汉语教程lesson 1

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D yi ke NI háo

Kèwén Text

A: !
NY ho!

B: t!
Ni hão!

EShêngclNew Words
1. ni you (singular)
2. HE) hão good; fine

ni hão Hello! How are you?

3. () yi one

4. h Wu five
5. () ba eight
6. HE) da big
7. bù not

Okupta lerbitan Indonesia dipegang oleh PT. Legocy Utama Kreasindo

Fok Cpta
dilindungi Undang Undang -1
8. ( 4 , lt) Kou mouth; (a classifier for
family members)
9. (HE) bdi white

10. () nu female; woman

11. 4 () md horse

E i# YyinPhonetics
-) Initials

b m f w
t n

g h

( )FinalsFinals

EInitial-final Combinations


ba bo bu bai bei bao

pa po pi pu pai pei pao pou

m ma mo me mi mu mai mer mao mou

fa fo fu fel fou

da de di du dai dei dao dou

te ti tu tai tao tou


nei nao nou

na ne n nu nu na

Hok CIpto Terbitan hdonesia dipegang oleh PI.Legacy Uhama Kre

Hok Cpta dllindungi lhdang-Uho
o e ai ei OU

e u lai lei lao lou


ge gu gai gei goo gou

ke ku kai kei kao kou

he hu hai hei hao hou

ha sa*a-aowounaon*o-******************

** *oaou ** =

wu yu

) Tones
55: à i ú
F the lst tone

35: 6 ú
the 2nd tone
214; i u
the 3rd tone
the 4th tone 51: à i ù

PE Zhoshi Notes

-) FNAR Formation of Chinese syllables

5 *M 4. BIku: b, m, h. RMAHH$, u : à,

Most Chinese syliables are formed by a combination of the initials, finals and

tones. For example, bà, má, hão. The consonant at the head of a syllable (b, m,
h in the above examples) is called the initial. The rest of the syllable is the final (à,
, do). The contemporary Chinese putonghua has over 400 syllables.

( S Descriptions of articulation

Initials; b p m f d tng kh


lebitan Ihdonesia dipegang oleh PIL legoacy Uiama Kreasindo

Gpta dilindungi Undang Undang -3-
bilabial plosive. Lung air is compressed h
This is an unaspirated voiceless the
Then the air escapes with a sudden release of the lip cloa.
closure of the lips. sure,
with no vibrations of the vocal cords.

Aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive. The position of articulation is the same as

that of b. The air is released forcibly with a puff, with no vibrations of vocal

m m

Unaspirated bilabial nasal. The lips form

closure, and the soft palate and uvu-
are lowered. The air stream
of vocal cords.
passes through the nasal cavity, with the vibration

Voiceless Labio-dental
fricative. The upper teeth
lower lip and the air is make a light contact
released in between with with the
vocal cords. friction, with no vibrations of

4 Hak Cinta Tadi t

d t)

lUnaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive,. The primary obstacle is formed by a clo-

Sure made between the tip of the tongue and the upper alveolar ridge. Lung air is
compressed behind this closure. and then escapes with force upon release of the

alveolar closure, with no vibrations of the cords.

4. K R ) .
Alveolar voiceless alveolar plosive. Is position and manner of articulation are

the same as those of d, but it is aspirated, with no vibrations of vocal cords.


Alveolar nasal. The tongue-tip is pressed against the upper alveolar ridge, the
soft palate and uvula are lowered, and the air is let out through the nasal cavity

with the vibrations of the vocal cords.

, ¥ . FAM ä , t n R , M E M M H .

Aveolar lateral. The tongue-tip makes a light contact with the upper alveolar
ridge, but slightly more to the back than the position for n. The air stream is re

leased from the sides of the tongue. The vocal cords vibrate.


L pta lerbitan hdonesia dipegang oleh PT. Legocy Utama Kreasindo

ok Cpta
dilindungi Undong-Undang 5-
Unaspirated voiceless velar plosive. The back of the tongue is raised to fom.
closure with the soft palate. Lung air escapes with force upon sudden release o

the closure, with no vibrations of vocal cords.

k [k]

Aspirated voiceless Velar plosive. Its position and mannner of articulation are
the same as those of g except that it is aspirated, with no vibrations of vocal


h [x]

Voiceless velar fricative. The back of the tongue is raised towards the soft pal-
ate. The air stream is expelled from the lungs, causing some frictions in the vo-
cal tract, with no vibrations of vocal cords.

Single finals: a o ei u ü

The mouth is wide open; the tongue is at its lowest; the lips are unrounded.

The opening of the mouth is medium; the tongue position is midhigh, and
slightly to the back; the lips are rounded.

e x
H , ¥ 5 , G, R .
The opening of the mouth is medium; the tongue position mid-high and slightly

Hak Cpta lerb1tan indoneaa dipegang oleh PI. legocy Utama Kreas
-6 hok Lipta dindung1 Unaang-Unao
to the back; and the lips unrounded.

The opening of the mouth is narrow, the lips are spread, and the tongue posi-

tion high and slightly to the front.

u [u]

The opening of the mouth is namrow, the lips are fully rounded, and the tongue

position high and slightly to the back.

F i. 1EAB, E5RuH.
The tongue position is identical to that of i, and the lips are rounded to a degree

similar to u.

Compound finals: ai ei ao Ou

ailai eil ei ao ao oulou

AMËai p9 a i t ) i MM), F [a), t [a] . t

Infuenced by the i behind it, the a in the compound final ai is pronounced as

[a]. The tongue position is a little more to the forward than [ a]. The other
traits of this sound are the same as AJ.

ei a e iF Lej
The e in ei is pronounced as e .

p t a lerbitan Indonesia dipegang oleh Pl. Legacy Utama Kreasindo

Upta dilindungi Undang-
Influenced by the o behind it, the d in 00 is pronounced as laj.

E) #3 Rules of writing the transcription

i,u, ü J Å . HR$IHAIGR yi, wu, yu,

1, u, and ü may fom independent syllables. In wnting they are respectively vi

WU and yu.

P9) Tones

K A A H , *IA : -( - ) , (
(A), (BYA), # A , kkNEXF 0:
The Chinese putonghua has four basic tones. They are shoWn by the tone-marks;

- (the lst tone), (the 2nd tone), (the 3rd tone), (the 4th tone). Dif
ferent tones may express different meanings, e. g.

bã bá b bà
eight pull target dad

mä má md md
mum numb horse scold

yi y y y
one move chair a hundred million

ba bá bå bà

eight to pull target dad

Hak Cipta Terbitan hdonesia dipegang oleh PI. legocy Utama Kreasinoe
8 Hak Cpto dilindngi Undang-Uhdang

TE. : hôo, mèi, lóu

Tane-marks should be placed on the main vowels. When the vowel i carries a

indicator, the dot on is

removed, e.
g. ni, bi. If there are two or more than two

ols in a syllable, the tone-mark is
placed on the one which requires a bigger (or
shebiggest) opening of the mouth, e.g. hdo, mèi, lóu.

Modulations of tones

When a 3rd tone is immediately followed by another 3rd tone, the former is pro-
nounced as the 2nd tone, e. g.

ni hão ní hdo

AN Syllables and Chinese characters

The characters are the written symbols of the Chinese language. Every syllable can
be written into one or several characters, e. g.

ba bá b ba

mã ma m ma

y y

p t a lerbitan Indonesia dipegang oleh PT. Legacy Utama Kreasindo

rok Cpta
dilindungi Undarg-Undang

A Tones

yi yi y
Wu wu
Wu wu wu
yu yú
yu yu yu
b bä
ba b b
d dà dà
do dá
bu bù bù
bu bu
nu nù nu
nú nu
kou kòu- kou
kou kóu

bái bäi bai bái

hei hei hei hei
md md md m

ni ni ni ni

hão hào hão

hão háo

2 Modulations of tones

ni hão méihão wo bi Beihoi

géi ni yuf keyi füdão

3 Pronunciation exercises

(1) i¥ldentify the initials

ba pa da ta ga Ka
bu pu du tu gu ku

ba pai dai tai ga ka

bao dou tou gao kao

Hok Cipta lerbitan indonesia dipegang oleh Pl. legacy Utamo Kre
-10- Hak Cipta dilindngi Undang Unae
(2) #ME¥ ldentify the finals

ba bo he to
pa po ne mo
ma mo de bo
fa fo ke po

ba bei pao pou

mai mei hao hou
ga gei kao kou
hai hei gao gou

(3) Pronunciations and tones

ba po dà t hé fó ge ke
bi p dé te hou fou gu ku
bù pu di t hei fei gdi ki
bái pái dú tú hù fù gei dei
bi péi doi toi ha fa gou kou

4 iA Read and leam

yi hào ba hào ni hão bù hão

dà m bai m ditú yitü
dàitóu tái tóu dà lóu tälóu
kefú keko dà yú dà yu

yufd fa meihão mei ldi

Ha pta Terbitan
ra Ihdonesia dipegang oleh PI. Legacy Utamo Kreasindo -11
Cipta dilindngi
Undang- Undang
) 5 * Leam to write


Hok Cipta lerbitan ndonesia dipegang oleh PT. legacy Utama Kreo
rak pta dilindungi Undang Undo


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