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TESL 1001 – Introduction to Linguistics and TESL – Assignment 2

Writing a Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Registration Number: 9133HU2020034

According to what I believe every child deserves to be educated. I am passionate in teaching

English because of my own experience during my childhood. The English teachers in our school
and other private classes were only focusing on the bright kids. Yet the rest, the larger part from
the class were automatically left aside. I personally have experienced this problem. Thus I
strongly believe that it is very vital to concentrate on each and every child in my class. No matter
how hard it is, if it is an English class I will definitely give my attention to each child. Because
when the child feels that the teacher do care for the weaker students in a positive manner, those
kids will automatically get the motivation. In my first employment at “Esoft” there was a student
who was not even sat for O/Ls. That child was sitting in the class and listening yet when I ask a
question he said that he did not understand the lesson (Simple present tense). Within the very
first day I could recognized that child and I had to repeat the lesson four times till he grasp the
main concepts of the lesson. Then at the end of the lesson, that child confessed everything which
lead him to avoid o/ls and give-up his whole education. The reason he revealed was mind
blowing. He said that each and every time he says that he didn’t understand the lesson, each and
every teacher he met were scolding the child by saying “you stupid children should not be here,
you should be beggars oneday…etc”. Then the kid stated tearfully that it was me who have done
such a commitment ever in his life. That child never missed the class till the course ends. That
child on and off convinced me that how our profession means to change the direction of such
kids. That motivation made me more confident to remain in the profession.

In order to keep the students more engaged in the lesson, the lecturer has to conduct the session
in an interactive manner. Thus the lecturer has to utilize various teaching methods. Depending on
the students situation i.e. age, type of the learning style and attitude the teacher must shift
between the teaching styles. Because if the teacher strictly depend on his or her comfortable
teaching style, the students who goes with that method will catch the core of the lesson and the
rest will be dropped in between. If the classroom prefers introverted learning environment, then
the lecturer or the teacher must utilize teaching methods which are specifically preferred by the
introvert students. On the other hand if the students prefer extrovert learning environment, it is
better to more group projects, group activities, role plays etc. When considering the lecture, the
lecturer’s skills, soft skills, flow of language use, manner of interaction are severely affecting to
conduct an accurate lecture. If the lecture conduct it in a lazy manner, the student’s enthusiasm
will decline. The lecture must maintain a perfect rapport with the students. We need to lay the
foundation from the first impression and we need to maintain that throughout the course. It is
important to let the students feel that we know the students and we are there to help them and
they can discuss anything with us. We need to create the positive friendly and stress free
environment in a language class. Along with the proper interaction the teacher must develop the
lesson to a greater extent where I recommend the I + 1 concept in which the student will be able
to go beyond their existing level of understanding. When we start the lesson from the place
where the student is aware of and moves beyond that level and gradually dragging them to a
more advanced step is more effective for the brighter students as well as the weaker ones too.

When considering the student’s feedback, it is the best reward that we can have because via that
we can identify our strengths and weaknesses too. Most of the times the feedback I received was
that for my students I was a reliable person even for their personal issues further they were
appreciating my investigation on each and every kid within my class. The students automatically
tend to have a chit chat amidst the lecture, yet even that was also in English. So I think that was a
method to be closer to the students and to remove their anxiety. During my childhood, I was
afraid of speaking with my teachers in English due to that they were only focusing on the front
row kids. Yet in my case, as a lecturer I each and every time start the lecture from the back row
or middle, yet definitely not from the front row.

I think that I have accomplished my teaching ability in a fruitful manner due to the student’s
positive feedback that I have received so far.

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