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VTFT Observation Feedback Form

VTFT Student Name: Kassidie Brokaw & Samantha Nixon

Date of Observation: March 18, 2021
Time of Observation: ~9:05-9:25am
Age/Grade of Audience/Students Taught: VTFT I Classmates (virtual class via Zoom)
Subject/Topic of Lesson: Barriers to Learning: Abuse & Neglect

• Before Teaching: Sam & Kas submitted their lesson before the day of her presentation, as
requested, and were able to take feedback and make edits for organization and content.
• During Teaching:
• Sam and Kas introduced their warmup activity, a Padlet that asked students to share
their prior knowledge on the topic. While students responded, Kas prepared to share the
Slides and Sam kept up with the Padlet by reading out and affirming responses.
• In the lecture portion of the class, both partners took turns teaching the information. Kas
mostly handled the screen-sharing and slides while Sam moderated the chat. Students
were given a Google Doc template for notes to use during the presentation of information
if they wished. This tough topic was handled gently and well; presenters were able to
thoroughly answer questions about the topic!
• As a closure activity, students participated in a short Kahoot to assess how well they
understood the material presented.

Highlights of this Lesson: Opportunities for Growth:

• Great teamwork! Both of you “taught” an equal • I highly recommend planning out exactly
amount and the communication between the two of what you plan to say at the very
you seemed great throughout the planning & beginning (and maybe end, too) of your
teaching process. lesson so your topic is clear and the intro
• Sam—good job reading out from the Padlet and is enthusiastic!
complimenting some answers. This fills the “dead • In slides, use only high-quality images
time” and encourages the students! and define all acronyms clearly.

__________________________________________ ________________________________________
VTFT Coordinator VTFT Student

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