Consultancy in Practice

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Consultancy in Practice

Student Name: Suraya Yasmin

ID: 21809537
Table of Contents
Preface of the study.........................................................................................................................3

Task 1...............................................................................................................................................4

Professional & inter-personal skills been enhanced as a result of the project.............................4

Learning that has obtained after the process................................................................................5

Extent to which the level of confidence improved......................................................................6

Implementation of learning in future career................................................................................6

Task 2...............................................................................................................................................7

Scope of development in professional expertise areas along with plan of action.......................7

Task 3...............................................................................................................................................8

Job description.............................................................................................................................8

Curriculum Vitae.........................................................................................................................8

Task 4...............................................................................................................................................8

Linkedin Id...................................................................................................................................8


Appendix 1.....................................................................................................................................10

Appendix 2.....................................................................................................................................11
Preface of the study
Solving client’s business problems is the primary job of a consultant or a business consultancy
firm. In the case study, “The Ruby” had asked “Pink Consultancy Group” to solve their problems
of constantly losing their customers. They also asked for marketing strategies that could stop
losing customers and attract lost customers into the business. Working in a group, solving
business problems had developed business expertise and professional skills individually.
Working in a team also integrated inter-personal skills along with performing professional
expertise within a team.
Task 1
Professional & inter-personal skills been enhanced as a result of the project
Working in a project that is concerned with real business problems develops integrity for
approaching to solve a business problems in the competitive world of business. Business and
professional skills are mostly developed through working on case studies of real business
problems that require properly studied and analysed solutions that would be effective to the
problems regarding business growth. Professional skills along with interpersonal skills are
crucial for pursuing a career in business world.

Professional skills

Customer service skills have been developed, working through this project. Customer service is a
crucial function within a business company or business service. For service based business,
mostly for food and beverages businesses, customer should be the prime focus of the business.
Complete business operation should revolve around the need, wants and demands of the
customers. Pursuing a business career also includes skills regarding customer services. That

(1) Communication skills

(2) Compassion and empathy for customers
(3) Skills & expertise for identifying customers issues and challenges
(4) Reviewing customers feedback and delivering commitment to the customers

These skills are the major professional skills of customer service expertise that has been
developed working on this project.

Leadership and inter-personal skills

Leadership skills are also crucial for developing career in business world. Leaders are not born,
leaders are built through experience, expertise and interpersonal competence. In business
context, leadership qualities and skills could outstand an individual from others in a complex and
competitive situation. Leadership skills could foster growths in business career within a short
period of time. Among other leadership skills, I have developed these leadership qualities;
(1) System thinking
(2) Influence and
(3) Responsibility

Every individual should hold some leadership qualities to grow and gain success in different
aspects of life. In developing personal and societal relationships, an individual should hold
agility to learn and dependency of some level on others. Building trust and partnership skills are
also leadership qualities that could support a person enhancing their professional as well as
personal life.

Inter-personal skills are also called as people skills in the context of business. Every individual
doesn’t hold similar inter-personal skills, because of that some are more skilled and expert in
public relations, customer services and some others are more expert in functions such as
accounts, finance and production.

I’ve developed verbal and written communication skills through developing a project through
working with a team. Team work is also an expertise that I had developed individually, it takes
some level of competence to make my opinion heard among others and being an active body of
the team. Level of skills in communication could significantly make difference among two
individuals, two individuals with similar professional skills but different communication skills
would not be appreciated similarly. The individual who is competent in verbal or written
communication would be more appreciated and resourceful than the other one.

Learning that has obtained after the process

After completing the process of the project for business client’s problem solution and strategy
development, I have acquire the knowledge of detail business context process and system
thinking for a real business problems solving. System thinking is a process to approach a
problem for solving the issues and challenges that has been faced by the business entities in the
process of business conduction.

In the case study of “The Ruby” an Indian takeaway restaurant, we had to go through a process
of system thinking and brainstorming to identify regarding the issues of the client. Considering
the current situation and challenges regarding decreasing customers in the restaurant, it has been
also learnt that to successfully manage a business, listening to the customers problems is
necessary. Identifying the scopes where a service based business could improve and bring
difference in the services and products that a customer is wanting is compulsory.

Extent to which the level of confidence improved

Being a business student and preparing for a business career, I had always been enthusiast about
learning different aspects of business management. I have worked in some business
organizations before. I had some level of knowledge and understanding about problems
regarding business management. I had developed my inter-personal skills basically, working
from McDonalds a food and beverages business with their hundreds of outlets across the

I always lack of confidence at some degree, that I might make some mistake. I was afraid of
failing my customers and be embarrassed about it. But working with a team and actively taking
part in solving business problems had improved my self-confidence to some extent. I can speak
among others, deal with business pertaining problems and I am confident enough to approach a
graduate level job right now.

Implementation of learning in future career

Studying business consultancy and learning the method of developing a formally structured
report regarding business client’s problem solving strategies would enhance ability to develop
relevant skills and expertise to work as a business consultant. Working as a business consultant
requires broad knowledge and understanding of different types and categories of problems,
process of identifying those problems and challenges, strategy development and in some cases to
successfully implement and overcome the challenges of a client’s business. Business consultants
might work as independent or be a hired professional within the business. Along with these,
system thinking could be applied to other aspects of professional career. Building a professional
curricula vitae could be used numerous times in a professional career.
Task 2
Scope of development in professional expertise areas along with plan of action
I have still certain skills lacking, having those developed could help in developing business
career. Those three specific areas for scope of development is being discussed here;

Time management

Emphasizing on other qualities of work, I always lose track of time. This lack of time
management is not deliberate and could be improved. I often put more focus on delivering best
quality work which takes comparatively more work and effort. But not delivering the work
within time actually makes it worse.

Plan of action (POA):

I will practice dividing work into segments and estimate a specific time for delivering that work.
Practicing more and more on this method would develop my time management.


From very age, I like to baffle things at the time of working. My stuffs of studying stays here and
there. I must have to develop in this area too. Being neat is not only just a trait, but also reflects
one’s personality and habitual contrast.

POA: I would create a checklist to organize works, stuffs and tools of working to find them in a
orderly manner.


Being a legitimate business consultant requires years of experience and at some level of
certification or recognition. For becoming successful and established in business consultancy, or
pursuing a career in business world, I have to have some credible working experience and
knowledge from working in some established or new businesses.

POA: Joining a graduate level job in the business world, working there dedicatedly and gaining
recognition and acceptance from them first.
Task 3
Job description
The Job I am applying for is Business Consultant, London

Details screenshot has been attached in the appendix 1.

Curriculum Vitae
Professional curriculum vitae of Suraya Yasmin has been attached in appendix 2

Task 4
Linkedin Id
LinkedIn ID of Suraya Yasmin is type profile here
This report has been planned and developed over the evaluation of learning and skills obtaining
from the business problems solving of “The Ruby” an Indian takeaway business. This module is
designed to introduce students with the real business problems and approaches to solve them.
Along with it development of professional and inter-personal skills are also being developed
through the process. Pursuing a business career involves different types of engagement of the
students with the issues and challenges regarding the business context.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Suraya Yasmin-CV:

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