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Parry Infrastructure Company Private Limited


3.1 Pollution Control Facilities

The major contributions of pollution from proposed refined sugar unit and Gas based
cogeneration plant are aqueous effluents and gaseous emission form utilities. The water
pollution is due to the effluent generated from the process, utility blow downs and from
domestic facilities. The effluent generated from the process and utility blow downs will
have considerable amount of COD load, TDS load and suspended solids, which has to
be effectively treated. The contributions of pollution are solid wastes and noise. The
pollution control measures proposed for each of the above is described below.

3.1.1 Water Pollution

The contribution of effluent from process plant is from Ion Ex wastewater, plant
washings from process, utility blow downs and from domestic facilities. The effluent
generated from process and utility blow downs shall be treated in the effluent treatment
plant (Activated Sludge Process) and treated effluent shall be used for green belt
development within plant premises and domestic effluent shall be sent to septic tank
followed by soak pit. The schematic diagram of effluent treatment plant is presented in
fig 3.2. The total effluent generated and characteristics of effluent before treatment is
presented in table 3.1.

Parry Infrastructure Company Private Limited

Table 3.1 Total Effluent Generation And Characteristics

S.No Description Kl/Day Characteristics
1 Effluent from Process and washings 492 pH : 7.5-8.0
COD : 3500
BOD : 2500
TDS : 4100
2 Boiler Tower Blow down 64.8 pH : 6-8.5
TDS : 1800
TSS : 120
3 Cooling Tower Blow down 192 pH : 6-8.5
TDS : 1241.4
TSS : 120
4 Water from scrubber 144 pH : 7.5-8.5
(Flue gas condensation) TDS : 1064.6
Total 892.8 pH : 7.5-8.5
COD : 1300 
TDS : 1991.85
Note: All the parameters are expressed in mg/l except pH.

Effluent Treatment Plant Process Description

Total effluent will be subjected to the screening and under-gravity O & G removal in the
trap. Then effluent shall then flow to an equalization and surge control tank. The
effluent from the equalization tank shall be pumped into buffer tank. Lime solution
shall be added as per requirement for pH adjustment.

In buffer tank, the complex organics in the wastewater is subjected to hydrolysis. The
hydrolyzed effluent shall be pumped from the buffer tank for anaerobic treatment in
the UASB reactor.

UASB reactor consists of mainly feed distribution network at the bottom, sludge blanket
at approx mid height of reactor and the gas, liquid, solid separator at the top of the
reactor. In the UASB process the bacteria responsible for digestion process are present
in the form of sludge blanket. The bacteria grow and reside as bacterial flocs suspended
in the up flow effluent stream. The bacteria take upon organic content of wastewater to

Parry Infrastructure Company Private Limited

metabolize it and produce biogas and biomass. UASB operates in the mesophillic range
of temperature, i.e., 36OC-40OC. The pH inside the reactor is usually kept around 7.2
while proper ratio of volatile acid and alkalinity is maintained.

Biogas is collected at the top of the reactor and burnt in flare stack. If biogas utilization
is aimed for biogas –handling units such as gasholder, blower and burners etc. will
have to be additionally provided. The anaerobically digested effluent is collected from
the network of gutters and launchers and sent to extended aeration tank.

Extended Aeration Tank

The Anaerobically treated complete effluent enters into Extended Aeration Tank. In
EAT microorganisms degrade soluble organics aerobically. In order to ensure required
population of bacteria in EAT, a requisite Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) is
maintained in EAT. To maintain requisite MLSS and Food to Microorganisms ratio
(FM), part of the settled sludge from clarifier will be recirculated back to aeration tank.
An aeration system consisting of sludge from clarifier will be recirculated back to
aeration tank. An aeration tank system consisting of surface aeration system shall be
used to provide oxygen to bacteria.

Secondary Clarifier
The mixed liquor form EAT enters the central well of clarifier for separation of sludge
and liquid. The clarifier is a hopper bottom circular tank with centrally driven clarifier
mechanism. In clarifier solids get settled at the hopper bottom. The supernatant form
the clarifier overflows uniformly over the peripheral launder. A part of sludge from the
clarifier is recirculated back to aeration tank while balance is sent to sludge drying beds
for disposal. Characteristics of treated effluent are presented in table 3.3 respectively.
Schematic diagram of Effluent treatment plant is presented in fig 3.2.

Parry Infrastructure Company Private Limited

Fig 3.2 Schematic Diagram of Effluent Treatment Plant
Parry Infrastructure Company Private Limited

Table 3.3 Characteristics of Effluent After Treatment

S.No Parameter Unit Values
1 pH -- 7.5 – 8.0
2 Dissolved solids mg/l <1200
3 Suspended solids mg/l < 100
4 Chemical oxygen demand – COD mg/l < 250
5 Chlorides as Cl -
mg/l < 250
6 Sulphates as So4-- mg/l < 150
7 Oil & grease mg/l BDL
Note: All the parameters are expressed in mg/l except pH.

3.1.2 Air Pollution

The fuel used for the gas turbine and boiler is Natural gas and the quantity of fuel
consumption at 100% load is 320,000 Sm3/day (for 35 MW). The flue gases released
shall be emitted through a stack of 35 meters height. The flue gases released shall be
emitted through a stack of 35 meters height. It is also planned to have a by pass stack
between the gas turbine and the boiler for emergency operations only, at a height of 35
meters. The emissions released from the standby DG sets shall be emitted through a
stack of 5 meters height above roof level, the emissions of which will have insignificant
impact on surrounding environment and industry is meeting the prescribed limits of

The major pollutants generated from the fuel combustion are SO 2, NOx and CO.
Based on fuel analysis and combustion details the emission rates of above pollutants are
calculated. The emission details of various pollutants are presented in table 3.4. The
emission strengths were calculated based on the information provided by the technical

Parry Infrastructure Company Private Limited

Table 3.4 Emission Details of Pollutants From Stack

S.No Stack Stack Dia. of Temp. Exit Pollutant
Attached to Height flue at of Velocity Emission Rate
(m) the top exhaust (m/sec) (g/sec)
(m) gases

1 130 TPH 35 3.0 407 25 ---- 0.15 10.69 3.2

Natural Gas
Fired Boiler
2 DG sets 5.0 0.15 440 7.5 0.008 0.677 0.828 --
(2X500 KVA)

3.1.3 Solid Waste

The solid waste generated from process is Calcium Phosphate and it shall be sold to
industries that consume this product for their process, such as fertilizer. Sludge
generated from ETP shall be used as manure in the green belt. Solid waste generated
form the plant and mode of disposal is presented in table 3.5.
Table 3.5 Solid Waste Generation and Mode of Disposal
S.No Description Quantity Mode of Disposal
1 Calicum 7 TPD Sent to Fertilizers
1 Used Batteries 2 nos/year Sold to Authorized recyclers
2 Waste Oil 500 l/year Sold to Authorized recyclers
3 Sludge from ETP 1.2 TPD Used as Manure

3.1.4 Noise Pollution

Sources of Noise pollution anticipated from motors, turbine, and from DG sets.
Acoustic enclosures shall be provided to turbines. The DG shall be kept in a separate
room with acoustic enclosure. Motors shall be provided with guards and shall be
mounted adequately to ensure the reduction of noise and vibration. The employees
working in noise generating areas shall be provided with appropriate hearing
protection. The employees shall be trained in the mitigation measures and personal
protection measures to be taken to avoid noise related health impacts.


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