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ISA101 HMI standard

nears completion
The end of a challenging, windy road
By Greg Lehmann and Maurice Wilkins

he ISA101 HMI committee was formed to methodology are followed, the result should en-
establish standards, recommended prac- able the users to be more effective in yielding im-
tices, and technical reports relating to proved safety, quality, production, and reliability.
human-machine interfaces (HMIs) in manufac-
turing and processing applications. The forth- Wide scope, wide input
coming standard and accompanying technical The scope of the committee was to include
reports are intended to help users understand menu hierarchies, screen navigation conven-
the basic concepts as a way to more readily ac- tions, graphics and color conventions, dynam-
cept the style of human-machine interface that ic elements, alarming conventions, security
the standard recommends. It is aimed at those methods and electronic signature attributes,
responsible for designing, implementing, using, interfaces with background programming and
or managing HMI applications. historical databases, pop-up conventions, help
The standard defnes the terminology and screens, and methods used to work with alarms,
models to develop an HMI and the work pro- program object interfaces, and confguration
cesses recommended to effectively maintain it interfaces to databases, servers, and networks.
throughout its life cycle. Committee members include end users, inte-
Use of the standard should: grators, and suppliers. At present, the commit-
l Provide guidance to design, build, operate, tee is comprised of 230 members from many
and maintain effective HMIs that result in saf- different industries and countries. Our mem-
er, more effective, and more effcient control bers bring lessons learned from many years of
of a process, under all operating conditions. designing, integrating, and using various HMI
l Improve the user’s abilities to detect, diag- applications.
nose, and properly respond to abnormal Over a series of initial face-to-face and virtual
situations. ISA101 meetings, several topics were identifed,
If the standard, recommended practices, and and appropriate clauses for the frst draft were
formed. Strong clause editors volunteered, and
the draft began to take shape.
HMI: The critical link Presently, the draft standard is organized as
The HMI is the critical link between operators and automation systems.
l Clause 0: General
The human operator depends on the output of the HMI to provide feed-
l Clause 1: Scope
back on the physical process. It is the tool operators use to adjust operat-
l Clause 2: Normative References
ing parameters. An HMI that is easy to understand and gives clear options
l Clause 3: Defnition of Terms and Acronyms
to end users will produce fewer errors, increase operator productivity, and
l Clause 4: HMI System Management
reduce stress. Improved HMI design can prevent signifcant losses to a
l Clause 5: Human Factors/Ergonomics
business in terms of time and materials wasted.
l Clause 6: Display Types

l Clause 7: User Interaction

l Clause 8: Performance

l Clause 9: Documentation and Training



Terminology and defnitions dealt with what a style

As with all standards, establishing a common guide might look like l The ISA101 HMI committee includes a
set of terminology and defnitions was vital. You or how to put a pur- diverse group of users, integrators, and
cannot have a standard until you all speak the chase specifcation suppliers.
same language. The ISA101 committee came up together and so on. We l The new standard will help organizations
with an easy-to-understand diagram showing also need to address a design, build, and operate effective HMIs.
what was meant by terms, such as graphic, sym- topic that has come to l Users will be better able to respond to
bol, and so on (fgure 1). the forefront: mobility. abnormal situations.
Having done that, progress lagged until a piv- We now need to give
otal decision was made at a face-to-face meet- guidance on how these may affect the design of
ing in Indianapolis, Ind. future HMIs.
We plan to start work on ISA technical reports
Life cycle is the key when the standard has been issued, covering
During that meeting, the committee de- topics including:
cided the work that had been done to date l HMI Philosophy Development

was good, but the standard needed to flow. l HMI Style Guide Development

After further discussions, we homed in on a l HMI Design Guide Development

life-cycle approach similar to those used by l HMI Usability and Performance

ISA84 on functional safety and ISA18.2 on l HMI Purchase Specifcation

management of alarm systems. The HMI life l Design Considerations for Mobile HMIs

cycle (figure 2) would allow for new system We are approaching the end of a challenging
implementation as well as changes to exist- road with many winds and turns in develop-
ing systems. It would follow the system from ing the forthcoming HMI standard, but believe
its planning and startup to its eventual de- frmly that the effort will have been worth it—
commissioning. System standards were also and judging by the requests we are getting, so
included as a basis for the whole life cycle. will the industry.
Once the life cycle was agreed upon, progress
on the standard accelerated.

From life cycle to ballot

The frst real draft was issued for review in June
2010 and received 699 comments. Since then,
the committee has issued four more drafts and
one requirements survey for a total of 3,786 com-
ments. It became apparent that because HMI is
such an “emotive” topic, we could
review the standard ad infnitum,
when we all knew that what we had
was worthy of a standard and could
be put to ballot. So, one fnal clean-
up was done by a small team of
clause leaders under the guidance
of Bridget Fitzpatrick, after which
the other clause leaders and chairs agreed to issue
the committee ballot. The result of that ballot was
overwhelming approval—but with several review
comments that will have to be addressed.

What’s next?
Additional changes are expected based on the
comments from the first ballot, but are not
expected to be extensive. Our expectation is
that publication will be in the fourth quarter
of this year.
During the process of putting the standard to-
gether, we moved some parts to annexes. These Figure 1. Selected HMI terms and their interrelationships




MOC Audit Validation


New system New display

major changes display changes
STANDARDS improvement
Console design Build displays In service
Build console Maintain

HMI system
Style guide design
Test Decommission

Toolkits User, task,

functional Train
Continuous Display design

Figure 2. The HMI life cycle

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Maurice Wilkins (maurice.wilkins@us.yoko For information about taking part in
Greg Lehmann ( is ISA101 co-chair, an ISA Fellow, ISA101’s standards development col-
is ISA101 co-chair and technical manager and vice president of the Global Strategic laboration, contact Charley Robinson
of the process automation department of Marketing Center in Carrollton, Texas. of ISA Standards,,
URS Corporation, Oil & Gas Division, in or 1-919-990-9213. n
Lakewood, Colo. View the online version at


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