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MAY 2019

I hereby declare that this report is based on my own work except for quotations and

citations, which have been fully obtained with references. I also declare that it has not

yet previously submitted by any other degree at University Sultan Zainal Abidin or other



Name: Basyir bin Mohamad Azhar

Date: 12 May 2019


This is to confirm that:

The research conducted and the writing of this report was under my supervision.


Name: Puan Norkhairani binti Abd. Rawi

Date: 12 May 2019


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, thank to Al-Mighty Allah S.W.T for his grace for giving me strength to

complete my first final year project, Solah Guide during Illness (SGdI) in 3D animation.

Although, with this opportunity I would like to express everyone who supported and

also thankful for their aspiring guidance, helpful criticism and friendly advice during

the project work. I am sincerely grateful to them for truthful illuminating views on a

number of issues related to the project.

Firstly, I express my thanks to Puan Norkhairani binti Abd. Rawi as my

supervisor for guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course

of this final year project. I want to take this opportunity to thank my parent and also

special thanks to all lecturers of Faculty Informatics and Computing for their attention,

guidance and advice to help in the development of this project.

I would also like to thanks all my friends and classmates for their valuable

interpretations and suggestions on this project which gave me an inspiration to improve

this project. I thank all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete this



Solah is the second pillar of Islam. Solah Guide during Illness (SGdI) is a mobile

application which has been developed to assist patients that has some difficulties to

perform their solah in a normal way. SGdI application employs six learning modules.

Four modules for solah and two modules for wudhu' and tayammum. We included an

animation as an approach to guide potential users effectively. Each activity done by the

animation represents certain movement of solah during illness. One module of

understanding is a Quiz that provided as a way to test user’s comprehension. This

application embedded with interactivity and user control concept that allow user to

freely explore the application at their own pace.


Solah adalah tunjang Islam yang kedua. Panduan Solah semasa Penyakit (SGdI) adalah

aplikasi mudah alih yang dibangunkan untuk membantu pesakit yang mempunyai

beberapa kesukaran untuk melakukan solah mereka secara normal. Aplikasi SGdI

menggunakan enam modul pembelajaran. Empat modul untuk solah dan dua modul

untuk wudhu 'dan tayammum. Bagi setiap modul disertaka bersama animasi 3D sebagai

pendekatan untuk membimbing pengguna yang berpotensi dengan berkesan. Setiap

aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh animasi mewakili pergerakan solah tertentu semasa sakit.

Satu modul pemahaman adalah Kuiz yang disediakan sebagai cara untuk menguji

pemahaman pengguna. Aplikasi ini mempunyai elemen interaktiviti dan konsep

kawalan pengguna yang membolehkan pengguna untuk meneroka aplikasi secara bebas

dengan pantas.




1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Project Background 1

1.3 Problem Statement 3

1.4 Objective Study 3

1.5 Scope 4

1.6 Limitation of Work 4

1.7 Expected Result 5


2.1 Introduction 6

2.2 Related Project and Application 7

2.2.1 Panduan Solat Ketika Sakit 7

2.2.2 3D Hajj and Umrah Guide 8

2.2.3 Bio Terapi Solat: 3D Integration 9

in Solat Technique for Therapeutic Means

2.2.4 Step by Step Salah Daily prayers: 10

Namaz & Duas

2.2.5 SmartSolat Ustaz Don 11

2.3 Research Comparison 12

2.4 Chapter Summary 13


3.1 Introduction 14

3.2 ADDIE Model Methodology 15

3.2.1 Analysis Phase 15

3.2.2 Design Phase 17

3.2.3 Develop Phase 17

3.2.4 Implement Phase 18

3.2.5 Evaluate Phase 19

3.3 Hardware and Software Requirement 20

3.3.1 Hardware 20

3.3.2 Software 21

3.4 Project Framework 22

3.5 Application Design and Modelling 23

3.5.1 Storyboard application 23

3.5.2 3D Animation Production 25

3.6 Chapter Summary 30


4.1 Implementation 31

4.2 Mobile App Interface 32

4.2.1 Main Menu 32

4.2.2 Menu 32

4.2.3 Solat Menu 33

4.2.4 Cara Bersuci Menu 33

4.2.5 Doa Page 34

4.2.6 Quiz Page 34

4.2.7 Maklum Balas Menu 35

4.2.8 Tetapan Menu 35

4.2.9 Kredit Menu 35

4.2.10 Solat Ketika Duduk Page 36

4.2.11 Solat Ketika Baring Page 36

4.2.12 Solat Ketika Mengiring page 37

4.2.13 Solat Isyarat Mata Page 37

4.2.14 Cara Wudhu Page 38

4.2.15 Cara Tayammum Page 38

4.3 Chapter Summary 39


5.1 Project Contribution 40

5.2 Project Constraints and Limitation 41

5.3 Future Works 41

5.4 Overall Conclusion 42




2.1 Show the interface of Panduan Solat Ketika 7

Sakit Apps.

2.2 Show the interface of 3D Hajj and Umrah Guide. 8

2.3 Show the interface of Bio Terapi Solat: 3D 9

Integration in Solat Technique for Therapeutic Means

2.4 Show the interface of Step by Step Salah 10

Daily prayers: Namaz & Duas.

2.5 Show the interface of SmartSolat Ustaz Don 11

3.1 Describe the ADDIE Model. 15

3.2 Shows the navigation structure for SGdI Mobile App. 16

3.3 Shows the 3D Production Pipeline. 18

3.4 Describe the framework of this application. 22

3.5(i) Shows storyboard of Main Menu and Menu the application 23

3.5(ii) Shows storyboard of Feedback, Cara Bersuci Module 24

and Solat Module the application

3.5(iii) Shows storyboard of Doa Module and 25

Quiz Module the application

3.6 Main character of this 3D animation. 26

3.7 3D Models that included chair, bed, table, 27

room, and wudhu tap.

3.8 Character with skin texture. 28

3.9 Character that has been rigged. 29

3.10 Character that has been animated. 30

4.1 Shows the main menu page 32

4.2 Shows the menu page 32

4.3 Shows the Solat ketika sakit navigation 33

button when the button is pressed.

4.4 Shows the Cara bersuci navigation menu 33

when the button is pressed.

4.5 Shows the Doa pilihan navigation menu 34

when the button is pressed

4.6 Shows the quiz page 34

4.7 Shows the Maklum balas navigation menu 35

when the button is pressed

4.8 Shows the Tetapan navigation menu when 35

the button is pressed

4.9 Shows the Kredit navigation menu when 35

the button is pressed

4.10 Shows the Solat posisi duduk page 36

4.11 Shows the Solat posisi baring page 36

4.12 Shows the Solat posisi mengiring page 37

4.13 Shows the Solat Isyarat Mata page 37

4.14 Shows the Cara wudhu page 38

4.15 Shows the Cara Tayammum page 38



2.5 Show the interface of SmartSolat Ustaz Don 12







1.1 Introduction

In chapter 1, there are five subtopics that we will briefly discuss. They are included

introduction, background of study, objectives, problem statement, and scope.

Introduction discuss about basic information about this application while background

of study will explain about the area of research to set context for problem that which

really happened. Problem statement will be discussing about related issues in this

project. Objectives will define all the main goal of this application. Lastly, scope will

elaborate more about where this application will take part in the society.

1.2 Project Background

Solah is the second pillar of Islam. It is also a worship that every mukallaf

Muslim, healthy or even they’re sick have to perform as long as they have a sound

minded. Every Muslim should keep their prayers in time even it is hard for them to

perform it. However, Islam has given the flexibility and ability to perform according to

the existing conditions and capabilities. Furthermore, the only thing that make it

different are the steps during solah. It’s not the same with those who has physical illness

and those who are healthy.

In that case, I create this application for user that has problem with solah in a

normal way. The common application that provide guideline solah during illness is to

measly which is one in the million. As known the application I will develop is Solah

Guide during Illness (SGdI) is a mobile application which has been developed to assist

patients that has some difficulties to perform their solah in a normal way. SGdI

application employs six learning modules. Four modules for solah and two modules for

wudhu' and tayammum. We included an animation as an approach to guide potential

users effectively. Each activity done by the animation represents certain movement of

solah during illness. One module of understanding is a Quiz that provided as a way to

test user’s comprehension. This application embedded with interactivity and user

control concept that allow user to freely explore the application at their own pace.

Hence, this apps will deliver the content in 3D animation. The 3D character will

show the way of the solah during illness. 3D animation refers to the work of creating

moving pictures in a digital environment that is three-dimensional. 3D describes an

image that provides the view in depth. When 3D animation is presented, the user eyes

will be believed and involved with the scene. Nowadays, 3D has worldwide used in the

film industry and cartoon production and now its growing in the field of education,

game, and also in advertisement.

1.3 Problem Statement

Knowing the techniques and methods of performing the proper prayers is an

obligation that every Muslim community should know. Because, when a person faces a

problem to pray normally, they still must pray according to their ability. According to

the researcher from Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin there are eighty presents of patients

in Hospital Nur Zahirah Terengganu did not solah. The most reason of the patients

cannot fulfill their prayers is because of they do not know how to solah in a proper way.

Although, lack of learning applications that briefly teaches techniques and guideline

about solah during illness, Oral learning and textbooks have been considered outdated

and boring. Otherwise, the existing application don’t reach the expectation of effective

learning. Therefore, it is important for them to know how to pray during illness. In that

case, the failure to find out the source will drive to the failure for the patient to perform

the prayer.

1.4 Objective Study

• To analyses the need of solah during illness application.

• To design an application that provides a proper knowledge and means to

perform solah during illness that can help user to understand the topic.

• To develop an application that can be used on mobile platforms such as Android.

1.5 Scope

• User – Patient and medical practitioner

• Users can choose whether to learn solah in all kinds of category during


• Users can learn the topic about guideline solah during illness by playing

the 3D animation.

• User can send a feedback to the administrator for any suggestion and

comment about this apps.

• User can play an activity after learning the topic by clicking the activity

button to make sure they understand the learning.

• Admin

• Manage all the information (add new information, updates, delete) about

any current change.

• System

• The application is developed in Android platform.

1.6 Limitation of Work

The limitation of this application is it only focus on how to solah during illness

in particular method and only covers in Mazhab Shafi’e thought. Furthermore, this

system is developed based on android so that it only can be open using an android


1.7 Expected Result

The expected result for this manufacture of the proposed project are the user can

learn about solah during illness in interactive way of understanding the course. The 3D

animation that also provided in this application will help user to experience the real

environment of the learning process.



In this chapter, we will discuss about survey, evaluating and summarizing the existing

works and previous journal of a complete research that done by a researcher. It can be

a guideline to design a new application so that the new application can exaggerated the

better experience compare to the existing application. In this chapter, it includes all

techniques and method used in developing the application. Moreover, the comparative

research between the current system and developed system is to be done to overcome

the weakness of the current application.

2.1 Introduction

In this era of technology, there are numerous approaches to get information. We

can fundamentally discover it by reading a book, find someone to discuss in a specific

course and by simple search in internet. Although, there are also many application and

research that provide information needed. In that case, it is important to find the

favorable circumstances and inconveniences of every application before creating our

own application. In this section we also give correlation form for the previous

application to see similitudes and contrasts between the applications.

2.2 Related Project and Application

2.2.1 Panduan Solat Ketika Sakit

Application of Patient Prayer Guide is a lightweight app that features some

prayer guide picture illustrations for sick people. [MFK BestApps, 2017]

Figure 2.1: Show the interface of Panduan Solat Ketika Sakit Apps.

2.2.2 3D Hajj and Umrah Guide

This is another application that is connected 3D Hajj is the most wonderful and

interactive Hajj guide app that you will find on any mobile device. This app offers the

complete 3D model and easy-to-follow step by step instructions of all the places and

actions that are required for the completion of both Hajj and Umrah. This ultimate Hajj

guide has been created in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah. This app will amaze

you. [Pakistan Data Management Services, 2013]

Figure 2.2: Show the interface of 3D Hajj and Umrah Guide.

2.2.3 Bio Terapi Solat: 3D Integration in Solat Technique for Therapeutic Means

This research focuses on solat guidance in three dimensional (3D) ways. The

purpose of this research is to show the complete solat techniques as a therapy to the

human body and health using 3D model. This application is developed using 3D

Autodesk Maya software that includes the human model, movement (rigging) and other

multimedia elements that can create interactivity in this application. The application

shows a guideline of learning a perfect Solat Technique and the benefit of solat in the

therapeutic means. Usability test is performed to observe the usability and learnability

aspects of the application. [AF Rosmani, NA Zainuddin, SZ Ahmad, SZ Ramli, 2015].

Figure 2.3: Show the interface of Bio Terapi Solat: 3D Integration in Solat Technique

for Therapeutic Means.

2.2.4 Step by Step Salah Daily prayers: Namaz & Duas

Islamic Smartphone application for teaching Muslims everywhere throughout

the world about how to offer Salah (Namaz) with all the required information. It is a

complete guide for believers to get themselves comfortable with every aspect of daily

prayers. This app helps Muslims to complete one of the most important pillar (Salah)

of Islam. Suitable for kids, adults and everyone. Step by step app is classified in five

sections.1. Daily prayers 2. Occasional prayers 3. Arrangement 4. Making up 5.

Timings. [TAKBIR, 2018]

Figure 2.4: Show the interface of Step by Step Salah Daily prayers: Namaz & Duas.

2.2.5 SmartSolat Ustaz Don

Manual to Perform Solat (Muslim Daily Prayer) performed by al-Ustaz Don

Daniyal. SmartSolat contains the step-by-step animated guide to perform Solat (the

Muslim daily prayer). The Solat are performed five times a day including Subh (before

sunrise), Zuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon before dusk), Maghrib (dusk) and Isha' (at night).

Before each Solat, Muslim will cleanse themselves by performing Wudhu’. [,2016]

Figure 2.5: Show the interface of SmartSolat Ustaz Don

2.3 Research Comparison

Table 2.1 shows the comparison information for the existing application that required
the differences features

Applications Method Platform Function

Panduan Solat -Picture -Android -Provide detail
Ketika Sakit -Description information.

-Enable user to navigate

in the application.

3D Hajj and Umrah -3D Simulation -Android -Provide detail

Guide -Animation -IOS information with 3D
-Audio animation.

-System provide

Bio Terapi Solat: -3D Simulation -PC platform -Provide detail

3D Integration in -Animation information with 3D
Solat Technique for -Audio animation.
Therapeutic Means
-User can select the
desired options.

Step by Step Salah -2D picture -Android -Provide step by step

Daily prayers: -Description instruction
Namaz & Duas -It has a filter of what
kind of Islamic thought,
gender and etc.
-Using 2D image

SmartSolat Ustaz -2D Animation -Android -Using 2D animation

Don -Audio -IOS -Audio instruction

2.4 Chapter Summary

This chapter gives the information about the examination on the past research,

recent application, articles and project. The study is more on centering to execute

advancement and guide for the better application, to turn out with the new application

that advantage to all users



The methodology is one of the most important chapters in this entire project. It outlines

why you chose a particular methodology in order to solve the problem and secondly

explaining the plan to collect and analyses data. Moreover, methodology should aim to

provide the project with the information to allow it come to some conclusions.

3.1 Introduction

This chapter, discusses the methodology which is used in developing the

application project. The ADDIE Model is used in development of this project of Solah

Guide during Illness (SGdI) in 3D Animation. The chapter explains the detail about

every phase that involve on the project development. In order to ensure the effective of

the SGdI, good planning is required before the development process can be started. All

the method and processes undertaken in ADDIE Model are visible. Hence, the particular

activities of all phases are briefly explained as below.

3.2 ADDIE Model Methodology

In ADDIE model, there are five phase approach to building the effective

learning solution. The phase in ADDIE Model is Analysis Phase, Design Phase,

Development Phase, Implementation Phase and Evaluation Phase. All the method and

processes undertaken in ADDIE Model are visible. Hence, the particular activities of

all phases are briefly explained as below.

Figure 3.1: Describe the ADDIE Model.

3.2.1 Analysis Phase

The Analysis phase was the process of defining what need to be develop in 3D

mobile animation learning application. This phase is most consequential phase of

developing this project. The phase may include specific research techniques such as

needs analysis, job analysis and task analysis [4]. Specific research techniques are

which the I already observe from the previous chapter.

Comparison the project and simplify determine the most possible solutions.

Furthermore, it is essential thing to make a broad view of the instructional design. The

navigation structure for SGdI in 3D Animation app is shows in figure 3.2.1. The result

of this analysis drives me to make an application that use the 3D animation as the

environment of making the learning process become more interesting, effective, and


Figure 3.2: Shows the navigation structure for SGdI Mobile App.

3.2.2 Design Phase

In this phase, I recognize the design of the application and created framework

dependent on the functionalities that will be develop. In this stage I also creates the

strategy for the project objectives, assessment approach, activities, content, and how the

process is required. Sometimes, a prototype or multiple prototypes are created to

provide the users with options and demonstrate certain aspects of how the application

will look and feel before the full project is proceed or authorize for development.

3.2.3 Develop Phase

This is the process of creating and assembly of the material such as developing

function of each button. Therefore, all the materials will be used during instruction and

any kind of support. The storyboard made will be utilized as a guide to create the button

and the interface. The button is important role to enable users to explore in this

application. Each element in the application must match the application interface. Font

and color with appropriate style is made to attract users to use this application.

Meanwhile, the content of 3D animation is developed by using 3D production pipelines.

Figure 3.3: Shows the 3D Production Pipeline.

3.2.4 Implement Phase

Encompasses review and testing to ensure that the reference material,

equipment, tools, and software are ready for testing. This is followed by users

participating in the instruction. It is important part of this project to evaluate the

usability of this project. Moreover, the implementation process is used to detect errors

and problem in this application. There two parts in this implementation phase which is

testing run project and user testing run project.

1) Testing Run Project

• I will test run the project. While testing this project I have to make sure that the

project is successfully run correspondingly.

2) User Testing Run Project

• After testing the project, I have to test it to the user. User will give their feedback

before the final product can be launch to the bigger users. The Criticisms and suggestion

is taken and will be implemented later on.

3.2.5 Evaluate Phase

Assessment of this project intended to ensure the application and content

achieved the project objectives. The evaluation phase exists of two parts: formative and

summative. Formative evaluation is method for assessing an effectiveness of the project

while the project is in progress, while summative evaluation is a method for assessing

a project at the completion of the project. In formative part I make a debug which

required identifying the errors of this project and next I will find the solution of those

errors and problems.

1) Identifying Errors

• When the project is done for the testing phase, an error that appears should be

identified, what problem that occur during the implementation. Example a bug and

accuracy should be taken wisely for the developer to ensure the project efficiency.

2) Find the Solution

• After done identifying the problems the developer has to find the solution to

improve the project.

3.3 Hardware and Software Requirement

In the software development process, the requirement such as software and

hardware are the most important requirement to ensure that all system development

work perfectly without any problems. There are several requirements were used to

complete this project which is:

3.3.1 Hardware

Minimum requirement needed in the development of this system are:

i) Computer

Use to develop the application which required assembly those important

material for this project and store another document related to this project. Although it

is used to Modeling 3D character and others.

• Processor: Intel Core i5

• Memory: 4GB

• Hard disk: 370GB

• Operating System: Windows 10

• Graphic: NVIDIA GeForce 820

ii) Android Phone

Use to test and run the project.

• Memory: 3GB

• Storage: 36GB

iii) Hard drive

Used to backup file and material that related to this application project.

• Storage: 250GB

3.3.2 Software
Software requirement for this project are:

i) Unity 3D

• Used to create the 3D animation app and overall project.

ii) Autodesk Maya

• Used to develop a 3D character model.

iii) Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6

• Used to design interface, logo and button for the application and texture of 3D


iv) Firebase Google

• Used to store feedback from user.

v) Microsoft Office 2016

• Used to write proposal and report.

3.4 Project Framework

The framework is one of the important parts of application structure. This refer

to the specified the level of complexity that I will using unity as my general requirement

of this project. This 3D Unity software can be used to develop this apps in 3D animation

environment and also it also involves C# (pronounced C Sharp) which is the language

of this software.

For users, they learn the module given in this application as well as doing some

activities such as quiz. Their mobile phone screen will show content which are 3D

animation element such as solah in sitting position and many more.

Next, admin of this application is able to do all the activities by the users and

more importantly, admin can update the content of the mobile application including

information and 3D Animation.

Figure 3.4: Describe the framework of this application.

3.5 Application Design and Modelling

A storyboard is also a part of multimedia design process. The storyboard shows

the look and feel of the application that will be developed. Some of the storyboard can

be seen in interface prototype. For the application, developer need to create a storyboard

design including modelling the 3D model. This can otherwise help developer to shape

the best vision of the application.

3.5.1 Storyboard application

Main Manu


Click on the screen to


-Maklum Balas -Exit

Click any button to continue

Figure 3.5(i): Shows storyboard of Main Menu and Menu the application


-Smile Face
-Fill the form

Click any button to continue

Cara Bersuci Module

-Scroll button

User will learn the topic by
playing the animation

Solat Module

-Scroll button

User will learn the topic by
playing the animation

Figure 3.5(ii): Shows storyboard of Feedback, Cara Bersuci Module and Solat Module
the application

Doa Module

-Maklum Balas

Click any button to

Quiz Module

-Maklum Balas

Click any button to

Figure 3.5(iii): Shows storyboard of Doa Module and Quiz Module the application

3.5.2 3D Animation Production

In its simplest form, 3D animation is the process of creating three-dimensional

moving images in a digital environment. 3D models within a 3D software are carefully

manipulated to make them look like real moving objects. Just like traditional animation,

the goal of 3D animation is to make it appear on screen as if the images are actually

moving when in fact, they are simply a series of consecutive images which are shown

on a very fast sequence. The same principle is used in 2D or stop animation. The only

difference between 2D and 3D animation is that in 2D, images are hand-drawn while

the pictures are computer-generated in 3D.

Now, there are there general phases involved in the making of 3D animation,

modelling, texturing, rigging, animation and rendering. In this case I use Autodesk

Maya as may platform of modelling the 3d model. For Animation, I will first convert

all the 3D maya files to Filmbox(fbx) format file which Unity can read it.

i) Modelling

Creating a 3D character is a greater undertaking than people often realize.

Making 3d Model first you have to come up with the 3D model sheet. 3D model sheet

is a single painting or picture of character in a various angle of pose such as front, side

and top/bottom as a reference for your model. Depends on what you want to use as me

I’m using picture as my 3D model sheet.

We can start from a cube and next crafted polygon-by-polygon per the provided

reference pictures. If the character or object is symmetrical, we can use mirroring tools

to create a perfectly symmetrical model. The result shows as below.

Figure 3.6: Main character of this 3D animation.

Along with character we have to also create the others supporting model for
making the enviroment more realistic. The result show as below.

Figure 3.7: 3D Models that included chair, bed, table, room, and wudhu tap.


In order to give a character features like skin, clothing and hair color, texture

maps are essential. But before these maps can be created and applied, the modeler needs

to unwrap the UVs of the model. UV, or UVW, represent the different axes where the

3D model exists. UVW represent the XYZ axes respectively. [Autodesk, 2016]

We will choose edges on the model, mark them as seams and have the program

place the cut-out shapes onto a UV layout. The UV layout can be exported from the

program into a painting program like Photoshop and a 2D artist can paint the textures

there. The finished textures will be brought back to the 3D program and applied to the

character model. The result show as below.

Figure 3.8: Character with skin texture.


3D model by itself is a static mesh which cannot be animated by itself without

rigging it first. Therefore, creating a system for moving its limbs is essential. The task

of creating a system for moving a character by creating bones and joints is referred to

as a rigging while the structure itself can be referred to as a rig, armature or skeleton.

[Slick 3, 2016]

The first step to creating an internal digital skeleton, you must first create a

relationship between the mesh and the skeleton (known as skinning, enveloping or

binding). You can use the following methods to animate a skeleton: forward kinematics

(FK), inverse kinematics (IK), or IK/FK blending. Next adding a set of controls that the

animator can use to push and pull the character around.

Figure 3.9: Character that has been rigged.

iv)3D Animation

Animation is an optical illusion produced when a rapid succession of images

enters the eye. The brain processes them as though it is seeing movement. Twelve

principles of animation were devised in 1981 to assist in creating believable movement.

So starting by exporting the character that have been created in maya save it as file (fbx,

cd3, etc.). Next import it into the folder in Unity project.

After that setting up rig by right click the character and choose humanoid. Add

the animator controller and start making an animation. The result shows as below.

Figure 3.10: Character that has been animated.

3.6 Chapter Summary

This chapter explained the important use of methodology to complete this

project. The ADDIE method unable developer to perform appropriate system

development step by step. Besides that, by using this method developer will increases

the possibilities of achieved the objective. Moreover, this chapter also discussed the

hardware and software requirement for this application project



In this chapter, we will discuss about the implementation of the methodology discussed

in previous chapter and testing to obtain the result of each implementation.

Implementation is executed to ensure the system is developed according to the main

objectives of the system and fulfill the user requirement. Testing will be executed so

that the developer will recognize the defects as soon as possible and repair it


4.1 Implementation

The results of the project or study implementation are described in detail. Each

interface of the application be labeled and discussed in detail as if it were a user manual.

4.2 Mobile App Interface

4.2.1 Main Menu

Menu Button Exit Button

Button Next
Menu Volume

Figure 4.1: Shows the main menu page

The main menu is the first view of this app. Figure 4.1.2 shows the main menu

featuring seven optional buttons that user can pressed.

4.2.2 Menu

Figure 4.2: Shows the main menu page

When the “Menu button” button on the main menu is pressed this view will be

removed. Figure 4.2.2 is a display for users to choose. The user can also return to the

main menu view by selecting the arrow at the right side of this interface

4.2.3 Solat Menu

Figure 4.3: Shows the solat ketika sakit navigation button when the button is pressed.

4.2.4 Cara Bersuci Menu

Figure 4.4: Shows the cara bersuci navigation menu when the button is pressed.

4.2.5 Doa Page

Previous button Next button

Stop button
Play and Pause

Figure 4.5: Shows the doa pilihan navigation menu when the button is pressed

4.2.6 Quiz Page

Figure 4.6: Shows the main menu page

When the “Quiz” button on the main menu is pressed this view will be removed.

Figure 4.2.6 is a display to the users. The users have to complete the question by

answering the quiz. After done answering the quiz the score will appear and user can

go back to the main menu option page.

4.2.7 Maklum Balas Menu

Back button

Send button

Figure 4.7: Shows the maklum balas navigation menu when the button is pressed

4.2.8 Tetapan Menu

Figure 4.8: Shows the tetapan navigation menu when the button is pressed

4.2.9 Kredit Menu

Figure 4.9: Shows the kredit navigation menu when the button is pressed
4.2.10 Solat Ketika Duduk Page


Have no
“RUKUK” function yet

Figure 4.10: Shows the solat posisi duduk page

When the “Solat Posisi Duduk” button on the “Solat ketika Sakit” on press this

paper is removed. Figure 4.2.10 is the user's main view in Solat posisi duduk page.

Users can easily start the learning proses by pressing the button on the bottom side of

this interface. When the user pressed the button, example pressing button “RUKUK”

the user will hear the audio playing explaining the topic together with the animation.

The same result goes to all pages shows on 4.2.11, 4.2.12, 4.2.13, 4.2. 14 and 4.2.15.

4.2.11 Solat Ketika Baring Page

Figure 4.11: Shows the Solat posisi baring page

4.2.12 Solat Ketika Mengiring Page

Figure 4.12: Shows the Solat posisi mengiring page

4.2.13 Solat Isyarat Mata Page

Figure 4.1.13: Shows the Solat Isyarat Mata page

4.2.14 Cara Wudhu Page

Figure 4.14: Shows the Cara wudhu Page

4.2.15 Cara Wudhu Page

Figure 4.15: Shows the Cara Tayammum Page

4.3 Chapter Summary

In a nut shell for this chapter, part implementation in this chapter have been

describing and show all the user interfaces in the android application. It can act as a

guide for a new user to use this application. Maintenance should be carried out if there

are any bugs detected. The project will repeatedly be tested to minimize the error.



In this section concludes the documentation of this project in the aspect of analysis,

design, develop, implement and evaluation.

5.1 Project Contribution

Solah Guide during Illness (SGdI) in 3D Animation developed based on ADDIE

method mainly aims to assist patients that has some difficulties to perform their solah

in a normal way in a new interactive environment. Furthermore, the other aim is users

also can learn about the 3d animation production in their life. By using this application,

users have opportunities in learning or teaching as an approach to guide potential users

effectively due to the interactive and new technology way.

In that case, it is very convenience since it is an android application and can be

accessed by user everywhere where never they want because it did not use internet

connection. This application has multiple function such as access to not just learning

solah but provided an activity and chosen doa for user to read and explore more about

solah during illness.

5.2 Project Constraints and Limitation

The learning environment will really help user to understand without any

ambiguities of understanding the animation content. Somehow there are some problem

in this the project development where the animation is not playing well as expected.

This has caused due to lacking of knowledge in this field also make the project

development quite harder and not works well. There is also some button such as info

button that I want to put a function on it but can’t done it because of limited time taken

to make this application.

5.3 Future Works

Solah Guide during Illness (SGdI) in 3D Animation still has a lot of room to be

improved. There is some suggestion that can be made in order to upgrade the application

to be more efficient in the future. The suggestion is adding more animation of details

on each movement of solah and provide some user interaction which user can rotate

their view of the model. Then, this application also adds two languages such as English

and Arabic. Besides that, this application can be installed in IOS so the IOS user also

can installed it in their smartphone. I hope this application might be a sell in the market

so that we can share our knowledge.

5.4 Overall Conclusion

As a conclusion, Solah Guide during Illness (SGdI) in 3D Animation is the application

focuses on aimed to assist patients that has some difficulties to perform their solah in a

normal way. ADDIE model has been used in this application to analysis, design,

development, implementation and evaluation of the suitable category or type of mobile

devices for user’s daily life. The storyboard interface design that included in this report

can also act as a guideline for a user.


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Lifewire. Link address:




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Topic Discussion
and Determination
Project Title

Proposal writing

Proposal writing –
Literature Review

Proposal Progress
Presentation &



Proposed Solution

Proof of Concept

Drafting Report of
the Proposal

Submit a draft of
the report to


Correction Report

Final Report



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Project Meeting
with Supervisor


Proposal Progress
Presentation &


Project Testing

Submit Draft
Report and
Documentation of
the project


Discussion &
Correction Report

Final Thesis


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