(WEEK 1) PPC Class Guidelines

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Pop Culture
First Semester
SY 2020-2021
Instructor Information

Instructor: Prof. Ma. Daniella Borrero

Email: borrero.mdf@gmail.com
Class Atmosphere
● The class aims to create a productive atmosphere where
everyone can critically think, engage in healthy
discussions, and create new ideas and perspectives
● Reminder: Be respectful and courteous to each other’s
Online Class
Code of Conduct
Online Class Code of Conduct
● Abide by the School’s Dress Code for Online Classes
when attending video conferencing sessions. Wear
appropriate attire (well-groomed face and hair,
short/long sleeves with modest neckline and, for whole-
body video footage, pants or skirt with hem at least 2-
inches below the knee).
Online Class Code of Conduct
● To ensure everyone’s safety, do not disclose or
distribute confidential information (e.g. class schedule,
codes, passwords and documents) to unauthorized
Online Class Code of Conduct
● Do not share personal information of others without their
consent. Data Privacy Infringement is considered a
major school offense and a crime under the Data Privacy
Act of 2012.
Online Class Code of Conduct
● Always use polite and respectful language in
communicating with your classmates and teacher.
Cyberbullying or any bullying, harassment, intimidation
or humiliation done through the use of technology or
any electronic means is considered a major school
offense and a crime under the Cybercrime Law of 2012.
Online Class Code of Conduct
● Exhibit academic integrity at all times. Plagiarism or
intentionally or knowingly representing another person’s
ideas, data, or language as one’s own work without
proper acknowledgement is considered a major school
offense and a crime under RA 8293 or the Intellectual
Property Code.
Class Guidelines
Class Guidelines
● Attend the required video conferencing sessions
● Actively participate in class discussions
● You can use English and Filipino during discussions
● English should be used in all academic outputs
● There will be times when we will be asked to turn on
your camera during discussions
● Refer to the Syllabus for the schedule or required
outputs and assignments
Google Classroom
Enroll in our Google Classroom for reminders and other
materials for our class

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● Enroll in our Google Classroom
● Create a Facebook Class Group Chat
● Answer the “Student Information Sheet” that will be
posted in our Google Classroom and Facebook Group
● You have to rest of the week to fill out the form (the
earlier the better)
Getting to Know You
Full Name:
Nickname/How You Would Like to Be Addressed in
Email Address (Gmail):
Cellphone Number:
Languages Spoken:
Special Skills and Talents:
You and Culture
Favorite Books/Reading Materials:
Favorite TV Show or Series:
Favorite Film:
Favorite Band/Artist/ Genre of Music:
Social Media Accounts (Check what you have):
_____ Facebook _____ Instagram _____ Twitter _____ Youtube
_____ Tiktok _______Others (please specify): ____________
You and Technology
What gadgets or devices can you use for online classes (e.g.
Do you have Internet connection (Yes/No)?
What kind of Internet connection do you have (i.e. broadband/mobile data/pocket
What is your Internet speed according to https://www.speedtest.net/?
See you next

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