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Unit 5 Evaluation
Evaluation 05
Short Stories (ENGH 019 059)
This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your
textbook, syllabus, and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply the
information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. To submit the evaluation by
mail, follow the directions on your Information Sheet that came with your print submission materials.
To take the evaluation online, access the online version of your course; use the navigation panel to
access the prep page for this evaluation and follow the directions provided.
Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. In "The Story of an Hour," which of the following words does Louise Mallard repeat to

a. "Brently"
b. "dead"
c. "free"
d. "life"

____ 2. The recurring images of a new start in "The Story of an Hour" are

a. motifs.
b. themes.
c. universal themes.
d. examples of foreshadowing.

____ 3. What is the surprise at the end of "The Story of an Hour"?

a. Richards proclaims his love for Louise.

b. Louise Mallard has a nervous breakdown.
c. Josephine falls in love with Brently.
d. Brently walks through the door.

____4. In "The Story of an Hour," what is Louise Mallard's initial reaction when she hears of her
husband's death?

a. She laughs.
b. She weeps.
c. She sighs in relief.
d. She yells at her sister.

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____ 5. In "The Story of an Hour," what effect does the death of Louise's husband have on her?

a. She feels lost and hopeless.

b. She is unsure of herself.
c. She feels a new sense of independence.
d. She feels isolated from the growth that is occurring around her.

____ 6. In "The Story of an Hour," why does Josephine worry about Louise?

a. She suspects that Louise murdered Brently.

b. She thinks it is wrong for Louise to feel relieved by the death of her husband.
c. She does not think it is good for Louise to be alone.
d. She fears that Louise is having a nervous breakdown.

____ 7. Which of the following is true of Brently in "The Story of an Hour"?

a. He is violent and abusive.

b. He is an alcoholic.
c. Louise never loved him.
d. He conforms to the gender roles of the time.

____ 8. In "The Story of an Hour," why does Louise think of love as an "unsolved mystery"?

a. She has never found anyone to love.

b. She does not understand Josephine's relationships.
c. It seems strange that she can love her husband but be freed by his death.
d. Louise does not know why she loves Brently, but she does.

____ 9. Why is Louise's heart condition symbolic in "The Story of an Hour"?

a. Love, which is often represented by a heart, is not as it should be.

b. Love is the greatest human emotion, but it leads to jealousy.
c. It symbolizes the resentment Louise feels toward Josephine.
d. Louise's heart condition parallels Brently's physical decline.

____ 10. Which line in "The Story of an Hour" is an example of irony?

a. "She carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory."

b. "There were patches of blue sky showing here and there."
c. "When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone."
d. "She had died of heart disease—of joy that kills."

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____ 11. What is the meaning of the following quotation from "The Story of an Hour"?

She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had
thought with a shudder that life might be long.

a. Louise had been trapped in a stifling relationship.

b. Louise knows that Brently is not dead.
c. Louise realizes that Richards loves her.
d. Louise thinks it will take a long time to sort out her feelings.

____ 12. Which of the following quotations from "The Story of an Hour" is an example of allusion?

a. "She carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory."

b. "There were patches of blue sky showing here and there."
c. "When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone."
e. "She had died of heart disease—of joy that kills."

____ 13. In "The Story of an Hour," the image of rain most likely

a. foreshadows Brently's return.

b. foreshadows Louise's love for Richards.
c. symbolizes growth and cleansing.
d. symbolizes Louise's dreary life.

____ 14. In "The Story of an Hour," why does Richards try to block Brently from Louise's view?

a. She is trying to kill him.

b. He does not want her to return to her husband.
c. He knows it will be a shock for Louise's heart.
d. Brently is a ghost who has returned from the dead.

____ 15. Interpretation refers to

a. the central idea or message in a story.

b. a personal opinion of a story's significance.
c. the correct opinion about a story.
d. the effect of figurative elements on a story's theme.

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____ 16. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," the grandmother says that Mr. Teagarden carved which
initials into his watermelon?

a. S. P. I. T.
b. B. A. T.
c. E. A. T.
d. C. A. T.

____ 17. Who causes the car accident in "A Good Man is Hard to Find"?

a. the grandmother
b. the grandmother's cat
c. The Misfit
d. the grandchildren

____ 18. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," the grandmother is looking for

a. goodness.
b. a husband.
c. her son.
d. a new life.

____ 19. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," why is the grandmother's conversation about The Misfit
an example of foreshadowing?

a. It symbolizes her fears.

b. It symbolizes the grandmother's past.
c. It suggests that The Misfit will play a role in the story.
d. It is an excuse for the grandmother to talk to Red Sammy.

____ 20. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," The Misfit thinks of himself as a

a. hero.
b. monster.
c. devil.
d. victim.

____ 21. What is a motif in "A Good Man is Hard to Find"?

a. dissatisfaction
b. happiness
c. love
d. courage

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____ 22. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," how does the grandmother interest the grandchildren in
visiting the old home she remembers?

a. She tells them that treasure is buried in the back yard.

b. She offers to bake cookies for them in the house.
c. She tells them there is a secret panel in the house.
d. She tells them the house is haunted.

____ 23. How are the grandmother and Red Sammy similar in "A Good Man is Hard to Find"?

a. The Misfit helps both of them.

b. They are both happy people.
c. They both suspect that Bailey is The Misfit.
d. They both talk about better times.

____ 24. Why does The Misfit compare himself to Christ in "A Good Man is Hard to Find?"

a. They both fight against evil.

b. They are both peaceful.
c. They both know the truth.
d. They are both non-conformists.

____ 25. What two figurative devices are contained in the following quotation from "A Good Man is
Hard to Find"?

Behind them the line of woods gaped like a dark open mouth.

a. allusion and foreshadowing

b. foreshadowing and metaphor
c. simile and metaphor
d. foreshadowing and simile

____ 26. How does the grandmother endanger her family in "A Good Man is Hard to Find"?

a. She tries to make a deal with The Misfit.

b. She recognizes The Misfit.
c. She insults Bobby Lee.
d. She tries to drive even though her eyesight is poor.

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____ 27. What happens to the grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find"?

a. She finds happiness.

b. She convinces The Misfit to let her go.
c. She escapes from The Misfit.
d. She dies without finding human goodness.

____ 28. The children in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" are best described as

a. innocent.
b. naive.
c. brave.
d. disrespectful.

____ 29. Which quotation from "A Good Man is Hard to Find" is an example of irony?

a. Bobby Lee saying, "Some fun!"

b. June Starr saying, "She wouldn't stay at home for a million bucks."
c. Bailey saying, "This is the only time we're going to stop for anything like this."
d. Red Sammy saying, "A good man is hard to find."

____ 30. What is the theme of "A Good Man is Hard to Find?"

a. taking responsibility for one's actions

b. the desire to explore
c. the need for family support
d. the search for human goodness

____ 31. Why is the theme of "A Good Man is Hard to Find" universal?

a. It addresses a spiritual matter.

b. It instructs the reader.
c. It is open to interpretation.
d. It is one to which most people can relate.

____ 32. What is an example of irony in "A Good Man is Hard to Find?"

a. June Star says, "He reminds me of a pig."

b. The Misfit says, "I don't want no help."
c. The grandmother says, "That's when you should have started to pray."
d. The grandmother tells The Misfit, "I know you're a good man."

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____ 33. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," what does the description of The Misfit's car foreshadow?

a. freedom
b. the arrival of death
c. a greater awareness of spirituality
d. the arrival of a good person

____ 34. Which character in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" says, "I can't make what all I done wrong
fit what all I gone through in punishment"?

a. Bailey
b. The Misfit
c. Hiram
d. Red Sammy

____ 35. In "A Good Man is Hard to Find," what does The Misfit do when the grandmother says,
"You're one of my own children"?

a. He shoots her.
b. He begins to cry.
c. He screams at her.
d. He falls at her feet.

____ 36. In "Astronomer's Wife," what is the main difference between Katherine and Mr. Ames?

a. She is practical, and he is philosophic.

b. She is philosophic, and he is practical.
c. She has hope, and he does not.
d. He struggles with low self-esteem, and she does not.

____ 37. In "Astronomer's Wife," Katherine most closely resembles

a. her husband.
b. the servant.
c. her father.
d. the plumber.

____ 38. Which of the following is a symbol in "Astronomer's Wife"?

a. the servant
b. the plumber's kit
c. the drains
d. the plumber's hair

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____ 39. In "Astronomer's Wife," why is Katherine pleased when the plumber says "something has
stopped at the elbow"?

a. He has proven Mr. Ames wrong.

b. Katherine feels that she must always be right.
c. An elbow is a familiar idea.
d. Katherine knows she did not cause the problem.

____ 40. Which of the following is an important theme in "Astronomer's Wife"?

a. Dreams vanish like water down the drain.

b. Brilliant ideas are often based on misinformation.
c. People usually overlook their own faults.
d. People should accept themselves.

____ 41. Which of the following is an important metaphor in "Astronomer's Wife"?

a. the plumber's hair

b. the comparison of men and women to the ebb and flow of the tides
c. the contrast between Mr. Ames "going up," and the plumber "going down"
d. Mr. Ames's silence

____ 42. How does Katherine in "Astronomer's Wife" differ from Louise in "The Story of an Hour"?

a. Katherine has to die to escape her husband.

b. Katherine does not have to die to escape her husband.
c. Louise is a practical-minded individual.
d. Katherine never learns to accept herself.

____ 43. In "Astronomer's Wife," which of the following motifs represents the distance between
Katherine and Mr. Ames?

a. Mr. Ames's silence

b. the water in the hallway
c. the water meter
d. the clog in the pipes

____ 44. Which of the following statements is true of the characters in "Astronomer's Wife"?

a. Mr. Ames is more intelligent than Katherine is.

b. Katherine is more intelligent than Mr. Ames is.
c. Katherine and her husband are equally intelligent in different ways.
d. Katherine and her husband are both foolish.

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____ 45. What is meant by the following quotation in "Astronomer's Wife"?

Life, life is an open sea, she sought to explain it in sorrow, and to survive women
cling to debris on the tide. But the plumber had suddenly fallen upon his knees in the
grass and had crooked his fingers through the ring of the drains' trapdoor.

a. The plumber does not care about the women's problems.

b. Katherine cannot understand the plumber.
c. The plumber is like the women because he holds on to something.
d. Because he is a man, the plumber thinks like Katherine's husband.

____ 46. In the end of "Astronomer's Wife," what does Katherine mean when she leaves a message
for her husband saying, "I've gone down"?

a. Katherine has admitted defeat.

b. Katherine has abandoned her dreams.
c. Katherine is pursuing her own interests.
d. Katherine has run away from her problems.

____ 47. In "Astronomer's Wife," what does the following quotation mean?

Her husband was the mind, this other man the meat, of all mankind.

a. Human beings are more alike than different.

b. The plumber is making a fool of Mr. Ames.
c. Mr. Ames is making a fool of the plumber.
d. Dreamers and practical thinkers are both important.

____ 48. In "Astronomer's Wife," why is it significant that Katherine takes the plumber's arm as she
steps into the sewer?

a. By embracing someone like her, she accepts herself.

b. She is afraid of what lies in the sewer.
c. She has never dealt with practical matters.
d. She is trying to comfort the plumber and ease his pain.

____ 49. In "Astronomer's Wife," which character first notices the overflowing drain?

a. the servant
b. the plumber
c. Katherine
d. Mr. Ames

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____ 50. In "Astronomer's Wife," why is it significant when the plumber says, "But there's always a
help for everything amiss"?

a. He does not understand the problem.

b. He cannot understand Katherine because he thinks differently than she does.
c. He is pretending to be brave.
d. He reminds Katherine that there are solutions to life's problems.

Carefully check your answers on this evaluation and make any corrections you feel are
necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of
your ability, transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Please refer to the information sheet
that came with your course materials.

Unit 5 Evaluation 220 ENGH 019

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