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C++ provides various types of …………………… tokens that include keywords, identifiers, constants, strings and

A) tokens B) expressions C) structures D) none

2. …………………. refer to the names of variables, functions, arrays, classes etc. created by the programmer.

A) Keywords B) Identifiers C) Constants D) Strings

3. ………………….. are explicitly reserved identifiers and cannot be used as names for the program variables or other
user-defined program elements.

A) Keywords B) Identifiers C) Constants D) Strings

4. State whether the following statements are True or False for C++ identifiers.

i) Only alphabetic characters, digits and underscores are permitted.

ii) The name can start with a digit.

iii) Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct.

A) i-True, ii-True, iii-False B) i-True, ii-False, iii-True C) i-True, ii-False, iii-False D) i-True, ii-True, iii-True

5. In C++, ………………….. refer to fixed values that do not change during the execution of a program.

A) Identifiers B) Constants C) Strings D) Operators

6. C++ provides an additional use of …………………….., for declaration of generic pointers.

A) int B) float C) void D) double

7. The ……………………. data type was used to specify the return type of a function when it is not returning any value.

A) int B) float C) void D) double

8. A ………………….. can be assigned a pointer value of any basic data type, but it may not de-referenced.

A) int pointer B) void pointer C) generic pointer D) non-void pointer

9. Which of the following is NOT the user-defined data type in C++.

A) Structure B) Pointer C) Union D) Class

10. Which of the following is/are the derived data types in C++.

i) array ii) function iii) pointer iv) class

A) i, ii and iii only B) ii, iii and iv only C) i, iii and iv only D) All i, ii, iii and iv

11. In the case of ……………………… in C++, we can not modify the address that the pointer is initialized.

A) constant pointer B) pointer to a constant C) pointer constant D) constant to a pointer

12. In the case of ………………………. in C++, contents of what it points to cannot be changed.

A) constant pointer B) pointer to a constant C) pointer constant D) constant to a pointer

13. Which of the following is the correct way of declaring constant pointer in C++?

A) char const * pointer1=”OK”; B) char * const pointer1=”OK”;

C) const * char pointer1=”OK”; D) const char * pointer1=”OK”;

14. Which of the following is the correct way of declaring a pointer to a constant in C++?

A) int * const pointer1=&p; B) const * int pointer1=&p; C) int const * pointer1=&p; D) int pointer1 * const=&p

15. We can create …………………….. in C++ using the qualifier constant and defining a set of integer constant using enum

A) basic constant B) number constant C) symbolic constant D) named constant

16. The …………………… are just like variables except that their values cannot be changed.

A) basic constant B) number constant C) symbolic constant D) named constant

17. ………………… are widely used in C++ for memory management and to achieve polymorphism.

A) Pointers B) Array C) Function D) Class

18. C++ permits initialization of the variables at run time which is referred to as ………………. initialization.

A) static B) dynamic C) variable D) runtime

19. …………………….. used in C++ provides an alias (alternative name) for a previously defined variable.

A) alias B) alternative C) defined D) reference

20. A reference variable must be initialized at the time of ………………………………

A) initialization B) declaration C) running D) definition

1. A) tokens 2. B) Identifiers 3. A) Keywords 4. B) i-True, ii-False, iii-True 5. B) Constants

6. C) void 7. C) void 8. C) generic pointer 9. B) Pointer 10. A) i, ii and iii only

11. A) constant pointer 12. B) pointer to a constant 13. B) char * const pointer1=”OK”;

14. C) int const * pointer1=&p; 15. C) symbolic constant 16. D) named constant 17. A) Pointers

18. B) dynamic 19. D) reference 20. B) declaration

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