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Bright, refreshing, extraordinary, and balanced our world is such a wonderful environment since it has been
there for millions and millions of years and it supports living things that other planets cannot. Our environment
gave us with nature, and nature gave us in everything from the materials we use to construct buildings, to the
our crops rely on insect pollination, landscapes and wildlife that
foods we consume on a daily basis,
improves our well-being. That was how it used to be. Isn’t amazing?...... not until according to the
news…. (suspenseful music)



Climate change is a serious, contemporary, and ongoing problem. If you're not familiar with climate
change, Climate change it's a long-term alteration in weather patterns that occurs on a regional or global
scale. Climate change is largely driven by higher amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide created
through the use of fossil fuels, such as automobile and truck emissions, rubbish burning, and
manufacturing emissions. So how do we end up here?

Climate change is occurring as a result of our actions. Climate change will not occur in the next ten or
twenty years. It's happening right now.

The main causes of climate change are:

Humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels – such as Coal, oil, and gas are used to create energy, power cars
and other modes of transportation, and power manufacturing and industry.

Deforestation – Deforestation for the use of wood for building materials, paper, and fuel contributes to
global warming in two ways: the release of CO2 during the deforestation process and the reduction in
the amount of CO2 that forests can capture.

Increasingly intensive agriculture – which produces greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous

Garbage- As waste decomposes in landfills, methane and nitrous oxide gases are released. Waste
removal and treatment account for around 18% of methane gas in the atmosphere.

Population increase- The human population is increasing at an alarming rate. An ever-increasing

population necessitates ever-increasing resource demands, hastening the rise of greenhouse gas
emissions from all production activities.

Volcanic Eruption- When volcanoes erupt, they emit massive amounts of carbon dioxide. Volcanoes
have a limited overall effect on global warming, and eruptions produce short-term global cooling
because ash in the air reflects more solar energy.

The main effects of climate change are:

Rising sea levels- Rising sea levels are one of the most serious effects of climate change, threatening to
inundate tiny island nations and coastal regions, increasing the danger of drowning, injury, and

Extreme Weather- This chapter focuses on observed changes in temperature, precipitation, storms,
floods, and droughts.

More common, More severe, & More Long-lasting Heatwaves- Extreme heat and heatwaves have
occurred since the dawn of mankind. Climate change, on the other hand, is making heatwaves more
widespread, severe, and long-lasting.
More Climate Related Mass Migration- Climate change is already causing an increase in migration, with
people forced to flee their homes due to drought, flooding, and other natural catastrophes.

Loss of Wildlife & Biodiversity- The climate has always changed throughout Earth's history, with
ecosystems and species coming and disappearing; rapid climate change affects ecosystems and species'
ability to adapt, contributing to biodiversity loss.

Diseases Are Spreading More Easily- Climate change is also promoting the growth of waterborne
diseases such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, which thrive in warmer waters.

All of them will definitely impact us, both directly and indirectly, until we reach the worst-case situation,
extinction. As humans, we must deal with this global challenge. We can't do it alone, but we must be
reunited to preserve our home. So, how about we ask ourselves, "What can I do?"

There are various solutions to this problem and to saving our home, as long as we use and carry them

So let’s Care for the environment combating climate change and protecting the oceans and land ecosystems. We can educate and create awareness about
this issue by posting about it on social media, , publishing news stories or blogging about it, or using and joining various programs and training programs
related to it. And we all know that it is possible to address this problem, but the majority of us, humans, must be prepared to collaborate and take various
activities to help stop climate change.

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