Acknowledgement: Uttam Chaudhari (201703100810027) Parth Prajapati (201703100810043) Milan Patel (201703100810048)

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We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the
possibility to complete this report. We acknowledge with thanks for the support rendered
by Prof. Ms. Jitisha Patel our Guide and Head of IT Department Ms. Palak V. Desai,
under whose aegis we were able to complete the task in a given period of time and our
Director of Institute Dr. Rajkumar Patil. This report could not be completed without the
coordination of the team members. We also appreciate the constructive suggestions given
by our friends to further enhance the content of the report. At the home front, we are
extremely grateful to our family members for the support and encouragement we got from
them in successfully completing the report.

Uttam Chaudhari (201703100810027)

Parth Prajapati (201703100810043)
Milan Patel (201703100810048)


An Online Food Ordering System is proposed here which simplifies the food ordering
process. The proposed system shows an user interface and updates the menu with all
available options so that it eases the customer work. Customers can choose more than
one item to make an order and can view order details before logging off. The order
confirmation is sent to the customer.

This system is ​to develop a computerized and mobilized food ordering system that can
be used to revolutionize the traditional ordering system that is currently implemented
in the majority of the food and beverage industry. The traditional system that is used
by most of the food and beverage industry is the traditional manual ordering system
which means all work and procedures is recorded through manpower manual work
and it consists of a huge amount of paperwork that is not effective and efficient. This
causes the business to encounter trouble regarding human error due to the huge
amount of manpower manual work that operates in each business routine. Thus, this
computerized and mobilized food ordering system is designed to assist the business
routine in terms of having better management as well as easier to handle daily
business operation. This system is designed for small medium enterprise food and
beverage industry. The chosen methodology for this project is throwaway prototyping
methodology. This is because the majority of the targeted users do not have the
experience in using computerized systems in food ordering procedure as they
implement traditional ordering systems previously.





Chapter 1 Introduction 8

1.1 Background 8

1.2 Problem Definition 8

1.3 Motivation 8

1.4 Objective 8

1.5 Scope 9

1.6 Applications 9

Chapter 2 System Planning 10

2.1 Project Development Approach 10

2.2 System Modules 10

2.2.1 Module 1: Food Management Module 10

2.2.2 Module 2: Item Category Module 10

2.2.3 Module 3: ​Shopping Cart 10

2.2.4 Module 4: ​Order Module 10

2.2.5 Module 5: Payment Module 10

2.2.6 Module 6: Email Module 10

2.2.7 Module 7: Login Module 10

2.2.8 Module 8: Search Module 10

2.3 Functional Requirements 11

2.4 Non Functional Requirements 12

2.5 Hardware and Software Requirements 12

2.6 Timeline Chart 14

Chapter 3 System Design 15

3.1 Database Schema 15

3.2 ER Diagram 15

3.3 Use Case Diagram 16

3.4 Activity Diagram 17

3.5 Class Diagram/ Component diagram 18

3.6 Data Flow Diagram 19

Chapter 4 Implementation and Testing 20

4.1 Snapshots 20

4.2 Test Cases 24

Conclusion 26

References 27

Figure 2.1:​ Timeline Chart 14
Figure 3.2.1 :​ E-R Diagram 15
Figure 3.3.1 :​ Use-Case Diagram 16
Figure 3.4.1 :​ Activity Diagram 17
Figure 3.5.1 :​ Class Diagram 18
Figure 3.6.1 :​ DFD Level 0 19
Figure 3.6.2 :​ DFD Level 1 19
Figure 4.1.1 : ​Home-page 20
Figure 4.1.2 : ​Food Menu 21
Figure 4.1.3 : ​Food Dialog 21
Figure 4.1.4 : ​Food Cart 22
Figure 4.1.5 : ​Update Order 22
Figure 4.1.6 : ​Login 23
Figure 4.1.7 : ​Checkout 23
Figure 4.1.8 : ​My Orders 24

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background
In existing system there are few problems:
• For placing any orders customers have to visit hotels or restaurants to know about food
items and then place an order and pay. In this method time and manual work is required.
• While placing an order over the phone, the customer lacks the physical copy of the
menu item, lack of visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly.
• Every restaurant needs certain employees to take the order over phone or in-person, to
offer a rich dining experience and process the payment.In today’s market, labor rates are
increasing day by day making it difficult to find employees when needed.Hence, to solve
this issue, what I propose is an “Online Food Order System, originally designed

1.2 Problem Definition

The online food ordering system sets up a food menu online and customers can easily
place the order as per they like. The management maintains customer’s database, and
improves food delivery service.

1.3 Motivation
The motivation for designing this web application came because we all don't like waiting
for long in the restaurant or to have to call the restaurant to place an order especially
during the peak lunch or dinner hours.

1.4 Objective
● Develop a web application , which can easily & effectively manage ordering and
billing of food items.

● User friendly environment, increase efficiency of ordering system.

● Confirmation mail.

● Easy retrieval of orders.

● Reduce paperwork.

1.5 Scope
● This is a web application that allows various customers in specific location to
order food online and get it delivered. This software is platform independent,
flexibly runs on all the operating systems and in all mobile devices.
● Authenticate Users with Google to Login and Logout, Respond to order
generation by emailing users their order using Nodemailer.
● Web integrated Payment using debit/credit cards and bank form.
● Furthermore, it needs Internet and GPS connection to fetch location. All system
information such as the user profile details, restaurant menu details are maintained
in a database, which is located on a web-server.

1.6 Applications
● Allows Foodies to order food online with only one click, Fast and Quick order
● Cash on delivery feature, latest offers and discounts, real-time menu, monitor your
expenses in real time.

Chapter 2 System Planning

2.1 Project Development Approach

Project needs to be developed with a software model which makes the project with high
quality, reliable and cost effective.
● Name of the software model:Quick-Foodiez
● Software model:Agile Model
● It leads to reduction of production flow and enables scaling to customers.
● It is a solution for overcoming the disadvantages of traditional methodology i.e.

2.2 System Modules

2.2.1 Food Management Module

➔ Used for managing Food details.

2.2.2 Item Category Management Module

➔ Used for managing the information and details of the Item Category.

2.2.3 Shopping Cart

➔ Used for managing the Shopping Cart details.

2.2.4 Order Module

➔ Used for managing the details of Order.

2.2.5 Payment Module

➔ Used for managing the Payment Gateway.

2.2.6 Email Module

➔ Respond to order generation by emailing users their order.

2.2.7 Login Module

➔ Used for managing the login details.

2.2.8 Search Module

➔ Used to searching for food.

2.3 Functional Requirements
ID Title & Description

FR 1 Title: Customer

Description: Customer shall be able to login or skip from registration

to enter the menu dashboard, view menu and categories, order foods
and add to cart, remove order from cart, finalize payment, notification
for order accepted and delivered.

FR 2 Title: Admin

Description: Admin shall be able to manage user, accounts, CRUD


FR 3 Title: Connectivity

Description: Internet should be mandatory.

FR 4 Title: Safety

Description: The system shall log every state and state change,
capable of restoring itself to its previous state in the event of failure
(e.g. a system crash or power loss).

FR 5 Title: Payment

Description: Customer shall be able to payment through credit/ debit

cards, change card details.

FR 6 Title: General

Description: A server shall host the app and provide system data
processing and storage capability, be capable of interfacing with a
register to facilitate the accurate processing of a payment.

2.4 Non Functional Requirements
1. ​Portability​: Systems running on one platform can easily be converted to run on
another platform.

2. ​Reliability​: The ability of a system to behave consistently in a user-acceptable manner

when operating within the environment for which the system was intended.

3. ​Availability​: The system should be available at all times, meaning the user can access
it using a web-browser, only restricted by the down time of the server on which the
system runs.

4. ​Maintainability​: A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the
application server takes care of the site.

5. ​Security​: Secure access of confidential data (customer information).

6. ​Efficient​: System should be efficient in that it won't get hung if heavy traffic of order
is placed.

7. ​Privacy​: Personal data of the system should not disclose to anyone.

2.5 Hardware and Software Requirements

1) ​Hardware Interfaces​:

Our software need to know the distance between user and restaurant which he/she
ordered, our software should get geographical information about where the user is located
by using the GPS inside mobile or computer and other than that we will not use any
hardware interfaces.

2) ​Software Interfaces​:

Users can login into our system by using their existing Google accounts.We use Firebase
Authentication to enable people to sign into our application with Google login. When a
user clicks on “Login With Google”, They can grant permissions to our application, so we
can retrieve information on their behalf.

3) ​Administrative Interface​:

The Admin interface is a crucial part of an online ordering system. It’s responsible for
notifying the new order and helping them to manage the order fulfillment process.
Accessible across all devices for easy use in-store and on the move. Real-time order
management interface that will help to prepare orders.

2.6 Timeline Chart

Figure 2.1:​ Timeline Chart

Chapter 3 System Design

3.1 Database Schema


3.2 ER Diagram

Figure 3.2.1 :​ E-R Diagram

3.3 Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.3.1 :​ Use-Case Diagram

3.4 Activity Diagram

Figure 3.4.1 :​ Activity Diagram

3.5 Class Diagram/ Component diagram

Figure 3.5.1 :​ Class Diagram

3.6 Data Flow Diagram
Level 0:

Figure 3.6.1 :​ DFD Level 0

Level 1:

Figure 3.6.2 :​ DFD Level 1

Chapter 4 Implementation and Testing

4.1 Snapshots
Home Page

Figure 4.1.1 : ​Home-page

Food Menu

Figure 4.1.2 : ​Food Menu

Food Dialog

Figure 4.1.3 : ​Food Dialog

Food Cart

Figure 4.1.4 : ​Food Cart

Update Order

Figure 4.1.5 : ​Update Order


Figure 4.1.6 : ​Login


Figure 4.1.7 : ​Checkout

My Orders

Figure 4.1.8 : ​My Orders

4.2 Test Cases

Sample test cases are given as below:

Test ID Case Test Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail

1 Login - Internet If Login ID & If the Login Pass
Connectivity password is empty ID &
- Login ID or invalid and No password is
- Password Internet empty or
connectivity then invalid and
display Error No Internet
message otherwise connectivity
Login successfully then display
an Error
2 Home Swipe down First time First time Pass
(Network) Synchronization Synchronized.

For When swipe down, When swipe
Synchronizati Network report will down,
on refresh. Networth
3 Logout Select Logout Users should Log Users get Pass
Out of the Logout of the
application. application.
4 Exit Select Exit Application should Application is Pass
be closed. closed.

​With online ordering on board you will enrichen your customer experience by making the
process of ‘placing orders’ a lot easier. It will show that you value your customer’s time.
Online ordering will guarantee a ‘level up’ to your web presence. And a good web
presence will make you stand out in the search engine rankings and bring more customers
to you. Online ordering will boost your productivity by eliminating the inefficient process
of taking orders. It will help you to plan and implement an adaptive marketing campaign.


Web references



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