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D Y Patil Knowledge City, Charholi (Bk), Lohegaon, Pune-412 105


This is to certify that the Elective IV titled

Environment and Energy Management

By Ms Taniqsha Wadhwani

Submitted to the D.Y Patil School of Architecture Charholi(bk), Lohegaon,

Pune (Affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University) in partial fulfillment of
the fifth year B. Arch 2015 Pattern SEM-X in the academic year 2020-21

This is a bonafide work completed under the guidance of

Prof.Himanshu Manjrekar

Prof. Himanshu ManjrekarProf. Shubhada Chapekar

Subject Incharge Principal

Prof. Pooja Godbole Soman Prof. Prathama Jhaveri

Electives co-ordinatorAcademic co-ordinator

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Name------------------- Name--------------------

Sign. Sign.


1. Lecture Summary……………………………………………………...………pg. 03
2. Summary of BP Energy Outlook 2019………………………………...….…pg. 11
3. Critical analysis of case studies of Energy Audit…………………...…… 17

Environment and energy policies and management in Indian context.

o The efficient use of energy means less energy consumption while getting the same output as
o The purpose of the Energy Conservation Building Code is to provide minimum requirements
for energy-efficient design and construction of buildings and their systems.
o ECBC was developed as a first step towards promoting energy efficiency in building sector.
o It is applicable to buildings or building complexes that have a connected load of 100kW or
o Buildings or complexes having conditioned area of 1000 sq. m. fall under this category.
o ECBC is mandatory for government buildings.

The provision of the ECBC applies to the following-

 Building envelopes, except for unconditioned storage spaces or warehouses.

 Mechanical systems and equipment including heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
 Service hot water heating.
 Interior and exterior lighting.
 Electrical powers and motors.


The overall heat transfer coefficient, or U-value, refers to how well heat is conducted through
over a series of resistant mediums. The conductivity of the material divided by the thickness of
material gives us its U-value.

Environment technology management- water and waste management technologies.

Waste water management

Waste water management is treatment of grey water and its utilization on site for flushing and/ or
landscaping purpose. The principal objective of wastewater treatment is generally to allow
human and industrial effluents to be disposed of without danger to human health or unacceptable
damage to the natural environment.

Energy Scenario.

Energy can be classified into several types based on the following criteria:

 Primary and Secondary energy.

 Commercial and Non-commercial energy.
 Renewable and Non-renewable energy.

Commercial Energy.

o The energy sources that are available in the market for a definite price are known as
commercial energy.
o More important forms of commercial energy are electricity, coal and refined petroleum
o Commercial energy forms the basis of industrial, agricultural, transport and commercial
development in the modern world.
o In the industrialized countries, commercialized fuels are predominant source not only for
economic production but also for many household tasks of general population. Examples:
Electricity, lignite, coal, oil, natural gas, etc.

Non-Commercial Energy.

o The energy sources that are not available in the commercial market for a price are
classified as non-commercial energy.
o They include fuels such as firewood, cattle dung and agricultural wastes, which are
traditionally gathered and not bought at a price.
o They are called as traditional fuels and are often ignored in the energy accounting.
o Example: Firewood, agro waste in rural areas, solar energy for water heating, electricity
generation for drying grain, fish and fruits; animal power for transport; threshing; lifting
water for irrigation; crushing sugarcane; wind energy for lifting water and electricity

Energy Distribution between Developed and Developing Countries.

o 80% of the world’s population lies in the developing countries, their energy consumption
amounts to only 40% of the world total energy consumption.
o The high standards of living in the developed countries are attributable to high energy
consumption levels.
o The rapid population growth in the developing countries has kept the per capita energy
consumption low compared with that of highly industrialized developed countries.
o The world average energy consumption per person is equivalent to 2.2 tonnes of coal.
o In industrialized countries, people use four to five times more than the world average, and
nine times more than the average for the developing countries.

Energy Conservation and its importance.

o Coal and other fossil fuels, which have taken three million years to form are likely to
deplete soon. In the last 200 years, we have consumed 60% of all resources. For
sustainable development, we need to adopt energy efficiency measures.
o When growth of energy consumption is reduced, measured in physical terms. Energy
conservation can therefore, be the result of several processes of developments such as
productivity increase or technological progress.
o On the other hand energy efficiency is achieved when energy intensity in a specific
product, process or area of production or consumption is reduced without affecting
output, consumption or comfort levels. Promotion of energy efficiency will contribute to
energy conservation and is an integral part of energy conservation promotional policies.
Energy Strategy for the future

1. Immediate term strategy:

 Rationalizing the tariff structure of various energy products.
 Optimum utilization of existing assets.
 Efficiency in production systems and reduction in distribution losses.
 Promoting R&D, transfer and use of technologies and practices for environmentally
sound energy systems.

2. Medium term strategy:

 Greater dependence on rail than on road for the movement of goods and passengers and a
shift away from private modes to public modes for passenger transport; changes in design
of different products to reduce the material intensity of those products recycling, etc.
 There is a need to shift to less energy intensive modes of transport. Similarly, better
urban planning would also reduce the demand for energy use in the transport sector.
 There is need to move away from the non-renewable to renewable energy sources viz.
solar, wind, biomass energy, etc.

3. Long term strategy:

 Efficient generation of energy resources.
 Improving energy infrastructure.
 Improving energy efficiency in accordance with national, socio-economic and
environmental priorities.
 Deregulation and privatization of energy sector.
 Investment legislation to attract foreign investments.

Energy Management in buildings- Demand and supply management.

o BIPV- Building integrated photovoltaic panel.

Building-integrated photovoltaics are photovoltaic materials that are used to replace
conventional building materials in parts of the building envelope such as the roof, skylights,
or facades.
o Passive solar architecture.
Passive Solar Architecture is a way of designing buildings that takes advantage of the
benefits of the local environment (such as sunlight), while minimising the adverse impacts of
the climate (such as cold night time temperatures) on the comfort level of the building.

Manual of Tropical Housing

Energy pricing in India

o Pricing does not reflect true cost.

o Energy prices are undervalued.
o It is influenced by political, social, economic obligations.


o Grade wise price.

o Pithead price compare favourably with import.
o Still imported due to its higher calorific value.


o Trying to get prices in line with international prices.

o LPG and kerosene, heavily subsidised.

Natural Gas

o Government is the sole authority of pricing.

o Piped gas: 25-35 Rs./ cum. CNG: 45-65 Rs./ kg.


o Electricity regulatory commission regulates its prices.

o Low Tension pay for usage; High Tension pay for both demand and usage kVA and kWh.

Provision of EC Act on S&L

o Evolve minimum energy consumption and performance standards for equipment.
o Designated consumers.
o Must carry out energy audits and act on their recommendations.

Energy Management and Audit

The judicious and effective use of energy to maximise profits, minimize costs and enhance
competitive positions. The strategy of adjusting and optimizing energy using system and
procedures so as to reduce energy requirements per unit of output while holding constant or
reducing total cost of producing the output from the system.

o Energy Audit is systematic approach for decision making in area of energy.

o Balance total energy inputs with its use quantifies energy usage according to its discrete
o Define and pursue comprehensive energy management programme.

Energy Conservation Act Definition

The verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical
report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis
and an action plan to reduce energy consumption.

Energy audit is for existing buildings

Sustainability audit is for proposed buildings.

Type of Energy Audit

1. Preliminary Energy Audit

o Estimated energy consumption.
o Estimate scope for saving.
o Identify the most likely areas of attention.
o Identify immediate savings.
o Set reference points.
o List areas of detailed study.
2. Detailed Energy Audit

Comprehensive audit provides a details energy project implementation plan for a facility since it
evaluates all major energy using systems. It gives an accurate estimate of energy savings and

It’s carried out in 3 phases.

o The pre-audit phase.

o The audit phase.
o The post-audit phase.

Ten Steps for Detailed Audit

Step 1. Plan and organise, Walk through audit, Informal interview with energy manager.

Step 2. Conduct of brief meeting/ awareness programme with all divisional heads and persons

Step 3. Primary data gathering, process flow diagram and energy utility diagram.

Step 4. Conduct survey and monitoring.

Step 5. Conduct of detailed trails for selected energy guzzlers.

Step 6. Analysis of energy use.

Step 7. Identification and development of Energy Conservation opportunities.

Step 8. Cost benefit analysis.

Step 9. Reporting and presentation to Top Management.

Step 10. Implementation and follow up.

Energy Audit Instruments

o Pilot tube and manometer.
o Water flow meter.
o Power Analysis. (Electric meter)
o Infrared Thermometer.
o Speed measurements.
o Leak Detectors.
o Lux meters.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

Matching Energy Usage to requirements.Mismatch between equipment capacity and user

requirement often leads to inefficient due to part load operations, wastages.

Energy Monitoring and Targeting

Energy monitoring and targeting is a management technique that uses energy information as a
basis to eliminate waste, reduce and control current level of energy use and improve the existing
operating procedures.

Steps for Energy Monitoring and Targeting

o Recording.
o Analysing.
o Comparing.
o Setting targets.
o Monitoring.
o Reporting.
o Controlling.

Particularly M&T system will involve the following

o Checking the accuracy of energy invoices.

o Allocating energy cost to specific departments.
o Determining energy performance.
o Recording energy use.
o Highlighting performance problems in equipment or systems.

Financial management

Organization typically give priority to investing in what they see as their core or
profitmaking activities in preference to energy efficiency. Even when they do invest in
saving energy, they tend to demand faster rates of return than required from other kinds of

Investment Appraisal
Energy manager has to identify how cost saving arising from energy management could be
redeployed within his organization the maximum effect. To do this, he has to work out how
benefits of increased energy efficiency can be best sold to top management as,
o Reducing operating/ production costs.
o Increasing employee comfort and well-being.
o Improving cost-effectiveness and profits.
o Protecting under-funded core activities.
o Enhancing the quality of service.
o Protective the environment.

Financial Analysis Techniques

o Simple Payback Period (SPP) represents, as a first approximation, the time (number of years)
required to recover the initial investment (first cost) considering only the Net Annual Saving.
o The simple payback period is usually calculated as follows:
o Simple Payback Period = First Cost/ (Yearly benefits – Yearly Costs)
o It is simple, both in concept and in application. Larger payback generally indicates a more
attractive investment. It does not use tedious calculations.
o It favours projects which generate substantial cash inflow in starting years and discriminates
against which bring substantial cash inflow in later years.

Return on Investment
o ROI expresses the annual return from the project as a percentage of capital cost.
o The annual return takes into account the cash flows over the project life and the discount rate
by converting the total present value of ongoing cash flows to an equivalent annual amount
over the life of the project which can then be compared to the capital cost.
o ROI does not require similar project life or capital cost of comparison.
o This is a broad indicator of the annual return expected from the initial capital investment
expressed as a percentage.
o ROI= Annual net cash flow/ (Capital Cost * 100).
o ROI must always be higher than cost of money (initial interest); the greater the return on
investment better is the investment.

 The Energy Outlook considers a number of different scenarios. These scenarios are not
predictions of what is likely to happen or what BP would like to happen. Rather they
explore the possible implications of different judgments and assumptions concerning the
nature of the energy transition. The scenarios are based on existing and developing
technologies which are known about today and do not consider the possibility of entirely
new or unknown technologies emerging.
 This year’s Energy Outlook considers three main scenarios which explore different
pathways for the global energy system to 2050 – Rapid, Net Zero, and Business as usual.
 The Rapid Transition Scenario (Rapid) posts a series of policy measures led by a
significant increase in carbon prices and supported by more-targeted sector specific
 The Net Zero Scenario (Net Zero) assumes that the policy measures embodied in Rapid
are both added to and reinforced by significant shifts in societal behavior and preferences,
which further accelerate the reduction in carbon emissions.
 The Business-as-usual Scenario (BAU) assumes that government policies, technologies
and social preferences continue to evolve in a manner and speed seen over the recent
 Primary energy demand increases by around 10% in Rapid and Net Zero over the
Outlook and by around 25% in BAU.
 The differences between the scenarios are driven by a combination of different
assumptions about economic and energy policies and social preferences.
 The transition to a lower carbon energy system in Rapid leads to a fundamental
restructuring and reshaping of the global energy system. There are several different
aspects to these changes – shift towards renewable energy and increasing diversification.
 Scientific evidence suggests that the dominant cause of climate change is the release of
Greenhouse gases (GHGs).
 The world economy continues to grow over the next 30 years, driven by increasing
wealth and living standards in the developing world, but at a slower rate than in the past.
 Growth in global energy demand is underpinned by increasing levels of prosperity in
emerging economies. Primary energy increases by around 10% in Rapid and Net Zero
and around 25% in BAU.
 The Covid-19 pandemic is foremost a humanitarian crisis, but the scale of the economic
cost and disruption is also likely to have a significant and persistent impact on the global
economy and energy system.
 There is a strong link between access to energy and economic well-being and prosperity.
Improving the quality of electricity access – and energy access more generally – across
the globe is likely to require a range of different policy approaches and technologies,
including the development of decentralized and off-grid power generation.
 The strength and composition of energy growth over the next 30 years depends
importantly on how that energy is used across the main sectors of the economy.
 Industrial energy demand in both Rapid and Net Zero is relatively flat over the Outlook,
dampened by increasing efficiency gains in industrial processes and an expansion of the
circular economy. The use of energy within industry shifts towards developing
economies and lower-carbon energy.
 The non-combusted use of fuels – predominantly as feedstocks for petrochemicals,
bitumen and fertilizers – is an important source of incremental demand for fossil fuels,
although less than in the past 20 years as environmental pressures increase.
 The growth of energy absorbed by the buildings sector emanates entirely from the
developing world, as improving wealth and living standards allow people to live and
work in greater comfort.
 The demand for passenger and commercial transportation increases strongly over the
Outlook, with road and air travel doubling in all three scenarios. The growth in final
energy required to fuel this increased travel is offset by significant gains in vehicle
efficiency, especially in passenger cars, trucks and aviation.
 The gains in energy efficiency are partially disguised by a shift away from oil towards the
increasing use of electricity and hydrogen in transport. In particular, the conversion
process used to produce these energy carriers boosts the total amount of primary energy
absorbed by the transport sector.
 Aviation and marine transport accounted for around 7 Mb/d and 5 Mb/d of oil
consumption in 2018 respectively. Demand for these services increases over the Outlook
in both Rapid and BAU: growth in shipping is driven by increased levels of trade; whilst
expansion in air-travel is underpinned by growing prosperity, especially in emerging

 Growth in global energy demand in all three scenarios is driven entirely by emerging
economies, underpinned by increasing prosperity and improving access to energy. Energy
consumption in the developed world falls as improvements in energy efficiency outweigh
demands from higher levels of activity.
 A key factor underlying the contrasting trends in energy demand in developed and
emerging economies are the significant differences in the level of energy consumption
per capita.
 These differences in energy consumption largely reflect differences in economic
development and prosperity, as well as a range of other factors, including economic
structure, local climatic conditions and differences in natural resource endowments.
 As well as differences in the pattern of energy demand growth across developing and
emerging economies, the nature of the energy transition also depends on variations in the
fuel mix in different parts of the world.
 The growth in renewables (including bio energy) is part of a broader trend towards a
lower carbon fuel mix, supported by higher carbon prices and other policies.
 The global energy system is highly interconnected, with huge international flows of
traded energy. In 2018, almost three-quarters of global oil production was traded
internationally and around a quarter of natural gas.
 The disruptions associated with Covid-19 may lead to a process of deglobalization, as
countries seek to increase their resilience by becoming less dependent on imported goods
and services, and companies reshore certain activities and move supply chains closer to
home. One manifestation of these trends is that concerns about energy security may
increase, particularly in countries which are highly dependent on energy imports.


 The growth in primary energy over the Outlook is dominated by renewable energy, as the
world shifts towards lower-carbon energy sources.
 The global market for liquid fuels (oil, biofuels and other liquids) transitions as oil
demand peaks and supplies shift. The outlook for liquid fuels demand is dominated by
the impact of Covid-19 in the near-term and by their declining use in the transport sector
further out.
 The carbon emissions associated with the production and transportation of crude oil and
condensates accounted for around 5% of total carbon emissions from energy use in 2015.
The outlook for refining is downbeat, reflecting the impact of Covid-19 in the near term
and a combination of declining liquid fuels demand and increasing competition from
alternative feedstocks further out.
 The outlook for gas is more durable than for coal or oil, helped by broad based demand
and the increasing availability of global supplies. The pattern of changes in global gas
consumption varies markedly across the three scenarios reflecting differences in the pace
and extent of the low-carbon transition.
 Natural gas can potentially play two important roles in an accelerated transition to a low-
carbon energy system:
o supporting a shift away from coal in fast growing, developing economies in which
electricity demand and other uses of coal are growing quickly, and renewable and
other non-fossil fuels may not be able to grow sufficiently quickly to replace coal
on their own; and
o as a source of (near) zero-carbon power when combined with CCUS, either as a
direct source of energy to the power and industrial sectors or to produce blue
 LNG expands significantly in both Rapid and BAU, leading to a more competitive,
globally integrated gas market.
 Renewable energy used in the power sector – wind, solar, biomass and geothermal –
grows quickly in all three scenarios, aided by falling costs of production and policies
encouraging a shift to lower-carbon energy sources. The growth of wind and solar power
generation in all three scenarios requires a significant acceleration in the build out of
renewable capacity.
 The falls in global coal demand are matched on the supply side by significant falls in
Chinese coal production, which accounts for the vast majority of the production declines
in both Rapid and BAU.
 Nuclear energy grows throughout the Outlook in all three scenarios, as strong growth in
China offsets weak or falling nuclear power generation in the developed world.
 Hydroelectricity expands throughout the Outlook, but the pace of growth slows in the
second half of all three scenarios as the availability of the most advantaged sites
gradually wanes.


 The world continues to electrify, leading the power sector to play an increasingly central
role in the global energy system.
 The growth of global power generation is dominated by renewable energy. Renewable
energy, led by wind and solar power (and including biomass and geothermal), more than
accounts for the entire growth in global power generation in Rapid and Net Zero and for
around three quarters of the growth in BAU.
 The challenge of decarbonizing the power sector in economies and regions in which there
is strong growth in electricity demand is illustrated by the outlook for the Indian power
 The use of hydrogen as an energy carrier increases significantly in Rapid and Net Zero as
the world transitions to a lower-carbon energy system. The hydrogen can be used either
directly or combined with (bio) carbon or nitrogen to make it easier to transport.
 The production of hydrogen in Rapid and Net Zero is dominated by green and blue
hydrogen. Green hydrogen is made by electrolysis using renewable power; blue hydrogen
is extracted from natural gas (or coal) and the displaced carbon is captured and stored


 The impact of Covid-19 causes carbon emissions from energy to fall sharply in the near-
term. Although emissions subsequently pick up as the global economy recovers, the level
of carbon emissions in Rapid and Net Zero do not return to their pre-pandemic levels.
 The reduction in carbon emissions in Rapid and Net Zero reflect a combination of
increased switching to low-carbon fuels, greater gains in energy efficiency, and growing
use of carbon capture technologies (CCUS).
 The transition to low-carbon energy system in Rapid and Net Zero leads to a fundamental
restructuring of the global energy system. These traditional forms of energy are replaced
to a large extent by low carbon energy carriers in the form of electricity and, to a lesser
extent, hydrogen.


 There is significant uncertaintysurrounding the structure of the global energy system in a

net-zero world. There are (at least) five sources of uncertainty surrounding the size and
structure of a net-zero energy system.
 Energy demand: The nature of a net-zero energy system will depend importantly on its
overall size. Even if the vast majority of this primary energy is zero carbon, the overall
footprint of the energy system is still likely to have wider implications due to the
competing demands for (and environment impacts of) the materials, land and water it
 Electrification and the power sector: A net-zero energy system is likely to be
characterized by a substantial increase in the electrification of energy-consuming
activities, with the electricity generated from a fully decarbonized (or net negative) power
 Other zero-carbon energy sources and carriers: The use of both oil and natural gas in a
net-zero energy system is likely to decline substantially from current levels.
 Oil and natural gas: Bioenergy and hydrogen – alongside electricity – are likely to play
an increasing role in a net-zero energy system.
 Carbon capture and negative emission technologies: Technologies which capture carbon
emissions or extract them from the atmosphere are likely to play a material role in a net-
zero environment. There are other NETs, such as direct air capture and biochar which,
although not explicitly included in Net Zero, may also play a material role in balancing
total GHGs as the world moves to net zero.


 The energy transition requires significant levels of investment, with material shifts in the
pattern of that investment across different energy sources.
 Rapid and Net Zero scenarios imply a significant increase in investment in wind and solar
power capacity relative to the past. BAU also implies an increase in investment in wind
and solar capacity.
 The marked decline in oil and natural gas demand in Rapid and Net Zero is reflected in a
sharp slowing in the pace of upstream investment relative to the past and is significantly
lower than the investment in wind and solar capacity implied by these scenarios.
 Even though the demand for oil and natural gas peaks and falls in nearly all the scenarios,
the faster rate of decline in existing production means that significant amounts of new
upstream investment in oil and natural gas production is required in all three scenarios.
In order to reduce the cost of the bill my we need to conduct the Energy Audit of the apartment.
The area of house is 128 sq. m. It is based on ground floor which contain about 3 rooms, 3
toilets, Kitchen, Dining area, Hall and store room.
There were different appliances identified to observe consumer’s preferences with their use by
electricity consumptions in the Residence. Fan is the major electricity consuming home
appliance with highest contribution to total consumption, while Lighting is identified as second
high electricity consuming appliance, where air conditioners are ranked third by consuming .
The following is the list of appliances:

Recommendation without Investment.
According to the layout of the home, we have recommended some of the best saving tips by
which they can save electrical energy and tariff without any investment by proper utilization and
also reduce the tariff in their bills. These are some important tips to save energy at home. .
 Unplug and switch off the entire electrical device of appliance that is not in used to
reduce no-load losses.
 Clean the light fixtures regularly as a heavy coat of dust can block 50% of light output.
 Clean the fans regularly as heavy coat of dust in fan blades reduces motor efficiency and
 Set your refrigerator temperature with respect to the climatic condition
 Defrost the refrigerator regularly and don’t leave your fridge open, 30% of cool air get
escape as well as in microwave hot air is escaped.
 Run the washing machine with full load.
 Clean the Air conditioner duct and filter regularly to reduce the power consumption and
increase cooling.
 Use the heavy load appliances in the non-peak load condition.
Recommendation with Investment .

 Proposed Scenario

The new BEE star rated ceiling fans have lower consumption than the conventional fans.
Therefore the conventional fans should be replaced with the BEE star rated energy
efficient ceiling fans.
Havells ceiling fans are 5 stars rated and are having power consumption of 50 W only.

 Energy Saving Calculations

The energy saving possible can be calculated by using the following formula:

Annual kWh saving = (P1 – P2) x operating hours and annual working days
P1    = power consumption of existing fan
P2    = power consumption of proposed fan

 Annual Energy Savings and related Baseline parameters

Annual energy savings were calculated using the above formulas. Following table shows
the annual energy savings possible in different buildings by replacing the existing fan by
star rated energy efficient fans:

Total No. of Existing Fans 8

Wattage of Existing Fans 75

Wattage of Proposed Fans 50

Working hours per day 8

Total working days 365

Annual kWh saving 9125

Unit Rate per kWh Rs. 7

Annual saving in Rs. Rs.63,875

The total annual kWh saving is 9125

In rupees it is Rs. 63,875
The technical details of the proposed fan of Havells are as follows:
Havells Energy Saver:
o Model No. ES 50
o BEE 5 stars rated
o 1200 & 1400 mm
o Low power consumption - 50W only
o Optimum performance even at low voltage
o Excellent and long lasting paint finish
o Double ball bearings
o Aluminum motor covers of bigger diameter
o Aluminum blades
 Cost Benefit Analysis
o Investment Costs
The investment cost of the fans can be calculated as follows:
Total Investment cost of 1200 mm fan = total no. of fans required x unit cost
= 8 x 1685
= Rs. 13,480
Total Investment cost of 1400 mm fan = total no. of fans required x unit cost
= 8 x 1800
= Rs. 14,400
o Simple Payback Period

For 1200 mm Fan:

Simple payback period (months)    = Capital cost of the Project ( in Rs) /
net annual savings (in Rs)
=13,480 X 12/63,875
= 2.5 months
For 1400 mm fan:
Simple payback period (months)    = Capital cost of the Project ( in Rs) /
net annual savings (in Rs)
= 14,400 X 12 /63,875
= 2.7 months

Rough Cost of 3 Star AC = Rs. 38,000
Rough Cost of 2 Star AC = Rs. 32,000
Saving on Fixed Cost = Rs. 6000 (If you buy 3 STAR Split AC)
Annual Power Consumption of 3 STAR Daikin Inverter Split AC (1600 hours in a year)
= 1045 Units or kWh
Annual Power Consumption of 2 STAR LG Inverter Split AC (1600 hours in a year)
= 1440 Units or kWh
Annual Electricity Bill per Year (assuming Rs. 7 per unit):
Assuming that AC is operated only in summer i.e. 4 months and 8 hours a day = 120×8 = 960
Power Consumption of 3 STAR Daikin Inverter Split AC for 960 hours
= (1045×960) / 1600
= 450 Units or kWh
Power Consumption of 2 STAR LG Inverter Split AC for 960 hours
= (1440×960) / 1600
= 864 Units or kWh
Electricity bill for3 STAR Daikin Inverter Split AC for the entire summer of a year
= Rs. 450×7
= Rs. 3150
Electricity bill for 2 STAR LG Inverter Split AC for the entire summer of a year
= Rs. 864×7
= Rs. 6048
Difference in bill of 5 STAR and 3 STAR AC
= Rs. (6048-3150)
= Rs. 2898
Number of years required to save Rs. 6000 electricity bill for 3 STAR AC
=  6000 / 2898
=2 years
So, the payback period is 2 years.
The technical details of the proposed split ac of Daikin are as follows:

Daikin 1 Ton 3 Star Inverter Split AC (Copper ATKL35TV White)

1) Capacity: 1 Ton.
2) Energy Rating: 3 Star.
3) Annual Energy Consumption: 732 units. ISEER Value: 3.7
4) Manufacturer Warranty : 1 year on product, 1 year on condenser, 5 years on compressor
5) M.R.P.: ₹ 38,000

Energy audit was conducted to reduce the electricity bills and make the house appliances more
efficient and effective by the help of instrumentation, changing the few appliances, reducing
working hours for the operation of the appliances so by the help of them reducing the units of the
electricity, cost of the electricity and heavy load. In this complete process, we are stick with
gadgets and tools to get the data and make it more useful. In this complete energy auditing, will
provide complete summary of recommendation on overall and major component of the home
including estimated cost, energy saving and payback time period.
In complete energy audit, we were observed that by changing appliances and equipment’s and
reducing the working hours of the appliances we can surely decrease the bills and improve the
efficiency of the any residence.

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