IB Work Sample - Participants Updated

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#BrightInternUK #InternFromHome
Investment Banking
Work Sample
IEUK 2020 – Investment Banking
Work Sample Briefing

The Task:

British Airways has identified an opportunity for growth and wants to get into the low-cost
carrier market in Eastern Europe. They are looking at either building it themselves or acquiring a
As an Investment Banking Analyst, you will need to create a recommendation based on the
analysis of two potential companies they could acquire and layout the deal life cycle.

IEUK 2020 – Investment Banking
Work Sample Briefing
Core Deliverables
Instructions A one-page deal summary including:
• Key statistics on the size of the low-cost carrier
market in Eastern Europe
• 3 competitors in the low-cost carrier market in Eastern
Europe and some core financial metrics
1 2 3 • Top-level business model overview for the largest
competitor in the market (i.e. how do they generate
• The 5 key strategic rationales for the decision to enter
Using your research the low-cost carrier market in Eastern Europe
Use relevant A one-page comparables summary including (we’ve
and analysis, create
Research the low- valuation pulled together some key metrics here):
a recommendation
cost carrier market methodologies to • Key transaction comparables
for British Airways
in Eastern Europe compare two • Key trading comparables
in PowerPoint
and the key potential • Two key target acquisitions and their estimated
format. Ensure you market value
competitors companies that
highlight the deal Outline the key next steps as part of the deal
operating in this British Airways
life cycle within lifecycle, including:
market. could acquire.
this. • The stages of the deal lifecycle and what would be
included within each
• The next steps for British Airways and the target of the
acquisition candidates

IEUK 2020 – Investment Banking
Work Sample Briefing
1. Take your time to research the market; understand how British Airways operates, the aviation market,
and the low-cost carrier market.
2. Remember British Airways is a publicly traded company and so will have plenty of resources for you
to review!
3. Present your analysis and findings in a clear and easy to understand way. Remember this will inform
British Airways on the next steps to take!
4. Don’t forget to include a title slide, contents page, three key deliverables and closing slide.
5. Don’t forget to use the knowledge you gained from our Delivery Partners on Day 1!


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