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example : biography about my father .

My dad called Iyus Rusmana, born in Bandung on June 30, 1963. He was the five of eight
brothers with 2 brothers and 5 sisters. Father named Hamdan, a CIVIL SERVANT in the
finance section of ABRI environment. The mother he named e. Jubaedah, a homemaker. He
livedin the alley Like Cicadas, one of the gang that is in the city of Bandung.

When he went to ELEMENTARY school with drove walk 2 km. Though much, he still raring
to go with love hearts. He is very fond of flying kites.

When JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, he attended 14 SMP Bandung and entry with line testing.
He has a hobby of making various handicrafts, such as carving out a belt made of leather,
carved wood for the hanger, and so on. He had ambitions to become an engineer because
inspired by the sister who was studying at the Department of civil engineering. The
accomplishments he was satisfactory.

Graduated JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, he went to SMAN 3 Bandung via testing. It’s not easy
to get into SMAN 3 Bandung, because rivals there are indeed very much. While in high
school, he was in the field of electronics and hobby play musical instruments. Musical
instrumentsthat he mastered is the guitar. He has attended the Festival Band between class
and be in the position of a guitarist. He was not active in the activities of the STUDENT
BODY or the Scouts.

Year 1982, he continued his studies to the Bandung Institute of technology Faculty of civil
engineering and planning of the Department ofcivil engineering. He is very happy because of
his aspirations to become engineers could terwujudkan. He studied with enterprising. After 3
years of College, he entered into a Sub Department structure. There are taught about how
calculating and designing the structure of a building. Before graduating, he should do the job
practice by working in contractor as executor Public Telecommunications Company building
in Bandung. With a complicated journey, finally he graduated in October of 1987.

Towards the end of his studies, he became acquainted with my mother, Rosi Mah. He knew
my mother through his younger brother was one of my mother’s friends. Finally they are
committed to establisha relationship.

After graduating, he applied for various companies, about 5 companies. Finally he was
accepted at the PT Hutama Karya Bandung branch. He was assigned to the rehabilitation
project of the West Tarum irrigation canals in Karachi as engineer in charge of counting the
cost of the project. Once a week he went to the site of the project. About 5 days he has in
place the project and at the end of the week to return to Bandung. The exhausting activity
that he lives about 1.5 years.
Around June of 1989, the year he completed the project of rehabilitation of the irrigation
channels of the West Tarum, he accepted in pt. Pupuk Kujang and settled in housing
companies. He is interested inapplying for a job in this company because it is often passed
through it when heading to place project in Karachi. He was accepted at the Bureau of
Architecture as an engineer with the task of designing the structure of the building project for
the construction of Kujang 2.

In September of 1992, when he was still working in the Bureau of Architecture, he married
my mother, Rosi Mah in Bandung after they were in a relationship for 5 years. My mother
lived in Cikampek participated together with my father. Then, in 1993, the birth of my sister
or daughter first my mother and father, who was named Nursyifa Kamilia.

Year 1996, my father moved to Dinas Jastek Construction Division as head of section who
carry out maintenance task areas, such as road, channel, fences and so on. Each week held
control of the State of the region. In addition, he also received a request from the
Bureau-related improvements. Then in 1997, my second daughter was born, he named
Nurashila Dhiyani. He has only two daughters.

The year 2003, he transferred his duties to the Kujang 1B project development as a civil
engineer. He never went to Japan to follow engineering design. Activities there is a Kujang
1B design merencenakanand discuss it with the people of Japan.

Then, in 2004, he was assigned to be the Manager of the construction division of the civil
service and construction tools. Later in the year 2011, the name of the Division changed its
name to Bureau of Construction Services with the scope of the work of the civil service and
non-civil. The tasks of the civil service and other services (rent and repair equipment well) he
who mengurusinya. To date, he is still working to become manager of the Bureau’s Services.
He gladly accepted the request of improvement of the parties concerned. He was very
diligent in the exercise of his duties.

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