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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
THE BEHAVIOR OF MEN SHOPPING ALONE FOR GROCERIES ....................................................................... 4
THE BEHAVIOR OF WOMEN SHOPPING ALONE FOR GROCERIES ................................................................. 5
1. Women Spend More hour than men. ............................................................................................ 5
3. Women are More Influenced by shopper. ..................................................................................... 5
Finding and recommendation ....................................................................................................................... 6
Reference ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
A consumer is a person who uses a product or service, and is habitually called an end user since
he is the last stop and does not generally shift or sell the item to a different person. A buyer can
be a consumer, as in the example of a teenager buying and using a video game. On the other
hand, a consumer is not necessary to be the buyer - for instance, if a mother buys cereal for
herself and her family, each family member is a consumer of the product”. Any person, who
buys a product/service, may not be necessarily user or consumer. The subject of shopper
behavior has focused on individuals and the factors that impact their decisions to spend their
resources on consumption-related items. The concepts and theories of shopper behavior have
drawn upon diverse disciplines as psychology, sociology, social psychology, cultural
anthropology, and economics. According to Kotler, Keller, Koshy and Jha (2012) Consumer
Shopping Behavior is the study of how individuals, groups and organizations select, buy, use and
dispose of goods, service, idea, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. Consumer buying
behavior is the sum total of a consumer's attitudes, preferences, intentions, and decisions
regarding the consumer's behavior in the marketplace when purchasing a product or service.
Consumer shopping behavior is a practice by which individuals seek out, pick, pay for,
consume/utilize and dispose of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants. Economists
viewed shopping as an activity that makes consumers to make the most of their utility function
(Michelle, Corrine and Jane, 1995). Shopper behavior is that subset of human behavior that is
concerned with the decisions and acts of individuals in purchasing and using products of a
manufacturer or purchasing from particular retailers. It is profoundly rooted in psychology with
dashes of sociology thrown in just to make things more interesting. Retail is the dominion of
women and shopping is an action frequently seen as complementary to female role. Women go
on shopping to purchase both essential and discretionary goods, to relax, and to socialize. They
are considered to be the most potential consumers in the world as they manage almost 80 percent
of the domestic expenditure. Kelly (1991) noted that “the traditional woman’s role (as wife,
mother, and lady) has undergone change owing to the revolution in shopping heralded by the
development of the department store”. Laermans (1993) stated that “Women were redefined as
professional shoppers or consumers and their performance of their traditional roles was
thoroughly ‘commodified’ or redefined in terms of commodities.” Bellenger and Korgaonkar
(1980) found that consumers who seek pleasure in shopping are mostly female and are a
noteworthy force in the retail market. Women think differently from men because there are
biological, neurological, and behavioral variations between the brains of men and women. These
differences in turn make an impact on their buying behavior. While men will pack themselves
with sufficient information of a product or service through internet, advertising, reviews; women
would aim to get benefit from others’ experience by asking people around them. Women are
more in touch with their feelings and have the tendency to stay better connected with their
family, friends, and ‘brands’. Women set their decisions and priorities not only according to their
needs but also according to people in her personal circle. Hence, it becomes important to position
a product, brand or a store in a way that how they will benefit her and other in her life

Gender is a very prominent factor; it plays a very crucial role in a purchase decision. Males are
more externally focused while the female tends to be more internally focused. There are a lot of
differences between males and females like if we analysis it in terms of psychological and
physiological. They both show totally different behavior when they purchase any goods or

Naturally, women differ with their opposite sex in almost all characteristic features, and
shopping is no exception. Both the sexes differ in thinking, perceiving, decision making,
managing tactics, planning.


1. men's shopping is product focused.
2. Conduct short term communication with marketer.
3. Men tend to shop mostly on food items and drinks when they are in a depressed mood
4. Single men tend to shop more on alcoholic drinks
5. Men buy, women shop
6. Men influence shopper rather influenced by shopper.
7. They try to complete their shopping as quickly as possible.
8. Men favored quality and comfort with clearly identifiable pricing.
9. Limit price-comparison shopping
10. As they finished with shopping, they immediately try to leave the shop
11. men like quick and simple shopping for which they don't have to go in variety of different
shops. They just select what suits and buy.
12. men tend to make purchase based on the urgent needs rather than a long term one
13. men tend to be more systematic and logical who makes their opinion based on other people
purchase rather than trying it themselves


1. Women Spend More hour than men.
2. Women are willing to invest the time and energy.

3. Women are More Influenced by shopper.

4. women usually spend longer time in shopping compared to men
5. Women, on the other hand, searches patiently for the kind of products in all available
brands, compare the designs, checking for any offers available (unmindful of the long
time they indulge in selecting a product
6. Women are particular about the fashion brand rather than product.
7. they are dandy on offers and discounts to be availed.
8. they have a particular interest in the design of the product.
9. single women prefer to shop for beauty and health care items.
10. Women seem to have leisure and find pleasure while they shop.

11. They will consume plenty of time, sometimes whole day just shopping.

12. After finished with shopping, they will take a round and look
around if something is useful.

13. Most women don't satisfy with one or two choses, they just go for more and more options
14. To buy the best cloth for themselves, they compare colors, they contrast with more.
15. Women try different sizes for more than one time to get the right fit and if once they don't
get the right size, they go again to the shop to return.
16. women look a purchase as a long-term decision.
17. Women save more sophistically and take more time to make decisions.
Finding and recommendation
➢ my observation Show that there is no difference between two in term of average shopping
frequency. The only difference is that on average men spent about half of hour less than
➢ My observation show that men tend to be impulsive shopper where as women tend to be
planned shopper.
➢ Marketers have to understand both behaviors cleverly in order to motivate them more
correctly, precisely and effectively.
➢ Marketing plans designed according to the nature of men and women will prove to be
successful. It is better to focus on either male or female customers rather than on both,
which will prove to be fatal
➢ The findings suggest that when advertising to women, it is important to use marketing
to build a personal relationship with female customers while when marketing to men,
you should highlight the advantages and benefits of your products.
➢ Marketer should Understand consumer motive for purchasing one item over another. It
helps marketer to more make sales volume.
➢ Marketer should have conduct, from advertising style, message, and media, to product
design, store layout, sales training, and customer service policies are designed to appeal
specifically to both sexes.

➢ Based on my observation males tend to view shopping as a chore. They do what needs to
be done as quickly as possible and are more than happy to be on their way. As a result,
they are less likely to check on competitors’ prices or listen to their friends for advice. So,
for an ecommerce store aimed towards males, you want to make the experience
something extremely simple and straightforward.
➢ Women, on the other hand, treat shopping as a fun event. They tend to bring their friends
along during sprees, are more receptive to other people’s opinions, make impulse
purchases, and devote a lot of time to shopping.
Personal observation

Koket café and restorant

Kotler, Keller, Koshy and Jha (2012)

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