Samantha Nixon Evaluation of VTFT I Intern

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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I

Evaluation of Intern by Cooperating Teacher

VTFT I Intern’s Name:   Samantha Nixon   
Cooperating Teacher’s Name: Brenda Roesch
Internship Format (highlight): virtual or face-to-face or both

Please evaluate your intern’s progress in each area thus far, or write “N/A” if not applicable/not
observed. If at all possible, schedule time to discuss each skill with your intern and how you feel he/she is
developing. Thank you very much for your time, supervision, expertise, and feedback!

1 2 3 4 5
Characteristic very
poor average above

enthusiasm ✔
performance of assigned tasks ✔
ability to follow directions ✔
acceptance of responsibility ✔
engagement in classroom ✔
initiative in classroom ✔
ability to build rapport with students ✔
ability to manage students ✔
instructional skills ✔
acceptance of responsibility ✔
communication skills: written ✔
communication skills: verbal ✔
professional demeanor ✔
attendance and punctuality ✔
overall assessment ✔

Please comment on your intern’s strengths:    

Samantha is punctual and friendly. She is open to accepting responsibility.

Please give your intern some constructive criticism:   

Samantha could have asked for more responsibility. Admittedly, it was difficult to try to work
with students in a Zoom meeting on a Chromebook.

Cooperating Teacher’s Signature:

Date: May 17, 2021

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