Tocino Making

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“Tocino Making”

The whole process of making a home-made Tocino was completely
fun. For the reason that since when I was a child, I used to dream of
becoming a great chef one day, but it was changed when I grew up but not
completely though. When I was doing the whole process of this, I was a little
bit confused and nervous of what I would do next or am I doing things
respectfully right? I used only ½ kg of pork that is why my Tocino was not
that much. Since my pork was not the exact kilogram from the given
ingredients with corresponding measurement of each, I have to adjust the
original one in order for my Tocino to taste not that so bad. Then, after
everything was done and executed, I was really uncertain of what my
Tocino’s taste would going to be like. I know that some of my measurement
when it comes to its some ingredients were not right or perfect. However, I
am still proud of myself for trying my best, making it to the best that I
could. So, after the whole process of mixing together all the ingredients, I
put it inside the ref and stayed there for 24 hours. Afterwards, I took it from
there to cook it all already, and here comes the final result. Since the pork
that I had bought had some fats in it, I did not throw the fats but instead I
included it and got marinated. Since the fat itself has its own oil, I decided to
put them first on the pan, the fat ones, so that they would release some oil,
and would consequently be used as my cooking oil for the other ones. Then,
I cooked already the nonfat-ones and tasted afterwards one of them. I was
so glad because the taste was not bad, in fact it was so good for me.
Nevertheless, its color was not that the same as the typical Tocino. The color
of my Tocino was a little bit weird compared to others. Yet after all, what
truly matters is the taste not the color though. After I cooked everything, I
let my friends and my family to taste it, and they said that it was not bad,
yet not good enough either. Despite of their comments, I am still proud of
myself for this new accomplishment and experience. The result was not that
bad for a first timer. The important thing is the new learning. I will never
forget of what I have learned from this experience. If someday I would have
another chance to make another Tocino, for sure there will be already an
improvement from this one. To sum up everything, this is one of the
activities that I have done that I considered as an unforgettable and fun, at
the same time. Because of this activity, I once experienced to be seemed
like a chef which somewhat prompted me from my childhood dream.

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