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IBM 4680 Supermarket Application

Terminal Offline Feature User’s Guide

ÉÂÔ IBM 4680 Supermarket Application SC30-3512-00

Terminal Offline Feature User’s Guide

First Edition (April 1988)

This edition applies to Release 1 of the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application Terminal Offline Feature Licensed Program (program
number 5669-032, order number 4095).

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The Terminal Offline Feature for the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application provides
backup of limited store controller function in the event of a store controller or loop
failure. The Terminal Offline Feature is designed for installations that do not have a
second store controller.

This book is intended for planners, store managers, programmers, and all users of
the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application Terminal Offline Feature.

This book is divided into three parts to address the different audiences.
Part 1: Planning
Part 1 provides a general overview of the Terminal Offline Feature and a more
detailed discussion of planning for the Terminal Offline Feature files.
Installation and the personalization process are also covered in this part.
Chapter 1, “Introduction to the IBM 4680 Terminal Offline Feature”
Chapter 2, “Planning for Standalone Operations”
Chapter 3, “Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal Offline Files”
Chapter 4, “Planning and Installing the Terminal Offline Feature”
Chapter 5, “Personalization.”
Part 2: Programming
Chapter 6, “Programming Considerations” on page 6-1 is written for
programming personnel. It provides a discussion of the aspects of Terminal
Offline Feature operation that a store programmer must consider.
Chapter 6, “Programming Considerations”
Part 3: Guide to Operations
Part 3 is written for the personnel who will be using the Terminal Offline
Feature. It describes how the store controller operator and the terminal
operator use the Terminal Offline Feature.
Chapter 7, “Controller Operator Actions”
Chapter 8, “Terminal Operations.”

Appendix A, “Error and Warning Messages” provides a list of store controller and
terminal messages used by the Terminal Offline Feature

How to Use This Manual

Everyone should read Chapter 1. Personnel responsible for planning and installing
the Terminal Offline Feature should read Chapter 2 through Chapter 5.
Programming personnel should read Chapter 6. Store managers should read
Chapter 7 and Chapter 8. Store controller operators should read Chapter 7.
Terminal operators should read Chapter 8.

Store System Library
The following chart relates each publication in the library to the task or tasks for
which it provides data. Choose the task you want to complete and find the
appropriate publication in the corresponding column.

Table 0-1. Store System Library - Publication Grouping by Task

Planning Installing Operating Programming Maintaining
IBM 4680 Store System: IBM 4683 Point of Sale IBM 4683/4684 Point of IBM 4680 BASIC: IBM 4680 Store System
Selecting Hardware and Terminal: Installation Sale Terminal: Language Reference and IBM 4683/4684
Software Components Guide Operations Guide SC30-3356 Point of Sale Terminal:
GA27-3691 SA27-3783 SA27-3704 Problem Determination
IBM 4680 Store System: Planning and Configuration IBM 4680 Store System: IBM 4680 Store System: IBM 4680 Store System:
Guide User’s Guide Programming Guide Terminal Test
GC30-3532 SC30-3518 SC30-3517 Procedures Reference
IBM 4680 Store System: IBM 4684 Point of Sale IBM 4680 Store System: Display Manager User’s Guide IBM 4684 Point of Sale
Preparing Your Site Terminal: Installation SC30-3404 Terminal: Maintenance
GA27-3692 Guide Summary Card
SA27-3837 SX27-3885
IBM 4684 Point of Sale IBM Personal System/2 IBM 4683/4684 Point of
Terminal: Introduction Store Loop Adapter/A Sale Terminal:
and Planning Guide Installation and Setup Maintenance Manual
SA27-3835 Instructions SY27-0295
IBM 4684 Store Loop IBM 4683/4684 Point of
Adapter/A: Installation, Sale Terminal: Parts
Testing, Problem Catalog
Determination, and S131-0097
Technical Reference

IBM 4680 Store System: Messages Guide


See the “Related Publications” page for the application manuals that support these tasks.

iv Terminal Offline Feature

Related Publications — Software
IBM Retail Industry Programming Support Services
IBM Retail Industry Programming Support Services: Planning and Installation
Guide - SC33-0575
IBM Retail Industry Programming Support Services: Base Package Programmer’s
Guide - SC33-0576
IBM Retail Industry Programming Support Services: Device Drivers Programmer’s
Guide - SC33-0680
IBM Retail Industry Programming Support Services: Host Communication Package
Programmer’s Guide - SC33-0650

IBM 4680 General Sales Application

IBM 4680 General Sales Application: Planning and Installation Guide - GC30-3368
IBM 4680 General Sales Application: Guide to Operations - SC30-3369
IBM 4680 General Sales Application: Programming Guide - SC30-3370
IBM 4680 General Sales Application – Price Management Feature: User’s Guide -
IBM 4680 General Sales Application – Terminal Offline Feature: User’s Guide -

IBM 4680 Supermarket Application

IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Planning and Installation Guide - GC30-3371
IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Guide to Operations - SC30-3372
IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Programming Guide - SC30-3373
IBM 4680 Supermarket Application – Terminal Offline Feature: User’s Guide -
IBM 4680 Supermarket Application – Electronic Funds Transfer Feature: User’s
Guide - SC30-3513

IBM 4680 Chain Drug Sales Application

IBM 4680 Chain Drug Sales Application: Planning and Installation Guide -
IBM 4680 Chain Drug Sales Application: Guide to Operations - SC30-3413
IBM 4680 Chain Drug Sales Application: Programming Guide - SC30-3414

IBM 4680 Store Management Application

IBM 4680 Store Management Application: Planning and Installation Guide -
IBM 4680 Store Management Application: Guide to Operations - SC30-3484
IBM 4680 Store Management Application: Programming Guide - SC30-3487
IBM 4680 Store Management Application – Inventory Control Feature: User’s Guide
- SC30-3485
IBM 4680 Store Management Application – Price Management Feature: User’s
Guide - SC30-3486

IBM 4684 Store Sales Application

IBM 4684 Store Sales Application: Planning and Installation Guide - SB11-8470
IBM 4684 Store Sales Application: Programmer’s Reference Manual - SB11-8472
IBM 4684 Store Sales Application: Operator’s Guide - SB11-8471
IBM 4684 Store Run-time Support System: Installation and User’s Guide -
IBM 4684 Store Application Tool Kit: Programmer’s Guide - SB11-8478

In-Store Processing
In-Store Processing: Application Development Guide - SC30-3534
In-Store Processing: IBM AIX – Application Development Guide - SC30-3537
In-Store Processing: IBM OS/2 Extended Edition – Application Development Guide
- SC30-3538
In-Store Processing: IBM OS/400 – Application Development Guide - SC30-3535
In-Store Processing: IBM 4680 OS – Application Development Guide - SC30-3536

IBM Local Area Network Support Program - IBM P/N 83X7873
IBM PC Network Baseband Planning Guide - S68X-2269
IBM PC Network Broadband Guide - S68X-2269
IBM Token-Ring Network Introduction and Planning Guide - GA27-3677-2

Related Publications — Hardware

IBM 1520 Hand-Held Scanner User’s Guide - GA27-3685
IBM 4686 Retail Point of Sale Scanner: Physical Planning, Installation, and
Operation Guide - SA27-3854
IBM 4686 Retail Point of Sale Scanner: Maintenance Manual - SY27-0319
IBM 4687 Point of Sale Scanner Model 1: Physical Planning, Installation, and
Operation Guide - SA27-3855
IBM 4687 Point of Sale Scanner Model 1: Maintenance Manual - SY27-0317
IBM 4687 Point of Sale Scanner Model 2: Physical Planning Guide - SA27-3882
IBM 4687 Point of Sale Scanner Model 2: Operator’s Guide - SA27-3884
IBM 4687 Point of Sale Scanner Model 2: Maintenance Manual - SY27-0324

IBM Personal Computer and IBM Personal System/2

IBM Guide to Operations – Personal Computer/AT - IBM P/N 6280066
IBM Guide to Operations – Personal Computer/AT – Store Loop Adapter -
IBM Hardware Maintenance and Service – Personal Computer/AT – Store Loop
Adapter - SX27-0296
IBM Personal System/2 – Model 50 Quick Reference and Reference Diskette -
IBM Personal System/2 – Model 60 Quick Reference and Reference Diskette -
IBM Personal System/2 – Model 70 Quick Reference and Reference Diskette -
IBM Personal System/2 – Model 80 Quick Reference and Reference Diskette -
IBM Personal System/2 – Store Loop Adapter/A – Supplements for the Hardware
Maintenance Library - SK2T-0319

A Building Planning Guide for Communication Wiring - G320-8059
IBM Cabling System Planning and Installation Guide - GA27-3361
IBM Cabling System Catalog - G570-2040
IBM PC Network Broadband Guide - S68X-2269
IBM Token-Ring Network Introduction and Planning Guide - GA27-3677
Using the IBM Cabling System with Communication Products - GA27-3620

vi Terminal Offline Feature

Setup and Verification
IBM 4680 Store System: Setup and Verification - SA27-3703

General Publications
Advanced Data Communications for Stores – General Information - GH20-2188
Distributed Systems Executive – General Information - GH19-6394
IBM Disk Operating System 4.0 - IBM P/N 6280256
IBM Proprinters - SC31-3793
IBM 3270 Emulation Feature for the IBM 4680 Store System - (Online with the
IBM 4680 Support for COBOL Version 2 - (Online with the product)
IBM 4680 Store System Regression Tester - (Online with the product)
NetView Distribution Manager: General Information - GH19-6587
Systems Network Architecture: General Overview - GC30-3073

viii Terminal Offline Feature
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
How to Use This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Store System Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Related Publications — Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Related Publications — Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
General Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Part 1: Planning

Chapter 1. Introduction to the IBM 4680 Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . 1-1

Overview of the Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Functions Supported in Offline Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Chapter 2. Planning for Standalone Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Planning Items To Include in the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Reducing the Size of Each Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Department Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Terminal Offline Feature Item Record Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Initial Loading of the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Updating the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Modifying the Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Rebuilding and Reloading the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Using Offline Terminal Price Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
File Update Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
The Terminal Transaction Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Log Full Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

Chapter 3. Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal Offline

Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Example of Short Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Example of Transaction Logging without Price Lookup . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Example of Full Length Records and Attached Model 002 . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

Chapter 4. Planning and Installing the Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . . 4-1

Prerequisites for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Installing User Exits and Feature Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Installing the Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Configuring the Terminals for RAM Disk Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Activating the Terminal Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Feature Personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Re-IPL the Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Chapter 5. Personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 ix

Personalization Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Log Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Log-Full Override Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Terminal Lookup Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Offline Price Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Number of Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Descriptor Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Optional Item Record Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

Part 2: Programming

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Feature File Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
New File Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
File/Record Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Terminal Offline Store Options File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Terminal Maintenance Control File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Terminal Offline Controller Message File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
Terminal Offline Operator Authorization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Terminal Offline Operator Options Authorization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Terminal Offline Report Descriptors File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Terminal Offline Sales Descriptors File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Terminal Offline Load Level File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
Terminal Item Record File, Controller Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Terminal Synchronization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
Terminal Transaction Summary Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Changes to Existing Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Controller Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Controller Transaction Summary Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
DDM Control File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
Exception Log File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Totals Retention Record Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Hidden Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Rebuild/Reload with ADCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
I/O Session Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18

Part 3: Guide to Operations

Chapter 7. Controller Operator Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

Building the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Reloading the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Verifying Terminal Reload Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Modifying the Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Recovering Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Close Reporting Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Chapter 8. Terminal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

Receipts and Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Price Verification Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

x Terminal Offline Feature

Price Verification For an Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Enter a New Price for The Previous Item (Unit Priced) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4


Appendix A. Error and Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Numbered Terminal Display Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Numbered Controller Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
Unnumbered Terminal Display Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
Unnumbered Terminal Printer Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Unnumbered Controller Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-1

Contents xi
xii Terminal Offline Feature
2-1. Updating the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
4-1. Terminal Offline Feature Installation Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

0-1. Store System Library - Publication Grouping by Task . . . . . . . . . . iv
2-1. Record Reduction Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
6-1. Summary of Terminal Offline Feature Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 xiii

xiv Terminal Offline Feature
Part 1: Planning
Chapter 1. Introduction to the IBM 4680 Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . 1-1
Overview of the Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Functions Supported in Offline Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Chapter 2. Planning for Standalone Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Planning Items To Include in the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Reducing the Size of Each Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Department Descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Terminal Offline Feature Item Record Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Initial Loading of the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Updating the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
File Update Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
The Terminal Transaction Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Log Full Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

Chapter 3. Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal Offline

Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Example of Short Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Example of Transaction Logging without Price Lookup . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Example of Full Length Records and Attached Model 002 . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

Chapter 4. Planning and Installing the Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . . 4-1

Prerequisites for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Installing User Exits and Feature Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Installing the Terminal Offline Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Configuring the Terminals for RAM Disk Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Activating the Terminal Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Feature Personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Re-IPL the Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Chapter 5. Personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Personalization Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Log Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Log-Full Override Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Terminal Lookup Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Offline Price Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Number of Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Descriptor Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Optional Item Record Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988

Terminal Offline Feature
Chapter 1. Introduction to the IBM 4680 Terminal Offline
The Terminal Offline Feature for the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application provides
backup of limited controller function in the event of a controller or loop failure. The
Terminal Offline Feature is designed for installations that do not have a second
store controller.

Overview of the Terminal Offline Feature

If the Terminal Offline Feature is installed, the store controller can use the existing
item record file to build a terminal item record file. (This file can be a condensed
version of the item record file with shorter descriptors and some omitted fields.)
The terminal item record file is then loaded into the terminals. After the terminals
receive the terminal item record file, operation continues normally, with all price
lookup and transaction logging occurring at the controller as long as the controller
is available.
Note: Facilities are provided for maintaining the terminal item record file. See
Chapter 2, “Planning for Standalone Operations” for more information on these

When the controller becomes unavailable (through either a controller or loop

failure), the terminals use the terminal item record file to provide item prices and
descriptions if, during personalization, you have allowed offline (standalone) price
lookup. See Chapter 5, “Personalization” for more information on personalization

Each standalone transaction is logged in the terminal transaction log, which is also
kept in terminal storage. When the controller becomes available again, the terminal
sends the terminal transaction log to the controller. The terminal also stops logging
transactions and using the terminal item record file for price lookup. Store
operation continues normally with the terminal looking up prices at the controller
and sending transactions to the controller for logging.

Functions Supported in Offline Mode

The Terminal Offline Feature supports all standalone operations normally supported
by the Supermarket Application. It also supports standalone price lookup and
transaction logging. The Terminal Offline Feature supports the price verification
procedure to change prices, but offline (standalone) price changes must be entered
at all terminals. Price changes made at the terminal while in standalone operation
are not permanent. Permanent changes must be made at the store controller.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 1-1

System Requirements
The Terminal Offline Feature has the following system requirements.

The Terminal Offline Feature supports the use of either of the following types of
¹ IBM 4683 Model A01
The Model A01 is equipped with 2 megabytes (Mb) of storage, which permits
the terminal item record file and the terminal translation log to be maintained in
¹ IBM 4683 Model 002
The Model 002 attaches to a Model A01 terminal. The Model 002 relies on the
attached Model A01 terminal for price lookup and transaction logging.

The Terminal Offline Feature requires the use of a fully configured IBM store

The Terminal Offline Feature requires the use of the IBM 4680 Operating System,
Release 3, and the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application, Release 1. Refer to the
operating system installation instructions to determine the corrective diskette
number. The Terminal Offline Feature uses the in-memory-files capability of the
4680 Operating System, Release 3, to provide a terminal RAM disk for price lookup
and terminal transaction logging.

1-2 Terminal Offline Feature

Chapter 2. Planning for Standalone Operations
This chapter discusses the factors and options you must consider when you set up
your system for the Terminal Offline Feature.

Terminal Item Record File

If the terminal receives a “terminal offline” condition when it tries to read the
controller item record file, the terminal begins using the terminal item record file.

The terminal item record file is built at the controller. It contains price information
and descriptions of the items selected from the controller item record file. The
terminal item record file is only updated automatically when you use one of the
following methods of updating the controller item record file:
¹ Price Verification Procedure
¹ Controller Data Maintenance
¹ Delayed Data Maintenance.

Other methods of updating the controller item record file (such as using host keyed
file maintenance or replacing the controller item record file) do not automatically
update the terminal item record file.
Note: To use offline (standalone) price lookup, you must have sufficient disk
space in the controller to store two copies of the terminal item record file (the
controller copy and a work copy).

Planning Items To Include in the Terminal Item Record File

The Terminal Offline Feature uses the memory available in a terminal for the
terminal transaction log and/or the terminal item record file (for optional price
lookup). To provide additional space for transaction logging (to permit standalone
operation for a longer period), you can reduce the size of the terminal item record
file by reducing the size of each item record and/or omitting items from the terminal
item record file.

Reducing the Size of Each Record

In the Supermarket Application, the normal item record size is 46 bytes. The
record includes a descriptor (a description of the item), the price, and three
optional item record fields. To reduce the size of the record, choose a shorter
version of the descriptor or eliminate one or more of the optional item record fields.
The space saved is demonstrated in Table 2-1 on page 2-2.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 2-1

Table 2-1. Record Reduction Example
Type of Change (in bytes)
Use only the first 12 characters of a descriptor 6
Use the department descriptor 18
Print and display the item code instead of the descriptor 18
Do not include the user-data fields 4
Do not use linked item records 2
Do not use coupon families 3

If you use the shortest item record possible (no optional item record fields and an
item code or department descriptor) the record length is reduced to:
46 bytes - (18 bytes + 4 bytes + 2 bytes + 3 bytes) = 19 bytes

For examples of how the size of the item record affects Terminal Offline Feature
operation, see Chapter 3, “Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal
Offline Files.”
Note: The 18 bytes saved by using either the department descriptor or the item
code is a result of eliminating the item descriptor. Using either the department
descriptor or the item code saves 18 bytes, but you cannot select both options to
save 36 bytes.

Department Descriptors
Department descriptors are special item records used to describe department
numbers. You define the department descriptors while personalizing the store
options during the Supermarket Application personalization process. If you specify
that department descriptors are to be used, looking up an item in standalone mode
causes the Terminal Offline Feature to use the department number to read the
appropriate department descriptor for an item. If an item has a department number
that does not have an associated department descriptor, the default department
descriptor (GENERAL MDSE) is used.

Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File

If the reduced record size still produces a terminal item record file that is too large,
you can eliminate selected item records from the terminal item record file. For
example, you could eliminate articles with low sales volume. If you sell the articles
while in standalone mode, you must enter the price manually.

For more information on omitting items from the terminal item record file, see
“Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File” on page 7-2.

Terminal Offline Feature Item Record Management

The Terminal Offline Feature item record management consists of two processes:
¹ Initial loading of the terminal item record file
¹ Updating the terminal item record file.

2-2 Terminal Offline Feature

Initial Loading of the Terminal Item Record File
The terminal item record file must be built and loaded into terminal storage. The
build process uses the controller item record file and the specified personalization
options to build the terminal item record file in the controller. A new option of
Delayed Data Maintenance (DDM), “Rebuild/Reload Terminal Item Record File”,
performs the build process. See “Building the Terminal Item Record File” on
page 7-1 for information on initially loading the terminal item record file.

When a terminal loads its operating system and application, the terminal loads a
copy of the terminal item record file into its RAM disk. Immediately after the
terminal item record file is loaded into terminal storage, the controller copy and the
terminal copy of the terminal item record file are the same.

Updating the Terminal Item Record File

Changing the controller item record file also changes the controller copy of the
terminal item record file and updates the terminal maintenance control file. The
terminal maintenance control file keeps a record of all changes made to the
controller item record file until the file is reset. When a terminal is signed off or
between transactions, it checks the terminal maintenance control file for any new
changes. If there are new changes, the terminal applies the change information to
the terminal item record file in terminal storage. If a transaction is started while the
terminal is processing change information, the terminal stops processing the
change information and resumes when the terminal is not busy. When the terminal
maintenance control file reaches a certain predetermined size, a warning message
appears at the controller indicating that you should reset the terminal maintenance
control file. You can continue to add change information without resetting the file,
but this warning message indicates that the terminal maintenance control file has
become too large.

To reset the terminal maintenance control file, either reload or rebuild and reload
the terminal item record file. Follow the procedure given in “Rebuilding and
Reloading the Terminal Item Record File” on page 2-5 to reset the terminal
maintenance control file.

Modifying the Item Record File

To make changes to the controller item record file and have those changes
reflected in the terminal item record file, use one of the following three methods:
¹ Price Verification Procedure
¹ Controller Data Maintenance
¹ Delayed Data Maintenance.

Using any one of these procedures updates the controller item record file, updates
the controller copy of the terminal item record file, and adds the changes to the
terminal maintenance control file. These procedures are the same with or without
the Terminal Offline Feature installed. For details on the procedures, refer to IBM
4680 Supermarket Application: Guide to Operations.

Figure 2-1 on page 2-4 provides an overview of the different methods of applying
item record changes to terminal storage.

Chapter 2. Planning for Standalone Operations 2-3

│ Delayed Data Maintenance │
│ Data Maintenance │
│ Price Verification │
6 │ │
┌────────────────┐ │ │
│ Controller │ │ │
│ Item │ │ │
│ Record │ │ 6
│ File │ │ ┌────────────────┐
└───────┬────────┘ │ │ Terminal │
│ Rebuild │ │ Maintenance │
6 │ │ Control │
┌────────────────┐ │ │ File │
│ Terminal │ │ └───────┬────────┘
│ Item │ │ │
│ Record │ │ │ Item
│ File │%──────────┘ │ Changes
│ (Controller │ │
│ Copy) │ │
└───────┬────────┘ │
│ │
│ Load/ │
│ Reload │
│ │
│ │ Controller
│ │ Terminal
6 │
┌─────────────────┐ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ Terminal │ │
│ Storage │ %──────────────────────────┘
│ │
│ │
Figure 2-1. Updating the Terminal Item Record File

2-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Rebuilding and Reloading the Terminal Item Record File
Rebuilding and reloading the terminal item record file is performed by Delayed Data
Maintenance (DDM). When you install the Terminal Offline Feature, the DDM
menu contains three additional options:
¹ Rebuild and Reload Terminal Item File
The Rebuild and Reload Terminal Item File option generates a request to build
a new terminal item record file and to make that file available to the terminals.
The option also resets the terminal maintenance control file; therefore, you can
use this option when the terminal maintenance control file has reached the
threshold size and needs to be reset.
Note: A terminal will only reload the terminal item record file when the terminal
is in a “signed-off” state. Only one terminal at a time is allowed to reload, so
that a controller or loop failure during reload will leave only one terminal without
a terminal item record file.
You must use this option when you change the controller item record file by
procedures other than those listed in the previous section (Procedures that do
not update the terminal item record file and terminal maintenance control file).
Examples of procedures that do not update the terminal item record file are
loading a new controller item record file from the host and updating the item
record file using host keyed file maintenance.
¹ Reload Terminal Item File
The Reload Terminal Item File option generates a request to reload the copy of
the terminal item record file currently on the controller disk. This option also
resets the terminal maintenance control file.
¹ Report Terminal Reload Status
The Report Terminal Reload Status option provides a display of all terminals
that have not loaded the latest copy of the terminal item record file. You can
use this function after you rebuild or reload the terminal item record file to verify
that all terminals received the new copy of the file.
For more information on DDM, refer to IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Guide to

For information on rebuilding and reloading with ADCS, see “Rebuild/Reload with
ADCS” on page 6-17.

Using Offline Terminal Price Changes

If the terminals are operating in standalone mode, you can make price changes at
specific terminals. However, you cannot apply price changes to all terminals
simultaneously. The procedure for changing prices at standalone terminals is the
same as that for changing prices at online terminals. See “Price Verification
Procedure” on page 8-2 for information on making terminal price changes.

File Update Considerations

The controller makes frequent disk accesses when building the terminal item record
file, which can affect performance during peak sales periods.

Chapter 2. Planning for Standalone Operations 2-5

When you apply price changes to the controller during the business day without
reloading the terminals, the price changes are applied to the terminals between
transactions. The time to apply the changes depends on the number of changes
and the terminal transaction rate. If a terminal operates in standalone mode before
all changes are applied, the terminal will not have the latest price changes.

If the number of changes to the controller item record file is small, the chances of
going into standalone mode before all updates are applied is also small. If potential
price differences are a concern, you should schedule your price changes after
business hours to eliminate the possibility of price differences.

When you apply a large number of price changes, you should devise a procedure
that conforms to your operation and eliminates the period of time in which terminals
do not have the latest prices. For example:
1. Schedule the maintenance for overnight.
2. Reload the terminals before the start of business or reload the terminals at
night (AC power must be left on).
3. Check the reload status.

The Terminal Transaction Log

The terminal transaction log is a file in the terminal used to record the transactions
at the terminal while it is in standalone mode. The storage available for logging
transactions depends on the amount of storage in the terminal, the amount of
storage used by the operating system and application programs, the amount of
storage allocated for the terminal RAM disk, and, optionally, the amount of storage
used by the terminal item record file. The length of time a terminal can log
transactions while in standalone depends on the amount of storage available for the
transaction log, and the length and number of transactions estimated for each
terminal. See Chapter 3, “Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal
Offline Files” for more information on estimating the length of time a terminal can
log transactions while in standalone mode.

If a Model A01 terminal has a Model 002 terminal attached, the Model A01 terminal
keeps separate transaction logs for itself and the Model 002 terminal.

Warning: If the store controller is still offline at closing time, you can turn off the
power switch at each terminal, but if AC power to the terminals is lost, you will lose
all logged transactions.

When the controller again becomes available, the information in the terminal
transaction log is sent to the controller one transaction at a time. During the
recovery process, new transactions take priority over recovered transactions.
Note: Controller reports will be incomplete until all standalone transactions are
recovered at the controller.

If the sales volume is not evenly distributed throughout the store, you can maximize
the amount of time terminals can log standalone transactions by planning how you
pair Model A01 terminals and Model 002 terminals. Pairing low-volume terminals
with high-volume terminals evenly distributes the standalone logging time and
prevents some pairs from having long logging times while other pairs have short
logging times.

2-6 Terminal Offline Feature

Log Full Warning Messages
The Terminal Offline Feature optionally provides warning messages when the
terminal transaction log reaches a certain percentage of available storage. When
the operator receives the warning messages, operations continue normally.
However, the operator should use another terminal at the first opportunity to
prevent the transaction log from using all available storage. If the transaction log
does use all available storage, the operator can clear the “LOG FULL” warning
message and continue with standalone operation. Translations entered after the
log fills up are not recovered when the controller comes back online. In addition, a
manager’s override can be required when over 95 percent of the log-space
available is used. See Chapter 5, “Personalization” for more information about
including or omitting the warning messages.

Chapter 2. Planning for Standalone Operations 2-7

2-8 Terminal Offline Feature
Chapter 3. Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal
Offline Files
You can estimate the storage requirements for the terminal item record file and the
size of the terminal transaction log. Using these estimates, you can determine how
long a terminal can log transactions in standalone mode.

Perform the following steps to determine if your terminal item record file will fit in
the RAM disk and the length of time a terminal can log transactions in standalone
1. Estimate available RAM disk space:
a. Estimate amount of terminal storage available for terminal RAM disk.

Storage available for RAM disk = total terminal storage−storage

required by operating system
(OS)−storage required by
Supermarket Application−storage
required by Terminal Offline
Feature−storage required by user
code and data
= available storage rounded down to
the nearest multiple of 32 Kb

b. Estimate available RAM disk space.

Available RAM disk space = storage available for RAM disk−1024 bytes
(1024 is the space required by the RAM
disk directory and terminal synchronization

2. Estimate storage for the terminal item record file:

a. Determine the item record size savings.

Optional item record field savings = 0 bytes (use all optional fields)
= 2 bytes (no linked item records)
= 3 bytes (no coupon families)
= 4 bytes (no user data fields used)

Descriptor type savings = 0 bytes (full descriptor)

= 6 bytes (short descriptor)
= 18 bytes (department descriptor or item code)

b. Determine the item record size.

Item record size = 46 bytes−descriptor type savings−optional item record

field savings

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 3-1

c. Determine the items per sector.

Items per sector = (508/size of item record)

Use the integer portion of this figure (for example,
(11.9 => 11 and 11.1 => 11)

d. Determine the number of item records required.

Number of items = number of controller item records−item records to be

omitted + number of department descriptors (if you
use department descriptors to reduce the size of each
item record)

Note: All items in the controller item record file can be included, but if the
resulting terminal item record file is too large, you can omit items.
e. Determine the size of the terminal item record file (in bytes).

Item record file size = {(number of items/items per sector) x (512/.85)} +


Note: 0.85 is the packing factor for the keyed file. Increasing the packing
factor beyond 0.85 is not recommended as it leads to excessively long
build times for the terminal item record file.
f. Determine the space required by the terminal item record file.

Required space = item record file size rounded up to the nearest multiple
of 512

Check that the space required by the terminal item record file (step 2f) is
smaller than the available RAM disk space (step 1b on page 3-1). If it is not
smaller, you must reduce the size of your terminal item record file.
3. Estimate the number of bytes logged per hour:
a. Estimate the number of transactions performed by each terminal per hour.
b. Estimate the number of items purchased per transaction.
c. Estimate the number of bytes per transaction.

Bytes per transaction = 70 bytes + (number of items per transaction x 25


This formula gives a rough estimate of the average number of bytes logged
per transaction. For a closer estimate, examine your transaction set and
the resulting transaction summary log records. For a definition of the
transaction summary log records, refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket
Application: Programming Guide.
d. Estimate the number of bytes logged per hour.

Bytes per hour = bytes per transaction x transactions per hour

3-2 Terminal Offline Feature

4. Estimate the amount of time a terminal can log transactions in standalone
a. Determine the amount of storage available for logging.

Storage for logging = available RAM disk space−space required by

terminal item record file

b. Determine the number of terminals sharing storage.

Shared terminals = 1 (Model A01 only)

= 2 (Model A01 with attached Model 002)

c. Determine the maximum hours available for standalone logging.

Offline time = storage for logging/(bytes logged per hour x shared


Chapter 3. Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal Offline Files 3-3
The following examples shows how to use the formulas described in the preceding

Example of Short Records

In this example, the user has selected a short descriptor, has omitted the user field
and the coupon family groups, is using an IBM 4683 Model A01 without an
attached IBM 4683 Model 002, and has a 10,000-item terminal item record file.
1. Estimate available RAM disk space:
a. Estimate amount of terminal storage available for terminal RAM disk.

Storage available for RAM disk = total terminal storage−storage

required by operating system
(OS)−storage required by
Supermarket Application−storage
required by Terminal Offline
Feature−storage required by user
code and data
= 2 Mb−1 Mb
= 1 Mb rounded down to the nearest
multiple of 32 Kb
= 1 Mb

b. Estimate available RAM disk space.

Available RAM disk space = storage available for RAM disk−1024 bytes
(1024 is the space required by the RAM
disk directory and terminal synchronization
= 1,048,576 bytes−1024 bytes
= 1,047,552 bytes

2. Estimate storage for the terminal item record file:

a. Determine the item record size savings.

Optional item record field savings = 7 bytes (no coupon families or user
data fields used)

Descriptor type savings = 6 bytes (short descriptor)

b. Determine the item record size.

Item record size = 46 bytes−descriptor type savings−optional item record

field savings
= 46 bytes−6 bytes−7 bytes
= 33 bytes

c. Determine the items per sector.

Items per sector = (508/size of item record)

= (508/33) = 15.39
= 15 (integer portion)

d. Determine the number of item records required.

3-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Number of items = 10,000

e. Determine the size of the terminal item record file.

Item record file size = {(number of items/items per sector) x (512/.85)} +

= {(10,000/15) x 602.35} + 512
= 402,080.63 bytes

f. Determine space required by terminal item record file.

Required space = required size rounded up to the nearest multiple of 512

= 402,078.66 rounded up to nearest multiple of 512
= 402,432 bytes

Required space (402,432 bytes) is less than the available RAM disk space
(1 Mb). The terminal item record file will fit in the available space.
3. Estimate the number of bytes logged per hour:
a. Estimate the number of transactions per hour.

Transactions per hour = 25

b. Estimate the number of items purchased per transaction.

Items per transaction = 30

c. Estimate the number of bytes per transaction.

Bytes per transaction = 70 bytes + (30 items per transaction x 25 bytes)

= 820 bytes per transaction

d. Estimate the number of bytes logged per hour.

Bytes per hour = bytes per transaction x transactions per hour

= 820 bytes per transaction x 25 transactions per hour
= 20,500 bytes per hour

4. Estimate the amount of time a terminal can log transactions in standalone

a. Determine the amount of storage available for logging.

Storage for logging = storage available for RAM disk−space required for
terminal item record file
= 1,047,552−402,432 bytes
= 645,120 bytes

b. Determine the number of terminals sharing storage.

Shared terminals = 1 (Model A01 only)

c. Determine the maximum hours available for standalone logging.

Offline time = storage for logging/(bytes logged per hour x shared

= 645,120 bytes/(20,500 bytes per hour x 1 shared terminal)
= 31.47 hours

Chapter 3. Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal Offline Files 3-5
Example of Transaction Logging without Price Lookup
In this example, the user is not using terminal lookup and is using an IBM 4683
Model A01 without an attached IBM 4683 Model 002.
1. Estimate available RAM disk space:
a. Estimate amount of terminal storage available for terminal RAM disk.

Storage available for RAM disk = total terminal storage−storage

required by operating system
(OS)−storage required by
Supermarket Application−storage
required by Terminal Offline
Feature−storage required by user
code and data
= Mb−1 Mb
= 1 Mb rounded down to the nearest
multiple of 32 Kb
= 1 Mb

b. Estimate available RAM disk space.

Available RAM disk space = storage available for RAM disk−1024 bytes
(1024 is the space required by the RAM
disk directory and terminal synchronization
= 1,048,576 bytes−1024 bytes
= 1,047,552 bytes

2. Estimate storage for the terminal item record file:

Terminal lookup is not used in this example, so no space is required by the
terminal item record file.
3. Estimate the number of bytes logged per hour:
a. Estimate the number of transactions per hour.

Transactions per hour = 25

b. Estimate the number of items purchased per transaction.

Items per transaction = 30

c. Estimate the number of bytes per transaction.

Bytes per transaction = bytes + (30 items per transaction x 25 bytes)

= 820 bytes per transaction

d. Estimate the number of bytes logged per hour.

Bytes per hour = bytes per transaction x transactions per hour

= 820 bytes per transaction x 25 transactions per hour
= 20,500 bytes per hour

3-6 Terminal Offline Feature

4. Estimate the amount of time a terminal can log transactions in standalone
a. Determine amount of storage available for logging.

Storage for logging = storage available for RAM disk−space required for
terminal item record file
= 1,047,552−0 bytes
= 1,047,552 bytes

b. Determine the number of terminals sharing storage.

Shared terminals = 1 (Model A01 only)

c. Determine the maximum hours for standalone logging.

Offline time = storage for logging/(bytes logged per hour x shared

= 1,047,552 bytes/(20,500 bytes per hour x 1 shared terminal)
= 51.10 hours

Chapter 3. Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal Offline Files 3-7
Example of Full Length Records and Attached Model 002
In this example, the user has selected a full descriptor for the item, has not omitted
any of the optional item record fields, is using an IBM 4683 Model A01 with an
attached IBM 4683 Model 002, and has a 25,000-item terminal item record file.
1. Estimate available RAM disk space:
a. Estimate amount of terminal storage available for terminal RAM disk.

Storage available for RAM disk = total terminal storage−storage

required by operating system
(OS)−storage required by
Supermarket Application−storage
required by Terminal Offline
Feature−storage required by user
code and data
= 2 Mb−1 Mb
= 1 Mb rounded down to the nearest
multiple of 32 Kb
= 1 Mb

b. Estimate available RAM disk space.

Available RAM disk space = storage available for RAM disk−1024 bytes
(1024 is the space required by the RAM
disk directory and terminal synchronization
= 1,048,576 bytes−1024 bytes
= 1,047,552 bytes

2. Estimate storage for the terminal item record file:

a. Determine the item record size savings.

Optional item record field savings = 0 bytes

Descriptor type savings = 0 bytes (full descriptor)

b. Determine the item record size.

Item record size = 46 bytes−descriptor type savings−optional item record

field savings
= 46 bytes−0 bytes−0 bytes
= 46 bytes

c. Determine the items per sector.

Items per sector = (508/size of item record)

= (508/46) = 11.04
= 11 (integer portion)

3-8 Terminal Offline Feature

d. Determine the number of item records required.

Number of records = 25,000

e. Determine the size of the terminal item record file.

Item record file size = {(number of items/items per sector) x (512/.85)} +

= {(25,000/11) x 602.35} + 512
= 1,368,997.2 + 512
= 1,369,489.2

f. Determine the space required by the terminal item record file.

Required space = required size rounded up to the nearest multiple of 512

= 1,368,997.2 rounded up to nearest multiple of 512
= 1,369,600 bytes

The item record file size (1,369,600 bytes) is larger than the available RAM
disk space (1,047,552 bytes), so the terminal item record file will not fit into
the RAM disk. You must reduce the number of items in the terminal item
record file, reduce the size of the records in the terminal item record file, or
specify not to use terminal lookup.

Chapter 3. Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal Offline Files 3-9
3-10 Terminal Offline Feature
Chapter 4. Planning and Installing the Terminal Offline
This chapter describes how to install the Terminal Offline Feature.

Prerequisites for Installation

The Terminal Offline Feature has two prerequisites for installation:
¹ An IBM store controller with the IBM 4680 Operating System, Version 1
Release 3 that has the optional development support programs installed
¹ Supermarket Application, Release 1 with the User/Feature Exits installed.
Note: If you have not installed the User/Feature Exits or are not sure if they
have been installed, follow the procedure in the following sections to install the
User/Feature Exits.

Installing User Exits and Feature Exits

The User Exit and Feature Exit files must be installed before you install the
Terminal Offline Feature. Perform the following steps to install the files before
1. From the System Main Menu, type 7 to select 7 Command Mode and press
ENTER. The C> prompt appears.
2. Insert the Supermarket Application install diskette in the disk drive, type
A:INSTALL, and press ENTER.
3. The Supermarket Application Installation Menu is displayed. Type 5 to select 5
Install User Exits and press ENTER.
4. You are prompted to insert the appropriate diskettes. After the files are copied
and a message is displayed, press any key to continue.
5. From the Supermarket Application Installation Menu, type 9 to select 9 Exit
Installation Process. You are returned to the C> prompt.
6. Type Exit to return to the System Main Menu.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 4-1

Installing the Terminal Offline Feature
Programs and data for this feature are supplied on the Terminal Offline Feature
installation diskette. This diskette also contains an installation program and control
files that are used to do the following:
¹ Load the Terminal Offline Feature program and data files.
¹ Link the files with the Supermarket Application.
¹ Copy the files to the application library.

Perform the following steps to install the Terminal Offline Feature:

1. Ensure that the controller is operating.
2. Stop all background applications. They must not be active during installation.
a. Press the SYS Req key and then type b to select b Access the
Background Application Control Screen, which displays all background
b. Use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW keys to move up or down the list
until an active application is highlighted. To stop the application, press the
F8 key and answer “Y” when the question “Do you really want to stop the
application?” appears.
c. Repeat the procedure until all applications are stopped.
3. From the System Main Menu, type 7 to select 7 Command Mode and press
ENTER. The C> prompt appears.
4. Place the Terminal Offline Feature diskette into drive A.
5. Type A:INSTALL and press ENTER. After some preparation time, the
Terminal Offline Feature menu is displayed. See Figure 4-1.

‡@ —
| IBM 4680 Terminal Offline Feature Ver 1.0 |
| |
| 5669-032 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 |
| Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM |
| Select one of the installation options below: |
| |
| 0- Print Installation Documentation (README.DOC) |
| 1- Install Terminal Offline Feature |
| Program and Default data files |
| 2- Install Programs only |
| 3- Install Default Data Files only |
| 4- Link feature programs |
| 5- View results of link step |
| 6- Copy linked feature programs to ADX_IPGM |
| |
| 9- Exit Installation Process |
| |
| |

ˆ ˜
Figure 4-1. Terminal Offline Feature Installation Main Menu

4-2 Terminal Offline Feature

6. Type 0 to select 0 Print Installation Documentation and press ENTER.
This option allows you to print a file called README.DOC. The file contains
the following information:
¹ Installation (in detail)
¹ Default data files
¹ Program file names.
Print and read README.DOC before continuing with this installation procedure.
7. Install the Terminal Offline Feature using one of the following options:
a. If you are installing the Terminal Offline Feature for the first time, type 1 to
select option 1 Install Terminal Offline Feature Program and Default
data files and press ENTER.
This option transfers all default data files and all program files for the
Terminal Offline Feature to the fixed disk (C: drive).
Note: This option must be completed for the initial installation and before
you perform steps 8 through 12.
b. If you have already installed Terminal Offline Feature and you want to
refresh the programs, type 2 to select option 2 Install Programs Only and
press ENTER.
This option transfers only the programs for the Terminal Offline Feature to
the fixed disk. Use this procedure if the Supermarket Application has been
re-installed, or if programs are accidentally destroyed.
c. If you have already installed the Terminal Offline Feature and you want to
refresh the data files, type 3 to select option 3 Install Default Data Files
Only and press ENTER.
This option transfers only the default data files for the Terminal Offline
Feature to the fixed disk.
Warning: If you use option 3, any data already stored in these files at
the controller will be lost.
d. If you are installing more than one feature at this time, install the other
features before performing steps 8 through 11.
8. Type 4 to select option 4 Link feature programs and press ENTER.
Several messages are displayed indicating the progress of the link. After
successful completion of the link, the Terminal Offline Feature Installation menu
is displayed. The Terminal Offline Feature programs exist in subdirectory
9. Type 5 to select option 5 View results of link step and press ENTER. This
option allows you to view the results of the link step. Any errors that occurred
during the link step are displayed. If you receive any errors, contact your IBM
representative before continuing. When you have finished viewing the results,
the Terminal Offline Feature Installation menu is displayed.
10. Type 6 to select option 6 Copy linked feature programs to ADX_IPGM and
press ENTER. This option copies the feature programs to ADX_IPGM, which is
the application library.

Chapter 4. Planning and Installing the Terminal Offline Feature 4-3

11. Type 9 to select option 9 Exit Installation Process and press ENTER. The
installation process is completed and all installation files created for the
purpose of installation are erased. A message indicating that the system must
be re-IPLed appears.
12. Press any key to clear this message and return to the System Main Menu.
13. At the System Main Menu, type 7 to enter command mode and type:
This sends a listing to the printer of all error messages that occurred during

Configuring the Terminals for RAM Disk Operation

Perform the following steps to create a RAM disk in terminal storage for storing the
terminal item record file and the terminal transaction log:
1. From the System Main Menu, type 4 to select option 4 Installation and
Update Aids and press ENTER.
2. From the Installation and Update Aids menu, type 1 to select option 1 Change
Configuration Data and press ENTER.
3. From the Change Configuration Data menu, type 1 to select option 1 Terminal
Configuration and press ENTER.
4. From the Terminal Configuration menu, type 1 to select option 1 Terminal
Device Groups and press ENTER. You are prompted to enter the name of
the device group you want to change. Type the name of the terminal device
group and press ENTER.
Note: You must create a RAM disk configuration for each terminal device
group using the Terminal Offline Feature.
5. You are presented with a list of information to describe the RAM disk. The
items and defaults are listed below.
DISK ID Disk identifier (either X or Y). X is the default and is required for
Terminal Offline Feature.
SIZE Number of 32K blocks to use for RAM disk. If you specify a size
that is larger than the available storage, the operating system
creates a RAM disk using all of the available storage. See
Chapter 3, “Estimating Storage Requirements for the Terminal
Offline Files” for information on determining the size of the RAM disk
you will need.
FILES Number of sectors to reserve for directory information. The default
is 1 sector. Use the default.
6. When you have completed entering the RAM disk configuration, press ENTER
to return to the System Main Menu.
Note: The terminal configuration will not become active until you activate it. The
following section gives the procedures for activating the terminal configuration.

4-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Activating the Terminal Configuration
Perform the following steps to activate the terminal configuration.
1. From the System Main Menu, type selection number 4 Installation and Update
Aids and press ENTER.
2. From the Installation and Update Aids menu, type selection number 1 Change
Configuration Data and press ENTER.
3. From the Change Configuration Data menu, type selection number 5 Activate
Configuration and press ENTER.
4. From the Activate Configuration menu, type selection number 5 Terminal
Configuration and press ENTER.
5. When you have completed activating the terminal configuration, press ENTER.
6. If your changes are not accepted, a message tells you so.
7. If your changes are accepted, you are returned to the Configuration menu.
Press F3 to return to the System Main Menu.

Feature Personalization
Before re-IPL of the terminals, choose the personalization options for your store.
Refer to Chapter 5, “Personalization.”

If terminal item record lookup is used (TERMINAL LOOKUP USED=YES), build the
Terminal Item Record file with the DDM option “Rebuild/Reload Terminal Item File.”
Refer to Chapter 7, “Controller Operator Actions.”

Re-IPL the Terminals

After you have re-IPLed the controller, use the following procedure to re-IPL the
1. From the System Main Menu, press the SYS Req key.
The System Keys screen is displayed.
2. From the System Keys screen, type C to select option C Access the Store
Control Functions and press ENTER.
The Store Control Functions screen is displayed.
3. From the Store Control Functions screen, type 1 to select option 1 Terminal
Functions and press ENTER.
The Terminal Functions menu is displayed.
4. From the Terminal Functions menu, type 7 to select option 7 Load Terminal
Storage and press ENTER.
You are prompted to enter the terminal address to re-IPL. Enter the terminal
address, or an asterisk (*) to re-IPL all terminals and press ENTER.

Chapter 4. Planning and Installing the Terminal Offline Feature 4-5

4-6 Terminal Offline Feature
Chapter 5. Personalization
This chapter describes how to personalize the Terminal Offline Feature for your
store’s operation.

Personalization Process
Follow the steps below to display the personalization screens.
1. From the Supermarket Application Main menu, select option 6 - Application
2. From Application Personalization, select 6 - Terminal Logging/Item Lookup.
From Terminal Offline Feature Terminal Logging/Lookup, select 1 - Change
Store Options to view the Terminal Offline Feature personalization options,
which are contained on two screens. The Terminal Offline Feature
personalization consists of the following options:
¹ Log-warning messages
¹ Log-Full override required
¹ Terminal lookup used
¹ Offline price changes
¹ Number of records
¹ Description type
¹ Optional item record fields.

Log Warning Messages

Choose: Y(es) or N(o)
Default: Y

This option determines whether or not the terminal operator will be warned as the
terminal transaction log fills up the available memory. Warning messages begin
when the terminal is 75% full and continue with increasing frequency until the log is
full. If you specify YES, warning messages are displayed, including the log full
message. If you specify NO, warning messages are not displayed.

Log-Full Override Required

Choose: Y(es) or N(o)
Default: Y

This option determines whether or not a manager’s override is required to continue

standalone operation after the terminal transaction log becomes 95% full. If you
specify NO, the operator can continue operating in standalone mode. The detailed
item data for transactions is entered after the log is full, is lost. If you specify YES,
a manager’s override is required to continue standalone operation after the terminal
transaction log is 95% full.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 5-1

Terminal Lookup Used
Choose: Y(es) or N(o)
Default: Y

This option determines whether or not terminals will use the terminal item record
file for standalone price lookup. If you specify YES, standalone price lookup is
available. If you specify NO, standalone price lookup is not available, and the
terminal operator must enter prices during transactions.

Offline Price Changes

Choose: Y(es) or N(o)
Default: Y

This option determines whether or not you can enter price changes at a terminal
while it is operating in standalone mode. If you specify YES, you can enter price
changes at the terminal in standalone mode. The terminal operator can enter the
price changes, however, the manager key is required. An entry is written to the
exception log file. If you specify NO, you cannot enter price changes at a
standalone terminal.

Number of Records
Choose: 1 through 999999
Default: 10000

This option determines the maximum number of records for the terminal item
lookup file. The number you specify determines the space required by the terminal
item record file, which affects the time required to load the terminal item record file
into the terminal and the length of time the terminal can log transactions in
standalone mode. Enter the number of records that you will use for your terminal
item lookup file. If you choose to print a department descriptor instead of the item
code (refer to descriptor type 3 in “Descriptor Type” on page 5-3), each descriptor
is stored in the terminal item record file. Include the number of item records in this

5-2 Terminal Offline Feature

Descriptor Type
Choose: 1, 2, 3 or 4
Default: 3

This option determines the type of descriptor that you will use in your terminal item
record file. Using a short descriptor (2), a department descriptor (3), or only an
item code (4) requires less storage, reducing the size of the terminal item record
file and increasing the length of time a terminal can log transactions in standalone

Enter one of the following four options to determine the type of descriptor:

Option Description
1 Full item descriptor
2 First 12 characters of descriptor only (short descriptor)
3 Department descriptor
4 Item code (no descriptor)

If you select option 1, the terminal item lookup file uses the full item descriptor, just
as if item lookup were being performed by the controller.

If you select option 2, the terminal item lookup file uses a short item descriptor,
which consists of the first 12 characters of the full item descriptor. This option
reduces the size of each item record by 6 bytes.

If you select option 3, the terminal item lookup file uses a department descriptor.
This option reduces the size of each item record by 18 bytes.

If you select option 4, the terminal item lookup file uses an item code instead of a
descriptor. This option also reduces the size of each item record by 18 bytes.

Chapter 5. Personalization 5-3

Optional Item Record Fields
Choose: Y(es) or N(o) for each of the following optional item record fields:
1. User Data Field
2. Coupon Family Groups
3. Linked Item Records
Default: N

This option determines whether or not to include any of the optional item record
fields in the terminal item record file. Eliminating one or more of the fields reduces
the amount of storage required by the terminal item record file, reducing the size of
the terminal item record file and increasing the length of time a terminal can log
transactions in standalone mode.

If you specify YES for the user data fields, the user data fields will be included in
the terminal item record file. If you specify NO, the user data field will not be
included, which reduces the size of each item record by 4 bytes.

If you specify YES for the coupon family groups, the coupon family group fields will
be included in the terminal item record file. If you specify NO, the coupon family
groups will not be included, which reduces the size of each item record by 3 bytes.

If you specify YES for the linked item records, the linked item record fields will be
included in the terminal item record file. If you specify NO, the linked item record
codes will not be included, which reduces the size of each item record by 2 bytes.

5-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Part 2: Programming
Chapter 6. Programming Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
Feature File Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
New File Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
File/Record Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Terminal Offline Store Options File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Terminal Maintenance Control File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Terminal Offline Controller Message File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
Terminal Offline Operator Authorization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Terminal Offline Operator Options Authorization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Terminal Offline Report Descriptors File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Terminal Offline Sales Descriptors File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Terminal Offline Load Level File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
Terminal Item Record File, Controller Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Terminal Synchronization File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
Terminal Transaction Summary Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Changes to Existing Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Controller Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Controller Transaction Summary Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
DDM Control File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
Exception Log File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Totals Retention Record Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Hidden Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Rebuild/Reload with ADCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
I/O Session Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988

Terminal Offline Feature
Chapter 6. Programming Considerations
This chapter discusses aspects of the Terminal Offline Feature that need to be
considered by a programmer.

Feature File Summary

This section presents a summary of all the files used by the Terminal Offline
Feature. Some files are new, some are existing Supermarket Application files that
have been changed, and some are existing Supermarket files with no changes.
For information on new files and changes in existing files, refer to “New File Layout”
on page 6-3 and to “Changes to Existing Files” on page 6-12. For information on
planning the Terminal Offline Feature files, refer to Chapter 3, “Estimating Storage
Requirements for the Terminal Offline Files.”
Note: Work file layouts are not presented in this chapter.

Table 6-1 on page 6-2 gives a summary of the feature’s files. Its purpose is to
provide a handy reference for logical filenames. In the chart, each file is identified
by logical filename and description. The abbreviations used in the summary have
the following meanings:
Logical Filename: The logical name of the file.
File type: The type of file, which can be one of the following:
Dir = direct file
Keyed = keyed file
Ran = random file
Seq = sequential file
Var = work file, any type.
Maximum Length: The maximum record length in bytes.
Key Length: The length of the record key for keyed files.
Description: A description of the file.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 6-1

Table 6-1. Summary of Terminal Offline Feature Files
Logical File Max Key
Filename Name Type Len Len Directory Description
Terminal offline feature
EAMGAOPF.DAT EAMGAOPF Dir 15 ADX_IPGM store options file
Terminal maintenance
Terminal offline controller
Terminal offline feature
EAMGAUTH.DAT EAMGAUTH Keyed 7 4 ADX_IDT1 operator authorization file
Terminal offline feature
operator options
EAMGAOPA.DAT EAMGAOPA Keyed 2 1 ADX_IDT1 authorization file
Terminal offline report
EAMGARDS.DAT EAMGARDS Ran 49 ADX_IPGM descriptors file
Terminal offline sales
EAMGASDS.DAT EAMGARDS Ran 49 ADX_IPGM descriptors file
Terminal offline load level
Terminal item record file -
EAMIMAGE.DAT EAMIMAGE Keyed 46 6 ADX_IDT1 controller copy
EAMITEMT N/A Keyed 46 6 X: Root Terminal item record file
Terminal Terminal synchronization
EAMTSYNC N/A Dir 24 X: Root file
Terminal transaction
Terminal summary log (xxx =
EAMTLxxx N/A Seq Var X: Root terminal number)

6-2 Terminal Offline Feature

New File Layout
This section contains descriptions of files that are new to the Supermarket
Application through use of the Terminal Offline Feature.

File/Record Descriptions
In the descriptions, field lengths are given in bytes. Unless stated otherwise, totals,
counts, quantities, and amounts are kept as positive numbers.

Three types of data fields are included in the file records:

ASC Alphanumeric fields coded in ASCII. In keyed files, a byte can include any
eight-bit code combination.
PD Packed decimal. A packed decimal field is described as a character field for
formatted input/output. These fields include data where each byte is divided
into two half-bytes of four bits.
INT Integer.

Where a Y/N field is used, the value for that field is determined as follows:
0 No
-1 Yes

Certain files contain variable length records. The variable length fields in those
records are identified in the following ways:
vXX Gives the maximum size of the field. A length value is substituted for the
v Field length is indicated by comments in the file or record description.
Note: Offsets, in decimal, are provided for keyed files only.

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-3

Terminal Offline Store Options File
The Terminal Offline Store Options File is a random file that holds the store options
for the Terminal Offline Feature. This file also contains the two hidden options.
For details on the hidden options, refer to “Hidden Options” on page 6-16.

The layout of the Terminal Offline Store Options file is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Offline Store Options File
Logical filename: EAMGAOPT
Record Length: 100 bytes maximum
Organization: Random

Field Name Type Length Description

LOGMSGS ASC v2 Log warning messages allowed
OVERRIDE ASC v2 Override option used
TERMILU ASC v2 Terminal lookup used
OFFLCHNG ASC v2 Offline price changes allowed
NUMITEMS ASC v6 Number of item records
DESCTYPE ASC 1 Item descriptor type
USERDATA ASC v2 User data fields included
LINKCODES ASC v2 Link item codes included
COUPON GPS ASC v2 Coupon Family Groups included
PCKGFCTR ASC v2 Packing factor
DFLTSIZE ASC v3 Default threshold size of terminal
maintenance control file
Note: Space at the end of this record is reserved by IBM for future use.

6-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Terminal Maintenance Control File
The Terminal Maintenance Control File is a direct file used to send changes in the
controller item record file to the terminals. The file contains the current
maintenance level, which is used by the terminals to determine if the changes in
the file have been applied. The file also contains a record of each maintenance
action to be performed and the item record that requires maintenance. It also
contains the terminal item record formatting options used for the current Terminal
Item Record File.

The layout of the Terminal Maintenance Control File is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Maintenance Control File
Logical filename: EAMTMCFR
Record Length: 47
Organization: Direct

Header Record

Field Name Type Length Description

MAINTLVL INT 4 Maintenance level of last update
ACTION INT 1 Maintenance action of last update
1 Add/replace record
2 Delete record
RCDKEY PD 11 Record key of last item record updated
NUMRECS INT 4 Current number of records in terminal
item record file
TERMLOAD PD 2 ID of terminal loading item file
FILELVL INT 2 Reload level for terminals
TERMILU INT 1 Terminal lookup used
NUMITEMS INT 4 Number of items in item record file
DESCTYPE INT 1 Descriptor type in current file
1 Full descriptor
2 Short descriptor
3 Department descriptor only.
4 Item code only
LINKED ITEMS INT 1 Linked item records included
COUPONS INT 1 Coupon family groups used
USERDATA INT 1 User data field included
RESERVED ASC 20 Reserved field

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-5

Data Record

Field Name Type Length Description

ACTION ASC 1 Maintenance action required
1 Add/replace record
2 Delete record
MNTDATA INT 46 Item record data

Terminal Offline Controller Message File

The Terminal Offline Controller Message File holds the Terminal Offline Feature
messages that use the Display Manager.

The layout of the Terminal Offline Controller Message File is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Offline Controller Message File
Logical filename: EAMGAMSF
Record Length: 82
Organization: Random

Field Name Type Length Description

MESSAGE ASC 82 Controller message in quotes

6-6 Terminal Offline Feature

Terminal Offline Operator Authorization File
The Terminal Offline Operator Authorization File controls the authorization of
controller operators to rebuild and reload the terminal item record file.

The layout of the Terminal Offline Operator Authorization File is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Offline Operator Authorization File
Logical filename: EAMGAUTH
Record Length: 7
Organization: Keyed

Field Name Type Length Description

OPID PD 5 Operator ID
INDICAT1 INT 1 Rebuild/reload authorization:
Bit 7 X'01' Operator has rebuild
Bit 6 X'02' Operator has reload
RESERVED INT 1 Reserved field

Terminal Offline Operator Options Authorization File

The Terminal Offline Operator Options Authorization File controls the authorization
of controller operators to change the Terminal Offline Feature options.

The layout of the Terminal Offline Operator Options Authorization File is as follows:
Filename: Terminal Offline Operator Options Authorization File
Logical filename: EAMGAOPA
Record Length: 2
Organization: Keyed

Field Name Type Length Description

OPTIONSKEY PD 1 Operator options authorization level
STOREOPT INT 1 Change Terminal Offline Feature store
options (Y/N)

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-7

Terminal Offline Report Descriptors File
The Terminal Offline Report Descriptors File holds all the descriptors that the
Terminal Offline Feature uses at the controller.

The layout of the Terminal Offline Report Descriptors File is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Offline Report Descriptors File
Logical filename: EAMGARDS
Record Length: 49
Organization: Random

This file uses the same format as the Supermarket Application Report Descriptors
File (EAMRDESC). Refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Programming
Guide for more information.

Terminal Offline Sales Descriptors File

The Terminal Offline Sales Descriptors File holds all the descriptors that the
Terminal Offline Feature uses at the terminal.

The layout of the Terminal Offline Sales Descriptors File is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Offline Sales Descriptors File
Logical filename: EAMGASDS
Record Length: 49
Organization: Random

The layout of this file is identical to the Supermarket Application Terminal

Descriptors File (EAMSDESC). Refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application:
Programming Guide for more information on the file layout.

6-8 Terminal Offline Feature

Terminal Offline Load Level File
The Terminal Offline Load Level File is used to determine which terminals have the
latest level of the Terminal Item Record file and to control the reloading of the files
into the terminals.

The file, which is created by the DDM timer task if not already present at system
IPL, contains one store record and one record for each terminal in the system.

The store record is used to prevent more than one terminal from loading the
Terminal Item Record file at one time. A terminal can only initiate the loading
process if the Load ID is 0000. A load ID of “9999” indicates EAMIMAGE is
currently being rebuilt and no terminal can load the file. The store record also
includes a flag controlled by the Close Reporting Totals application to inhibit
terminals exiting standalone while a store close is being initiated.

A terminal record is updated by the terminal to contain the build level of the
EAMIMAGE file when the loading of this file is completed successfully. The record
contains a flag set by the terminal while it is in the process of uploading saved
transaction data to the controller. During this time, a request to close reporting
totals does not take place unless forced by the operator.
Filename: Terminal Offline Load Level File
Logical filename: EAMGATLF
Record Length: 20
Organization: Keyed

Store Record

Field Name Type Length Description

TERMID PD 2 Terminal number
LOADID PD 1 Terminal No. currently loading file
0000 = None
9999 = File being rebuilt
EXINHIBIT INT 1 Terminals connot exit Standalone
RESERVED ASC 15 Reserved field

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-9

Terminal Record

Field Name Type Length Description

TERMID PD 2 Terminal number
FILELEVEL INT 1 File level of terminal item record file
UPLACTIVE INT 1 Transaction upload in progress
RESERVED ASC 15 Reserved field

Terminal Item Record File, Controller Copy

The Terminal Item Record File, controller copy (EAMIMAGE) is a keyed file that is
stored at the controller and is a mirror image of the Terminal Item Record File. To
use offline price lookup, you must have sufficient disk space in the controller to
store two copies of the Terminal Item Record File (the controller copy and a work

The layout of the Terminal Item Record File, Controller Copy, is as follows:
Filename: Terminal Item Record File, Controller Copy
Logical filename: EAMIMAGE
Record Length: Variable, 50 maximum
Organization: Keyed

The layout of this file will vary according to the record compression options you
specify in personalization.

Terminal Item Record File

The Terminal Item Record File (EAMITEMT) is a keyed file that holds price and
item information at a terminal for use in offline operations.

The layout of the Terminal Item Record File is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Item Record File
Logical filename: EAMITEMT
Record Length: Variable, 50 maximum
Organization: Keyed

The layout of this file will vary according to the record compression options you
specify in personalization.

6-10 Terminal Offline Feature

Terminal Synchronization File
The Terminal Synchronization File is a direct file used to synchronize information
about the terminal item record file between an IBM 4683 Model A01 and an IBM
4683 Model 002 terminal. When the Model A01 terminal updates or reloads the
terminal item record file, the Model 002 terminal reads the information about the
new file from the terminal synchronization file.

The layout of the Terminal Synchronization File is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Synchronization File
Logical filename: EAMTSYNC
Record Length: 24
Organization: Direct

Field Name Type Length Description

FILELVL INT 2 Reload level for terminals
MAINTLVL INT 4 Maintenance level of last update
NUMITEMS INT 4 Number of items in item record file
DESCTYPE INT 1 Descriptor type in current file
1 Full descriptor
2 Short descriptor
3 Department descriptor only
4 Item code only
USERDATA INT 1 User data field included
LINKED ITEMS INT 1 Linked item records used
COUPONS INT 1 Coupon family groups used
TERMILU INT 1 Terminal lookup used
LKUPON INT 1 Item lookup enabled or disabled
RAMSIZE INT 4 Size of RAM disk
ITEMSIZE INT 4 Size of terminal item record file

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-11

Terminal Transaction Summary Log
The Terminal Transaction Summary Log is used to store information about
transactions performed while the terminal is in standalone mode. The information
is sent to the controller when normal online operations resume.

The layout of the Terminal Transaction Summary Log is as follows:

Filename: Terminal Transaction Summary Log
Logical filename: EAMTLxxx (xxx = terminal number)
Record Length: Variable
Organization: Sequential

The layout of this file is identical to the Controller Transaction Summary Log
(EAMTRANS). Refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Programming
Guide for more information on the file layout.

Changes to Existing Files

This section contains descriptions of changes to existing Supermarket Application
files caused by installing the Terminal Offline Feature. For the complete layout of
the files, refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Programming Guide.

Controller Item Record File

This file defines a new flag to indicate that a record should not be included in the
terminal item record file.

The change to the layout of the controller item record file is as follows:
Filename: Item Record
Logical filename: EAMITEMR

Field Name Type Length Description

INDICAT1A INT 1 Bit1 - X'40' = Terminal Record

6-12 Terminal Offline Feature

Controller Transaction Summary Log
This file defines a new flag in the Controller Transaction Summary Log header
string to indicate that the transaction was logged in the terminal and recovered at
the controller.

The change to the layout of the Controller Transaction Summary Log header string
is as follows:
Filename: Controller Transaction Summary Log
Logical filename: EAMTRANx

Field Name Type Length Description

INDICAT1 PD v3 Packed string representation of 4-byte
Bit1 - X'40000000' = Recovered

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-13

DDM Control File
The Delayed Data Maintenance Control File uses a new request type to specify
that the Terminal Item Record File should be rebuilt.

A rebuild/reload request should be the last operation in any DDM batch that
changes the Terminal Item Record File. The request must have a separate
sequence number within the batch (normally the highest sequence number, which
is 99).

For the complete layout of the DDM Control File, refer to the IBM 4680
Supermarket Application: Programming Guide.

The change in the layout of the DDM Control File is as follows:

Filename: DDM Control File
Logical filename: EAMDMCTL

Field Name Type Length Offset Description

DMCREQ INT 1 4 Request type:
Bit 4 X'08' Rebuild and
reload item
record file
Bit 5 X'04' Reload item

6-14 Terminal Offline Feature

Exception Log File
This file uses new log entries to indicate that file maintenance was performed while
the terminals were in standalone mode and to specify how many records were
changed. The file has separate layouts for an offline (standalone) price change
entry and a build/reload terminal item record file entry.

For the complete layout of the Exception Log File, refer to the IBM 4680
Supermarket Application: Programming Guide.

The change in the layout of the Exception Log File is as follows:

Filename: Exception Log File
Logical filename: EAMEXCPT

Build/Reload Terminal Item Record File Entry

Field Name Type Length Description

Terminal PD 2 Terminal ID
TRANSNUM PD 2 Transaction number
CODE PD 1 X'80'
OPERATOR PD V5 Operator signed on
EVENT ASC 1 1 Build start
2 Build finish
3 Reload finish
NUMRECS ASC 10 Number of records in Terminal Item
Record File

Terminal Standalone Price Change Entry

Field Name Type Length Description

TRANSNUM PD 2 Transaction Number
CODE PD 1 X'90'
OPERATOR PD v5 Operator signed on
FILELEVEL ASC 4 Reload file level
MNTLEVEL ASC 8 Maintenance level
NUMCHNGS ASC 4 Number of standalone price changes

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-15

Totals Retention Record Formats
The Terminal Offline Feature uses 4 bytes of storage starting at record number

The Totals Retention record is written whenever the number of standalone

transactions to be recovered changes. The record is used as an indicator of the
transactions that have not been sent from the terminal to the controller.

Both field values are set to -1 when there are no more transactions to be recovered
from terminal storage.

Record Field Name Type Length Description

257 FIRST.TRANS.NUM INT 2 Number of first transaction to
be recovered
LAST.TRANS.NUM INT 2 Number of last transaction to
be recovered

Hidden Options
Hidden options are options that are defined in the store options file but cannot be
altered through personalization. The terminal offline store options file,
\ADX_IPGM\EAMGAOPT.DAT is a random file. Because the hidden options are
included in this file, they can be modified.

The hidden options that you can modify are:

¹ Packing factor
The packing factor specifies how tightly the terminal item record file will be
packed onto the RAM disk in the terminal. The size of the item record file
varies with the inverse of the packing factor. The smaller the packing factor,
the more space each item record will occupy. The default packing factor is
0.85, which means that each item record will take up 1/.85 or 1.18 times the
minimum amount of space on the RAM disk. The free space is required in the
keyed file to prevent excessive record chaining, and the packing factor should
not normally be increased beyond 85%.
¹ Threshold size of the terminal maintenance control file.
You can change the threshold size of the terminal maintenance control file to
change the point at which you receive warning messages to rebuild the
terminal item record file. The default size is 250 Kb, or about 5,500 records.

To change these options, change the fields in the Terminal Offline Store Options
file (EAMGAOPT).

6-16 Terminal Offline Feature

Rebuild/Reload with ADCS
You can use Advanced Data Communication for Stores (ADCS) 3650/3680
functions at a host system that were not previously used by the IBM 4680. These
functions allow you to rebuild or rebuild and reload the terminal item record file.
The two 3650/3680 ADCS requests are as follows:
¹ Report Item Movement
This function indicates that the terminal item record file is to be rebuilt and
¹ Initialize Item Movement File
This function indicates that the terminal item record file is to be reloaded.

These commands make entries in the DDM Control File specifying the operation to
be performed. The terminal item record file is not changed until DDM executes the

Chapter 6. Programming Considerations 6-17

I/O Session Numbers
The following table lists the input/output session numbers for Terminal Offline
Feature files.

Device/File Session Use
Name Description Number (See note)
EAMGAMSG Controller Message File 5 C
EAMGAOPT Feature Store Options File 8 C&T
EAMGATLF Terminal Load Level File 10 C&T
EAMIMAGE Terminal Item Record File (on 47 C
EAMTSYNC Terminal Synchronization File 48 T
EAMTMCFR Terminal Maintenance Control File 48 C&T
EAMGARLP Resource Locking Pipe 49 C&T
EAMITEMT Terminal Item Record File 50 T
WRKIMAGE Work Terminal Item Record File 51 C
EAMTLxxx Terminal Transaction Summary Log 51 T
EAMGAUTH Operator Authorization File 51 C
WRKTMCFR Work Maintenance Control File 52 C
EAMTLxxx Terminal Transaction Summary Log 52 T
EAMGAOPA Options Authorization File 52 C
EAMGARDS Report Descriptors 53 C
EAMGASDS Sales Descriptors 53 T
C Controller
T Terminal

6-18 Terminal Offline Feature

Part 3: Guide to Operations
Chapter 7. Controller Operator Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Building the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Reloading the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Verifying Terminal Reload Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Modifying the Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Recovering Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Close Reporting Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Chapter 8. Terminal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

Receipts and Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Price Verification Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Price Verification For an Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Enter a New Price for The Previous Item (Unit Priced) . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988

Terminal Offline Feature
Chapter 7. Controller Operator Actions
This chapter includes a discussion of the following new and changed controller
operations required for the Terminal Offline Feature:
¹ Building the Terminal Item Record File
¹ Reloading the Terminal Item Record File
¹ Verifying Terminal Reload Status
¹ Modifying the Item Record File
¹ Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File
¹ Authorization
¹ Recovering Transactions.

You must install the Terminal Offline Feature and complete the personalization
process before you can perform these operations.
Note: No operator action is required to start terminal lookup, logging, or recovery
of transactions.

Building the Terminal Item Record File

To build and reload the terminal item record file, select option 9, Rebuild/Reload
Terminal Item File from the Delayed Data Maintenance (DDM) main menu. DDM
displays a menu of the three DDM options specific to the Terminal Offline Feature.

From the DDM Terminal Offline Feature menu, select option 1, Rebuild Terminal
Item Record File. DDM asks for confirmation, then includes the request in the
DDM queue to rebuild and reload the terminal item record file. When a terminal
loads its operating system and application, the terminal loads a copy of the terminal
item record file into its RAM disk.
Note: Option 8 on the DDM Main Menu and the DDM Terminal Offline Feature
menu only appear if you have installed the Terminal Offline Feature.

Reloading the Terminal Item Record File

To reload the terminal item record file, select option 9, Rebuild/Reload Terminal
Item File from the Delayed Data Maintenance (DDM) main menu. DDM displays a
menu of the three DDM options specific to the Terminal Offline Feature.

From the DDM Terminal Offline Feature menu, select option 2, Reload Terminal
Item Record File. DDM asks for confirmation, then includes the request in the
DDM queue to reload the terminal item record file.
Note: Option 9 on the DDM Main Menu and the DDM Terminal Offline Feature
menu only appear if you have installed the Terminal Offline Feature.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 7-1

Verifying Terminal Reload Status
To verify that all terminals have loaded the current terminal item record file, select
option 9, Rebuild/Reload Terminal Item File from the Delayed Data Maintenance
(DDM) main menu. DDM displays a menu of the three DDM options specific to the
Terminal Offline Feature.

From the DDM Terminal Offline Feature menu, select option 3, Report Terminal
Reload Status. DDM displays a list of all terminals that have not loaded the
current terminal item record file.
Note: Option 9 on the DDM Main Menu and the DDM Terminal Offline Feature
menu only appear if you have installed the Terminal Offline Feature.

Modifying the Item Record File

To make changes at the controller to the controller item record file and have those
changes reflected in the terminal item record file, you can use either of the
following methods:
¹ Controller Data Maintenance
Using Data Maintenance, not only can you change prices, but you can also
select specific item records to exclude from the item record file. To change
prices, follow the procedure given in the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application:
Guide to Operations, SC30-3372. To exclude items from the terminal item
record file, see “Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File.”
¹ Delayed Data Maintenance
You can use the Supermarket Application Delayed Data Maintenance function
to apply a batch of changes to the controller item record file. These changes
are then added to the terminal maintenance control file to be applied to the
terminals. For more information on DDM, refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket
Application: Guide to Operations.

If your changes cause the terminal maintenance control file to exceed the threshold
size, a warning message is displayed indicating that the file has reached its
threshold size and should be reset. You can still add changes to the terminal
maintenance control file after the warning message is displayed, but you then run
the risk of using up your remaining disk space.

If you receive the warning message, you can use DDM to request a rebuild/reload
of the terminal item record file. Rebuilding or reloading the file resets the terminal
maintenance control file.

Omitting Items from the Terminal Item Record File

The Data Maintenance procedure contains an additional option which allows you to
omit items in the terminal item record file. When performing data maintenance on
the item record file, the “terminal item record” field (with a default response of YES
for a new record) is displayed on the second data maintenance display screen.
Specify YES to include the item in the terminal item record file. Specify NO to omit
the item from the terminal item record file.

7-2 Terminal Offline Feature

Recovering Transactions
The Terminal Offline Feature automatically recovers standalone transactions when
the controller becomes available. Recovery of standalone transactions to the
controller occurs when the terminal is not busy with a transaction. Reports that
require transaction data will not be accurate until all transactions are recovered.

The Supermarket Application Data Maintenance facility allows you to authorize
operators to perform functions and change files. Installation of the Terminal Offline
Feature adds screens to Data Maintenance that allow you to authorize controller
operators to rebuild and reload the Terminal Item Record file and to change
Terminal Offline Feature options. You can authorize, rebuild, and reload
separately. Refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Guide to Operations
for more information on operator authorization. The access rules for the Terminal
Offline Feature are the same as those for the Supermarket Application.

Close Reporting Totals

When a controller recovers after a failure, terminals re-establish communication
with the store controller and begin uploading transactions into the controller
transaction summary log that were entered while in standalone.

The time taken for the controller to be brought fully up-to-date depends on factors
such as the number of terminals in the system, the transaction rate during offline
operation, and the duration of offline operation.

For accounting purposes, all transactions from the start of recovery until it
completes are deemed to belong to the same accounting period. This includes any
transactions entered during a closely followed period of offline operation while
recovery is in progress.

If a request is made to close reporting totals while one or more terminals are in
recovery, a screen will be displayed showing the terminal numbers. The operator
then has the option of leaving the close, by either pressing F3 and retrying later, or
forcing the close to continue by pressing Enter. Pressing Enter causes the
terminal to discard any transactions which have not been uploaded to the store
controller. These unrecovered transactions appear on the store reports as
“STANDALONE SALES”; however, detailed transaction information is lost.

The loss of data is equivalent to that resulting from an extended power failure
which causes the terminal to lose memory contents while in recovery.

While basic totals integrity is maintained through the use of standalone totals,
forcing the close to continue this way is only recommended when a close has to be
performed immediately or when a terminal fails while uploading transactions. For
maintaining data integrity, it is better to allow the recovery process to complete.

Close requests which do not perform an accounting or department totals close are
not affected in this way. An example is a close request for only the Item Movement
file or Exception Log. In effect, these file closes take a “snapshop” of the file at the

Chapter 7. Controller Operator Actions 7-3

point where the close is processed by checkout support and are not related to the
close of the store accounting period.

7-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Chapter 8. Terminal Operations
When the terminal is operating normally (online), it looks up prices on the controller
item record file and logs transactions at the controller. When the controller or store
loop is not operational, the terminals run in standalone mode. In standalone
operation, the terminals look up prices from the terminal item record file, located in
the terminal storage, and record transaction data in the terminal transaction log,
also located in terminal storage.

For the most part, the differences between online and standalone operation are not
noticeable at the terminal; however, the following items are different in standalone
¹ Receipts and displays
¹ Price verification procedure.
Note: No terminal operator action is required to start terminal lookup, logging, or
transaction recovery.

Receipts and Displays

When the terminal is operating in standalone mode, you may see differences in the
item descriptors compared to normal operations if you are using terminal lookup.
Rather than using a normal, full length descriptor, an item code, a department
descriptor, or a shortened descriptor may be used. Depending on the
personalization options selected for Terminal Offline Feature, the item descriptor
can be one of the following:
¹ Normal, full-length descriptor
¹ Short, 12-character descriptor
¹ Department descriptor only
¹ Item code only.

These changes will appear on the display as you are operating the terminal and will
also appear on the receipts.

When the terminal is operating in standalone mode, transaction data is stored in

the Terminal Transaction Log, which is a file in terminal storage. When the log
begins to use up the available storage, warning messages are displayed indicating
how full terminal storage is.

When a transaction is logged to the Terminal Transaction Log, the message

roll. If the Terminal Transaction Log is full, performing a transaction prints the
message STANDALONE TRANSACTION, NOT LOGGED on the journal roll.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 8-1

Price Verification Procedure
When the terminal is operating in standalone mode, you may need to change an
item price. You can change the price in the terminal item record file if the following
conditions exist:
¹ Offline price changes were allowed during personalization.
¹ The manager key is on.
¹ Terminal item lookup was allowed during personalization.

The price verification procedure and price change procedure keying sequences are
outlined in the following sections. For more information on the price verification
procedure, refer to the IBM 4680 Supermarket Application: Guide to Operations.

8-2 Terminal Offline Feature

Price Verification For an Item
SELECT PROCEDURE Enter 6, which is the procedure
OR ENTER ITEM │ number for price verification,

TO VERIFY PRICE ┌──────┴───────┐ Press the SIGN ON key. Price
ITEM DESCRIPTION │ SIGN ON/OFF │ verification heading, date, time, and
VF PRICE └──────┬───────┘ store specified data print on the transaction
│ summary journal and on the customer
│ cash receipt.

│ Enter 1-13 digits for the item code
│ for which price verification is being
ITEM CODE requested. Code can also be scanned.
│ Press the ENTER key.
│ VF prints on the customer receipt

┌──────┴───────┐ to show price verification.
│ ENTER │ Press TOTAL key to end transaction.
└──────┬───────┘ Item description, VF (to show verification
│ of price), total price are displayed.
│ A completion message with date and time
is printed on the transaction summary
└──────────────┘ journal and on the customer receipt.

Personalization Options: None.

Keying Sequence Discussion: Enter price verification number (6) first to request
price verification procedure. Press SIGN-ON key to start the procedure. Price
verification, date, time, and store-specified data are printed on the transaction
summary journal and on the customer receipt. The item code is required to verify
price. Item code is entered and the ENTER key is pressed. The item description
and unit price are printed for non-weight items. Press the TOTAL key, and the item
description and price are displayed. The display is followed by a completion
message with date and time which is printed on the transaction summary journal
and on the customer receipt.

SELECT PROCEDURE OR ENTER ITEM prompt appears on the terminal display

to show that the application is ready for the next transaction.

Alternate Keying Sequence: SIGN ON/OFF, 6, ENTER, Item Code, ENTER,


Chapter 8. Terminal Operations 8-3

Enter a New Price for The Previous Item (Unit Priced)
Use the following keying sequence, after the price verification procedure, to enter a
new price.


ITEM DESCRIPTION Enter 1-8 digits of price.
*VF* .92 PRICE The price is displayed as keyed.

│ NP *VP* is also printed and displayed.
│ Press the PRICE key.
│ Procedure description, item description,
┌──────┴───────┐ and price print on the customer receipt.
│ PRICE │ The new price with item description
└──────────────┘ is also displayed.

Personalization Options: None.

Keying Sequence Discussion: After verifying a price, the price for the item
keyed is displayed. Enter the new price and press the PRICE key. The procedure
descriptor, item description, and new price print on the customer receipt and are

Alternate Keying Sequence: PRICE, price, ENTER.

If standalone price changes are not permitted, the message PRICE CHANGE NOT
ALLOWED is displayed.

When you enter price change information at a terminal that is operating in

standalone mode, the changes only apply to that terminal. To apply the changes to
all terminals, you must enter the price change information at all terminals. To make
the price change permanent, you must change the price at the controller when the
terminals resume online operation.

8-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Appendix A. Error and Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Numbered Terminal Display Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Numbered Controller Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
Unnumbered Terminal Display Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
Unnumbered Terminal Printer Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Unnumbered Controller Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988

Terminal Offline Feature
B506 ¹ B508

Appendix A. Error and Warning Messages

The Terminal Offline Feature error and warning messages are listed in the following

Numbered Terminal Display Messages

The following numbered messages are displayed at the terminal.


Severity: 5
Explanation: An attempt was made to add an item to the controller copy of the terminal
item record file (EAMIMAGE) and the file is full.
User Response: Follow store procedures for reporting problems.
Specify a larger number of records in the terminal item record file in personalization or select
records to omit and rebuild the terminal item record file.


Severity: 3
Explanation: Changes to the controller Item Record File have been made through the
Terminal Price Verification Procedure. This procedure adds change records to the Terminal
Maintenance Control File (EAMTMCFR); consequently, the Terminal Maintenance Control
File has exceeded its threshold size.
User Response: Execute the DDM function to Reload the Terminal Item Record File in all
terminals. This will reset the Terminal Maintenance Control File.


Severity: 5
Explanation: An attempt was made to add an item (while offline) to the terminal item
record file (EAMITEMT) and the file is full.
User Response: Use another terminal to enter transactions or continue using the current
terminal and lose item level data.
Problem Determination: Corrective action must wait until the controller is available.
Specify a larger number of records for the terminal item record file in personalization or
select records to omit and rebuild the terminal item record file.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 A-1

B509 ¹ B509


Severity: 5
Explanation: The Terminal Transaction Log (EAMTLxxx) has used all space available in
the terminal RAM disk. The transaction cannot be saved in terminal memory.
User Response: Use another terminal to enter transactions or continue using the current
terminal and lose item level data.

A-2 Terminal Offline Feature

B300 ¹ B304

Numbered Controller Messages

The following numbered messages are displayed at the controller.


Severity: 3
Explanation: A Rebuild or maintenance of the Item Record file has found item records
cannot be added to the Terminal Item Record File (EAMITEMT).
User Response: Follow store procedures for reporting problems.
Specify a greater number of records in the Terminal Item Record File in Personalization or
select records to omit and rebuild the Terminal Item Record File.


Severity: 3
Explanation: Changes to the Controller Item Record File add change records to the
Terminal Maintenance Control File. The Terminal Maintenance Control File size has
exceeded a specified size.
User Response: Execute the DDM function to Reload the Terminal Item Record File in all
terminals. This will reset the Terminal Maintenance Control File.


Severity: 3
Explanation: The user has attempted to change a field in the Terminal Item Record File
that has been left out to conserve space.
User Response: Do not attempt to change the field in any item records.


Severity: 3
Explanation: The Terminal Maintenance Control File appears to have been erased.
User Response: Follow store procedures for reporting problems.
Execute a Rebuild using DDM.


Severity: 3
Explanation: An error was detected upon opening the Item Record File, Store Options File,
or Terminal Item Record File.
User Response: Follow store procedures for reporting problems.
Problem Determination: Check that all disk space has not been used. If you are not out
of disk space, make sure the Controller Item Record File and Terminal Offline Feature Store
Options File exist. If a Reload was attempted, make sure the Maintenance Control File

Appendix A. Error and Warning Messages A-3

B305 ¹ B305


Severity: 3
Explanation: The RAM disk allocated for the terminal is too small to contain the Terminal
Item Record File.
User Response: Follow store procedures for reporting problems.
Specify a larger terminal RAM disk or reduce the size of the Terminal Item Record File by
decreasing the number of records that it can contain (changed in personalization).

A-4 Terminal Offline Feature

Unnumbered Terminal Display Messages
The following unnumbered messages are displayed at the terminal.


Explanation: The Terminal transaction Log is xx% full of transactions logged in the
terminal. When the log becomes full, transactions cannot be logged.
User Response: Consult store procedures. One option is to perform new transactions on a
terminal which is not as full as this terminal.


Explanation: The Terminal Item Record File is being reloaded into this terminal. The
terminal cannot be used for transactions until the reload completes.
User Response: Wait until reload completes.

Explanation: This terminal is waiting to reload the Terminal Item Record File. The reload
may be delayed by other terminals which must reload the file. Power to the terminal should
be left on until the reload completes.
User Response: Leave power to the terminal on until the reload completes.

Appendix A. Error and Warning Messages A-5

Unnumbered Terminal Printer Messages
The following unnumbered messages are printed on the Summary Journal station.
These messages are for information only and do not require any user response.


Explanation: The preceding transaction printed on the summary journal station was logged
in terminal memory.
User Response: None.


Explanation: Transaction number xxxx was logged in terminal memory and has been
successfully sent to the controller. This was the only transaction in terminal memory.
User Response: None.


Explanation: Transaction numbers xxxx through yyyy were logged in terminal memory and
have been successfully sent to the controller. These were all transactions logged in terminal
User Response: None.

Explanation: Transaction numbers nnnn through mmmm were loggged in the terminal and
have been successfully sent to the controller. A store close was performed even though this
terminal still had transactions to send to the controller. Transaction numbers xxxx through
yyyy have been discarded and will appear in store reports as Standalone sales.
Note: If only one transaction is recovered or not recovered, the following messages will
replace appropriate lines:
User Response: None

Explanation: Power was removed from the terminal long enough to cause memory
contents to be lost. Transaction number xxxx was logged in terminal memory but was not
sent to the controller.
User Response: None

A-6 Terminal Offline Feature

Explanation: Power was removed from the terminal long enough to cause memory
contents to be lost. Transaction numbers xxxx through yyyy were logged in terminal memory
but were not sent to the controller.
User Response: None

Unnumbered Controller Messages

The following unnumbered messages are displayed at the controller.

Explanation: The build of the terminal item record file is complete and the terminals have
been requested to reload their terminal item record file.
User Response: None. This message is issued for information only.

Explanation: The terminals have been requested to reload their terminal item record file.
User Response: None. This message is issued for information only.

Appendix A. Error and Warning Messages A-7

A-8 Terminal Offline Feature

Numerics E
4683 Model 002 1-2 EAMDMCTL 6-14
4683 Model A01 1-2 EAMEXCPT 6-15
AC power, removing 2-6 EAMGARDS 6-8
activating terminal configuration 4-5 EAMGASDS 6-8
Advanced Data Communication for Stores 6-17 EAMGAUTH 6-7
build process 2-3
EAMTLxxx 6-12
example of full records and attached model 002 3-8
Change Store Options menu 5-1
changes in receipts and displays 8-1 example of short records 3-4
changing item records 2-3, 7-2 example of transaction logging without price
controller lookup 3-6
operations 7-1—7-4 examples of estimating standalone logging time 3-4
reports 2-6 examples of estimating standalone time 3-9
required type 4-1 exception log file 6-15
standalone 1-1
controller data maintenance 2-3, 7-2
controller item record file
file maintenance 1-1
changes to file 6-12
file types 6-1
updating 2-3, 7-2
coupon family groups 2-2, 5-4
controller item record 6-12
DDM control 6-14
D exception log file 6-15
file/record descriptions 6-3
data field types 6-3
Data Maintenance 7-2 I/O session numbers 6-18
DDM layout 6-3—6-15
See Delayed Data Maintenance (DDM) list 6-2
DDM control file 6-14 terminal item record 6-10
Delayed Data Maintenance (DDM) terminal item record, controller copy 6-10
build process 2-3 terminal maintenance control 6-5
changing item records 2-3, 7-2 terminal offline controller message 6-6
control file 6-14 terminal offline load level 6-9
rebuild option 7-1 terminal offline operator authorization 6-7
rebuild/reload option 2-5 terminal offline operator options authorization 6-7
reload option 2-5, 7-1 terminal offline report descriptors 6-8
report terminal reload status option 2-5, 7-2 terminal offline sales descriptors 6-8
Descriptor Type personalization option 5-3 terminal offline store options 6-4, 6-16
descriptor types 2-2 terminal synchronization 3-1, 6-11
on receipts and displays 8-1 terminal transaction summary log 6-12
personalization option 5-3 types 6-1
displays 8-1 updating 2-5

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1988 X-1

format, totals retention record 6-16 item records (continued)
functions supported 1-1 determining size 3-1
number required 3-2, 5-2
reducing size 2-1
hardware required 1-2
hidden options J
changing 6-16 journal roll messages 8-1
packing factor
description 6-16
option location 6-4 L
use in formula 3-2 linked item records 2-2, 5-4
terminal maintenance control file threshold size log full warning messages
changing 6-16 personalization option 5-1
option location 6-4 use 2-7, 8-1
warning messages 2-3 Log Warning Messages personalization option 5-1

I/O session numbers 6-18 messages
installation menu 4-2 controller 6-6, A-3
installing the Terminal Offline Feature journal roll 8-1
prerequisites 4-1 log full warning 2-7, 8-1
procedures for numbered A-1—A-5
activating terminal configuration 4-5 reset terminal maintenance control file 2-3
installing the Terminal Offline Feature 4-2 terminal display A-1, A-5
installing User/Feature exits 4-1 terminal printer A-6
printing README.DOC 4-3 unnumbered A-5—A-7
re-IPLing the terminals 4-5 warning 5-1, 7-2
item record file modifying the item record file 2-3
layout 6-12
methods of updating 2-3
Number of Records personalization option 5-2
updating 2-1, 2-3
use in build process 2-3
offline (standalone) changes 2-5
offline (standalone) price changes 2-5, 5-2
applying changes 2-3 Offline Price Changes personalization option 5-2
building 7-1 Optional Item Record Fields personalization option 5-4
description 1-1, 2-1 Override Required personalization option 5-1
estimating size 3-1
file maintenance 1-1
initial loading 2-3 P
methods of updating 2-3 packing factor 3-2, 6-16
modifying 7-2 personalization
omitting items 2-2 options
planning 2-1 Descriptor Types 5-3
rebuild and reload 2-5 Log Warning Messages 5-1
rebuilding 2-3 Number of Records 5-2
reloading 2-3, 7-1 Offline Price Changes 5-2, 8-2
space required 3-2 Optional Item Record Fields 5-4
terminal lookup used 5-2 Override Required 5-1
updating 2-3 Terminal Lookup Used 5-2
item records procedure 5-1—5-4
changing 7-2 use in build process 2-3
methods 2-3, 7-2

X-2 Terminal Offline Feature

prerequisites for installation 4-1 terminal item record file (continued)
price changes description 1-1, 2-1
standalone estimating size 3-1
at controller 7-2 file maintenance 1-1
keying sequence 8-2 initial loading 2-3
overview 2-5 methods of updating 2-3
restrictions 8-2 modifying 7-2
price verification procedure 2-3, 8-2 omitting items 2-2, 7-2
planning 2-1
rebuild and reload 2-5, 6-17
R rebuilding 2-3
re-IPLing the terminals during installation 4-5 reloading 2-3, 2-5, 6-17, 7-1
README.DOC 4-3 space required 3-2
Rebuild and Reload Terminal Item File (DDM standalone changes 2-5
option) 2-5, 7-1 terminal lookup used 5-2
receipts 8-1 updating 2-3
record management 2-2 Terminal Logging/Item Lookup option 5-1
record size, reducing 2-1 Terminal Lookup Used personalization option 5-2
recovery 1-1 terminal maintenance control file 6-5
reducing record size 2-1 changing 6-16
Reload Terminal Item File (DDM option) 2-5, 7-1 description 2-3
removing AC power 2-6 layout 6-5
Report Terminal Reload Status (DDM option) 2-5, 7-2 resetting 2-3
reports, controller 2-6 threshold size 2-3
requirements option location 6-4
hardware 1-2 warning messages 7-2
software 1-2 warning messages 7-2
terminal maintenance control file threshold size 6-16
terminal offline controller message file 6-6
S Terminal Offline Feature
session numbers, I/O 6-18
description 1-1
software required 1-2
installation menu 4-2
standalone operations, planning for 2-1
installing 4-2—4-4
standalone price change not permitted 8-4
record management 2-2
Supermarket Application
terminal offline load level file 6-9
functions supported 1-1
terminal offline operator authorization file 6-7
required level 4-1
terminal offline operator options authorization file 6-7
supported functions 1-1
terminal offline report descriptors file 6-8
terminal offline sales descriptors file 6-8
T terminal offline store options file 6-4, 6-16
terminal price change procedure 1-1
activating configuration 4-5 terminal RAM disk
loading changes 2-3 configuring 4-4
Model 002 1-2, 2-6 estimating size 3-1
Model A01 1-2, 2-6 parameters 4-4
online operation 1-1 terminal synchronization file 3-1, 6-11
operations 8-1 terminal transaction log
pairing 2-6 description 1-1, 2-6
price change procedure 8-2 terminal transaction summary log 6-12
price verification procedure 8-2 totals retention record 6-16
re-IPL 4-5
standalone operation 1-1
terminal item record file
updating files 2-5
applying changes 2-3
user data field 2-2, 5-4
building 7-1

Index X-3
User/Feature exits 4-1

warning messages 5-1

X-4 Terminal Offline Feature

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IBM 4680 Supermarket Application
Terminal Offline Feature User’s Guide
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