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With your partner, search of an issue on education and discuss them through the available tools and

applications online. Screen shot or record your discussions. Make a summary,not more than 3
paragraphs, and submit it. (20 points)

Title of the Issue: Issues on Education

Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world.” As citizens of the United States of America we are very lucky to have access to a free
education. There are many things we take for granted when it comes to education, however there are
also many things that we can improve on, when it comes to education. In high schools across the globe
(including West Ottawa High School) there are many things that can be improved upon. Many students
often recognize these issues, while teachers, and adults fail to notice these problems. Students, however
do not always have the courage, nor feel the need to notify the teachers, or administrators about the
problems within our education system.

First of all, school systems prioritize grades, more than actually obtaining knowledge on the subject at
hand. Teachers, and parents are so concerned on the letter grade that there student is getting, and get
so caught up in percentages, and letter grades, and are too naive to realize that the student may not
truly be learning. A student can memorize facts, and data, and get a perfect score on a test, without
genuinely understanding the curriculum. Teachers unknowingly manipulate a student into prioritizing
grades, over actually obtaining knowledge. This happens at schools across the world. Students get so
caught up in the idea that the need to get a perfect score, or get the best grade possible that they do
not actually learn the information being thrown at them. The idea that grades are more important than
knowledge is not setting up students for the real world.

Be that as it may, there are many things that can help fix these problems that are occurring within our
high schools. Our schools need to give students more freedom, when choosing classes. This will help fix
the problem that schools have, where students have no desire to learn. Students will want to try harder,
and put in more effort to learn if they are taking a class that they have interest in. If schools can do
things like this, in order to make kids want to learn, it can solve numerous amounts of problems within
our schools. Students who have the desire to learn, will be much less likely to cheat on a test. Also, by
giving students the ambition to learn, it will allow them to apply those things that they learn to real life
situations, and make them a better problem solver overall. Also there are many students, who feel
slowed down by their classmates, who may learn at a slower rate than them, and a simple solution to
that is to organize classes by students level of learning.

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