship and to the total number of negligence (-0.163) in (0.01). Emotional strategy had a negative
relationship with negligence in test (-0.164) in 0.01, but with negligence in assignment it had no meaningful
relationship and in negligence in research it had negative relationship (-0.129) and meaningful 0.05 and with
total number of negligence it had negative relationship of (-0.160) in 0.01. And also total score of religious
resistance with negligence in test (-0.162), assignment (-0.179), research (-0.169) and total score of negligence
(-0.236) had negative relationship in 0.01.

Second hypothesis
There is a meaningful relationship between psychology of hardship and educational negligence.

Table 5. Research correlational variables (education negligence and psychological hardship)

Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5
1 test 18.16 3.45
2 assignment 24.53 4.40 **0.222
3 research 18.05 3.35 **0.404 **0.247
4 negligence 60.75 8.12 **0.712 **0.739 **0.719
5 psychological
73.61 6.85 **-0.284 -0.043 **-0.249 **-0.247

As can be seen in the 5 table, psychological hardship strategy have a negative relationship with
negligence in test (0.284) and in 0.01 but with negligence in assignment it hast meaningful relationship. On the
other hands, with negligence in research (-0.249) and total score of negligence (-0.247) it has negative
relationship 0.01.

Third hypothesis
Negligence of boys and girls differ

Table 6. investigating the difference of boys and girls negligence

Standard Degree of Meaningful
Group Average Amount of t
deviation freedom amount
Boy 59.27 8.16
Negligence -3.36 308 0.001
Girl 62.32 7.80

As independent t-test shows in the 6 table, average educational negligence in girls (62.32) is higher than
boys (59.27) in a meaningful way (0.001).

Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (7), 1082-1087, 2015

Fourth hypothesis
Religious attitudes and psychological hardship are predictive of negligence in education
For investigating the predictive role of religious strategies and psychological hardship for educational
hardship we used same Regression.

Table 7. ANOVA
Model SS Df MS F Sig
Regression 1954.235 4 488.559 8.060 0.001
Remaining 18366.191 303 60.614
Total 20320.425 307

In 7th table as can be seen F amount (8.060) in 0.001 is meaningful and variables can predict and act of

Table 8. the main output of concurrent regression

Non standardized coefficients Standardized
Model Predictive variables T Sig
B Standard error Beta
Fixed amount 87.19 5.23 16.64 0.001
Cognitive strategy -0.260 0.094 -0.203 -2.77 0.006
Concurrent Behavioral strategy 0.033 0.140 0.020 0.233 0.816
Emotional strategy -0.054 0.190 -0.022 -0.284 0.777
Psychological hardship -0.204 0.071 -0.172 -2.872 0.004

Table 8 is the main output of concurrent regression, in a way that non-standardized coefficients, standard
error, t-test, and meaningfulness amount have predictive variables that have been calculated. Among variables
cognitive religious strategies and psychological hardship variables are negative predictors and meaningful
negligence in students.
Squared correlation (R2) showed that predictor variables have the ability to explain and predict 0.10 from
the negligence variance.


Setting the relationship and role of religious attitudes prediction with educational negligence
Results showed that religious resistance with negligence and its components has a negative meaningful
relationship and also cognitive, behavioral, and emotional strategies have a negative and meaningful
relationship with negligence.

Explaining the relationship and role of predictive psychological hardness with education negligence
The results showed that psychological hardness has a negative meaningful relationship with negligence
(0.01, -0.247). Psychological hardness had a negative meaningful relationship with negligence in research (-
0.249, 0.01), negligence in exam (-0.284, 0.01) but with negligence in assignment it didn’t have meaningful

Review and explanation of the differences between negligence of girls and boys
Results showed that average negligence in girls is (62.32) in a meaningful way is higher (0.001) than boys

It is suggested that in future researches a sample consisted of other students be selected and predictors of
negligence be investigated on them.
It is suggested that in further research on the factors such as curriculum, teaching teachers with educational
negligence a research be done.
In further research it should be tried to use interventional techniques to raise self-esteem and self-regulatory
programs to meet students' educational negligence.
In further researches in the field of existing assessment methods in schools and their effects on educational
negligence of students a research be done.


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