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p r át i c a c l í n i c a

physiotherapy in hip and knee

osteoarthritis : development of a
practice guideline concerning initial
assessment , t r e at m e n t and e va l u at i o n

W.F.H. Peter1,2, M.J. Jansen3, E.J. Hurkmans4, H. Bloo5, L.M.M.C.J. Dekker-Bakker6, R.G. Dilling7, W.K.H.A. Hilberdink7,
C. Kersten-Smit8, M. de Rooij3, C. Veenhof9, H.M. Vermeulen10, I, de Vos11, J.W. Schoones12, T.P.M. Vliet Vlieland4,13

Abstract Results: In total 11 topics were selected. For the ini-

tial assessment, three recommendations were for-
Background: An update of a Dutch physiotherapy mulated, pertaining to history taking, red flags, and
practice guideline in Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis formulating treatment goals. Concerning treatment,
(HKOA) was made, based on current evidence and 7 recommendations were formulated; (supervised)
best practice. exercise therapy, education and self management
Methods: A guideline steering committee, com- interventions, a combination of exercise and man-
prising 10 expert physiotherapists, selected topics ual therapy, postoperative exercise therapy and tap-
concerning the guideline chapters: initial assess- ing of the patella were recommended. Balneother-
ment, treatment and evaluation. With respect to apy and hydrotherapy in HKOA, and thermothera-
treatment a systematic literature search was per- py, TENS, and Continuous Passive Motion in knee
formed using various databases, and the evidence OA were neither recommended nor discouraged.
was graded (1-4). For the initial assessment and Massage therapy, ultrasound, electrotherapy, elec-
evaluation mainly review papers and textbooks tromagnetic field, Low Level Laser Therapy, preop-
were used. Based on evidence and expert opinion, erative physiotherapy and education could not be
recommendations were formulated. A first draft of recommended. For the evaluation of treatment
the guideline was reviewed by 17 experts from dif- goals the following measurement instruments were
ferent professional backgrounds. A second draft recommended: Lequesne index, Western Ontario
was field-tested by 45 physiotherapists. and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index, Hip
disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score and
Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score,
1. Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Cen- 6-minute walktest, Timed Up and Go test, Patient
ter (LUMC), Leiden, The Netherlands Specific Complaint list, Visual Analoge Scale for
2. Reade, center of rehabilitation and rheumatology (formerly Jan pain, Intermittent and Constant OsteoArthritis Pain
van Breemen Institute), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3. Center for Evidence Based Physiotherapy (CEBP), University of
Questionnaire, goniometry, Medical Research
Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands Council for strength, handheld dynamometer.
4. Dept of Rheumatology, LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands Conclusions: This update of a Dutch physiothera-
5.Veenendaal en Roessingh Research & Development, Enschede, py practice guideline on HKOA included 11 recom-
The Netherlands mendations on the initial assessment, treatment
6. Physiotherapy private practice, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
7. Paramedical Center for Rheumatology and Rehabilitation,
and evaluation. The implementation of the guide-
Groningen, The Netherlands line in clinical practice needs further evaluation.
8. Department of Physiotherapy, St. Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands Keywords: Guideline; Osteoarthritis; Physiothera-
9. Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, Utrecht, py; ICF.
The Netherlands
10. Department of Physiotherapy, LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands
11. Exercise therapy private practice, Leiden, The Netherlands
12. Walaeus Library, LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands Introduction
13. Dept of Orthopaedics, LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands
Funding: This study was financially supported by the Royal Dutch The physiotherapist plays an important role in the
Society of Physiotherapy (KNGF), Amersfoort, The Netherlands. health care process of the patients with hip and

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

w. f. h . p e t e r e c o l .

knee osteoarthritis and could be recommended, identify systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and
based on evidence in literature. randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The central
In 2001 the KNGF Guideline for physiotherapy in search strategy ‘Osteoarthritis’ (MESH) was com-
patients with Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis (HKOA) bined with ‘Hip’ and “Knee’ and other MESH-hea-
of the Royal Dutch Society for Physiotherapy was dings and/or free text words such as ‘physiothera-
developed. py’, ‘physical therapy’ (MESH), ‘physical therapy
A revision was desirable, as since 2001 there has modalities’ (MESH), ‘exercise therapy’, ‘education’,
been a substantial increase of publications re- and ‘self management’(MESH). Studies were se-
garding clinical studies and national1;2 and inter- lected if sufficient data were reported with regard
national guidelines3-7 on HKOA. Moreover, the to the physiotherapy treatment of HKOA patients.
existing Dutch physiotherapy guideline did not in- In case no systematic review or meta-analysis was
clude recommendations on outcome measures, found, RCTs were identified and selected for the
and did not provide recommendations on the pre- therapeutic process. The quality of the RCTs was
and postoperative management of patients un- judged by two independent evaluators (WP and
dergoing hip or knee joint replacement. In addi- MJ) by using Delphi criteria10. Textbooks, review
tion, the existing Dutch physiotherapy guideline articles, umbrella review articles, and current
was not using the International Classification of guidelines on other, related conditions.
Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) 8 as a With respect to the literature on examination
framework to systematically examine a patient’s and assessment, in addition to the systematic lite-
health status and to plan intervention strategies rature search, textbooks, review articles, and cur-
and their evaluation by standardized outcome rent guidelines on other, related conditions were
measures. used.
The aim of the current revision was to describe
evidence-based physiotherapy for HKOA, inclu- Step 2: Categorizing evidence
ding initial assessment, interventions, and assess- The selected literature was critically appraised by
ment of outcome, based on the ICF. assessing the type and quality of the study design.
Evidence was graded according to the EBRO (Evi-
dence Based Recommendation Development) (see
Methods Table I), which is in line with international classi-
fication schemes11, such as the NICE (National Ins-
General methodology and Guideline Steering titute of Clinical Effectiveness) approach. EBRO is
Committee an initiative of the Dutch Cochrane Center and the
The revision of the guideline took place between Dutch Institute for Healthcare Improvement
September 2008 and January 2010, following na- (CBO), a member of the Guidelines International
tional international methods for guideline deve- Network (GIN)12.
lopment and implementation9. The guideline was
developed by a Guideline Steering Committee Step 3: Strength of recommendations
comprising 10 expert physiotherapists. Based on By means of five consensus meetings and eight
the existing Dutch physiotherapy guideline on feedback rounds of the Guideline Steering Com-
HKOA and relevant umbrella reviews, systematic mittee, recommendations were formulated and
reviews and guidelines published since 2001, two their strength graded A–D, based on the category
members (WP and TVV) proposed a preliminary of efficacy evidence (Table I).
list of topics to the Guideline Steering Committee.
During a consensus meeting, 11 topics (3 for his- Step 4: Guideline review process
tory taking and examination, 7 for treatment (in- The first draft of the guideline was reviewed by a
terventions) and 1 for outcome measures) were se- Guideline Review Committee, comprising 17 per-
lected. sons from various professional backgrounds was
instituted, including rheumatologists, an ortho-
Step 1: Literature search pedic surgeon, rehabilitation specialists, general
A literature search was performed up tot June 2009 practitioners, and representatives of the Dutch
in the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PEDro, Web Arthritis Foundation and the Arthritis Patient Or-
of Science and Cochrane Library databases to ganization. After adaptation, the second draft of

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

the dutch physiotherapy guideline on hip and knee osteoarthritis

Table I. From scientific evidence and expert opinion to recommendations according to the EBRO
(Evidence Based Recommendation Development), which is in line with international classification schemes,
such as the NICE approach.

Level of evidence 1 One A1 study or at least two A2 studies

2 One A2 study or at least two B studies
3 One B or multiple C studies
4 Expert opinion
Grades of A1 Meta-analyses (systematic reviews), which include at least two Randomized
recommendation Controlled Trials at quality level A2 that show consistent results between studies
A2 Randomized Controlled Trials of a good methodological quality (randomized
double blind controlled studies) with sufficient power and consistency
B Randomized Controlled Trials of a moderate methodological quality of with
insufficient power, or non- randomized, cohort of patient-control group study
involving intergroup comparisons
C Patient series
D Expert opinion

the guideline was reviewed and pilot tested by 45 Clinical question 1: In which way the patient’s
physiotherapists. Among them 15 were specialized health status can be assessed?
and members of an arthritis network. Almost all of RECOMMENDATION 1:
the physiotherapists agree with the content. Some • The physiotherapist should assess the patient’s
minor comments concerning the feasibility of the health status primarily in terms of activity limi-
measurement instruments, including lack of time tations and participation restrictions (level 4).
and space to perform are taken into account in the • In addition, the therapist may also assess im-
implementation process after publication of the pairments of body function and structure, as
guideline. well as personal and environmental factors, in-
sofar as these relate to the limitations and res-
trictions (level 4).
Results An overview of the most relevant health pro-
blems in HKOA patients was made, based on the
I. Initial assessment short version of the International Classification of
In the Netherlands, physiotherapy can be accessed Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set
with or without a referral from a doctor (also called for Osteoarthritis8, supplemented with clinical re-
“direct access”). levant items, best practiced based, and completed
The initial assessment comprises history taking, with a number of personal factors (Figure 2). This
physical examination and analysis. History taking overview is recommended to be used for the set-
and physical examination are performed to get a ting of treatment goals, the formulation of the
comprehensive overview of the patient’s health treatment plan and the evaluation.
status. This assessment includes screening for red
flags. The doctor must be consulted in case of a red Clinical question 2: Which contraindications for
flag after deliberation with the patient. With the physiotherapy should be taken into account in
analysis, the patient’s main limitations and im- patients with HKOA?
pairments are prioritized, and treatment goals and R ECOMMENDATION 2: P HYSIOTHERAPISTS SHOULD
a treatment plan are formulated, and in close col- EVALUATE THE PRESENCE OF “RED FLAGS” (LEVEL 4).
laboration with the patient, treatment goals are The following specific red flags in HKOA patients
set, with the focus on limitations of activity and were defined:
restriction in participation. • A warm, swollen (red) knee joint
The total initial assessment process is described • A swelling in the groin
in Figure 1. • Severe blockade of the knee joint

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

w. f. h . p e t e r e c o l .


Timed Up and
instruments, at


History taking

by GP or
the intended therapeutic goals?
• Is a physiotherapy intervention an appropriate strategy to accomplish
• presence of facilitators and barriers for functional recovery
modifiable by physiotherapy
• presence of factors that may or may not be (directly or indirectly)

care providers, clleagues

facilities, relatives, friends,
for ADL, work or sport,
home adaptations and aids
Environmental factors

atrophy, hypertonia
alignement, muscular
muscle endurance,
muscle power,
mobility, stability,
proprioception pain,

structures e.g.:

• prognosis, if applicable
• medication use
• co morbidity
• radiographic abnormalities of
status, incl.
Relevant medical data, health
dressing and
background and disease
profession, social

co morbidity, lifestyle,
Personal factors e.g.:

washing oneself,
moving about,
standing, sitting,
oneself, walking,

Activities e.g.:

• patient’s need for information

• patient’s care requirement
• referral indication
• diagnosis
General information, incl.:

red flags, physiotherapy indicated?

and/or knee
community life,
Remunerative or


efficacy, age, sex, ethnicity,

character, experiences, self-

• unexplained severe pain in hip

• infection
• fever
prosthetic joints:
If patient has one or more
without trauma (malignancy?)
• (severe) pain at rest and swelling
• severe blocking of the knee joint
• swelling in groin (malignancy?)
and/or knee joint
• unexplained (severe) pain in hip
knee joint (bacterial infection?)
swelling and redness of the
• unexplained raised temperature,
Red flags:

Expressed care requirement, pattern recognition,

Based on of the description of
Referral Direct Expressed care requirement, pattern recognition, the health status and the pre-
by GP or access red flags, physiotherapy indicated?
specialist screening sence of barriers and facilita-
General information, incl.: Red flags: tors, individual treatment goals
• diagnosis • unexplained raised temperature,
• referral indication swelling and redness of the
should be defined. Goal setting
• patient’s care requirement knee joint (bacterial infection?) is a shared process between the
• patient’s need for information • unexplained (severe) pain in hip
and/or knee joint physiotherapist and the patient.
Relevant medical data, health • swelling in groin (malignancy?)
status, incl. • severe blocking of the knee joint Treatment goals are set in terms
• radiographic abnormalities of • (severe) pain at rest and swelling of the ICF, with the focus on li-
joints without trauma (malignancy?)
• co morbidity
If patient has one or more
mitations of activities and re-
• medication use
• prognosis, if applicable prosthetic joints: striction in participation.
• fever
• infection Goals should be formulated
• unexplained severe pain in hip
and/or knee
according to the SMART princi-
History taking
ples (specific, measurable, achie-
vable, realistic, and timed)13, for
Body/functions/ Activities e.g.: Participation
example: being able to walk 800
structures e.g.: e.g.: meters (from home to the super-
proprioception pain, oneself, walking, Remunerative or market and back) two times a
mobility, stability, standing, sitting, non-
muscle power, moving about, remunerative week in six weeks.
muscle endurance, washing oneself, employment,
alignement, muscular dressing and community life,
Examination atrophy, hypertonia toileting recreation, II. Interventions
With respect to the literature
search concerning the thera-
Measurement Environmental factors Personal factors e.g.: peutic process, 22 systematic re-
instruments, at e.g.: co morbidity, lifestyle, views and 74 RCTs (published af-
least: home adaptations and aids character, experiences, self-
Patient-Specific for ADL, work or sport, efficacy, age, sex, ethnicity, ter these reviews) were selected.
Complaints facilities, relatives, friends, profession, social
(PSC) care providers, clleagues background and disease
Timed Up and perception
Clinical question 4: Which
ICF physiotherapy intervention
should or should not be given
in HKOA?
Analysis • presence of factors that may or may not be (directly or indirectly)
modifiable by physiotherapy
• presence of facilitators and barriers for functional recovery EXERCISE THERAPY AIMED AT REDU-
• Is a physiotherapy intervention an appropriate strategy to accomplish
the intended therapeutic goals? CING PAIN AND IMPROVING PHYSICAL
Figure 1. Overview of the initial assessment process.
Based on the literature exercises
are recommended14-18, but no
• (Extreme) pain at rest specific intensity of exercises could be defined19.
• And in the presence of one or more joint re- However, although there is a lack of evidence con-
placement prostheses: cerning the optimal type of exercises and their in-
• Fever tensity, most research pertained to programs in-
• Infection cluding aerobic and/or muscle strengthening exer-
• And inexplicable extreme pain in hip or knee joint. cises, and possible combined with ROM and func-
tional exercises.
Clinical Question 3: How does the physiothera- In previously published international multidis-
pist set treatment goals? ciplinary guidelines and a Dutch multidisciplinary
RECOMMENDATION 3: BASED ON THE INFORMATION OBTAI- guideline in HKOA management exercise therapy
NED IN THE INITIAL ASSESSMENT, IN COOPERATION WITH is recommended1. There are no recommendations
THE PATIENT AND ACCORDING THE ICF, THE PHYSIOTHE- on intensity, specific exercise forms, number of
RAPIST SHOULD DEFINE THE THERAPEUTIC GOALS (LEVEL 4). treatment or follow up sessions, and supervision.

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

the dutch physiotherapy guideline on hip and knee osteoarthritis

– e.g. care providers, care institutions, health insurance • disease perception

• Health services, systems, and policies (e580) • coping and self-efficacy
employer,colleagues • lifestyle
• Immediate family (e310), friends, caregivers, social environment, • character
– e.g. elevator diabetes mellitus)
buildings for public use (e150) disorders, heart and lung disorders,
• Design, construction, and building products and technology of comorbidity (e.g. other articular
(e140)* • past and present experiences
• Products and technology for culture, recreation, and sport • profession
– e.g. special chair at work • social background
• Products and technology for employment (e135) • ethnicity
– e.g. home adaptations and aids • sex
• Products and technology for personal use in daily living (e115) • age
Environmental factors Personal factors*

• dressing (d540)
• toileting (d530)
• washing oneself (d510)
– traveling by bus/train/tram
– e.g. muscular atrophy, hypertonia – cycling, driving
(s770) – ascending and descending stairs
structures related to movement (d455)
• additional musculoskeletal for long period moving around
– e.g. alignment • standing up or remaining seated
(s750) • walking (d450)
• structure of lower extremity – lying down, turning over in bed and sport (d920)
• muscle endurance (b740) – getting in and out of a car • recreation, leisure,
• muscle power (b730) from bed or chair • community life (d910)
• stability of joints (b715) • sitting down and getting up (d855)*
• mobility of joints (b710) kneeling • non-remunerative employment
• sensation of pain (b280) – bending down, squatting, (d850)
• proprioception (b260)* • transferring oneself (d420)* • remunerative employment
Body functions/structures Activities Participating (social context)

and/or knee
osteoarthritis of the hip

osteoarthritis of the hip
and/or knee

Body functions/structures Activities Participating (social context)

• proprioception (b260)* • transferring oneself (d420)* • remunerative employment
• sensation of pain (b280) – bending down, squatting, (d850)
• mobility of joints (b710) kneeling • non-remunerative employment
• stability of joints (b715) • sitting down and getting up (d855)*
• muscle power (b730) from bed or chair • community life (d910)
• muscle endurance (b740) – getting in and out of a car • recreation, leisure,
• structure of lower extremity – lying down, turning over in bed and sport (d920)
(s750) • walking (d450)
– e.g. alignment • standing up or remaining seated
• additional musculoskeletal for long period moving around
structures related to movement (d455)
(s770) – ascending and descending stairs
– e.g. muscular atrophy, hypertonia – cycling, driving
– traveling by bus/train/tram
• washing oneself (d510)
• toileting (d530)
• dressing (d540)

Environmental factors Personal factors*

• Products and technology for personal use in daily living (e115) • age
– e.g. home adaptations and aids • sex
• Products and technology for employment (e135) • ethnicity
– e.g. special chair at work • social background
• Products and technology for culture, recreation, and sport • profession
(e140)* • past and present experiences
• Design, construction, and building products and technology of comorbidity (e.g. other articular
buildings for public use (e150) disorders, heart and lung disorders,
– e.g. elevator diabetes mellitus)
• Immediate family (e310), friends, caregivers, social environment, • character
employer,colleagues • lifestyle
• Health services, systems, and policies (e580) • coping and self-efficacy
– e.g. care providers, care institutions, health insurance • disease perception

Figure 2. Overview of the most relevant health problems in Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis according to the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for Osteoarthritis (short version supplemented with
clinically relevant items (*), based on expert opinion).

In addition to the abovementioned recommen- graded activity strategy21. Decreasing the frequen-
dation on exercise therapy, there was overall con- cy of treatment sessions at the end of the treat-
sensus within the Guideline Steering Committee ment is needed to help the patient to achieve an
that exercises should comprise at least muscle independent adequate level of physical activity. To
strengthening exercises, exercises to improve aero- improve the transition to recreational or sport acti-
bic capacity, functional exercises, and gait training, vities the HKOA patient must be guided by the
either as a single treatment or combined with each physiotherapist.
other, depending on treatment goals. The exercise
program must have a focus on limitations of acti- RECOMMENDATION 5: PHYSIOTHERAPISTS SHOULD PRO-
vities and restrictions in participation. In some ca- VIDE EDUCATION AND PROMOTE ADEQUATE SELF MANAGE-
ses the exercise therapy could be adjusted to indi- MENT IN PATIENTS WITH HKOA (LEVEL 2).
vidual treatment goals. For example joint proprio- Based on literature education and promotion of
ception and balance training20 or a behavioral adequate self management are recommended, pro-

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

w. f. h . p e t e r e c o l .

vided in combination with exercise therapy (level No recommendations on postoperative exer-

2)22-27. Because of the variety of interventions in the cises are given in international guidelines in HKOA
literature, it is unclear which content of education management. In a Dutch multidisciplinary guide-
or self management intervention is best in HKOA. line on hip and knee OA, postoperative exercise
In international multidisciplinary guidelines therapy is recommended1.
and a Dutch multidisciplinary guideline in HKOA
management education and self management is RECOMMENDATION 8: TAPING THE PATELLA SHOULD BE
recommended as an effective intervention as an ADJUSTED TO MUSCLE STRENGTHENING EXERCISES AND
adjunction to exercise therapy 1,3-5. EXERCISES FOCUSING ON FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITIES TO IN-
The Guideline Steering Committee recommend CREASE PAIN IN PATELLO-FEMORAL OA (LEVEL 2).
that the content of the intervention comprise the There is evidence to recommend taping in patel-
following items: knowledge and understanding of lo-femoral OA 37,38. In international and Dutch
HKOA; the consequences of HKOA on functions, ac- guidelines included no recommendations on ta-
tivities and participation; the relation between the ping and patello-femoral OA. In the Netherlands
mental and physical load and carrying capacity; the often taping is used as a support to make it more
way to deal with complaints caused by HKOA; an ac- possible to do exercises in patello-femoral OA.
tive and healthy lifestyle (moving, nurturing, over-
weight); change in moving behavior; joint protec- RECOMMENDATION 9: THE PROVISION OF HYDROTHERA-
tion and the use of (walking) aids (level 4). PY, BALNEOTHERAPY, THERMOTHERAPY, PREOPERATIVE
The physiotherapist needs to support the pa- PHYSIOTHERAPY IN HKOA, AND TRANSCUTANE ELECTRI-
tient in remaining a healthy physical activity level. CAL NEURO STIMULATION (TENS) IN KNEE OA , AND CON-
REVERSIBLE LIMITATION IN JOINT MOBILITY (LEVEL 2). There is conflicting evidence that hydrotherapy is
If there is pain in combination with a limitation in effective in HKOA (level 1)39-44. An international
joint mobility it is recommended to add manual guideline (OARSI) recommends hydrotherapy in
therapy to exercise therapy (level 2)28-32. In interna- patient with hip OA5.
tional multidisciplinary guidelines and a Dutch In daily practice in the Netherlands hydrothera-
multidisciplinary guideline in HKOA management, py is used and experienced as a pleasant interven-
manual therapy is not mentioned or classified by tion by the patient. There was overall consensus
exercise therapy. within the Guideline Steering Committee that hy-
In the Netherlands it is common to use the com- drotherapy could be applied in case of severe pain
bination of exercise therapy with manual therapy. and no effect of alternative interventions as exer-
Within the Guideline Steering Committee there cise therapy on land, medication or surgery. Hy-
was consensus that manual therapy could be con- drotherapy could also be used as preparation for
sidered as a preparation for exercise therapy in exercise therapy on land in cases with severe pain.
HKOA in case of pain and a reversible limitation in There is also conflicting evidence that bal-
joint mobility. The manual therapy should com- neotherapy is effective in HKOA (level 1)45-47. No
prise manipulation, manual traction, and muscle recommendations are made in international and
stretching exercises in Hip OA. In Knee OA ante- Dutch guidelines. In the Netherland it is no com-
rior/posterior mobilizations of the tibia-femoral mon intervention, but in some countries Spa the-
joint and the patella, and muscle stretching exer- rapy has a benefit in HKOA patient’s physical en
cises could be considered. mental wellbeing.
There is some evidence that ice massage is ef-
RECOMMENDATION 7: EXERCISE THERAPY AIMED AT IMPRO- fective as a cold application in knee OA48. An in-
VING PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING SHOULD BE APPLIED AFTER ternational guideline (OARSI) is mentioning that in
HIP AND KNEE JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY (LEVEL 2). some circumstances warmth or could applications
Postoperative exercises are recommended in hip could be beneficial in relieving pain5. There was
and knee joint replacement surgery and should overall consensus within the Guideline Steering
comprise muscle strengthening exercises and exer- Committee that an application of cold could be
cises focusing on functional activities (level 2)33-36. considered if there is severe pain in knee OA. The

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

the dutch physiotherapy guideline on hip and knee osteoarthritis

application of warmth could be considered as knee OA (level 2)59. In the Netherlands massage was
preparation for exercise therapy in patients with a common physiotherapy intervention. Nowadays
severe joint stiffness or difficulty in relaxing the there is no place for massage in the active treat-
muscles. The Guideline Steering Committee advi- ment strategy for HKOA.
ses against the use of local heat application in case There is conflicting evidence for the use of ul-
of active joint inflammation which sometimes trasound in knee OA (level 2)60,61. The Health Coun-
occurs in knee OA (level 4). cil of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad) has ad-
There is conflicting evidence that TENS is effec- vised against the use of ultrasound, except for the
tive to relieve pain in knee OA (level 1)49;50. An in- application in patients with a tennis elbow. There-
ternational guideline recommends TENS for the fore the Guideline Steering Committee decided not
short term (OARSI) and a Dutch multidisciplinary to recommend ultrasound.
guideline1,5 recommend TENS to decrease pain and For electrotherapy there is conflicting evidence
stiffness as a second choice if medication and exer- for the effectiveness in knee OA (level 3)49,50. Elec-
cises turned out to be not effective. trotherapy is not common in the Netherlands as
The Guideline Steering Committee suggests that treatment for knee OA. Based on the current evi-
TENS could be considered as a support for exercise denced and best practice electrotherapy can not be
therapy in individual cases with severe pain but recommended.
not as a first choice (level 4). No evidence can be found to support the use of
Concerning physiotherapy around joint re- electromagnetic field in de treatment of HKOA (le-
placement surgery there is conflicting evidence vel1)50,62,63.
that CPM is effective after total knee surgery51-54. There is evidence that LLLT is effective in de-
CPM is a common intervention after knee surgery creasing pain (level 1)50, but it is a very uncommon
to increase knee joint mobility. There is lack of evi- intervention in the Netherlands. Further there are
dence after knee surgery to recommend CPM other interventions that can be recommended to
according a Dutch multidisciplinary guideline1. decrease pain why the Guideline Steering Commit-
The Guideline Steering Committee could not tee did not recommend LLLT in knee OA (level 4).
recommend or advise against CPM (level 1). In international and Dutch guidelines there are
Preoperative exercises could not be recom- no recommendations for the use of massage, ul-
mended based on current evidence (level 3)55-58. trasound, electrotherapy, electromagnetic field en
There are no recommendations mentioned in in- LLLT in the treatment of HKOA1,3-7.
ternational guidelines on HKOA management. A
Dutch multidisciplinary guideline could not re- III. Assessment of outcome
commend preoperative exercises1. But literature For the evaluation of treatment goals in HKOA pa-
indicates that a good functional status before tients several measurement instruments are avai-
surgery is a important predictor on postoperative lable. Recommended measurement instruments
recovery. Within the Guideline Steering Commit- pertained to ICF chapters activities and participa-
tee there was an overall consensus that preopera- tion and body functions and structures and were
tive exercises could be considered in cases of poor chosen based on their psychometric properties: va-
preoperative status in patients with multiple co lidity, reproducibility, responsiveness as well as
morbidity and other affected joints (level 4). there practical applicability. The latter included the
Finally preoperative education could be con- availability of a Dutch version must be available, no
sidered according the Guideline Steering Com- special training should be necessary and the mea-
mittee if there is much anxiety for the operation surement should have a good applicability in daily
(level 4). The education should then be focused on clinical practice. The measurement instruments
information about the operation and the period classified according the ICF are shown in Figure 3.
the patient stays in the hospital.
Clinical question 5: Which measurement instru-
RECOMMENDATION 10: THE PROVISION OF MASSAGE, UL- ment should be used to evaluate treatment?
There is little evidence that massage is effective in TIMED UP AND GO TEST (TUG)) IS RECOMMENDED TO USE

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

w. f. h . p e t e r e c o l .

• History taking • History taking

Environmental factors: Personal factors:

• MRC scale for strenght • Timed up and Go
• Hand Held dynamometry • 6-minute walk test
• Goniometry • KOOS
(social context) in:
• WOMAC • Lequesne Index
• Lequesne Index • PSK
• Visual Analogue Scale for pain Activities:
Body functions and
Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis

Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis
Body functions and

• Visual Analogue Scale for pain Activities:

• Lequesne Index • PSK
• WOMAC • Lequesne Index
(social context) in:
• Goniometry • KOOS
• Hand Held dynamometry • 6-minute walk test
• MRC scale for strenght • Timed up and Go

Environmental factors: Personal factors:

• History taking • History taking

Figure 3. Measurement instruments in Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis according a ICF classification (some measurement
instruments are suitable in more than one ICF component).

PSK = Patient Specific Complaint list, ICOAP = Intermittent and Constant OsteoArthrtis Pain, WOMAC = Western Ontario and
McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index, HOOS = Hip disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, KOOS = Knee injury and
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, MRC = Medical Research Council

PONENT IN WHICH THE PATIENT PRESENTS HIS COMPLAINTS. measures the time in seconds in which the patient
The physiotherapists in the field prefer a recom- stand up from a chair, walk three meters, turn
mendation for one or two best measurement ins- around, walk back and sit down on the chair. The
truments. Despite more measurement instru- test must take place in comfortable speed.
ments are useful in daily practice depending on Other measurement instruments that are re-
treatment goals, the Guideline Steering Commit- commended in HKOA patients are shown in Figu-
tee prefer to recommend one questionnaire and re 2. In this figure the connections between the
one performance test. They were chosen primari- measurement instruments to the different com-
ly for their good applicability in daily practice: ponents of the ICF are clarified.
Patient Specific Complaint list In the Nether- For measuring pain there is a choice to use two
lands the PSK (Patiënt Specifieke Klachten) is de- different scales: A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for
veloped64 as an instrument to record patient spe- pain67 is usually a horizontal line of 100 millime-
cific complaints. The patient has to choose the ters. The VAS is filled in by the patient as described
three most limited activities from a list of activities at the PSK. If the pain is intermittent, which occur
in which patients can be limited because of HKOA. in HKOA patient the Intermittent and Constant Os-
On a 100 mm visual analogue scale the degree of teoArthritis Pain (ICOAP)68 could be used. This
limitation can be outlined by the patient for each questionnaire is taken into account intermittent
activity. With on the left end “no limitation in the pain experience by the patient, for example in
activity” and on the right end “the activity is not using pain medication by the patient.
feasible” the patient express how the degree of limi- For measuring strength the use of a handheld
tation of the activity is by means of a vertical line. dynamometer67 is recommended or if that is not
The score is determined by measuring the distance available, the Medical Research Council (MRC) for
in millimeters from the left end of the line to the strength69 is recommended as an alternative.

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

the dutch physiotherapy guideline on hip and knee osteoarthritis

The Range Of Motion (ROM) should be mea- pain during walking in HKOA. The HOOS 74 and the
sured by using goniometry70. A Measurement ins- KOOS 75 ask besides limitation in activities also for
trument to measure walking and aerobic capacity restrictions in participation in sports and recrea-
is the 6 minute walk test65,66. During the 6-minutes tional activities and quality of life, respectively in
walk test the patients have to walk 6 minutes at a Hip OA and Knee OA.
self chosen walking speed and they have to try to Table II shows an overview of all recommenda-
overcome as much distance as possible, without tions.
running. The accomplished distance is the total
distance at the end of the 6 minutes.
Finally to measure limitation in activities and Discussion
restrictions in participation four different ques-
tionnaires are recommended. The choice between This study describes the development of a physio-
those four depends on the joint and the treatment therapy (PT) specific guideline for the manage-
goals. The Western Ontario and McMaster Univer- ment of HKOA. This guideline is based on recent
sities osteoarthritis index (WOMAC)71,72 measures research evidence and expert opinion. It was de-
limitations in activities as well as pain and stiff- veloped according to standardised procedures for
ness in HKOA patients. The Lequesne index 73 has formulating recommendations. The guideline des-
its focus on limitations in walking distance and cribes the process of initial assessment, including

Table II. Summary of recommendations and level of evidence

Initial assessment
1. The physiotherapist should assess the patient's health status primarily in terms of activity limitations and
participation restrictions. In addition, the therapist may also assess impairments of body function and structure,
as well as personal and environmental factors, insofar as these relate to the limitations and restrictions (level 4).
2. Physiotherapists should evaluate the presence of “red flags” (level 4).
3. Based on the information obtained in the initial assessment, in cooperation with the patient and according the
ICF, the physiotherapist should define the therapeutic goals (level 4).
4. (Supervised) exercise therapy aimed at reducing pain and improving physical functioning should be applied during
the physiotherapy treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis patients (level 1).
5. Physiotherapists should provide hip and knee osteoarthritis patients education and must promote adequate self
management (level 2).
6. Exercise therapy should be combined with manual therapy in cases of pain and reversible limitation in joint
mobility (level 2).
7. Exercise therapy aimed at improving physical functioning should be applied after hip and knee joint replacement
surgery (level 2).
8. Taping the patella should be adjusted to muscle strengthening exercises and exercises focusing on functional
activities to increase pain in patellofemoral OA (level 2).
9. The provision of hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, thermotherapy, preoperative physiotherapy in hip and knee
osteoarthritis, and Transcutane Electrical Neuro Stimulation (TENS) in knee OA , and Continuous Passive Motion
(CPM) in postoperative knee OA, can neither be recommended nor discouraged (level 1, 4).
10. The provision of massage, ultrasound, electrotherapy, electromagnetic field and low level laser therapy (LLLT)
can not be recommended in hip and knee osteoarthritis (level 1, 2, 4).
Assessment of outcome
11. A combination of questionnaires (preferably the Patient Specific Complaint list (PSK)) and performance testing
(preferably the Timed Up and Go test (TUG)) is recommended to use in the initial assessment and evaluating
treatment goals and should have the focus on the ICF component in which the patient presents his complaints
(level 4).

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1

w. f. h . p e t e r e c o l .

history taking, physical examination, analysis, PT Dutch multidisciplinary CBO guideline1 comprise
interventions and various measurement instru- some individual exceptions for pre-operative
ments that can be used to evaluate treatment. exercises based on expert opinion for example in
In contrast with other guidelines, this guideline case of worse physical status of the patient before
gives recommendations on initial assessment en surgery.
evaluation of treatment. The ICF framework8 has a The MOVE consensus7 mentions contra-indi-
central place in this guideline. An overview is cators and barriers for exercise. The Dutch PT
added concerning the ICF linked health related guideline pre-empt this by formulating general en
problems and measurement instruments. This specific red flags for HKOA. But these red flags are
linking on the ICF is also been used in two recent- not only concerning exercises but also PT treat-
ly developed PT guidelines on hip osteoarthritis76 ment in general. Besides barriers also facilitators
and meniscal and articular cartilage lesions of the which can influence outcome of treatment, are
knee77. described.
Another difference between this guideline and Guidelines, recommendations and protocols on
other (multidisciplanairy) guidelines on HKOA is hip and knee will be available in many different
that the recommendations are formulated not only countries, published or not. Discrepancies exist
based on literature but also considerations from based on date (of publication) or the different na-
daily practice are playing an important role in for- tional usual method of treatment. International
mulating recommendations. For example: al- cooperation between PT societies may be a fol-
though there is evidence that laser therapy could lowing step in consensus on a guideline for the
be effective in knee OA, it is not a common inter- treatment of HKOA patients.
vention in the Netherlands and furthermore the To facilitate the use of guidelines in daily prac-
National Health Counsel (Gezondheidsraad) is not tice it is important to apply an implementation
recommending the use of laser in knee OA patients. strategy. Implementation studies with regard to
Concerning other interventions (hydrotherapy and other PT guidelines have shown that didactic edu-
thermotherapy ao.) in which the evidence is some- cation and passive dissemination strategies were
times weak, the guideline steering committee de- ineffective80. Multifaceted interventions, interacti-
cided that the intervention only could be conside- ve education and clinical reminder systems have
red in specific individual cases after good clinical been shown to be more effective to implement PT
reasoning. guidelines81. In a following study a more effective
Among multidisciplinary guidelines ICSI Health implementation strategy will be researched.
Care78 is giving annotations in the initial assess-
ment. But in treatment they have a more passive Correspondence to
approach since recommendations on electrical W.F.H.Peter, PT
Leiden University Medical Center,
therapy and massage were given for pain relief,
Department of Rheumatology (C1-R)
while this guideline has a clearly active approach P.O. box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden,
without recommendations on passive modalities The Netherlands
like massage, electrotherapy, laser, ultrasound and E-mail: w.f.h.peter@lumc.nl
electromagnetic field.
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2nd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress

Madrid, Espanha
2 a 4 Fevereiro 2012

Punta Cana, República Dominicana
18 a 21 Abril 2012

ó r g ã o o f i c i a l d a s o c i e d a d e p o r t u g u e s a d e r e u m at o l o g i a - a c ta r e u m at o l p o r t . 2 0 1 1 ; 3 6 : 2 6 8 - 2 8 1


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