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Sir Oducado

1. BCG- Bacille Calmette Guerin 29. MHO- municipal health office

2. BEmONC- Basic emergency obstetric and 30. MMR- measles, mumps, and rubella

newborn care 31. NCDs- non-communicable Diseases

3. BHS- Barangay Health station 32. NDP- nurse deployment project

4. BHW- Barangay Health Workers 33. NHTS- National household targeting system

5. BnB- Botika ng Barangay 34. NTP- national TB control

6. BNS- Barangay Nutrition Scholar 35. OPV- oral polio virus

7. CDC- Center for Disease Control and Prevention 36. PHC- primary health care

8. CPAB- Child Protected at birth 37. PHO- provincial health office

9. DMFT- Decay-Missing-filled-index 38. PCV- pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

10. DMPA- Depot-Medroxyprogesterone acetate 39. PHN- primary health network

11. DOH- Department of Health 40. RHM- Rural health midwife

12. DPT- Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus 41. RHU- rural health unit

13. EINC- Essential Intrapartum and Newborn care 42. RSI- rural sanitary inspector

14. FIC- Fully Immunized Children 43. RUTF- ready-to-use therapeutic food

15. FIM- Functional independence Measure 44. SDGs- sustainable development goals

16. FP- Family Planning 45. TBA- traditional birth attendant

17. FHSIS- Field Health Service Information System 46. TCL- target client list

18. GIDA- Geographically Isolated and 47. TT- tetanus-toxoid

Disadvantaged Areas 48. ZOD- zero open defecation

19. IEC- Information education and communication 49. WHO- world health organization

20. ILHZ- Inter-Local health zone 50. 4Ps- Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

21. IMCI- Integrated management of childhood


22. IPV- Inactivated polio vaccine

23. ITR- Individual treatment record

24. IYCF- Infant and Young Child feeding

25. LGU- Local government unit

26. MBFHI- Mother-baby friendly hospital initiative

27. MDA- mass drug administration

28. MDGs- Millenium Development Goals

Sir Oducado
1. BCG- 32. NDP-

2. BEmONC- 33. NHTS-

3. BHS- 34. NTP-

4. BHW- 35. OPV-

5. BnB- 36. PHC-

6. BNS- 37. PHO-

7. CDC- 38. PCV-

8. CPAB- 39. PHN-

9. DMFT- 40. RHM-

10. DMPA- 41. RHU-

11. DOH- 42. RSI-

12. DPT- 43. RUTF-

13. EINC- 44. SDGs-

14. FIC- 45. TBA-

15. FIM- 46. TCL-

16. FP- 47. TT-

17. FHSIS- 48. ZOD-

18. GIDA- 49. WHO-

19. IEC- 50. 4Ps-

20. ILHZ-

21. IMCI-

22. IPV-

23. ITR-

24. IYCF-

25. LGU-

26. MBFHI-

27. MDA-

28. MDGs-

29. MHO-

30. MMR-

31. NCDs-
Sir Oducado
1. Be punctual for school. A student who is late for 15 13. Active class participation is highly encouraged. Raise
minutes will be marked “late”. If a student is 30 minutes hand when you want to talk and stand during recitation.
late, he/she is not allowed to join the lecture unless a
written excuse letter signed by Level Chairperson or the
College Dean is presented. 14. If you need to move within the classroom, you
should request permission.

2. Class president to assign someone to lead the prayer

at the beginning of the class. Be sure the room is all set. 15. Do not linger in the hallway or congregate at the
door entrance while waiting for the class to start.

3. No student is allowed to enter the classroom without

a valid excuse letter after being absent in class. 16. Mobiles phones should be put in silent mode unless
allowed for a particular session.

4. Sign the attendance sheet every start of the class (AM

and PM). Class monitor should keep tract of the 17. Internet access is not permitted unless it is part of
attendance every meeting. Class President to assign a class assignment or activity for the day. The Internet is a
class monitor. great tool to use when circumstances warrant it.

5. Wear proper school uniform and ID. Also wear a 18. Keep the classroom clean and tidy before and after
NAMETAG. Class President of each section to class. Class President to assign cleaners for the day.
coordinate to have a similar NAMETAG format for
19. Requirements, assignments, projects, term papers
should be submitted on time. Regularly check group
6. Remain in class until dismissed. Request permission page for updates!
before leaving in case of emergency.

20. Respect and cooperate with teachers, staff and

7. A 15 to 30 minute break will be given in the middle of other students.
the discussion. Students are not allowed to leave the
classroom or go to the CR when the discussion starts. Be
sure to attend to your personal needs before the start
of the class.

8. Sit properly in your assigned seats in alphabetical

order. Male students should be seated in front. Do not
raise feet toward others. Do not bend back, slouch or sit
in a lazy, drooping way.

9. Do not sleep!

10. Do not chew gum or drink in class.

11. Avoid disturbing or interrupting the class.

12. Do not talk to other students unless group activities

are conducted.
Sir Oducado
1. Use the university quiz booklet as your answer sheet
for all quizzes. Students will not be allowed to take the
quiz without it. Quiz notebook (bluebook) is available at
the canteen.

2. Divide the first page of the quiz notebook into 4

columns. Write in the first column - Quiz Number,
second column – Raw Score, third column – Perfect
Score, fourth column – Corrector.

2. Use black pen and write your answers in print.

3. Always write the Quiz number of the upper left and

Date on the upper right corner.

4. Use red pen when checking the answers. Corrector

should place her signature over printed name on the
lower right corner and the score on the upper right
corner below the date.

5. Use one page for every quiz. Do not write anything at

the back of each page.

6. Always read and follow instructions. Not following

instructions invalidate your answers.

7. Erasure, retracing or tampering of answers is not


8. Cheating will not be tolerated. Evidence of cheating

will result in a zero grade being recorded.

9. Test, quizzes, exams will be announced or

unannounced. Be sure to study, study, study!

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