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일반물리학실험 1_GEDB009_56(최우석) 1

Student ID: 2020314622

Name: Asafo Agyei Azariah

Department: Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Lab Report: Borda’s Pendulum


The objective of this experiment is to understand the simple pendulum motion of Borda’s

pendulum and to measure the gravitational acceleration by using the pendulum and find out the

relation between period and gravitational constant.

Experimental equipment

We need Borda’s pendulum, and a camera.


First, locate the holder on stand. Adjust the level with adjustment knob. Then locate the

weight to the holder with the wire. Set the camera to capture the motion of weight. Pull the

weight slightly and then release it to make a periodic motion. Record the periodic motion

roughly for 10 periods. Set frames after the calibration and start analysis. We get the location of

the target by time. We can then find the two maximum points, and therefore calculate the

gravitational constant. We then time the difference between those two points. That is the period.

To minimize errors, if the length of the wire is too short, the speed of the weight during the

motion is relatively big. It will bring more air friction. For the same reason, the motion angle

should not be too big. We measure in 2D and so the out of movement of weight is not included
일반물리학실험 1_GEDB009_56(최우석) 2

in our measurement. This will cause some serious problem. So make the motion take place in the

same plane in which the camera records.

프레임 :60

줄길이 (L) : 0.68m

추 반지름 (r) : 0.0275m (2.75cm)

일반물리학실험 1_GEDB009_56(최우석) 3

Acceleration of gravity g = (2pi/T)2((2/5)(R2/l+R)+l+R)

Table 1

Count Length(m) Radius(m) T(s) ±0.005 G(m/s2) ±0.056

1 0.68 0.0275 1.70 9.6705

2 0.68 0.0275 1.71 9.5577

3 0.68 0.0275 1.70 9.6705

4 0.68 0.0275 1.69 9.7853

5 0.68 0.0275 1.68 9.9021

6 0.68 0.0275 1.68 9.9021

7 0.68 0.0275 1.69 9.7853

8 0.68 0.0275 1.72 9.5577

일반물리학실험 1_GEDB009_56(최우석) 4

9 0.68 0.0275 1.68 9.9021

10 0.68 0.0275 1.67 10.0211

Error: marginal errors accounted for in the measurement of T and G.

a. The average time Tav was 1.687, and the average G was 9.7877 ±0.0150. This was

calculated using the mean of the values of g from the last column and the corresponding standard

deviation. The relative uncertainty on our measured value of g is 4.9 % and the relative

difference with the accepted value of 9.8m/s2 is 22 %, well above our relative uncertainty.

Fig. 1. The table shows the recording and tabulation of the data obtained from the experiment.


The motion of a pendulum is caused by gravity and move on a vertical plane.

Equation of motion for a simple pendulum

F = -mg sin $ = m(d2x)/dt2

The forces acting on the pendulum are the tension T in the wire and the gravitation force mg.

The tangential component of the gravitational force mgsin$ is always directed towards the

equilibrium point where $=0. This force in the tangential direction acts as a restoring force. A

simple pendulum is a physical system consisting of a point particle hanging at the end of a

massless string. The figure shows a simple pendulum of length L with a point particle of mass m.

The restoring force that makes the particle return to the equilibrium position is given by the

following equation.
일반물리학실험 1_GEDB009_56(최우석) 5

If the amplitude is very small so that $<<1, sin($) = $ and the equation of motion can be

rewritten as follows:

F= m(d2x)/dt2 = mgsin$ = -mg$ = -mg (x/1)

X = A cos(wt+a) , w= sqrt(g/1)

The solution of this differential equation is given by a sinusoidal function of time t as shown.

The particle experiences periodic motions with an amplitude A and an angular frequency w. In

general, a physical pendulum has a moment of inertia I. We can construct the equation of motion

by calculating the torque on the pendulum. The torque (T) that acts on the pendulum is -mglsin$

in the direction of decreasing $.

T + Ia = I(d2$)/dt2 = -mglsin$ = -mg 1$

I = (2/5) mR2 + ml2

Thus, according to Newton’s law for rotational motion, we have the following equation. In this

equation, we also use the small angle approximation ($<<1). The moment of inertia of Borda’s

pendulum can be calculated using the parallel axis theorem. The moment of inertia about the

centre of mass is given by 2mR2/5 and the distance between the centre of mass and the rotation

axis is I. Therefore, the total moment of inertia is the sum of 2mR2/5 and ml2. By solving the

equation of motion of Borda’s pendulum, the angular frequency w and the period T are

calculated as follows.

w= sqrt(mgl/I)

T = 2pi/w = 2pi*sqrt(I/mgl) = 2pi*sqrt[((2R2/5)+12)/gl]

g = (2pi/T)2*((2/5)(R2/1+R)+1+R)

From these equations, we can find the gravitational acceleration g by measuring the

period T.
일반물리학실험 1_GEDB009_56(최우석) 6


In this experiment, we measured g= (9.7877±0.0150)m/s2 . This has a relative difference

of 22 % with the accepted value and our measured value is not consistent with the accepted

value. All our measured values were systematically lower than expected, as our measured

periods were all systematically higher than the § 2.0s that we expected from our prediction. We

also found that our measurement of g had a much larger uncertainty (as determined from the

spread in values that we obtained), compared to the 1 % relative uncertainty that we predicted.

We suspect that by using 10 oscillations, the pendulum slowed down due to friction, and

this resulted in a deviation from simple harmonic motion. This is consistent with the fact that our

measured periods are systematically higher. We also worry that we were not able to accurately

measure the angle from which the pendulum was released, as we did not use a protractor.

If this experiment could be redone, measuring 10 oscillations of the pendulum, rather

than 20 oscillations, could provide a more precise value of g . Additionally, a protractor could

be taped to the top of the pendulum stand, with the ruler taped to the protractor. This way, the

pendulum could be dropped from a near-perfect 90∘ rather than a rough estimate.

This method for determining g can be very accurate. Therefore, length and period are given to

five digits in this example. For the precision of the approximation sin θ≈θ to be better than the

precision of the pendulum length and period, the maximum displacement angle should be kept

below about 0.5º. Pendulums are in common usage. Some have crucial uses, such as in clocks;

some are for fun, such as a child’s swing; and some are just there, such as the sinker on a fishing

line. For small displacements, a pendulum is a simple harmonic oscillator. A simple pendulum is
일반물리학실험 1_GEDB009_56(최우석) 7

defined to have an object that has a small mass, also known as the pendulum bob, which is

suspended from a light wire or string. Note also that the angle, though controlled, was also not

precise. This experiment was not designed to look for starting angle effects on a pendulum's

period. Therefore, we cannot rule out starting angle effects leading to discrepancies between our

results and the theoretical prediction.

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Works Cited

Rinaldo, M., Neary, & Woodman. (2020, November 6). Sample lab report (Measuring g

using a pendulum). Retrieved April 27, 2021, from

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