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5/24/2021 Printable Flash Cards

Term 1 Definition 1

What is the formal, scientific

name for the vascular plants?

Term 2 Definition 2

Sporophyte independent, long-

lived; sporphyte branched, with
multiple sporangia; lignin, in
Name the major apomorphies of
lignified, secondary cell walls;
the vascular plants.
sclerenchyma; vascular tissue,
with xylem and phloem;
endodermis; roots.

Term 3 Definition 3

What two features of the

sporophyte are apomorphic for
vascular plants, distinguishing Sporophyte independent, long-
them from liverworts, mosses, lived and branched, with multiple
and sporangia.
hornworts? 1/29
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Term 4 Definition 4

What are two early evolving

Dichotomous and
branching-patterns lineages in
the vascular plants?

Term 5 Definition 5

How was the evolution of lignin a Gave structural support to cells,

major adaptive feature of the enabling plants to grow taller,
vascular plants? bigger, outcompete others.

Term 6 Definition 6

Primary: form during primary

growth, as cells are elongating,
composed of a primary cell wall
What is the difference between a of cellulose and pectin.
primary and secondary cell wall Secondary: form after cell
in terms of time of deposition elongation has ceased,
and chemistry? composed of primary and
secondary cell walls, the latter
containing lignin. 2/29
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Term 7 Definition 7

a) A pit is a hole in a secondary

What is a pit? What is a primary cell wall;
pit field? b) a primary pit field are holes in
adjacent primary cell walls.

Term 8 Definition 8

Is the secondary cell wall formed

It is formed outside the plasma
inside or outside the plasma
membrane and inside the
membrane? Is it formed inside or
primary cell wall.
outside the primary cell wall?

Term 9 Definition 9

Nonconductive cells that have a

What are the general
thick, lignified secondary cell
characteristics of sclerenchyma
wall, typically with pits, and that
are dead at maturity. 3/29
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Term 10 Definition 10

a) fibers, which are long, very

narrow cells with sharply
tapering end walls, function in
mechanical support of organs
Name the two types of and tissues.
sclerenchyma and state how b) sclereids, which are
they differ. isodiametric to irregular or
branched in shape; may also
function in structural support, or
possibly help to deter herbivory
Term 11
i l tDefinition 11

Tracheary elements are

specialized cells that function in
What is the function and water and mineral conduction,
structure of tracheary elements? and are generally elongate cells,
are dead at maturity, and have
lignified secondary cell walls.

Term 12 Definition 12

A tissue composed of tracheary

What is xylem? elements, parenchyma, and
fibers. 4/29
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Term 13 Definition 13
a) Tracheids, which are
imperforate, meaning that water
and mineral nutrients flow
between adjacent cells through
the primary cell walls at pit-pairs,
Name the two types of tracheary
which are adjacent holes in the
elements and cite how they differ
lignified secondary cell wall.
b) Vessel members, which are
perforate, meaning that there are
one or more continuous holes or
Term 14
f ti ith
Definition 14
i t i

A few species of Equisetum, a

few leptosporangiate ferns, all
In what taxa are vessels found?
Gnetales (Chapter 5), and almost
all angiosperms.

Term 15 Definition 15

Sieve elements are specialized

cells that function in the
conduction of sugars.
Sieve elements are elongate
What is the function and cells having only a primary cell
structure of sieve elements? wall with no lignified secondary
cell wall. This primary wall has
specialized pores, which are
aggregated together into sieve
areas. 5/29
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Term 16 Definition 16

A tissue composed of sieve

What is phloem? elements, parenchyma, and

Term 17 Definition 17

A region of the primary cell wall

with an aggregation of pores,
What is a sieve area and what continuous holes in the primary
compound is associated with cell wall that are lined with
them? callose, a polysaccharide
composed of β-1,3-glucose

Term 18 Definition 18

Sieve cells have only sieve areas

on both end and side walls.
What is the difference, in Sieve tube members have both
morphology and taxonomic sieve areas and sieve plates,
group where found, between a which consist of one or more
sieve cell and a sieve tube sieve areas at the end wall
member? junction of two sieve tube
members with significantly
larger pores. 6/29
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Term 19 Definition 19
The endodermis is a specialized
cylinder of cells, each cell of
which possesses a Casparian
What is the endodermis and The Casparian strip is a band or
Casparian strip, and what is the ring of lignin and suberin
function of each? (chemically similar to lignin) that
infiltrates the cell wall, oriented
tangentially (along the two
transverse walls) and axially
Term 20
( ti ll l Definition
th 20 t di l

Roots function in anchorage and

What is the function of roots? absorption of water and

Term 21 Definition 21

What is the name of the region of

actively dividing cells in the Root apical meristem.
root? 7/29
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Term 22 Definition 22

a) The apical meristem is covered on the outside by a

rootcap, which functions both to protect the root apical
meristem from mechanical damage and to provide lubrication
as the outer cells slough off.
b) With the exception of the Psilotopsida (Psilotales and
Ophioglossales), the epidermal cells away from the root tip
develop hairlike extensions called root hairs, which function
to greatly increase the surface area available for water and
Name five diagnostic features of mineral absorption.
c) Roots have a central vascular cylinder.
roots and their function, if d) The vascular cylinder of roots is surrounded by an
endodermis with Casparian strips, which function to
known. selectively control which chemicals are and are not absorbed
by the plant, functioning in selective absorption. (An
undifferentiated layer internal to the endodermis, called the
pericycle, is also typically present.)
e) Roots generally have endogenous lateral roots, in which
new lateral roots originate by means of actively growing
meristems, arising at the pericycle or endodermis.

Term 23 Definition 23
A symbiotic interaction with
various species of fungi. The
fungal component of
mycorrhizae aids the plant in
both increasing overall surface
What are mycorrhizae and what
area for water and mineral
is their function in vascular
absorption and increasing the
efficiency of selective mineral
absorption. The fungus benefits
in obtaining photosynthates
(sugars and other nutrients) from
Term 24 Definition 24

Rhyniophyte sporophytes
What are the characteristics of
consisted of dichotomously
the rhyniophytes in terms of
branching axes bearing terminal
sporophyte morphology and
sporangia that dehisced
stem anatomy?
longitudinally. 8/29
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Term 25 Definition 25

Name and give the features of a Zosterophyllophytes, which had

(paraphyletic) fossil group that no leaves, but possessed lateral
diverged along the immediate sporangia, similar to those of the
lineage to the lycophytes. lycophytes.

Term 26 Definition 26

Name a fossil lycophyte that was

a large tree in the Carboniferous
and now makes up a large
percentage of coal deposits.

Term 27 Definition 27
a) Roots of lycophytes are dichopodial,
meaning that the root apical meristem may
branch into two roots); no lateral roots develop,
as they do in euphyllophytes (see later
b) Lycophyte roots usually have an endarch
c) Stems of lycophytes have an exarch
What are the major apomorphies protoxylem (just the reverse of the roots).
of the lycophytes? d) Lycophytes, at least ancestrally, have
sporangia that are dosiventral (i.e., flattened
and having a dorsal, upper, and ventral, lower,
surface) and dehisce transversely relative to
the axis of the stem or subtending leaf.
e) Lycophytes have sporophytic leaves, which
constituted a major adaptive innovation by
tl i i th il bl f li ht 9/29
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Term 28 Definition 28
Lycophyll - have a single,
unbranched (very rarely
branched) vein, lacking a gap in
the vasculature of the stem, and
What are the features of a develop by an intercalary
lycophyll (microphyll)? An meristem, i.e., at the base of the
enation? leaf.

Enation - external, peg-like

appendages that lack vascular
Term 29 Definition 29
Lycophylls may have evolved via
the development of vasculature
tissue leading from the stem into
the enation, allowing for more
efficient transfer of water and
How are lycophylls thought to solutes; this was associated with
have evolved? flattening (“planation”) of the
enation into a dorsiventral,
planar posture. Alternatively,
lycophylls may have evolved by
the sterilization and planation of
Term 30 Definition 30

Homospory - the condition of

What is homospory? Name the
having one type of spore, found
group and family of lycophytes
in the Lycopodiopsida
that have this condition.
[Lycopodiales], Lycopodiaceae. 10/29
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Term 31 Definition 31

Sporophyll - a specialized leaf

that bears one or more
What is a sporophyll? A sporangia.
strobilus? Strobilus - a cone, consisting of
an axis laterally bearing

Term 32 Definition 32

The Lycopodiaceae are distinctive in being

homosporous, dichotomously branched, erect,
prostrate, or pendulous, perennial,
lycophyllous herbs, the leaves eligulate, the
sporangia reniform and transversely dehiscing,
Name three diagnostic features born on sporophylls that are photosynthetic
of the Lycopodiaceae. and resemble vegetative leaves or that are
nonphotosynthetic and scale-like in terminal
strobili, the gametophytes mycorrhizal,
photosynthetic or saprophytic.

Term 33 Definition 33

Ligules are tiny appendages on

the upper (adaxial) side of the
What is a ligule? leaf (both vegetative and
reproductive), near the leaf base
in the Isoetopsida [Isoetales]. 11/29
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Term 34 Definition 34

Endospory - the development of gametophytes

develop entirely within the original spore wall.
Heterospory - the production of two types of
spores, microspores and megaspores.
Megasporangium - the specialized sporangium
Define: endospory, heterospory, that produces megaspores.
megasporangium, megaspore, Megaspore - relatively large spores produced in
small numbers within a megasporangium.
microsporangium, microspore. Microsporangium - the specialized sporangium
that produces microspores.
Microspore - relatively small spores produced
in large numbers within a microsporangium.

Term 35 Definition 35

Draw the life cycle of a

heterosporous land plant, listing
all structures, ploidy levels, and

Term 36 Definition 36

What group and two included

Isoetopsida [Isoetales] -
families of lycophytes have
Isoetaceae and Selaginellaceae.
ligulate leaves and heterospory? 12/29
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Term 37 Definition 37

The Isoetaceae are distinctive in

being cormose to rhizomatous
plants with a basal rosette of
microphyllous, ligulate leaves,
Describe the basic morphology the leaves basally sheathing,
of members of the Isoetaceae. apically linear to acicular,
heterosporous, bearing adaxial
megasporangia or
microsporangia within sheathing
leaf base.
Term 38 Definition 38

Either homomorphic or
Name and define the two types dimorphic and four-rowed (with
of leaf morphology in Selaginella two upper rows of leaves smaller
species. than the two lower rows).

Term 39 Definition 39

a) Roots are monopodial.
b) Roots have an exarch protoxylem.
c) The ancestral sporangia were terminal in
position with longitudinal deshiscence.
d) Extant euphyllophytes have a 30-kilobase
Name the apomorphies of the inversion located in
euphyllophytes, and list the two the large single-copy region of chloroplast
major, vascular plant groups e) Leaves of euphyllophytes, termed euphylls,
included. are distinctive.
Two major groups:
Monilophytes and
Lignophytes/Spermatophytes. 13/29
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Term 40 Definition 40

Euphylls are different in being

associated with a leaf gap, a
region of nonvascular,
parenchyma tissue interrupting
How do euphylls differ from the vasculature of the stem, and
lycophylls? in (usually) having more than
one vein per leaf. Euphylls, in
contrast to lycophylls, grow by
means of either marginal or
apical meristems.
Term 41 Definition 41

What (paraphyletic) fossil group

diverged along the immediate Trimerophytes.
lineage to euphyllophytes?

Term 42 Definition 42

By one hypothesis, euphylls evolved via the

transformation of 3-dimensional (nonplanar)
lateral branch system (as seen in
trimerophytes) into a leaf, by the processes of
Describe a widely accepted planation, flattening of the axes into a 2-
hypothesis regarding the dimensional plane, and webbing, the
development of thin tissue between the axes of
evolution of the euphyll. the branches (Figure 4.20E). The original axes
become transformed into veins, and the “web”
functioned as a photosynthetic mesophyll. 14/29
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Term 43 Definition 43

What is a shoot? A stem plus associated leaves.

Term 44 Definition 44
a) Shoot apical meristem;
b) The apical meristem may
contain one, dominant apical
cell, found in most of the
What is the name of the region of Selaginellaceae and the
actively dividing cells in a shoot, monilophytes, or a complex of
and how does this differ among several, actively dividing cells,
vascular plants? found in the Lycopodiaceae,
Isoetaceae, and the

Term 45 Definition 45

The region between two adjacent

Define node; internode.
nodes. 15/29
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Term 46 Definition 46
Leaves are usually dorsiventral organs (with
some exceptions), both an upper and lower
epidermis can be defined. As with all land
plants, a cuticle covers the outer cell wall of the
epidermal cells. One or more vascular bundles,
or veins, contain xylem and phloem tissue and
conduct water and sugars to and from the
chloroplast-containing mesophyll cells. The
What is the general morphology mesophyll of some leaves is specialized into
and function of leaves? upper, columnar palisade mesophyll cells and
lower, irregularly shaped spongy mesophyll
cells, the latter with large intercellular spaces.
Stomata, which function in gas exchange are
found typically only in the lower epidermis of
Leaves are the primary photosynthetic organ of
l t
Term 47 Definition 47

A vascular bundle that contains

xylem and phloem tissue and
What is a vein? conducts water and sugars to
and from the chloroplast-
containing mesophyll cells.

Term 48 Definition 48

a) Mesophyll.
b) Upper, columnar palisade
What are the internal, mesophyll cells and lower,
chlorophyllous cells of a leaf irregularly shaped spongy
called? Into which two layers mesophyll cells, the latter with
may these cells be organized? large intercellular spaces. 16/29
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Term 49 Definition 49

Bud = an immature shoot

What is the definition of a bud system.
and where are they typically They are typically located in the
located? axils of leaves.

Term 50 Definition 50

A growth in which the terminal

apical meristem continues and in
What is monopodial growth?
which lateral branches develop
from axillary buds.

Term 51 Definition 51

a) Siphonostele;
b) Stem protoxylem is mesarch
Name the putative apomorphies in position.
of the monilophytes, and list the
five major groups contained Groups: Equisetopsida;
within it. Polypodiopsida; Marattiopsida;
Psilotopsida (including
Psilotales and Ophioglossales). 17/29
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Term 52 Definition 52

A siphonostele is a type of stem

vasculature in which a ring of
xylem is surrounded by an outer
layer of phloem (ectophloic
What is a siphonostele? Name
siphonostele) or by an outer and
the types of siphonosteles.
inner layer of phloem
siphonostelesolenostele; if
dissected called a dictyostele).
Term 53 Definition 53

What fossil member of the

equisetophytes makes up a Calamites.
component of coal deposits?

Term 54 Definition 54

1) Ridged stems;
2) reduced, whorled leaves that
are usually marginally fused;
3) sporangiophores, each of
Name the major apomorphies of which consists of a peltate axis
the equisetophytes. bearing pendant longitudinally
dehiscent sporangia; and
4) photosynthetic spores with
elaters. 18/29
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Term 55 Definition 55

What is the only extant genus

Equisetum, Equisetaceae.
and family of this group?

Term 56 Definition 56

What do equisetophytes have as

a component of the cell wall? Silica.

Term 57 Definition 57

Scouring rushes (subgenus

Hippochaete) lack (or have very
few) whorls of lateral branches
What is the difference between a and have sunken stomates.
scouring rush and a horsetail? Horsetails (subgenus
Into what two subgenera are Equisetum) have numerous,
these classified? whorled, lateral branches and
stomates flush with the
epidermis. 19/29
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Term 58 Definition 58
Sporangia are homosporous,
born in terminal strobili
(subtended by a whorl of
sheathing leaves), consisting of
Describe the morphology of the
an axis bearing numerous,
strobilus (cone),
peltate sporangiophores, each
sporangiophore, and sporangia
(at maturity) bearing 5–10
of Equisetum.
sporangia beneath the distal,
hexagonal outer portion;
dehiscence is longitudinal
(parallel to the axis of the
Term 59 Definition 59

Spores, which lack an

attachment scar, are spherical,
green (with chloroplasts), each
What is unique about the spores bearing four,
of Equisetum? What is the spatulate, hygroscopic elaters
function of this novelty? (derived from the spore wall),
which coil and uncoil with
changes in humidity, functioning
in spore dispersal.
Term 60 Definition 60

The roots of Ophioglossales are

unusual in lacking both root
branches and root hairs, and
What features about the roots those of the Psilotales are
and gametophytes are presumed lacking. The gametophytes of
apomorphies for the both orders are
Psilotopsida? nonphotosynthetic
(heterotrophic), contain
mycorrhizal fungi, and are often
subterranean. 20/29
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Term 61 Definition 61

A sporangium that is relatively

large, is derived from several
epidermal cells, has a sporangial
What is a eusporangium? wall comprised of more than one
cell layer, and produces very
many (usually thousands of)

Term 62 Definition 62

The ophioglossoid ferns are

unique in that each leaf (or
What is distinctive about the
“frond”) consists of a sterile
leaves of the
segment, which contains the
photosynthetic blade or lamina,
the ophioglossoid ferns?
and a fertile segment, bearing
the sporangia.

Term 63 Definition 63

What is a synangium? A fusion product of sporangia. 21/29
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Term 64 Definition 64

What is distinctive (and Roots are absent. Leaves are

apomorphic) about the roots, reduced to microphylls or
leaves, and sporangia of the enations. Sporangia are fused
Psilotaceae, the whisk ferns? (synangia).

Term 65 Definition 65

What are the two genera of the

Psilotum and Tmesipteris.
Psilotaceae? What species is a
Psilotum nudum is a common
commonly cultivated

Term 66 Definition 66

The Marattiaceae are distinctive

in being large, terrestrial ferns
Name and describe the with mucilage canals, the stems
diagnostic features and a with a polycyclic dictyostele, the
putative apomorphy of the leaves generally large, simple to
marattioid ferns. several-pinnate, with abaxial,
intramarginal eusporangia,
sometimes fused into synangia. 22/29
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Term 67 Definition 67

Gametophytes are
How do the gametophytes, leaf photosynthetic. Leaves are
type, and leaf development of the simple to many-compound with
marattioid ferns resemble the abaxial sporangia. Leaf
leptosporangiate ferns? development is by means of
circinate vernation.

Term 68 Definition 68

What type of sporangium is

A eusporangium.
found in the marattioid ferns?

Term 69 Definition 69

Name three stem types/habits

that occur in the Rhizome, arborescent, and vine
leptosporangiate ferns. stem. 23/29
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Term 70 Definition 70

What is circinate vernation?

a) Development in which
What terms are used for
immature parts are coiled.
immature fern leaves that exhibit
b) Crozier or “fiddlehead.”

Term 71 Definition 71

Frond - term for a fern leaf. Stipe

- term for a fern petiole. Pinna -
term for first discrete leaflets or
Define frond, stipe, pinna,
leaf divisions of a fern leaf.
Pinnule - term for the ultimate
leaftlet or leaf division of a fern

Term 72 Definition 72

Venation - whether pinnate,

What aspects of venation and palmate, open/free (simple,
scale morphology are useful in forked, or bifurcate), or
leptosporangiate fern reticulate/anastamosing.
classification? Scale morphology - whether
clathrate or non-clathrate. 24/29
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Term 73 Definition 73

The leptosporangium, a
sporangium that develops from a
What is the major apomorphy of single epidermal cell, has a
the Polypodiopsida? Describe its single cell layer of the wall at
development and morphology. maturity, and produces a
relatively small number of

Term 74 Definition 74

Annulus - a single row of cells of the

leptosporangium in which the cell walls are
differentially thickened on the inner cell face
and on the faces between adjacent annular
Sorus - a cluster of leptosporangia.
Indusium - a flap-like structure that may cover
Define annulus, sorus, indusium, the sorus.
False indusium - a flap-like structure that
false indusium, acrostichoid. covers a sorus or group of leptosproangia that
arises from the margin of a leaf or leaflet.
Acrostichoid - a morphology in which
numerous leptosporangia cover an extensive
area of the blade, and are not arranged into
discrete sori.

Term 75 Definition 75
Sorus morphology - shape (in outline),
variation in the shape and size of the
receptacle, and presence and morphology of
Indusium morphology - present (indusiate) or
Name aspects of sorus absent (exindusiate), shape (e.g., reniform,
morphology, indusium orbicular, linear), and attachment point (e.g.,
peltate or lateral).
morphology, sporangium Sporangium development - sequence of
development, sporangium development, whether gradate (acropetalous,
basipetalous), simultaneous, mixed, or
morphology, and spore type intermingled.
used in fern classification. Sporangium morphology - length and number
of stalk cells, body size and shape, and
morphology and position of the annulus (e.g.,
whether lateral, transverse, apical, oblique),
t i d d hi li 25/29
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Term 76 Definition 76

In a fern gametophyte, what is

the name of the male a) Antheridium - usually spheric;
gametangium? The female b) archegonium - with a
gametangium? What do they protruding neck.
look like?

Term 77 Definition 77

Leaves are dimorphic with either

fertile and sterile leaves or with
What is unique about the leaf fertile and sterile leaf segments.
morphology and sporangium
annulus of the Osmundaceae? Sporangium annulus is lateral in

Term 78 Definition 78

a) Filmy fern family.

What is the common name of the b) Indusium is conical, tubular,
Hymenophyllaceae? What is or 2-lobed; receptacle is
unique about its indusium, elongate; leaves usually consist
receptacle, and leaf anatomy? of a single layer of cells. 26/29
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Term 79 Definition 79

Leaves are usually long,

Describe the leaf morphology of
the Gleicheniaceae.
pseudodichotomously branched.

Term 80 Definition 80

Leaf morphology - Leaves are indeterminate,

with twining/climbing rachises, alternately
bearing pseudodichotomously-branching
What is unique about the leaf pinnae, leaf segments dimorphic.
morphology, sorus, indusium, Sorus - at the tips of ultimate segments, each
with only one sporangium.
and sporangium annulus of the Indusium - flap or flange-like.
Lygodiaceae? Annulus - transverse, subapical, continuous.

Term 81 Definition 81

a) They are heterosporous.

b) The sporocarp is a seed-like
What is distinctive and protective and dormant
apomorphic about the life cycle reproductive propagule. The
of the Salviniales? sporocarp “germinates,”
What is a sporocarp and what is releasing endosporic
its function? megaspores and microspores. 27/29
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Term 82 Definition 82

Marsileaceae (Marsilea, Pilularia,

Name the two families of the Regnellidium) - have emergent
Salviniales and describe how leaves with 4, 0, or 2 leaflets,
they differ. Name two genera in respectively.
each family. Salviniaceae (Azolla, Salvinia) -
have floating leaves.

Term 83 Definition 83

It houses a symbiotic blue-green

bacterium, Anabaena azollae,
which fixes nitrogen. When
“seeded” in rice paddies,
How is Azolla of great economic Azolla’s symbiotic relationship
importance? results in an enhancement of
nitrogen content in the
surrounding water, enabling rice
plants to grow more vigorously.

Term 84 Definition 84

What is distinctive about the

sorus and indusium of the They are linear.
Aspleniaceae? 28/29
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Term 85 Definition 85

Dryopteridaceae - Sori are usually round,

indusiate or exindusiate, acrostichoid in some
taxa. Indusia, when present, are round-reniform
or peltate.
Polypodiaceae - Sori are abaxial (rarely
Name a diagnostic feature of the marginal), round, oblong, or elliptic, rarely
sorus and indusium of the elongate or acrostichoid, the receptacle often
with paraphyses, exindusiate.
Dryopteridaceae, Polypodiaceae, Pteridaceae - Sori are exindusiate, either
and Pteridaceae. marginal with a false indusium formed by a
reflexed marginal flap or intramarginal in lines
along veins, the receptacle generally not
raised. 29/29

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